Phoenix Fan Fusion Day 3 Recap (Bonus Episode)


Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the Queens of Nerddom. This is our last day of Phoenix fan fusion, and I can't put are you crying? What was that?


It's a it's a tear. Like, it's A single overall ready.


I know. The the 3 days went by so fast. I mean, lightning fast. Mhmm. I guess because we were, like, having so much fun.


I guess we were. But, so today, Willie and I decided to, go in some some $1,000,000,000 close. And


Best decision.


Best decision


ever. The best decision.


I was actually cold today a couple of times, which I was blissfully happy for. Again, I have to give hats off to the, people who cosplay, the entire time, those professionals that that go out there and, you know, and they never once complained ever. Never ever. So, just shows you, like, truly, like, how professional that they are. Mhmm.


Today kinda had a little bit, more of a, like, kind of a low key feel, I feel like. Like, the a little bit calmer, didn't you think? Kinda like walking around, like I mean, there are still, like, some hustling and people trying to get some, like, last minute shopping and stuff. And, I know I know we definitely were. You know, like, today, like, our mood was, like,


gotta shop. You gotta get some stuff. Gotta get some stuff from kids. Yeah. We




Messed around and I don't know if it was more we messed around and waited to get stuff, or we just knew vendors usually throw in discounts and deals on the last day of the con because they don't wanna have to put more stuff into their car than they came with. You know what I'm saying? Or however they brought it. So we're trying to game the system a little bit, but then that caused us to miss out on a couple of things. I know I wanted a specific print for, you'll see there's a a brand of comics, stranger comics, and, they have an awesome story that spans over a few graphic novels.


And, he's like, hey. We'll throw all this stuff in. You get this stuff. Like, you buy the thing. I'll throw in some comics.


We'll get it signed by the the writer and illustrator and all that stuff, and you get to choose a piece of artwork. And there's this one piece of artwork that just stood out. And it was like


It was really pretty.


Beautifully. Yeah. He said it's on the website. So if I could find it on the website, I'll I'll bring it up on the screen when we when we post the video so you can see it. But it was just like, I want that one.


It's just like, guess what? It's no more. You know, like, we sold out most of that in day 1. I'm just like I guess that just opened my eyes to when it comes to these cons. Like, there are people who who look at it and it's like, do I wanna wait?


Do I want a chance waiting to day 3 to try to get, like, an extra 15% off this thing? Or do I wanna for sure know I have it?


Right. That's yeah. Definitely a a good takeaway from that is yeah. I


Yeah. Like, not everybody is thinking thrifty like me. You know? These guys make money for a reason. Right?


They're just like, you know, day 1 of the con. Like, of course, there's no no discounts. Like, bro, we got 2 more days to and people are just, I'm willing to pay full price for that. And I'm just, like, I'll wait you out till Sunday, then you have no choice but to give me the oh, it's gone? You.


Oh, it's gone? There are people waiting to pay the full price. I see. So note to self, if you see something at a con and you really like it and it speaks to you, get it. Because if you keep playing that game, like, I'll just wait.


It'll just be it'll just be empty handed. But there was a different print that I got that is equally as not I would say not as awesome, but the artwork is just as beautiful. I'll say that.


It was definitely those were the ones that caught my eye, definitely, the one that you picked. Mhmm. It's it's beautiful. I mean, just the the ability of the artist to kind of, like, capture things and just make it seem like so lifelike. I really, yeah, I really like the one that you picked.


Mhmm. Some of my shopping that I did today is, oh, I I really, I really got into man, the 3 d printing stuff that people do now is just amazes me. Yeah. I mean and and after talking to, like, one of the vendors, I mean, he's like, oh, this is just the stuff that sells, but, you know, I have a lot more other things that I do. And I was like, you do?


Like, what? So I went to their website and looked at it, but I end up, buying my kids these little, 3 d printed dragons that are, like, very articulate and their wings that move and everything. And I'm thinking to myself, like, if I were a kid, I would love this toy. And, yeah. They said it's pretty durable, so I will report back.


With with the mom test.


Yeah. Yeah. Gonna have my was mom test is gonna be a Zeke test. Let's see if Zeke breaks this. He may.


I I'm I'm predicting. Right. But she they they said it's, you know, it's durable. Sorry. We'll we'll see because they had a like, I think it was a 4 and a 6 year old, she said.


And she's like, they're still you know, those toys are still good. And I was like, okay.




So I got those, and I ended up getting myself 1 and Eric one as well because I was like, these are just so cool. Yeah. And it's neat because a lot of times, the the 3 d, vendors area, they have stuff. Their their 3 d printer is actually running.




They can see how, like, stuff is being made, and I actually kinda got sucked into that one. Well, he's like, are you done? Yeah. I'm sorry. Sorry.


I was walking. I'm like, oh, that's so cool. Were you kinda mesmerized by that?


Yeah. Like, I was just printing that stuff out. And, you see how small the the printer is and and, like, just I thought people were painting these things. But, like, the different color, rising you can get and all that stuff, and how you can have your printer, like, blend 2 of them together to make a color instead of just having one color. So, like, the potential to create with that thing is is just, I would say, almost limitless.


The only thing that's limiting is, like, your creativity or finding somebody with the ability to create exactly what it is Yeah. That you wanna make.


I mean, it's just, and then, the panel that we, we went to today about kind of like doing, like, custom figures and like, you know, there's a guy out there who does, like, custom dioramas, and I think they all light up you know, kinda like the 1 18th scale figures and stuff. Mhmm. And then, of course, our our buddy Jedi, is talking about his, custom work that he does on action figures. And it was really cool to to hear him talk about, you know, what he does and everything.




Because, you know, he's our he's our bestie, but, you know, it's kinda cool to, like, hear him kinda geek out. He's like,


oh, yeah. I did this. And I'm like, oh, look


at you. That's so awesome. And there's that other girl who, does, like, the Funko Pop, but she adds, like,


Yeah. She, like, repaints them and Yeah. Puts the glitter on them and and, like, enhances them in a sense. Yeah.


Yeah. It was really cool. Like, she had one up there with Thanos, but so she changed it to where Thanos, like, had the infinity gauntlet, but she ended up, like, putting jewels on it and everything. And she just does, like, all sorts of cool stuff to, like, Funko pop stuff. Mhmm.


And then the the moderator is really big into, like, customizing Legos Lego characters. Yeah. So, apparently, he doesn't like making Xena ones anymore. He talked about that a lot. I guess, that was so funny.


He's just like after my 7th Xena, like, I was just like, I hate Lucy Lawless. Lucy Lawless


is the fashion. And we're like, woah. Like, I like Cena. She's awesome. But, so that that was really cool to to watch that panel.


What else do we do? Went shopping. Went stopped by the RPG place again.




Saw some, other people.


Playing the laughing moon. Yeah. Yeah. They were having a blast.


They were having a blast.


Their group looked way better, and we're having way more fun than than our group from yesterday.


I was partial. I was partial to them.




There's some goss in there, and I was like, my people.


Yeah. There were. I know. She's like, oh, that's why she's having a blast. I I know them.




Those are my I


don't know them, but I know them.


I knew exactly. I'm just like


Have a blast, Nicole. I see you. You earned this, Nicole. I have. I am.


Yeah. She looked like she was having a lot of fun too. So, looks like just as, you know, many other people, like, enjoy, like, the the Lapping Moon RPG too. So Mhmm. Yeah.


We got the was that Wild Bill's soda, that pure sugarcane soda?


Yeah. That


was pretty good. I like that stuff a lot. And we got their mugs too. Yep. A little yeah.


We got mugs for the for the fam.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We had to we had to get them some some mugs, a little little souvenir stuff. And, I have to admit that, at one point, you know, we're kinda walking around and everything, and I think we were still shopping, for something for, was it LJ?


Yeah. LJ, we're we still had to get something for


LJ. Right.


And, remember going down the escalator, kinda turned and looked at Willie. I was like, I'm tired. I'm like, I'm a little tired. Yeah. You're like, you are?


I'm like, yeah. It's okay. I'm gonna get coffee. I'm like, I can do this. I can do this.


And then you end up going like, yeah. We should get coffee.


Oh, we were just rolling up the escalator. We're just looking. Because it there's a coffee spot there. And normally, we get the coffee in the morning, but, like, this was a chill rollout. Like, we're not in a rush to make it anywhere.


We have, like, no real interviews that to do. We, like, we front loaded our schedule so hard for day 1 and day 2, where day 3 is just like it could just be a day. We can just chill and absorb the the con as like a a fan, I guess. Yeah. You know?


Yeah. The only interview I missed out was Sarah. I meant to go back and and talk to Sarah. And by the time I realized it, it was almost 5 o'clock, and I was like, ah, it fails. Sarah, if you're watching us, I'm very sorry, girl.


I'm gonna hit you up, and we'll we'll re attack.


We'll re attack.


Yeah. We'll re attack that. I apologize. I realize I'm like it's like, what, Almost 5.


Yeah. It


was it was like 10 till, and I was like, I feel so bad.


But, no, like, I was feeling it too, and and like we talked about earlier is, like, day 1 just like, we were, like, on adrenaline, showing up, seeing everything, trying to talk to as many people as possible. Like, it it was like, we were just trying to get so much out of day 1. Yeah. And I think foolishly, we were, like, overexert like, we coulda easily just spaced all this energy out.


Yeah. I shoulda paced myself.


Yeah. So, like, obviously, day 1, if you saw the wrap up, like, we went to the con, came back 8, then went back for the, the body paint thing that ended at about 11. Right? So then come back and then do the wrap up and it was going on 1, 2 o'clock. Right?




You know, do that. Kinda talk about, what we're gonna do day 2, go to sleep. Then you wake up with that lack of sleep. And then, just side note, the Airbnb here, the AC just doesn't work. So Yeah.


You're not really sleeping. You're not getting good sleep. Like, you'll probably be asleep, but it's kinda restless because your body's like, it's fucking hot in here.


So what do you why are you doing this to me? He's like, I'm sorry.


Right. So I'm trying. So sorry. I'm still trying. But then you get up, start day 2, and it it feels like you're just starting the day with a deficit of energy.


Like, you know, you just energy that you're missing, but you go all out again for day 2 because, you know, you're trying to get as much stuff in and we got some solid interviews. We did some gaming. Mhmm. We did, you know, we went and waited in that line, got the for the first time. But it was a lot of stuff we did on day 2 as well.


Yeah. And then, you know, we come back, do the wrap up.




We talk about day 3, and then you just walk out day 3 just with 2 days of deficit of energy. You're just, oh my god. So, like, in your head, this should be an easy day. We're not doing but your body's just like, I'm a cash in. Yeah.


I'm cashing this this this this bill. You owe me this energy. I'm cashing this shit in.




Yeah. So it hit us at the same time, I think.


Yeah. And, and by no means are we complaining because it was just so much fun. Absolutely so much fun. Yeah. But, yeah, I think, hindsight, I think I probably would've probably pieced ourselves next time.


Like, alright. We got, you know, we got time. It's good to kind of attack and, you know, get get the the business part done and then, you know, take a little bit of time for ourselves. But, don't regret a single thing. I even, was talking to, Erica from Common Care today and, just trying to, you know, let people know that I I appreciated them.


I told Jedi to really appreciate people being so welcoming, to both of us. Kind of really just, you know, puts you at ease because, you know, even though we both lived here, we don't currently live here.




And, you know, we're going and meeting a lot of people that we don't know. And, honestly, I mean, everybody I met, I'm just like I feel like, you know, I feel like I've known you forever. I'm like, gosh. You're so nice. And Right.


You know, we get along and and, dare I say, I think it's that that common thread of, like, being a nerd and or just having something like that to share with somebody that I I feel it makes it makes a difference. Don't you? Like, I feel like it makes a difference when you share that stuff.


Well, it goes back to you're interested in something that I'm interested in? What? Or you're




Or they notice they they're they're seeing us, like, stepping into our 1st con and and really embracing it. And they're just like, they see them stepping into their 1st con.




And looking at us like, oh, I remember how that feels. Let me foster that. You know?


Right. Right.


Because maybe they had a positive interaction when they did it Mhmm. Or a positive experience or maybe a a negative one, and they're like, I don't want that to be what they experienced. So they just fully, you know, embrace us. Like, hey, come in.




You know, you're you're like, let me show you all the great things that that our community does. Like, how friendly we are, how inviting we are, because, again, this is my first comment, but you hear stories about gatekeeping. Like, people are like, oh, this is your first one, you're not a cosplayer. You're not that. Like, you're not really, you know, a whole thing, but I think times have changed Yeah.


And that community is a lot more welcoming. So, like, if you have the smallest inkling of any interest, like, hey. Like like you. 3 d printer. What?


My man is just like, let me tell you what you need, how you need it, so you're not just going in there blind buying a 3 d printer that's like Yeah. Way over what you need.




Or you're underselling yourself and get one that's not gonna do what you think it does. Because people could have been like, oh, no. Google it and do your research. Yeah. And But you didn't get that?


No. I I totally forgot about that. Thanks for bringing that up. Like, after Jedi's, panel about the action figures, I saw Jared, and, I was like, Jared, hey. Give me for a sec.


I need to talk can I ask you some questions about 3 d printer? And he's like, yeah. So I started talking to him and let him know, like, hey. What are you gonna use it for? You know you know, what do you wanna use?


And I was like, there's different stuff you can use? He's like,


oh, he's like, yeah.


He's getting really into it, and he's showing me, like, pictures of stuff that he's made and telling us his ideas of things he's gonna use. And finally, he's like, you know what? Here's my card. He's like, has his email and has his phone number. He's like, you know, shoot me an email, call me, whatever.


Yeah. Talk to you and your husband. Yeah. You get the 3 d printer, and, yeah, I'll I'll talk to you guys so, you know, we don't have to reinvent the wheel, and that was the biggest thing, like like, you're getting at. Don't don't make the same mistakes I did.


I'll show you what I did, and that way, you can just kinda grow. And it's kind of the, the same thing that you and Black do. Like, at DPN, like, you know, hey, we made these mistakes when we first started. Like, let me help you out, and you won't have to, you know, yeah, reinvent the wheel, if you will. So, again, just another person that, you know, you ask them, you know, for their help or opinion and and they're like all in, you know?


So so, yeah, that was our 3rd and final day. What is your you wanna go with the best memory? Or you wanna best what do you want?


Well, we kinda talked about, like, I don't think there's a I think the best part of day 3 is not wearing a costume. If I can if I could be completely honest, like I said, in in, yeah, in in part in our second the day 2 wrap up, like, the the menu of of, you know, costumes that I brought were, like, very poor, very poor taste. It was a one one one out of 5. Do not recommend. You know what I'm saying?


But the crazy part is I'm complaining about my costumes when there are people wearing way hotter, way more you know?




And and, you know, they're doing fine. So I guess I just gotta build the tolerance up for it. Shout out to the convention center that kept the AC, you know, ridiculously cold to keep people going. And they also had, like, cosplay medics. I don't know if you've seen them walking around.


They would have the sign saying that cosplay medic. So in case anybody was, like, overheating or anything. No. I didn't see that.


It's almost like


they had the little utility belts.


That's But


they were also in cosplay as well. You know, so it was just the they would have the the belt with all


the Yeah.


Mercedes stuff. So, so it's they're they're watching out. Obviously, it's not their first rodeo. So unfortunately, when you see stuff like that, you know, like, in the past something probably happened for them to start, utilizing people to do that. But I thought that was cool.


And then a part of me is just like, what if these are like real EMTs just who are also in the community. They're just like, you know, I'll volunteer Right. On my off time to come and just, you know, stand watch in case anything happens while in costume. So I thought that was cool. But, most definitely just being able to wear some, some comfortable shoes to walk in, some shorts, short sleeve shirts.


Shout out to Comic Care for the for the drip.




Yeah. It was a good that was the best part of the day and just just going as a fan. Not having to worry about taking the phone out, getting


think my favorite part today was probably probably talking to that that guy about the the 3 d printing and stuff. Mhmm.


Real real quick. Well, just As the the panel is going on, somebody brings up just mentions 3 d printing. She grabs her phone and I'm just like, she's about to go to Amazon and look at 3 d printers. And sure enough, like, I just happen to look over and she's just scrolling looking at 3 d printers, and I'm just like, just go buy buy that one. Buy both of those.


Hit them all. Yeah. Just leave me alone.


I mean,


I'm just looking. What's the difference between these 2? This one just does bears. This one just does castles.


So I was like, do you mean


I have to buy a new 3 d printer for everything I wanna make? Buy both. Oh, so it's been so bad. Gosh.


But I think, to trip wrap up thoughts. Yeah. So this was such an amazing trip. Definitely wanna do it again and definitely, like, we were already freaking looking at the stuff that's, you know, where we're at in Virginia. So we're finding that, you know, looks like Richmond, where I live, is kinda like the epicenter of, you know, nerdy stuff, and there's look like one I'm trying to open up in Norfolk.


So Mhmm. We're we're super excited about that. So we're definitely going to think about trying to, plan stuff and network with people that are, you know, are not in our neck of the woods. And, yeah, I this was such a great experience of like I was telling Jedi on the phone today, I'm like, you know, this surpassed my expectations, not just with the size, but the people. Like, I mean, hanging out with like, you and Jedi all weekend was just an absolute blast.




And definitely memories that I will cherish. And it just amazing time, like, this I highly recommend going to, like, like, some sort of, like, Comic Con or something, like, with your friends. You know, like, you definitely won't regret it.


Yeah. And if it's like a if you're, like, hesitant and it's a 3 day, I would just say like, if it's a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or whatever, just go on that Saturday where, like, the the the pitch of because, like, the Friday was kinda light because people at work, not all the the heavy hitters were out. Mhmm. Saturday is, like, prime That was Comic Con.


That was the day Yeah. Was Saturday. Yeah.


And then Sunday, you can kinda sense, you know, it's more of a more of a, hey. This is a things are winding down. Right. So it's like the ramp up, the peak, and then the the ramp down Yeah. On set.


So if you're gonna try to pick one day for a con, try to get that day that's in the middle.




If you want, like, the full exposure because over here, that's when the the the cosplayers went all out.




A lot of the panels were you know, it's it's peak. But, yeah, you you just got it. Like, just get one day out of a 3 day pass and just see for yourself.


Yeah. And it's family friendly too. Like, there's Oh,




People with, like, little, little babies there. I mean, it's definitely like a they they have it separated to where, like, the family friendly stuff is kind of, like, located in, like, more of the adult things or kind of, like, on their own areas and stuff. And, you know, I I never really noticed people like, what's your kid? You know, it's definitely I mean, you saw, like, you know, preteens and teenagers and, you know, you saw, you know, people that are probably old enough to be my parents out there, like, cosplay. Like, I really like that, lady that was from Jurassic Park.


1 that was Alan Grant and


the other one, Oh, I know you're talking about. Yeah.


And she's walking around home in a little, like, stuff like like raptor baby. You know? I was like, oh, I got that. I was like, hey. And she's like, cool.


And that that's another thing too I thought was really cool is that the, anybody who cosplay is like, hey, can I take a picture with you? Yeah. And they love it.


That makes their day.


He really does.


It makes their because they put all that effort into the Yeah. And somebody's like, I wanna remember this moment. Right. So let me take your picture.


Yeah. And they, like, I thought it was really cool. That guy was I I have a picture of it on our page, the they I was playing Cloud.




Man, as soon as I saw him walking, I was like, Willy. And so, I mean, his sword his sword was impress like,


the whole


costume was just so impressive.




So, yeah. So don't if you go and and you're new to it, don't be shy. Like, if you see somebody, you know, in a in a cosplay outfit and you think it's really cool just to be like, oh, hey. You call them by the character names, like, hey. Can I take a picture with you?


They're more than happy to do it, which I I didn't know until I started seeing it. And I was like, we can do that?




Oh, okay. I thought it was just like, you know, the cosplay vendor. Oh, okay. Cool. Oh, that was another thing that I learned.


Yeah. I was


like, okay. That's an acceptable thing.


Also, if you're going into, like, don't think you have to get, like, a major costume or anything like that. I think the for me, like, the cosplays that stood up to me were the ones that are just, like, so off, like, the one off things. Like, it was probably in one episode of 1 show, and then it never came back. But then somebody, like, somebody was just saw that and it made such an impact. They're like, you know what I'm a do?


I'm a dress up as this.




Like today, there was a a kid who just had the, Los Pollos Hermanos from, Breaking Bad. He just had the the the employee outfit on.




Walking around with a tray. It had some chicken wings on it Yeah. And and things. And I was just like, oh my god. Like, bro, I gotta he's like, do do you wanna get a picture?


It's like, absolutely, man. And, so he's sitting there, and and it clicks in my head because, you know, John Carlos is is there. And I'm just like Right. Man, did you know what? Gus is Yeah.


From the show. He's he's like, did he sign you? And he moves to Trey, and he has the signature on his apron from Los from I'm just like, oh my god. This is amazing. So, we take the picture and then, like, the little added bonus is, like, he takes the business card out, like, you know, we're always hiring.


And it's the oh, my gosh. Like, the the thought that he put into that because most people would be like, you know, I wanna go as Walt White, Gus, like, one of the major characters. And he's just like, I'm a go as the cashier that was at he didn't have a major part in the thing. He's just like, the ones who get it get it. You know?


Yeah. And it's you can literally do anything that you want.




Anything that you want. Yeah. You know, it's funny when you stop that guy. I was like, you're trying to get some chicken wings? Like, what are you doing?




You're like, he's home was that? What was that? Yeah.


Like like he had, like, like, literally, like, walking around with food and was like, oh, man. And I realized you were take were, like, taking a picture. And I was like, oh, it's oh, they're costly. Who is that? Because I've never really Yeah.


Breaking Bad. So I


was, like,


I was, like, why are you taking a picture with, like, some person that's trying


to enjoy their meal, William? Why are you being weird?


I was a little lost. Just a little bit.


It was it was just that level of thought, you know, just people put in. Another one I saw is, like, I don't know, Powerpuff Girls episodes, there are some people that were trying to frame the Powerpuff Girls. It was like a bunch of crooks, and they just, like, 6 foot tall, like, buff dudes with tattoos. Yeah. And all I did was, like, put big mask on




And just, like, dresses that were running around robbing banks. People were like, the pop up girls are bad. And it was just one episode. Like, they weren't recurring characters. And, like, we're going up the escalator, and I see coming down, like, somebody with the the same mask.




Like, the tattoos and something like, oh, that's so like, that hits. I'm just like, man, dude. Like, not a whole lot of people get it, but I I'm assuming they know that when they put the costume together. So when the people that do get it see it, like, yo. They're just like, it was worth it.


Yeah. You know?


Yeah. And just just to, like, pick, like, such, like, obscure, like, characters too. Like, there's gonna be somebody. There's gonna be somebody that recognizes it. So so, yeah, we'll be leaving tomorrow morning and got some packing and stuff to do, but, I know.


No. It's


I know.


I know.


But, anybody watching this that, helped us out on on our trip. We greatly, greatly appreciate you. Thank you everyone for, watching our videos and everything that we did and, supporting us, you know, through Facebook and, other social media platforms. I truly, truly, deeply appreciate it. Thank you.




But, yeah, we're gonna wrap it up. You got any last thoughts?


No. So we're not affiliated with them, but, the folks at CommonCare are real real dope. Welcome us in. Kinda gave us like a little home base to just kinda chill at.


Yeah. You


know, as we're walking through. Yeah. That was like a little home base. Laughing moon again, like I said, we're not partnered or nothing with them. Just the vibes we get from the people who are, a part of those those organizations or, you know, those entities.


Mhmm. Very dope people. And, you know, they they extended opportunities and and invitations to kinda learn a little bit more about them. And then, of course, our guy, Jared, who was very helpful and Mhmm. You know, he was just hanging around like, what are you doing?


I'm I'm just hanging around following you guys. Like, he took time out of his con to just follow us He did. I was like, I'm like, alright. Yeah. Let's walk around and dude.


And all that stuff. So, those those are kinda like the big 3. Obviously, Jedi, who has his pulse on everything nerd here in in the state of of Arizona. So, you know, those big 4, appreciate you guys making this weekend, as awesome as it was. And the, interviews that we'll post to, those individuals, we'll make sure we get their names out there, social medias, all that stuff so you can support them and and see what they got to offer as well.


So awesome trip. Great host. Welcomed us like like we've been here the whole time.


Yep. So grateful. Alright. Until next time. Stay nerdy, my friends.


No. You did it too fast. I wasn't ready.

Phoenix Fan Fusion Day 3 Recap (Bonus Episode)
Broadcast by