Phoenix Fan Fusion Day 2 Recap (Bonus Episode)




We are at day 2 with the queens of nerdom and my bestie over here, Willie. Phoenix Infusion day 2. Today was a good day.


It was.


It was a really good day. After the initial day of the holy crap. This is huge. I don't, you know, I don't know if how if we talked about it enough yesterday about how Phoenix goes all out, I think we did really block off streets and still, it's still, still day 2 going. It's just like, wow, it's, it's real.


It's like, it's still going like it's real. And, and you know, yesterday the vendors were talking about how, oh, this is a light day. Friday is a light day. I'm like, this is a light day? Really?


Mhmm. No. They weren't kidding, guys. They they were not kidding. So we go into date.


I was like, god. There are so many people here.




Jeez. There was I I I touched a lot of bodies today, like, that I didn't want to.


Unintentionally. Unintentionally. Unintentionally.


It wasn't grab. Oh god. I'm so sorry. I wasn't grabbing people. That sounded really bad.


Touched a lot of bodies today. Hi.


Hello. Hello.


You're just, like, rubbing up on people, and I think the last time I actually experienced that was when, my husband, Eric, was in Korea.




And you just can't help but rub up against people. Yeah. Like, you're trying to, like, navigate through stuff. Like, I remember being on a train there, and you're, like, yeah, you're packed into that train in sardines, and you're like bumping people. Nobody says sorry.


It's just kinda part of the day. Sterilize my clothes. Anyways but, so just the amount of people just was beyond today. But it was, again, so amazing. I can't believe that the cosplays you saw today.


Don't you think? Like, just how like, what were some of your favorite cosplays today? If I could go on.


Well, like, firstly, I mean, I I just wanna shout out our the Uber drivers here in Phoenix. Like, their vibe is just on another level. Like, I don't think we've had one bad Uber driver. There was the Uber driver from last night coming back, who I think just didn't speak English, so, like, he didn't really talk. But everybody else has been super dope.


The driver to the con today had on his Captain America, you know, shield shirt. Mhmm. Was talking about, you know, going to a con back in the day, all of these other things. How his brother-in-law, like, is, the is it his brother-in-law or his brother or something like somebody he knew, was a artist, a comic artist, and was, like, helping animate for movies and stuff like so, I mean, it's it's weird, like, every driver we've had has had some tie to, doing a con or or or something along those lines. So they always set the tone, we get there, we walk in, and I see, a spider punk costume.


And That


was such a good


point. And it and it's the thing is, like, I I I love the character. I'm like, I wish I could cosplay him, but I don't have hair to do the, you know, the hair thing.


Like, crocheted.


He is Yeah. He crocheted


I was like, woah. The locks.


And he had it on his head with the guitar and all that stuff. I'm like, Jesus Christ, bro. Like, right off the bat. And I think it's more because since Friday is a light day, I don't think the real cosplayers bring out the heavy guns Yeah. Until, like, the weekend.


So, we saw that there were numerous, Mandalorians that were just customized beyond


That hot pink one was really cool.


Oh, yeah. Jedi's boy, Jared was it Jared, I believe?


It's Jared. Yeah.


Yep. He runs a con here. The UwU con is more of a, anime one, but so his Mandalorian thing kinda self promotes the UwUcon that's coming up in November. So he, like, has like small little UwU things mentioned on it. He has like, UwU little Pokeballs on the side or the little, you know, booby trap stuff.


So, shout out to all of them though because it was another hot day here in Phoenix. The AC was on blast, thank God. But, like, they would take their helmets off and you could just see them just sweating.


Dripping off. I mean, the the the sacrifices you're making to cosplay Right. Is real.


A 100%. But I will say the best cosplay I think I've seen today, and it's gonna sound like us being a Homer, playing favoritism, but, Tony


Tony, AZ, Tony Stark.


And his blue and yellow Wolverine costume with the battle damage, the the, like, the distress done to it. He shaved his beard into the Logan thing, gelled his hair up like and I'm just like, bro, like, yesterday, you were pitch like, just picture perfect Tony Stark. Absolutely. Robert Downey junior to the to the t. Come in today, you look just like Hugh Jackman.


Like, how do you do that?


How do you do it's like magic.


Yep. And we got pictures, and we'll post them up. When when we get done with this, we'll just upload all our pictures to Queen. It'll be, like, day 2. But, like, that's the like, we knew we had to go see Tom.


Like, because I remember he said he's debuting it at Fan Fusion. Mhmm. So I'm like, it's either today or tomorrow. Right. And when we got up to the booth and I saw the the blue and yellow, I'm just like, bro, this is


he did it.


Oh, he


did it.


And I'm


like, man, it'd be so cool if he had his claws and then he just picks up the claws out of the thing. I'm just like, Yes. But yes. So that was the the best one I've seen. Do do you have one?


Best cosplay.


Was it in the tabletop land, or was it when we're coming back from lunch and you just yep.


So, any of you book nerds out there? So I am a, book nerd at heart. I, if you don't know what my my my tattoo is, it is, a crown of thorn and roses and the night court specifically. If you know, you know. And, we're walking back from lunch.


Expensive ass lunch too. Mhmm. Throw that little burn in there. We're we're walking back from lunch, and, Willie and I are walking. We're trying to follow, Jedi and his his daughter, Boo.


And, I walk past this this couple, and I immediately know who they are. K? And I and I hesitate, and I, like, kinda look at Willie, and I was like, Willie, wait. So I turn and I'm like, I did.


She's not lying.


I'm not lying.


She's not lying. I


felt so


I'm like, part of me was, like, I felt bad into this, but she she like turns and like looks at me like I don't wanna picture with you girl and she's like okay and she is is her costume, it was just amazing, like, if someone's gonna cosplay, like, she she did such a great job. And, the other guy was, cross playing, Cassian from the books. And, he had the, like, you know, the Elerian wings and and the armor and the the, power stones too. And I was just, you know, they were so awesome and they, like, took a picture with me. And I mean, she even had, like, the squirrel, like, tattoos and everything for the books, and I was, like, the the cosplay I was doing today for Jennifer, I had long sleeves on, so I couldn't show her my tattoos.


So I just kinda lifted up my sleeve. I was like, girl, look. And I have my favorite quote from the books on my forum, and she's like, oh, that's so awesome. I was like, you're right. So that was my I'm I'm kind of partial, but that was my that was my favorite cosplay.


Yeah. The reaction yeah. Like, you saw her. You're


like, who?


Because you did her.


I'm like, you wanna take a picture with her? Just go ask her.




you know, like, a part of me is like, oh gosh. You know, I don't wanna bother them. But at the same time, I'm like, I'm not gonna see them again. There's there's too many people here. Right.


There's no way.


They're walking towards the exit. Like, I don't know if they're getting food or, like, leaving for the day. So you're just like


I don't know if they're


gonna cosplay that tomorrow. Like, some people cosplay something different every day. Right. Even, Jen and Nick said, like, sometimes they'll go and change into, like, a different cosplay.


In the same day.


Yeah. Yeah.


Same day. So I was like, I can't take the chance. I gotta do it now. So so I did it. So that was, Jen being a fangirl today.


Once again, I fangirl the one of the ghost busters yesterday. So




Again, another one of my my favorite movies. So that was super awesome. So, yeah, that was my favorite cosplay.


Nice. Yeah.


Some other stuff. Oh. Oh. Oh. You know, we did today.


So you know our our our new awesome friends over at, the laughing moon. Mhmm. They had some tabletop RPG kind of tables set up. I wanna call them stations. Well, not really stations, but they, our our buddy Jedi had a, a panel that they did kinda back up a little bit.


Jedi, did a a panel on, kinda how to get your kids into playing tabletop RPGs, which I was like, oh, yeah. You can get people that are, like, you know, 4 years old. I was like, what?




I was I was super shocked about that, weren't you?


Yeah. The preschool like, you could get preschoolers, but




It's just it's just how you tailor it. They were just pretty much saying how you can set rules and just it doesn't have to be as strict as as because I've never, like the only tabletop RPG I played is the homebrew one that that EJ's doing. But word on the street is that, you know, Dungeons and Dragons is pretty strict, like, to the rules. Like, these are the rules, x, y, z, and then you know how it is when you try to give young kids rules like that. It's not gonna be a good time.


So, it's just trying to tailor the rules, tailor the campaign, kinda limit the choices, like give them options, but limit them to this or this type thing, and allow them to use their imagination moving forward because it's only going to help them as they grow older and get into more complex, you know, situations and and campaigns and stuff. So, one one of the panelists is a teacher. She said she had a kindergarten group Yeah. Running a a small campaign. And I was just like, kindergarteners out here running campaigns.


She said she had an RPG club and even, I think her name was Ari, and then, Nicole, who ended up being our GM leader, but, she, you know, she was saying that she, also taught, like, a they call them different things in different areas. But, basically, it's special needs kids. Like, they have ADHD and stuff. And it was such a helpful panel because and and one thing that was really shocking is I didn't really think there was gonna be a lot of people. That place was packed.


I'm pretty there are people standing up in the back. Yeah. Like, I mean, even they were, like, shocked. Like, we talked to them afterwards, and, they're like, yeah. We didn't expect it to, like, have so many people.


And I think that just shows that, you know, like, you know, back in the day, like, oh, d and d is satanic. Like, it was. That's the way it was Yeah. Back in the day. And it's people realize it's not, and it's a really creative way for people to use their imaginations and kind of escape, like, whatever you use to escape.


Like, I used to use books all the time, and I have many more outlets now that I can use to kind of use my brain and use my imagination. And, you know, kids have to be taught




In one way or another. Yeah. And I starting I I saw after the panel, I realized I'm like, oh, I'm like, you can start from that young to, like, use their imagination in the the different tricks and everything. Like, I think, I think it was Nicole who was talking about, like, you know, if they get upset about something that happens in the game, you can use something called calm corner.




You know, kinda like the safe place that they have in schools. They get upset about what happened and you can kinda discuss it after they they calm down. But, it was really eye opening. Like, I I was just I was and, you know, the and, again, like, all of the panel people up there were just so professional and so helpful. Mhmm.


Like and it was really cool because the audience would chime in on the answers and kind of share, like, some of their anecdotes and stories about the things that they they do with their family with, you know, whether it be d and d or or PG or whatever they wanna run. And, you know, I'm kind of listening to everybody talk, and I'm realizing I'm like, I'm not alone. There's there's so many other people that that do this. And and you know how how it feels like somebody is like, like, something that you do, like, oh, my god. I like it too.


And to have been in a room with that many people that feel that way and want their families to join in in this, it was it was really cool.


Right. Yeah. I I also thought it'd be kind of a a niche, panel, especially on a Saturday when you got big hitters like, Dante Bosco coming in, Giancarlo. You know what I'm saying? It's just you got Shamique Moore, from Spider Verse coming through.


So you're just like, man, you know, these people probably be waiting to go sit in those, so we just step in there. It was one of the smaller, I guess, panel rooms, but, I mean, it's still a good size. It had, I would say, like, over a 100 chairs in there.


Oh, yeah.


Each row had about 20 seats, and there's, like, 7 rows back or something. So, but we're sitting in the front, you know, supporting our boy Jedi and, and his, homeboy Fitz who who does a radio show, and they also kinda run games and stuff like that. And, you know, the heat's moderating and people are filling in. They do the, hey, before we start, here's a I brought dice, you know, a set of dice, for everybody here.


You're funny.


With the, the intention to ensure the kids were the ones getting the dice because this whole thing was kinda introducing them. So, of course, you know how it is. Like, you know, there'll be some adults there, like, oh, in a few days, let me get in on this, you know. So at first, everybody's getting in and he's like, hey, let's prioritize the kids. And, as we all get our dice and sit back down, I look over towards the wall.


This is, like, not a bragging moment, but, you know, it's like a


What what he let him brag, and I'm gonna gas you up for you even start. If before Fitz even finishes saying it, hey, guys. You already have Willie. He's standing up, like, trying to give his dice away to these kids. And there's there's a couple of them that didn't have dice.


Right. Dude, you didn't even hesitate.


Well, it's like I looked in the like, he's like, yeah. It looks like we're all out. And that kid was just like


You could see it.


Just like, oh, man. And his dad you know, his dad's just like, it's alright. You know, we'll get some dice down. I'm like, do you need some dice? He's just like, Lily, you don't I'm like, man, I got 2 sets at the house, man.


And then I just rolled up on, another set today by doing it. It's like, dice are not hard to come by around there, but if that was the kid's 1st set, you know, because you're supposed to be gifted or given your 1st set, you can't go and just buy your first set. Right? So I've been told. So, that kid's day was just, like, made better.


You can see his just smile. The dad was super grateful. So, I'm glad I can kinda help him if he get you know, start his, his, tabletop journey. You know, that those will be the first sets of dice that he uses, and, like, I low key gifted it to him.


Do you think that was a core memory for him?


I hope it is.


I hope so.


Like, I hope all those kids who are in there, their parents are like, yeah, you know, we're trying to run a game night. Like a family D and D, which I think is dope.


No. No. No. I mean


They all start doing that, and I hope, like, when he starts playing, he he's like, man, dude. Like, I wouldn't be able to do this Right. If, you know, he didn't step up and give me his dice. So


Like, I think that would that may be, like, a poor memory for that kid. He shows up, and he's probably, like, super deflated. Like, oh, I didn't get dice. And here comes Mace Windu because that's what Willie was cosplaying today, Mace Windu. Comes up and hands me a dice.




And he I you know, he may remember that forever.


I hope he does.


I'm serious. He may remember that forever. And you know that the the some of those things, like, throughout the day that, you know, it's just kinda gives you that, yeah. Mhmm. Alright.


I did that. Yeah.


I hope


you remember that little buddy, so I'm gonna remember you.


Yeah. I'm all about that, man. Like, just, you know, just children are the future. No. And, you know, I just have kids and I would hope like if I was taking lj and the dice were, like, kinda meant for children and I'm looking at adults just scoop them up and just not stand up and


you jackass.


Yeah. Bro, I just saw you get the fucking dice, bro. Like


Go buy your own.


You know? Alright. But, yeah, I I hope it works out and I you know, seeing the kid's face and, seeing the dad, like, man, you know, it's a good look. You know, I appreciate that. So but no, but to see that wound packed, you know, he's like, hey, yes, gentleman in the back.


And I turned around and looked, and I'm just like, oh, he's in the back. Like, it's a lot of people in here. Yeah.


People standing up in the back. I'm like, my god. Yeah. You can't even, like, you can't even see the people talking because there's so many people behind you.






But, hearing the different experiences that they've been having, I think it and it goes back to what we kinda said in in in night 1 or day 1 at the con. You it's just and we talked about it at the at at lunch. It's just one of those things where Monday through Friday for a majority of the year, you may love tabletop gaming, you may love comics, you may love anime, all of that stuff, but you can't fully nerd out on it like you want to at your 9 to 5 or daily. Right? Right.


But then you come to a con, and it's like you can be yourself. To a lesser, like, you know, mutants in the x men universe, they're just like, bro, I just can't use my powers like I want to. I can't do all of that. They go to Genosha. Bro, they're living the fucking dream.


They're just using their powers all over, doing whatever they want, living free.


It's such a good analogy that you made when you said that. I was like, yeah.


Like That's exactly what a con is. All the nerds come together and it's and and you're just, like, now I could just say whatever and do and somebody's gonna get me, somebody's gonna understand me, and, like, a judgment free zone type stuff. So so just being in that that panel, like, you any panel, like, you can't sit there and think, like, oh, man. It's only gonna be a couple people show up. Mhmm.


Because the the tens of thousands of people that are at this convention center. Easily. Easily. You can fill one of those. Yeah.


Yeah. You can fill one of those rooms. No no problem. So I thought it was pretty cool to see that.


Yeah. It was, it really said something, seeing that many people turn out and wanting their kids to to do that. It it it it spoke volumes, I thought. Mhmm. So could so continue on with my my story.


So, you know, we're we were talking to Nicole and, you know, she's a part of, laughing moon with, Todd and Griffin. And so, you know, we were talking to Cole. She's, like, yeah, I wanna start, you know, running a game, and I'm looking at my clock in the heart thinking I'm like, girl, I gotta eat. Oh, man. I don't know if we're gonna make it.


So anyways, we we end up, you know, showing up to the, the t t r p g area. I mean, we find them Jedi. You know, my own tell you, man, finding Neil in the haystack is like nothing.


You know,


he's like he's like, oh, I should


where they found them.


Yeah. Yep.


He's like, I know who they are. Oh, okay. So we find them and, you know, at this point, I know we're a few minutes late, so I'm like, oh, yeah. We'll just watch. And she's like, oh, well, well, you guys can join in.


Like, you know, we everyone, we just kinda started going over our characters. Will and I are both kinda, like, looking at each other, like, checking in, like, you need to good good good.


Yeah. We'll sit down. Yeah.


Sure. I'm like, alright. Cool. If you don't mind. So, we sit down, and they they hand you, you know, your you they hand you, like, a stack of characters, and you can pick from them.


And, you know, pretty much all the all the characters are same level and kind of same abilities, you know, some some nuances there. And, I I really wanted to try out, laughing moon because anytime somebody has a, a home brew game, there's that extra love that you put in it. And I don't and I please don't misunderstand me. I don't mean to knock anybody that picks up, any sort of, like, RPG book and runs a campaign. I'm not knocking at all.


I you know, do it. As long as you do what you love, that's all that matters. Mhmm. But there's something about somebody's like, yeah, you know, I just I I have this idea, this story in in my head and in my heart, and I'm I'm gonna change things. I'm gonna mold it, and I'm gonna make my own.


And that is exactly what, Todd has done. So I'm like, like, alright, buddy. I'm gonna dive into your world. I had a long conversation with him yesterday. I think I talked about and, let me dive in.


Mhmm. I I wanna see what's in that in that big brain of yours.




I was not disappointed. Were


you? No.


I I was not disappointed at all.


The g real quick. The GM, Nicole, like she said, very very professional, did a great job setting the the tone, and the thing is it's just kinda like it's like a test run, like a demo that you would get, like like you download on on on places. You know, hey, download a demo of this game. If you like it, you can buy it, whatever. So it's just a 2 hour quick run through, one easy objective, work as a team, get the objective, and out.


So, for setting the scene as quickly as she needed to do so we can get right into gaming, she did a great job.


And and, you know, not not getting into the, too nitty gritty of things, We we had some interesting people at our table. We had some interesting people at our table. Yes. Did I get into it? They're not gonna watch this shit.


Who's not gonna watch it?


The people at our table?


You just assume that we're not gonna grow to the point where they wanna know?


Alright. Fine. I won't.


No. You can talk about it. They need to know about


it. Alright.


I'll tell them then. So, you know, most of the games that I play like, pretty much all the games I've played is my my husband's game. Right? Uh-huh. You know, I'm not gonna lie.


I was nervous. I'm like, you know, I haven't played too much of D and D, and it's it's it's vastly different from what my husband played. Mhmm. My husband has. And, so, you know, we're we're we're sitting down, we're reading our characters, and I automatically notice this dude sitting nearby, and he's right out the gate trying to establish dominance.


You know?


I'm the leader of the group.


Yeah. I mean, he doesn't come out and say it, but I mean, if you don't even have to be good at reading people's energies. I mean, he was blasting it like a solar flare. And I'm like I'm like looking over at him and I'm like, I'm just gonna be


like Right.


I'm like, I'm kind of ignoring him. You know, I'm trying to focus on, like, you know, my my character sheet and, like, abilities. Like, all this stuff is, like, you know, obviously, very, like, alien to you. You know? And I'm kind of, like, sending, like, all that.


I can read this. Jeez. What can I do? So, you know, I'm reading it. I'm I'm trying to get my bearings and Mhmm.


And we start playing, and I'm like, okay. I'm like, I can do this. And this fool over here is like, alright, guys. We need to do this. And I just kinda look over at him.


I'm like,




I'm gonna do this,


my GM.


And that happens several times. And at some point, our our little friend over here understands that he's not just going to boss me around. He'll, like, no. I don't think so, sweetheart. I'm, like, you are not going to boss me around.


I'm like, I have a brain, and I'm going to use it. I'm going to properly play this fucking game. Yep. And and, guys, can I say, Willie? Willie, you the only RPG game you have played is Eric's, which you have picked it up so beautifully.


Like, when we first started playing with Willie, you know, we're treating him with, like, you know, kid gloves and everything, and then we realized we're like, oh, fucking gloves off. I'm like, Willie's got this shit. Willie just rocks it. And we sit down here, you know, I'm a little nervous, and I'm sitting here thinking to myself, like, I wonder how Willie feels. It's like, alright.


I'm like, well, we're we're just gonna do this. Willie's got it. Got it. Like, we're playing Willie's got ideas and he's doing stuff and I'm just like,


oh, look at you go.


Willie's go. Oh, look at him go. He he played great, guys. It was awesome. And it's hard when you have, like like, people at the table, like, I'm leader.


Fuck you are. Bitch, no, you're not. Like, we can kinda work as a team, but I'm still my own person. Right. I don't agree with your decisions.


I'm like, yeah. I don't think so.


And that's one thing that the GM was good with. I guess, when you gotta run short things like that where you're not sure it's almost like if you you go to a casino and you sit at a blackjack table. Like, you don't know who the fuck you're sitting at the table with, but at the end of the day, it's all of you against the dealer. And, like, sometimes you'll have the person that'll hit when the dealer's showing, you know, 16, knowing that they have to hit on the 16. But you're hitting, and you're taking all the face cards that's gonna cost the dealer to but, you know, like, you're playing the thing wrong.


You're messing everybody up. The thing with the GM, you know, she would sit there, listen to this dude, I think we should blah blah blah blah, all that other stuff, and then GM be like, are you guys all good with that? Giving us the opportunity to be like, well, I wanna do this first before we go, and then she would let us explore that. You know? So she was real quick with ensuring that everybody had a opportunity to have their voice heard instead of just one person Bogart and and and rushing the group.


And and we we went back and, like, immediately after we were done, I was like, Lily, we gotta go talk to Todd. Mhmm. Like, I I I have to go talk


to Todd. So we're, like,


walking through the, the the whatever area that's called. Can't remember. So we we go and we find Todd and, you know, Todd sees us. He's like, oh, hey. I'm like, dude, we played your campaign.


He's like, yeah. I'm like, oh my gosh. That was amazing. Amazing. And he had just been talking to, Jedi about, Nicole.


And I was like, can I expand on that? And he's like, yeah. I'm like, dude, she's so professional.




Such an amazing GM.




I mean, I I I mean, she she she had that table under control, but it was not like with an iron fist. She was always smiling. She's always very pleasant. Mhmm. She was just I mean, she was I don't know how else to describe it then.


Like, she was amazing. Yeah. Like, it was just good vibes. Yeah. Good vibe.


Like it like, the purpose of this was to introduce you to the, the laughing moon RPG and like their world, and she did it like flawlessly. Mhmm. So I loved it. So, yeah. If you if you guys ever have a chance to, pick up, you know, one of their books and and learn about their lore, highly recommend it.


Not gatekeeping here. Like, my husband is the best. Guys, there's so many different, like, archivists out there. Check them out. Like, we played this.


Highly recommend it. Like but


I almost was just, like, there's, like, 10 minutes left of our 2 hours. Like, we take the thing back to our spot.


You kinda wanted to play that out.


Yeah. Like, so so what's the next thing? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just give me a, like so we bring this back and then read it, and then yeah.


What do we just risk our lives for out here?


To tell


them. I


wanna know.


Read it. Yeah.


And, it yeah. It's again, I will never gatekeep on anything, and this is even one of them. Like, if you guys ever have a chance when I kinda dive into, like, another homebrew game, we we recommend the, the laughing


room. Mhmm.


Let's see. Moving on with the day.


We had some interviews today.


We did. That's where my brain was kinda going. So we had some interviews today. Jedi, I I think we've established that Jedi is nerd king of the entire state of Arizona. Would you agree?


He is like,


Like nerd mafia.


No. It's like like in politics how you have like the president or, like, the king or something, but then there's somebody who is behind the scenes actually running it. The king is just there for the face.


Like the producer?


Yeah. So, like Oh. That's there, but Jedi is behind the scenes, like, ensuring that the nerd machine keeps rolling in this in this in this city, if not the state?


Nope. When when you watch him do it, he doesn't even try. And to give you some substance behind that, like, you know, the whole time that we've we've been here, like, we like, Jedi is just, like, a 100%, like, whatever you need. You know? God.


Come here. Come here. Come here. I got people for you to meet. And, we can't walk 10 feet without somebody being like, Jedi.


Jedi. And it is such an amazing thing to see, and like zero effort on his part. It's just like, innate, like it's part of his genetic code,


you know,


that he just does it and it's not that's my buddy, oh, my buddy.


And I'm


just like


marveling at it.


I'm like, what?


How do you do that? I'm like, I don't think I've known that many people in my life. And, so some of the interviews that we did, you guys will see the interview later as, we met Marissa. Mhmm. The, the art of Ramona.


So I meet her. She is so talented. The first thing I did is we walked up to her booth and you see her sitting there, and she's sketching. Now, guys, I can't sketch to save my damn life, and this girl's just making it look so easy. I'm kinda like, you know, Jedi is talking to her.


And I'm I'm like kinda I was like washing her draw a little bit, and she kinda gets up. And I was like, I'm already impressed.




And you see some of the work that she's done before, and, I'm not I can't remember what she's worth. She's really big in the mega man.


Yeah. Mega man, the mega man x series. So it's like mega man x and then a 0. So


And, and I see see some of the stuff that she's working on, and I'm like, immediately, I'm like, Jenna knows my style. I'm like, I wanna talk to this chick.


Uh-huh. I'm like,


she's awesome. And, so we're trying to figure out, like, the logistics and everything, and I'm I'm I'm talking to her. And I'm like, this is gonna be so easy talking to her. It's awesome. And guys, you will see the interview.


It was. I mean, I swear I asked her one question and she like, how can I put it flourish like a flower? I've wished to put little water on her. And I see this time and time again, when, I'm going out to talk to somebody and their energy is so infectious. Mhmm.


I mean, I just asked them stuff and it you can see that it almost feel like I can see them beaming.




You know, they beam and and they talk about the like, anybody. Like, how would you feel if somebody was, like, ask you about something that you, like, absolutely love? Like, you just, like, geek out and just, like, oh, what was I about it? And they do I feel like they just pull this plug and just, like, the water starts gushing and they go. And I just kinda sit there.


I might just stand there. I'm like, look at you


go. Oh my god. Look at you


go off on stuff. And she did that. And guys you gotta check out she's so talented you gotta check out some of her art and she put a lot of time in and went to art college for like 3 years. Yeah. She said right?


At 3 years she's dedicated. She even learned how to do like the, the computer graphics art. Mhmm. And then she she said that she prefers, like, pencil and paper. Right?


She prefers that. But so talented. So, if you ever need a commission on on, on anything, like, just hit her up. Hit her up art of Ramona. She she Marissa does great work.


Did you notice anything with the the interview with her?


No. It's just the she was super timid, which I feel a lot of people would be because, you know, everybody's their own worst critic. So, you know, everybody will look at them and be like, this is amazing. This is amazing. She seemed very timid at first.




As if, like, she didn't feel what she did was worthy of us taking time out of our day to talk with her for the 5 minutes. You know?




It was just like, you know, whatever you guys were like, I'm just you know, I'll just, like, well, you know.


Like, not even realizing that she's a rock star.


Yeah. Right? So I think that's because there's so many creators in there. Like, you can you can be an amazing artist, but, like, maybe 3 aisles down, it's like, oh, a better renowned or better known artist from a comic or or something, and people are like, oh, let's go hang out over there. So you're there, like, you know


Why are we,


like, sorry? Yeah. You know, like, I'm not saying that's where she was at, but every, like, up and coming creator is probably just like, oh, man. Now they're flying in all these guys here where




Everybody would wanna see them. So it's and and, like, we can relate to it, like, trying to do what we're doing on our side and somebody being like, yo, hey, I saw your episode you did with, you know, AZ Tony Stark. You guys did a great job. Like, I I love it, you know. I told my friends to check it out, you know.


Or hey, you know, I saw your your episode of Smoke Crew on YouTube. You know, it was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. I told some other people about it. We're just like, oh, shit.


Like, because to me, honestly, I think I just put it like, I just do the shows, put them out there because I like to do them. Right. And then when somebody comes back, he's like, yo, this shit is hilarious. I'm just, oh.


Yeah. But thank you.


I mean, it's okay. I mean, it's alright. You know? But everybody has that. Like, I think it's cool that people, can check egos and and be humble and stuff, but I think sometimes we overdo it.


And I feel Marissa was overdoing it, but then after you were talking to her, I think you kinda hearing it come from somebody who's just not like, you know, oh, you're just saying that because you're my friend. Because you don't know her from from Eve. You don't know her from Adam or Eve, you know?


Pillars matter.


First time just meeting her and you see her work and you are thoroughly impressed with it.


Hell, yeah.


And I wanna talk to you and and give you some exposure on on our what platform we have. So Mhmm. I think that that is what brought that out of her. She's just like kinda restoke that fire, you know. When when somebody compliments you on what it is you're passionate about Mhmm.


But it gives you that little that thing of dopamine, and you're just like, dick. Like A squirt. Maybe maybe I am doing what I'm supposed to do. Maybe I'm kinda good at this shit. You know?


Because it's it's so so easy to get yourself discouraged. And and it it but while you're talking, it it made me think. I was like, you know, don't don't be discouraged just because you feel like somebody's doing better.




boss will not even try. That doesn't mean you don't have to try.




Let's do it. Yeah. Like, you know, when I first started doing this, I was just, like, I don't know. I'm doing this. Oh my god.


You know, the the more I do this, the more I I realize I love it, and I'll continue doing it. And to see artists out there, like, you know, don't don't quit. Keep doing it. There's people out there that are gonna love your stuff. They just haven't found you yet.


Right. Just keep reaching out. You know, you'll find your people. You know, your your people will find you eventually, and you will just grow from there. So, again, shout out, to to Marissa.


Girl, you did a great job today. Know, it's not easy having you know, sitting there and just being the the subject of, like, questions. Yeah. You you absolute rock star. There's another rock star today.


Was there?


There was. There was. I talked to Sarah.




She is from the AZ Avengers. Amazing amazing group. Does charity work. Mhmm. Sarah, beautiful person, beautiful heart.


She's again, she's just one of those people that immediately when I get around her, I'm just like,


oh, my gosh, your energy is awesome.


I was


like, oh, I can hang out with you all day. So we're kind of trying to figure out the logistics of, of starting the interview. We're, you know, just kinda chit chatting while we're getting, getting set up and everything. Mhmm. And, so we get started and start talking to her.


And, you know, immediately when I first see her, I see her costume. And Jedha, I was like, you know, she makes her all of her own stuff. I was like, really?


Jubilee, by the way. Probably one of the best Jubilee gospels I've seen.


Yes. I mean, down to, like, very specific details. I mean, the the details that she put into her costume. I mean, either with even with like the glitter over, like, one of her eyes, I'm just like, oh my.




It was kinda hard like to not to just kind of like kind of do looking her up and down. I'm like, cool. And the guys, she fabricated that all of herself, and and you'll see during the interview, like, she, what was it? She doesn't use, like, not stencils, but, she does it all freehand.






know, the human body is not perfect And what she was telling me, she said, your body's not perfect. You know, centered on me, works for me. And she does it all. And it all started from a t shirt that she loves that she wanted to fix.




And I was like, and I think that's probably my number one most favorite question to ask people. Why did you start this?




What was that moment where it that was just like, that's the start point. That's that that is day 1. And she said that was because of there's a t shirt that she loved and she wanted to fix it. And from there, it it grew from her sewing, and she started, like, cosplaying in it was such an awesome story. Yeah.


And, she, again, just the whole interview, I mean, I just asked her a question, and it was just like this bubbling of happiness of just being able to, like, share her stories of just, you know, starting from here and just growing and just, like, listening to her talk about that journey that she went online growing into cosplay. And she's got, like, what did she say? Like, 40 40 plus cosplays that she does.


I have we'll have


to watch the interview. I mean, I was just floored. I'm like, girl, what?


Because, so when we're doing these interviews, like, the person holding the camera, whether it's Jeremy, like, we can't hear what the interview is saying because it's so loud in there. That's why we're using those mics. So, like, when you see the videos, like, you'll hear the conversation. But when she asked that question, it was it was, like, 14 or 40. So I'm just, like, based on if you're doing, like, you know, like, either way, like, that seems like a lot.


Like, if I have 14 different costumes, like, that's a lot of costumes because they're not just, like, regular costumes. Like, the work that these guys put into their cosplay like, 14 cosplay costumes is, like because you talked to you talked to AZ Tony Stark. Like, he probably has, what, 5 or 6 different types of Iron Man suits


get alone.


On top of doctor Strange, on top of the Buzz Lightyear, on top of the the Wolverine he just got, you know, on top of the other things he does. Indiana Jones or whatever, like, you know, it's just like, man, that's a group. That's a lot of stuff.


Yeah. I mean and but, but, Sarah, I mean, I I enjoyed talking to you so much today. I mean and and, you know, like like, Willie and I understand, like, you know, this is this is a big deal. Like, Phoenix fan fusion, like, anytime there's a con, like, it's a big deal. Like, when I ask people, like, hey.


Can I interview you? I'm taking them away from, like, a big deal.




It's not, like, no small thing. And Sarah spent, like, a lot of time, like, coming in and talking to me. And, you know, she's talking and listening to her, and when we're done, I'm just like, how, you know, we we had such a great conversation and I'm thinking, I'm like, gosh, girl, you took that time out of your day. One of the most busiest important times a year to talk to me and that you know it really meant a lot to me for her to, like, stop and talk to me. And and she was so nice.


And and just hearing her talk about stuff and just, like, her personality, it was just I don't know how else to say other than amazing. Like, she just has, like, such positive energy. Mhmm. Like, she's, like, one of those people, like, you just wanna kinda stand next to you and hope you get, like, some energy.


Like Yeah.


You know? I can understand why she's such a great cosplayer because you need to have, like, a almost like a certain personality to kinda do that professionally. Yeah. You gotta have that good vibe and, like, girl, you got it. You got it.


It rubbed off on me and I was, like, geeked for hours afterwards. So, yeah, we had some had some great interviews today.


Oh, we started the day, talking to Kara, Kara Hebert, for Killer Creations. Good morning. Yeah. In the morning. So that was like the first thing we did.


Got there. Shout it out to, to the common care guys real quick. Checking for Jedi. Because these kinda dude that kinda, hey, you know, there's some people I want you to meet and we're all for that. Right?




So, but I know we met with Cara day 1. She was kinda running the the shop on her own the booth by herself, so she didn't have time to kinda step away, but showed up today, and she had time. Talking to her, you know, 20 plus years in the military gets out. And I don't know if it it was with the Uber driver today, but we it's it's come up, I think, a couple times during the weekend here. Mhmm.


But, Cara was like, you know, I've always liked horror as a kid, because I wasn't allowed to watch it. Then I snuck and watched 1, and and, you know, it was the George, John Romero. It's George Romero. Right? George Romero.


George Romero's Don of the Dead, black and white joint, old school. And then, the first iconic Hollywood monster, I guess, quote unquote movie, not monster movie, but horror villain that kinda gave her the, this is my boogeyman, this is the one I checked, was a Halloween not Halloween. No. It was Halloween. Mike Myers.


Yeah. So she was like, I saw Halloween, and I'm just like, yeah. This is the dude I'm scared of now. Yeah. So to give you like, you'll see in the interview, but, like, I've worked with her, for 4 years back in Arizona at Loop, and she's the type when Halloween comes around and the commander's like, yo, if you guys wanna wear a costume, you can wear a costume.


Like, she'll come in and, like, you know, the the Jason Voorhees mask with the Michael Myers. You know, she just mixes it up. She loves everything about it. Christmas comes, we get to wear ugly sweaters. She's wearing a Friday 13th holiday sweater.


It's she is that she is the horror person. She loves it. Right? But she mentioned how she came about doing it. She was getting into, you know, creating tumblers and doing things like that.


But, during COVID, you know, everybody shut down. You gotta stay in the house. Things to do, keep yourself sane, you know, because she's home with her her kids. So, she just started creating and and mashing up things, like, whatever was popular. Mario.


So she'll get Mario. She said one of her favorite designs is she'll take the Mario, and instead of piranha, the piranha plants, she gets the, the Audrey and the seam not the Seymours, but, what's the plant's name? Audrey Audrey from, Little Shop of Horace.


Audrey too.


Yep. And replace the prana plants with those, and those will be, like, taking bites out of Yoshi or something like that, and she'll just throw that on the tumbler. So I'm just like, that is crazy because


How creative is that?


Yeah. She's like, you know, there's small horror cons Yeah. Where I can do Jason and Michael Myers, but you come to Fan Fusion, you know, they like superheroes. They like anime. They like all that stuff, but let's put a horror twist to it so my horror people can still get love and the anime people come by and be like, oh, that's dope.


So, you know, she has her booth there, she's been doing it for 4 years. So you'll see the interview again, all her shows. Like I said, every time we're gonna do this, like, when we put it out, you'll see in the description a link to the social for all the the companies or all the people we talk to. So, again, if you see them in the comments and you see the interviews, make sure to check them out. And, if you see something, support them and, let them know the queen sent you.


But, outside of that, I think the other I


have one of her cups. I don't know if I mentioned that.


Oh, well, yeah. You did say that. Yeah.


So I I actually didn't I didn't realize it. So I was talking to my husband on the phone, and he's like, oh, yeah. That's where I ordered your cup. And I'm like, really? That's where you ordered the cup.


Killer Creations, that's where you ordered the cup. He's like, yeah.


He's like,


no way. So my my husband ordered me a custom made, Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind is, I love studio, Ghibli. And, she it's the if you guys are fans of it, it's the, fox girl. I think it's Tito, I think, is the fox girl's name, on a cup.


And I


remember he, like, he ordered it and he's like, I got you something.


And I was like, yeah.


He showed me and he's like, oh, yeah. He's like, it's one of Willie's friends online. She's starting up a shop. And I was like, oh, cool. Love supporting, like, you know, people trying to, you know, start out and everything.


Guys, this cup, I I I I use it every morning. I'm not even kidding, and it's still going strong. I wanna say it's been, like, easily a year that I've had this cup, and I absolutely love this cup.




Like, it's it's great. I mean, just I mean, every little, like, nuance that my husband asked, because he he went through his guy asked for this, this and this. She did it. Yeah. So if you think you're like, nobody can make what I want.


She can. Right. She 100% can. Whatever you want, she will make it.




She's like, I can do it. And and she actually, kinda went through, like, her creation process. I was it resin? Mhmm. She uses resin.


Yeah. I think I heard her saying. Like, she was even talking about, like, her, like, creative process, like, using the resin and everything. And, again, it's like one of those people where you ask them a question, and and they just start talking about something that they love and you just kinda sit there and marvel at it. Mhmm.


And I learned so much, but by the things that people create and I'm I'm sitting there and, like, wow. Looking in that big beautiful imagination of yours and look what you're making. Like, girl, I don't I mean, I don't know if you realize that, look what you look what you do. Look at some not not just anybody can do that. So, you know, don't ever get discouraged if you do just listen to this and listen to your interviews.


If you ever need a a boost, you know, you're amazing. So


And also shout out bonus points. See, shout out today dressed as a splicer from BioShock. One of her favorite games and one of my favorite kinda scary horror games. So she had the splicer rabbit mask on, the blood splatter and stuff, but, she toughed it out. It was cold as hell down there, and, she had to change out of it.


But, shout out to her. So we have come to the unless there's anything you wanna add? Anything extra you saw or wanna talk about? I'm sure


I'll think about it


later. Okay. Okay.


Part of our show is, like, not even a tradition because it's the second review of the thing. So last night we're like, what's the best moment of the day? Right. Today we're gonna be what is the best moment and what is the worst moment. So you can go you can start with worse.


I would like me, when I go, I'm a go with worse.


Worse. Okay.


And then I'm a end it with best.


Best. Okay.


Well So I'll I'll go with you first. What what do you got? Worst moment of the day for you?


Worst moment might be that $20 brisket sandwich that I bought. Yes. It's a tie. Wool ass sandwich? My god.


I paid $20. It was delicious. Don't get me wrong.


The food trucks beat food trucking. Jesus Christ.


I'm like, sitting here thinking to myself, well, I mean, I'm like, shit. It's fucking 20 dollars. I'm trying to eat it slow so I taste every little Mhmm. Like, bit of flavor as and and then probably that dude at the gaming table. Again, everybody is different, but I really do.


Like, don't try to come in here and try to be the leader. I'm like, let's just let's just sit down and, like, game together and have fun. Like, there doesn't have to be somebody who always call them shots. Like, we can collectively, like Right. Game, like


And and to to add a little bit of insight on the person Jen's talking about, but a mid fifties. Right? Mid fifties? Mid fifties is generisis. Mid fifties is generous.


Right? My man pulls out his phone.




Like, he he turns the phone over. Right? Like, so he he pulls his phone out.


He's fully asking


Pulls the phone out, turns it upside down. Bam. So you see the backside of his phone. Look at this. Backside of his phone is a character from an anime, but it is drawn in a very risque, manner.


And Tits McGee also. So it's like, I know the anime this this character is from, and at no point in the anime does she ever dress like this. So it's not like he went and got one of the, you know, the the damn near hentai type stuff or the the fan service, anime like a high school D and D or or along those lines. So it wasn't a character drawn to look like that on purpose, he just went on his way to find a phone case with this character like that. He turns his phone over and, like, looks something up, and it's a Hello Kitty, wallpaper.


And then he has his drink thermos, which is also Hello Kitty, and he's wearing a a kilt, but it's like khaki. Like a dark blue khaki. So, this guy's all over the place, and he sits at the table and he's like, I think, we'll just go ahead and make haste to the town. Question, Will it harm our steeds if we go double time? And, like, what the what?


Who? Will it harm our steeds? Like, bro, just speak


For a second. I'm


like Like,


are horses gonna get tired? Like, bro, like, what do you steeds.


Oh, horses got it.


Will it harm our steeds if we press faster to this village? Like, bro, it's been, like, 10 minutes, bro. You harm our steeds?


I will harm my steeds.


Yeah. What effect will it have on the horses if, like, if you speak English, but that's just me. I'm a simple guy, you know. I don't run around calling horses steeds and cows heifers, you know. Like, will the cattle survive?


Like, is the cow gonna be alright? You know, that's me. That's the type of player I am. Yeah. But yeah.


So I guess that guy was,


He's he's


sure. He


Yeah. He That was that was worth it.


That was a tie? The brisket, like, I don't


I I the the the brisket was purely for entertainment only because I just wanna talk about it again. Okay. Bucket sandwich is $20. What's yours? Worse?


Yes. I'm gonna see what he says. Because he How


much does that


Never fails to


Never fails to what?


Never fails to surprise me. I'm like, really? That's your fault.


So at this con, everybody's talking about this soda that's just fucking out of this world. Right? Out of this world sorta like, people line up for years to get this soda. Right? What's it called?


Wild bull Wild Bill's Craft Beverage Company. Right? So, yeah. Like, they talked about it day 1, I didn't see it. Saw it day 2, way up against the wall, line was long.


People waiting to get this soda.


What is that?


And I'm just like, we got things to do, I'm not waiting in this line. So after we do the tabletop game and we come down, like she said, talks with Totto at, Laughing Moon, then I'm just like, hey, I wanna cop one of them sodas. Actually, we just wanted the soda because we saw the cups that people were walking around with and I'm just like, yo, that cup is dope. Like, yeah, that cup is dope. Like, I would love to have one of those.


So we get in line and get up there, and we're just like, yeah. So, you know, we want one of these cups. She points to this cup, the cup I have. Right? Little she's like, that's 35.


The cup Jen has is 45, and then there's another cup that's 55, and another one that's 75. So, we're just looking at these things like, well, goddamn.


I'm surprised.


But now, like, I have to taste this soda because people are just like, bro, this soda's too craving. Absolutely. Delicious. This soda is the best. And I'm just like, I need it.


Like, I don't know if I'm like, when's the next time I'm gonna fly down here to, you know, like, I'm here now. Let me try this soda. Alright. So we get them, and then they're like, do you want the top and the straw? It's like, yes.


That's a extra what? 10? $10 or so?


Well, the way she said it was weird. When she's like, this is this is 55, 65, 75, and I'm like, the straw's, like, $55? Like, I don't really No.


Because the straws were inside a different type of


cup. Yeah. But I


But the way she pointed at it was like, damn. The straws are $55? Yeah.


$55? Like, is it made out of gold or maybe copper?


Vibranium. But




so, actually, like, when you look at our cups, we were supposed to cheers before we start. Right? But, we messed that up. When you look at on the screen right now is a $100 worth of drinkware.




A $100 worth of drinkware, by the way.


But so tomorrow, we can go in, pay a small fee, go up to that drink station, get free, refills all day. And I can take this next year if we go. Mhmm. Pay a small fee. So this is, like, small fee refills every time there's


Endless soda in Arizona.


And their soda is made from pure cane sugar.


So, I mean, it's it's good.


It's good.


But, like, like, even in my I was like, this is good, but this is a lot. And you got that big ass cup. I'm just like, man, I'm glad, you Jedi was able to help you out with that shit. Yeah.


Because I was like, Jedi, you


want some food?


Because I'm like I I drank it, and I was like, oh.


Yeah. But I I think that was the worst moment where I was just like, what's a and, like, when it's all said and done, this was like $46. Like, now I got I got a everyday cup that I'm gonna use, because I'm gonna get my $46 worth out of this thing, so


I expect pictures Mhmm. Of you using that cup.


A 100%. You see, I'm already using it


now. I know. You're You're like, I wanna rinse this cup out and use it, and I was like, oh, it's good idea. Yep. That's fantastic.


Yep. Drink is still cold, still has ice in it. It's delish. Alright. Best moment for you.


What you got?


Best moment.


Man. Best


moment. It's not a single moment. Is that okay? Can I do that?


It's your show.


Oh. Oh, it is. Yeah. So best moment. There wasn't a single best moment.


I think interviewing people. I know we joke about my social battery and everything, but, you know, interviewing people, my gosh. You know, it's just seeing people in their element and talking about somebody that they love Mhmm. Just is I don't know, energizing. Is that the best way to put it?


It's like energizing. I mean, again, I marvel at it. I just I stand there and I all ask him, like, a question, and and this is just like, oh, you wanna know about that? I'm like, yes. Yes.


I do. Let's talk about it. Tell me about it. I wanna know. And I and, I mean, honestly, I I genuinely do.


I'm I'm not just standing there like, hey. How'd you get started? I I generally wanna know. Like, I I see you doing your thing, and you're you're doing this awesome job. Like, how did you start?


And their stories never disappoint. Their enthusiasm is just infectious. Like, I'm telling these these people is they're like, I don't know what you can compare it to, like a star. I mean, they just glow. And when they start talking about it, it just spreads everywhere.


Mhmm. And I love it. And so that was my favorite moment is whenever I I talk to people and they start telling me the things, like, they love and how they got started and just that that that journey, like, when they're kind of walking me through it while while we're talking. It's just I I I honestly, it's kind of addicting. Like, listening to people talking about that.


Like, I absolutely love it.




What about you? What's your favorite moment today?


I know we already talked about, you know, seeing that kid's face, you know, that that little guy's face, getting the dice. You know? I I think that panel, because, you know, you're you're sitting there and and you got, you know, kids who are because there was one kid behind us who was, like, 15, who's just like, you know, I've been playing in, you know, in a couple weeks, I'll be running my first campaign and x y z. And I'm just like, bro, that is fucking dope because, like, like I said, I'm new to this, but seeing the work that, that Eric puts into being the GM for, Fallen Star, and hearing the work that Todd's put in, for doing Laughing Moon and listening to the the, you know, the adventures of the other members in there who have been, GMs and DMs for, you know, numerous campaigns, and to hear him as a, you know, 15 year old, like, hey, you know, I'm I'm about to give it a shot. You know?


I think the


We all clapped. Yeah. Everybody clapped.


Right. And then, the whole, hey. You know, my daughters are, 64, and I'm trying to figure out a way to start getting them going and, you know, all this other stuff. So I think just, like, it it's it's probably gonna always be the best one. There's always a moment where the the community of you know, I say nerd community, but I think this day and age, like, saying nerd is not an insult anymore.


So when you say the nerd community, I'm trying to cover the gamut of everything. Because as we're walking to the panel, you walk past a panel that's about the start. It's like, LG, you know, LG, b. I I forgot all of it.


You in the media.


Yeah. Yeah. Like, or, Channel. In in in the nerd yeah. Like, acceptance of that in in, you know, the con community, like, and then you walk past another one that talks about, like, just the very niche things.




You know? And you're just like, man, I don't know if anybody's gonna show up to these things. And, like, you walk past and


Room's packed.


Room's packed.


Room is packed.


It's like you're like, people are not going through things, but they have questions like, man, dude, like, I really wanna help my kid get into this, but Mhmm. You know, ADHD or, you know, they're on the spectrum for something. I don't know how to do it. And then you go in that room and there's like 2, 3 other parents that are just like, hey, I deal with kids that have, you know, these disabilities, and these are kind of the things I do. And then these parents are like, thank you.


Like, it's not just me struggling trying to get this going on. And just the the the supportive community, that you find here at Conn's is just amazing. So being at that panel and and seeing that, was is is always a plus. And bonus plus is, seeing Jen actually, like, come into her own with these interviews. And she's just like you know what I'm saying?


Like, you know, it gets me going. You know, like, how she can not turn it on and turn it off because that sounds like she's just fake at the moment. But, it's like a genuine, like, she'll ask that first question and she gets that answer back and she's just like


It's on.




Oh, it's on.


Yeah. And and so, like, seeing that and seeing it grow from day 1 to where we're at now, not Fan Fusion day 1, but day 1 of her starting to show to where it's at now. It it's a good thing. So, it's always good to see people improve and, get better at what they're passionate about. So Mhmm.


That was, best moment number 2 for me since you had to.


Thank you.




Say my secret one? The one I told you before we went on air.


Did you have one?


I did. That's what Jedi said.


Oh, go ahead.


Oh, okay. So I have a secret one. So this is, like, pre air because, you know, we kinda chitchat a little bit. Like, hey. We wanna talk about.


Our we


wanna talk about this. Alright. Cool. Let's go. So Willie and I always like to talk about our, our our best moments of the day and worst moments of the day.


And and I think our, worst moments were spot on. My best moments were were really hard, but probably, my my one that I wasn't gonna talk about. I was like, fuck. I'll talk about it. You know, you know, Jedi paid me probably one of the nicest compliments as, you know, I'm I'm doing these interviews and and with people.


And and, again, I genuinely love it. Generally love talking to everybody. And and we you know, we're done and we're walking through there and Jedi is walking in front of us and he turns around and he's like,


Jen, what's up?


Killed it. He's like, oh my god. You're amazing. Look at you talking to people. Your energy.


I was like, my energy? Dude, no. It's them. I'm like, oh my god. Do you listen to him?


He's like, that's you. I was like, what? And Willie has said this to me too, and it sounds kind of, like, arrogant, but it's honestly, it came as, like, a total shock. I didn't expect to hear that. I was like, what?


And, you know what? If I do that, I'll spread it. Like, you know, if if you need somebody to just kinda support you and you need that, you know, that little spark that you had and you need somebody to pour gasoline on it, I'm like, I'm your girl. Like, show me what you got. Let me look at it.


Dude, I I I'm just amazed at the things that people can do, and I I love it. I I loved interviewing the people today, and I I thought it was cool that, you know, maybe you had a hand in it. I didn't feel like I did. I just asked people pivot questions on my job.




That's kinda how I viewed it. So, Jedi, again, a 1,000 shout outs to you, my friend. You've, I know we got another day. I'm super stoked about tomorrow.


Yeah. Is civilian closed day tomorrow?


Oh, okay. We had to


tell them. We had to tell them. Guys, every cosplayer every cosplayer in this entire world oh, I shout out to all of you. The the 2 days that we've been cosplaying. I mean, it's


Your boy couldn't have picked a a worse rotation of costumes for Arizona. Arizona pre summer. Bro, like, day 1, Nick Fury, all black. Turtleneck, trench coat, cargo pants, boots.


Every time I wanted to complain, I turn and look at him. Damn, I can complain.


Like, oh my god. My back is sweating. I'm just like, nah. Really? I'm fine.


I'm totally dead.


Just fucking just I got fans in my coat. I'm fine. And then today, you know, Mace Windu shit, so it's like burlap sacks just slung over me.


That was so good. That was so good.


It's like the Jedi have, like, the most it's like what is the point of these things?


Her movement and warmth, I guess.


No. It's so, like, you put the shirt on and then there's, like, 2 slashes. I was telling her, like, I opened the bag, like, the fuck are all these slashes, these strips of fabric? Oh, these just get slung over your shoulders and just put, like for what? How are they slung?


It's the most impractical uniform.


They come flying off when you're fighting.


Yeah. It's fucking


but yeah. So, you know, just just knowing if I come back out to kinda look at, you know, costumes that are, like, short sets and shit. You know?


Linen or something?


No. Just short. Like, if if I can't do shorts, bro, I don't want it. I don't fucking want it. I don't want it.


But, so then we're just like because I'm glad we're just like, yeah. We'll just cosplay for 2 days and then ride it out. And I'm just like, bro


city day.


Bro, Sunday could not get here fast enough.


Man. And, like like, yesterday wasn't bad. I think it was more like my feet hurt yesterday, but my costume, like, wasn't bad. And, today, I was I was Yennifer. Oh, man.


I'm like putting it on. Like, I'm already sweating. I'm like, this this fabric is like big. And and how do I wear contacts today? Because, you know, being Jennifer, I needed purple eyes, which honestly those contacts, like, they look a little demonic.


I might try to get another look, subtle pair of, like, purple contacts, but, I'm wearing the purple contacts today. You know, my my costume's, like, not uncomfortable. It's it's it's warm. Mhmm. But, man, those contacts I mean, they they get dry and uncomfortable, like, for a while.


Like, I don't know how people, like, oh, I don't even feel them. I was like, really? Because I'm like, like, I'm like low key, like, because he may look I guess my eyes aren't very, like, good at, like, self lubricating, but, but the the point is is that, the people who do cosplays, it's they it's dedication. Like, sometimes it's not comfortable being in, you know, these these outfits all day. Mhmm.


Even if they, you know, put the the the time into our the the fabrication to make them as comfortable as possible. You know, they they might not be comfortable, but you do it. Whether it's for, you know, charity, for for kids, or, you know, that one person who's like, hey. It's you. And it's like, it is me.


Sarah Sarah right off the bat, from easy avengers, she's like, are you Yennefer? And I was kinda like, hey. What?


Do you recognize me? Yeah.


Because I'm I'm wearing Yennifer from, you know, the Witcher video games. And, again, I told Willie, I was like, unless they're a gamer, they're not gonna recognize me. And and nobody really did. But I think what was Sarah did and then, oh, and then the guy next to us, you know, the RPG. And he actually had really cool Witcher dice.


Like, I turned and looked at him. He goes, oh, here we go. It's purple. And I was like, oh, yeah. I got purple.


You're a good one. Yeah.


How about old buddy with the


Go on there.


Goatee that looked like he came from the capital city in Hunger Games?


Yeah. That one. Is he from District 1?


Oh my, bro. The angles on your fucking goatee are bananas, bro.


That's impressive.


It is.




I'm like, what is he did you do that for a cosplay?


Yeah. So, yeah, that was, day 2 of the Phoenix fan fusion. Again, to kind of all over day 2, again, I have to say being around your people, like, being around other people that are into what you're into is just energizing. Like, you can just be yourself.




I love that.




It's so cool. I I guess it's just, I guess it just, like, amazes me because it's such a novel thing for me. It's like, wow. Like, I feel like if my battery is getting low, I'll just go to one of these things. And I was like,


nerd power.


Now I'm back in the game.


I'm back, baby.


That's kinda how it felt like, you know, you kinda get through and going through the motions. And you're like, alright I'm doing this like




kind of like when you're you're running and you kind of hit that that runner's wall that's kind of you know where you get at sometimes and Gone.


Yeah. 100%.


Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. I feel that too. Alright, guys.


Well, thank you for, listening to us ramble on about our our day 2. Mhmm. Appreciate you watching. Mhmm. And, we'll be getting those interviews and and pictures and some contact information to the the vendors, that we talked to today.


And, well, we'll see you tomorrow. Yes. Sounds great.


Hopefully, a bit earlier, Maybe. I don't know. We'll start this. About 10:30.


Something like that. Yeah. Just about. Alright. Good night.



Phoenix Fan Fusion Day 2 Recap (Bonus Episode)
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