All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 64 in total

Fallen Star part 42

Fallen Star part 42

Fallen Star Part 41

Our heroes travel to Flame Den

Fallen Star Part 40

Our Heroes arrive at Ashenport to find they have a surprise waiting for them. Not a good one...

Ep 58: "Fallen Star Pt 39"

After our heroes have finally come face to face with Daemius, they have to figure out how to  move forward

Ep 57: "Fallen Star Pt 38"

Our Heroes are camped out with the Holy Order of Light and they meet the Oracle

Thanksgiving Horror

Tune in with Jenn and Chris talking about Thanksgiving Horror movies

Ep 55: "Fallen Star Pt 37"

Fallen Star Part 37

Ep 54: "Fallen Star Pt 36"

Fallen Star Part 36

Ep 53: "Fallen Star Pt 35"

Fallen Star Part 35

Ep 52: "Fallen Star Pt 34"

The Battles continues at the Tomb of Seriva with the Obsidian Order, Jer fights a dangerous enemy and Mara makes a difficult decision

All Hallow's Eve: Zombies

Join the DPFN Family as we talk about Zombies and our favorite Zombie moviesWith Mac AKA Ya Boy, BLAK, Jeff, Chris and Jenn

Ep 50: "Fallen Star Pt 33"

Fallen Star Episode 33 Battle at Seriva's Tomb

All Hallow's Eve: Werewolf Wednesday

Tap in with Willie and Jenn from DFPN and talk about Werewolves

Ep 48: "Fallen Star Pt 32"

At The tomb of Seriva

All Hallow's Eve Part 1- Vampires

Join Mac and Jenn as they talk about Vampires in Anime, Movies and TV

Ep 46: "Fallen Star Pt 31"

Fallen Star episode 31

Ep 45: "Fallen Star Pt 30"

Time is not what it seems...

Episode 44 HotD Wrap Party

Review of House of The Dragon Season 2 with special guests!

Ep 43: "Fallen Star Pt 29"

Our Heroes meet the Queen Regent and other Vexian Royals

Ep 42: "Fallen Star Pt 28"

Our heroes make plans and arrive in Vexian territory

Ep 41: "Fallen Star Pt 27"

Our heroes battle more demons and allies reunite to come to their aid. Some of our heroes undergo a metamorphosis.

Ep 40: "Fallen Star Pt 26"

Our Heroes discover that one of the party falls and battle ensues

Ep 39: "Fallen Star Pt 25"

The Battles continues with Lysander and Kargus...

Ep 38: "Fallen Star Pt 24"

Our Heroes discover an imposter in their party and a battle begins...

Ep 37: "Fallen Star Pt 23"

Our Heroes look to sneak into the palace through the tunnels of the old market beneath the city

Ep 36: "Fallen Star Pt 22"

Our heroes arrive at Al Sadin to help rescue Dolion's family and a hero makes an important decision

Ep 35: "Fallen Star Pt 21"

Episode 21 Our heroes find a new hero along their journey and venture beyond the 8 gate ruins

Ep 34: "Fallen Star Pt 20"

Join our heroes as they continue their journey through Seriva

Ep 33: "Bridgerton Wrap Party"

Queens of Nerdom talk about Bridgerton Season 3 with special guest hosts!

Ep 32: "Fallen Star Pt 19"

Join our adventurers as the continue exploring the Ruins 

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