Phoenix Fan Fusion Day 1 Recap (Bonus Episode)
You know you're not listening to that song or it's gonna be stuck in your head all night. Alright. Welcome, everyone, to the Queens of Nerddom podcast. We are coming to you from Phoenix, Arizona. We just wrapped up our first day at the Phoenix Fan Fusion.
Jenn:Awesome. Awesome. Awesome, guys. So, yes, Willie and I no. I know you can't recognize him without his hat and glasses, but this is in fact Willie aka your boy.
Jenn:It's in my promise. So we flew out from, Virginia all the way out here to Phoenix, and, we we I was in awe of how big the fan fusion is out here. Like, it is just, like, we only, like, hit one level today. We briefly went to the the second level today, but we didn't even cover the whole first level. Nope.
Jenn:There's so many vendors and so many people. Like, it was like, you said it today. Like, it was overwhelming, but, like, in a good way. I I was like, oh my god. So overwhelming.
Jenn:But it, like
Mac:Yeah. It was, like, a century overload. Like, you get there and you're just, like, there's so many things I wanna see. Mhmm. I wanna take the time to see them all, but the amount of time in the day was like it's it's it's finite.
Mac:You know what I'm saying? Like, you just can't take as much time as you would like to to see everything because you're like, oh, I wanna go see this other thing.
Mac:Or I wanna see this
Jenn:other thing.
Mac:I agree. Or you feel like you're shortchanging. Like, you see a booth and it's a lot of dope stuff. You're usually like, I don't wanna spend too much time here because I gotta go see this other thing and see this other thing.
Jenn:Like your favorite toy? Like stuffed animal, you're a little bit. Oh, I'm neglecting this one. I should really take this one too. That that's kinda what it felt.
Mac:Yeah. 100%. It's it's like, oh, I wanna see this. I wanna see this. I wanna go see that over there too.
Jenn:So, so we we started off our day obviously being in awe of, going into the the building and, we met up with our our our best bud, Jedi. And, he was showing us around me, met up with our our friends over at Comic Care. I think you guys remember that we interviewed, the, AZ, Tony Stark, and we got to meet, Andy who plays, in Captain America. And then we also, got to talk to Erica. She was, in her, Black Widow cosplay, and then Jeff was, a Spider Man.
Jenn:And we, I got to interview them and, just such such cool people. I mean, I just Willie was just, making fun of me because I'm not a social butterfly. So we kinda came to the conclusion that, no, I'm not a social butterfly. But, however, when I'm amongst my people, aka other nerds, it's I just vibed with everybody. It was just so easy to talk to everybody there.
Jenn:It was so much fun.
Mac:So Jenna has been walking around talking about she has a, like, like, in some games, you get, like, a life bar or a stamina bar. Right? And, throughout the day, she's like, my social meter is, like, drooping low. Right? Because she started off with a bang.
Mac:Like she said, we met up with, with Comicare and, I think 2 of the 3 original folks were there, Andy and and Tony.
Mac:And so we had an impromptu interview with them, which she did amazing. Right? And, let first of all, let let me tell you how Jen has prepared for this trip. She's like, okay. We're gonna go.
Mac:We're gonna get content. We're gonna meet cool people. We're gonna network all the all the cool stuff while still enjoying ourselves. So she's like, I'm buying this, you know, this phone gimbal to stabilize the camera to get good video. We're buying these mics that plug into the phone, so we can, like, have these interviews without the noise in the background and all this.
Mac:And we we tried them out for the first time today. We're just like, I don't know how it's because I'm recording her
Jenn:Oh god.
Mac:But I can't I cannot hear a word they're saying. I'm like, I I pray that, Jesus, these mics work.
Jenn:Please work,
Mac:And then, we played the video back, and they worked fine. So, we feel like somewhat professional out here walking around like, hey. We'll get down. We'll sit down and
Jenn:like, you know
Mac:Yeah. We're not out here with use
Jenn:sticking with, like, in the
Mac:in action. You know, we're not out here like that. But for for where we are, I guess, I guess, where you guys are, like, you've been doing Queen's for a year to now coming out to a con, meeting people, networking, like, it's it's it's super. So I wanna say congrats on that, first of all, for a year of Queens. Right?
Mac:Thank you. Doing a year of Queens and then coming out here doing a a major con. Mhmm. I would say it's it's probably getting up there with the rest of these cons around the country, Phoenix fan
Jenn:fusion. Yeah. I mean, I was blown away. Like, I don't know how else to to describe it. This is totally not what I was expecting.
Jenn:I did not expect the level of, like, the the fan fusion out here. Like, it was just I was just like, there's a split. There's another level. There's a level on a level and another level. Jeez.
Jenn:It's crazy. Oh, we should tell him about the story about the Dick Van Dyke.
Mac:Oh my god.
Jenn:We're we were trying to meet up with Jedi, and I, I went the wrong way. So if anybody knows me, you'll get a good laugh that, you know, your girl, Jen, is very directionally retarded. It's true. I own it. I own it.
Jenn:This is who I am. GPS was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now, I'm I'm a free bird, but, we we we went up to this level. And as soon as Willie and I got off the escalator, somebody's like, oh, boy. Are you here to see Dick Van Dyke?
Jenn:I'm like, Dick Van who?
Mac:What the Absolutely not, sir.
Jenn:Sir. We're trying to meet a friend and we see, like, a small line. I mean, it it goes back, like, maybe, like, a couple 100 feet.
Mac:Bro, it was like
Jenn:goes to Dick Van Dyke and everybody's, like, cosplaying and everything. And this guy's, like, not aggressive, but, like, being, like, like, super pushy. Like, why do you need it? And I was like, if we're just lost. He was like, are
Mac:you able to dig Van Dyke sign in? The line is back there. Like, I'm not here to see the Van Dyke. No. My friend said to come up here and to hang out and he's gonna come find us.
Mac:Are you but I'm just wanna mess with him. Like, are you here to see Dick Van Dyke? Absolutely not. No. Like, no shade no shade to Dick Van Dyke.
Mac:Dick Van Dyke, if you're tuning in. I loved your work on the Dick Van Dyke show. I watched it as a kid on Nick at night.
Jenn:Mary Poppins.
Mac:Yep. Mary Poppins. Oh, both. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Bro, you and Mary were spitting bars, man.
Mac:And the cool part is there are a couple people there. There are a couple people there who are dressed, the one guy who was dressed in the outfit Dick Van Dyke was wearing when they were doing supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Jenn:Oh, yeah. With the top half and the, like, straight. Yeah.
Mac:And then there were a couple of chimney sweeteners there for the chim chim chimney, chim chim like, shout out to shout out to no shade. But,
Jenn:They did a really good job.
Mac:Well, I'm not I'm not going to Phoenix Fan Fusion to see Dick Van Dyke to pay $125 to get an autograph or a picture, which is what he was charging.
Mac:But, yeah, so apparently, he's a national treasure, and they were just trying to protect him and make sure we were getting in line.
Jenn:You're throwing shade.
Mac:Dick Van Dax is not a national treasure?
Jenn:He is he is a national treasure. Just sounds sarcastic when you said it. What?
Mac:I can't call people national treasures?
Jenn:You can. It just sounds sarcastic.
Mac:How what would what would be the way to not sound sarcastic, Sonya?
Jenn:Was your tone. Never mind.
Mac:It's the same tone I've been using. Anyway anyway, so, Jen's, social stamina bar is,
Jenn:Oh, yeah. Let's get back to the
Mac:So, like yeah. She's like, oh, man. You know, I've been Jedi like, Jedi shout out to Jedi. He is, like, the the nerd tour guide of he's the belly button of all nerd things in Central Phoenix. Mhmm.
Mac:Or just Central Arizona. Yes. I'll just put it out there like that. The
Jenn:whole state.
Mac:So he's just like, I wanna introduce you to so many people. So shout out to you. Appreciate you putting this on and and and showing us around while we're here. He, he's like, hey. Meet this person.
Mac:Meet this person. I can get you an interview. Sit down through it. And Jesus is like, oh, man. I don't know.
Mac:Like, I'm, like, I appreciate all this stuff, but right now, I can't do it right now. I'm like, my social battery is so low, and I'm just like, okay, like, I can respect that. But then all of a sudden right? Like like, throughout the day, throughout the whole day, man, my battery's so low. Social stuff is so low.
Jenn:was. Go ahead. So what had happened was so yeah. So, you know, we did a lot of interviews, thoroughly enjoyed them. So much fun.
Jenn:Love talking to a comic care, people. And then I also talked to Oh,
Mac:laughing moon.
Jenn:Yeah. Our our, our new friends over at, laughing moon who also have a home brew, tabletop RPG. Whoop whoop. Yeah. Much like ours.
Jenn:I have huge props to people who can
Mac:Create that. Yeah.
Jenn:That. It is no small feat. I mean, I I I watch my husband do it, and it just, like, amazes me. I'm like, you're just absolute genius, babe. But, made some friends over there, and I got to really, pick their brains and, hopefully, we'll we'll be able to interview them tomorrow.
Jenn:But, so we we get invited to a, what would it be called? Like, a body paint, show?
Mac:Body yeah. Body paint? Body yeah. Yeah.
Jenn:It's like a it was a body paint show. So, remember our friends' wives is one of the the models. So we go there and, you know, they have underwear on, but, you know, they have,
Mac:pasties on there. Yeah.
Jenn:Yeah. They got the pasties and and everything on, but, you know, you you watch them and they're painting people, like, live, like, on this, like, runway. They're just standing there and, you know, they're just they're painting and the I think the theme was,
Mac:Gods and, goddesses or, like, deities or something from different cultures.
Jenn:Yeah. Super cool theme because, that's actually kinda along the vein of the, Comic Clean Cline collab that we did with, with, Danny. Love that colab, by the way. It was super interesting. Out.
Jenn:I know. You should check it out. Just saying. But, so, you know, you're watching them paint, and they're like, oh, yeah. You guys can, you know, come in, you know, talk to the models and and talk to the artists that are working.
Jenn:Mind you, these people are furiously working for 2 hours, you know, trying to, you know, paint, the models' bodies. And, you know, we're we're we're sitting there and, you know, talking to Jedi and and, John and, you know, we kinda turn and look back in this this one model. It's just spray painted, like, head to toe black. Mhmm. The heck are they doing back there?
Jenn:Oh my gosh. I'm not really sure who brought it up for I think you did. You're like, do you wanna go look? Yeah. I was like, yeah.
Jenn:I do. Let's do it. Yeah. So we got a
Mac:The the social battery that was, like, flashing. Yeah. Critically, like, you know, when your phone hits, like, 15%, it's just like, charge it. There was a
Jenn:really good energy in the room. Okay? My bunch.
Mac:I think that's probably what it was. It was a smaller group. It wasn't like a full con. Right?
Jenn:I mean, yeah. Thank yes. Thank you. You offered me that grace. I appreciate that.
Jenn:So it was, so so we got up and, you know, I'm kinda kicking myself now because, we didn't bring, like, any of our our filming equipment. And, yeah, we went and, talked to the model that was spray painted, like, head to toe black, and we have we have pictures that we'll add in. Mhmm. And, we we talked to the artist that was doing it super cool guy. And we went through and like talks to all of them and they were so nice.
Jenn:They're so eager to answer questions and, you know, talk about how they're doing it, how how long they were doing it. Like, I was super interested in, like, the type of paint they were using because I was like, how do you how do you get that to stay? Like, how how does that even and and it's a it's like a type of, like, watercolor, but it has a little bit more, like, opaque to it. Yeah. And, sorry.
Jenn:The the fundamentals of it was, like, really interesting me. I'm like, I'm like, how do you do that? It was awesome. I absolutely loved it. Like, I was geeked.
Jenn:Like, my face hurts from, like, smiling so
Mac:much today.
Jenn:I was like, oh, my face hurts. Oh, my gosh. Cheese and so hard. So I know what you wanna say about the end. Go ahead.
Mac:No. So again, like I said, social battery was low. Right? Mhmm. I don't know if, going to get Onos, like, charged it back up.
Jenn:Onos does help.
Mac:You know?
Jenn:Really bad.
Mac:Or just getting back and, just talking to, like, kinda people you're comfortable talking with. Like me, Jedi. Oh, no. I forgot his name. Laughing moon guy.
Mac:Yes. John. I'm just like, who's the guy? Who's the guy? Who's the guy?
Mac:John. But oh, yeah. So John, and, you know, we're just talking about random stories, different, you know, random things that have come up. But, yeah, the body paint thing is a smaller group. It's probably, like, 5th.
Mac:No. Probably a little bit more than that. But based on the con today, like, it is a way smaller group. There's a lot of empty chair. You know what I'm saying?
Mac:It's it's just something that I guess people didn't sign up for. It's almost like a panel. It's one of the side rooms, started at 8, so it's a bit later, so a lot of people probably left. But,
Mac:Just getting around and just getting up and actually talking to the artist. And I was telling Jen this. It's it's awesome to see because it it was almost like, those Food Network challenges. Hey. So we're gonna start the clock.
Mac:Each artist has 2 hours to paint the body, get it ready, for a fashion show at the end, like a exhibition, so they got a catwalk and all that stuff, so.
Mac:Clock starts, and they're just trying to paint. So normally, I think what they said is it takes about 4 hours to do a proper kind of presentation for body paint.
Jenn:That's what it sounded like.
Mac:Yeah. Because every time you talk to a what's the longest you set to to do some stuff? Like, if you have 4 hours, and I'm just like, man. And, they're trying to do stuff in 2 hours. So each of these artists, there was 5 of them, you know, you go around and, like, at first, me and Jim were just, like, just watching because I don't wanna go up and talk and distract them because they got 2 hours to do this stuff.
Mac:And they Rude. I don't wanna I'm a go up there and add
Jenn:tone. Yeah. I get it.
Mac:Wait. What do you what do you do? And they're just like, shut the fuck. I'm trying to paint, you know? That that's what I'm I wouldn't be mad if they said that, you know?
Mac:But, you know, we just go up there, and the model that she was talking about that was airbrushed, like pitch black.
Mac:And we're just we're just there. She's just like, hey, guys. I was like, yeah. We just looked back, and we just saw you just airbrush, just, like, blank slate. Like, what is like, what it and then, like, they had a laptop, like, the artist had a laptop.
Mac:And had the design. I'm just like, is that what you're planning on doing? He was like, yeah. And then they just were talking to us as we were asking some questions. And I think that broke the ice because then we went to the next artist, and the next artist kind of just
Jenn:Yeah. It was and And each
Mac:one was just as welcome into questions and wanting to talk about and show us what they were doing as the next person.
Jenn:And and they, like, encouraged it. Like, they they said, oh, yeah. If you guys wanna go and talk to the artists or talk to the models, like, you know, please get up. And, you know, at first, like, I I saw a bunch of people get up and everything. I'm like, oh my god.
Jenn:Like, these people are really getting up and talking to them.
Mac:Like, you
Jenn:know, I'm like, I'm kind of in the mindset, like, you know, when I'm I'm working, like, even, like, at my job now or even though if I'm making content, don't bother me. I'm in the zone.
Jenn:I usually got my music on and, you know, I'm in the zone. Go away. Yeah. But, yeah, when we went and talked to her and I think it was pressure was the other one, which I'm going to see if he can come on to Queens of Nerndham because it's super cool. He's actually one of the guys that came up with the concept of skin wars.
Jenn:So my friends, Jennifer has a has a goal in mind. I have have several people I want to bring on that I I met today. But, it is just so cool to see them work, and they're so friendly. The, one guy that we talked to, he, this was his first Comic Con, and his Oh, Felix. The
Mac:Yeah. Felix. One of the models. Yeah.
Jenn:Yeah. One of the models. He's like, yes. My first Comic Con. I was like, dude, me us too.
Jenn:Like, that's same. That's so cool. And he's and props to props to you, Felix. Like, so, like, professional, like, all the models and all the artists, like, so professional. And I I I personally, like, I used to love watching face off and I did watch, skin wars too.
Jenn:And just seeing somebody, like, use, like, the human body as, like, a a canvas Mhmm. Is just amazing. And and I think it kind of like you guys may think I'm dumb, but it kind of dawned on me today. Like, you know, there's obviously, there's more than one way to nerd out, but, like, going to this comic con made me realize it's even bigger than what I even thought. Like, it's not just comic books and and anime and, like, movies and everything.
Jenn:Like, these guys were nerds. Like, they're nerds with their art. Like, they're really new to it and they, like, I love it. Like, I I really vibed with so many people today and it was just really refreshing to, like, be around people like that. So
Mac:Yeah. I I think the biggest thing is, like, when when you you started the nerds, you're just, like, Queens and Nerd, and you're just, like yeah. This is gonna be like a no no gatekeeping zone. Right? No gatekeeping at all.
Mac:Like, if there are new people coming in and they're not familiar with what it is that you are knowledgeable on, we're not gonna play the, you know, go get good, go read up on it. Like, we're gonna sit there and explain stuff to them, and that's what all of these artists did. Right? They Yep. Took the time to explain the process.
Mac:This is the makeup we're using. This is the paint we're using. Hey. This is how, you know, she sent me a picture, and then I used this program, and I was able to draw this design over the picture that she sent me so I knew how to create this design and all of the things. So, everybody we talked to today, anybody, like, gave us a moment of their time, nobody was just like, I can't talk to you yet.
Mac:Or if they were there, like, I'm super busy. I can't do it today, but just come back tomorrow. I'll just have a couple extra people at my booth, and then I'll be able to have some time to talk to you guys and things like that. So the the the level of welcoming from the con. You know what I'm saying?
Jenn:Just amazing.
Mac:Because we've all we've all been parts of conversations online over, you know, discussions of anything that is quote unquote nerd. And then there's the one person, stupid. I don't understand how you didn't know that Wolverine did do XX. Like, bro, I I don't know. I'm just watching the show when I came in here and I asked a question, you know.
Mac:I don't need to feel stupid. Yeah. You know, just just help me out. I don't know. Like, just point me in the right direction, you know.
Mac:1 of the, hey, that actually did happen if you wanna look at x uncanny x men issues blah blah blah.
Jenn:Right. Oh.
Mac:Oh, okay. I'll I'll I'll look at it. That's the energy. That's the vibe you were getting. Mhmm.
Mac:And I've I've this is probably the most inclusive group of people.
Jenn:Yeah. Who who has that same mindset.
Mac:Yeah. I love that. That that I've been around and it's infectious. So, like, day 1, it was a it was a thing because, like, like, we were waiting for our Uber in the morning.
Mac:And, like, she's dressed up as Lydia from a nineties, Beetlejuice cartoon, and I'm dressed as Nick Fury. And we're just standing on the street waiting for a Uber, and people have drive like walking dogs looking at us, like, yeah. This weird ass couple. Right?
Mac:And then the driver picks us up. He doesn't ask questions. He's like, okay. Cool. And we let him know, yeah, there's a convention, so you may be picking up a few more people like us taking us places.
Mac:So Yeah. But then we get to the spot and we get out, like, we're probably the least dressed. Dude. Our costumes were like child's play compared to some of these people we saw as we pulled up. And I'm just, like, now we're now now, like, we're with our people.
Jenn:Yeah. I'm like, I've I I didn't you know, I think that's why I kinda felt like, man, my my my social battery, it's like, you know, it's like, but then I I I I feel like I kinda got got into a groove and I'm like, wow. Like, these are all like like minded people, and I think that I don't know. Just being around people, right, like that is just so refreshing. So I I hope that, you know, if there's people like us and you kinda have your social battery kind of, you know, your battery is blinking, I hope you can come here and and get that rejuvenation that, you know, we'll we don't gate keep.
Jenn:I certainly don't know everything either. So if you know something, I'm always open to, like, learning new things and being educated. But, I hope you can get that from us because, you know, experiencing that today and, like, such a large level, like, is just I don't know how else to describe it than just being, like, incredibly refreshing. Just so I don't know. Just so refreshing.
Jenn:I loved it. That's great. Yep.
Mac:Like, the only thing that wore us out was, like, the physical toll of walking so much. I'm like, oh god. Good. Like sin. The mind is willing, but the body was weak.
Jenn:It wasn't body.
Mac:It was like, I wanna walk and see everything, but my foot was just like, I will I will cause you to lose a toenail. I don't know how I'm a do it. I don't know how I'm a do it. The shoes fit well, but I'm tired. Sit your ass down somewhere.
Jenn:Our feet were talking to us all day.
Jenn:Yeah? You don't hear me?
Mac:Yeah. You Pain.
Jenn:You see me? Pain. I see you. Well, actually, you know, I think it kind of registered with me when, you're talking to one of your friends and she's like, just take some advice, you know, go sit down, you know, your feet are gonna hurt tomorrow. And I was, like Mhmm.
Jenn:I have been ignoring my feet. You're right.
Mac:They're hurting right now as we're talking.
Jenn:Actually, come to think of that.
Mac:They're hollering right now.
Jenn:They're all like
Mac:She writes you now.
Jenn:I'm like, you're fooling. Stop.
Mac:My foot was like, she's right. Preach. I'm trying to tell him.
Jenn:She's listening to me, but you're not. Right.
Mac:Yep. So, day 1, yeah, shout out to and and when this goes up, obviously, we'll have videos and some b roll playing so you can kinda see what's going on. We we were trying to capture as much as possible and capture, like, the vendors and and and hopefully, we'll go around and have time, to sit down with them tomorrow. But I know tomorrow, at least, a coworker of mine, good friend of mine, Kara Hebert, who started up Killer Creations. She's gonna have a little bit of time.
Mac:We'll talk to her, get us get, you know, get a background on her, share her social and all that. Common Care, like I said, we got, Tony, Andy, and then, 2 of their newest members, What was their name? Erica, who was, Black Widow today and, Jeff, who was Spider Man.
Jenn:Yeah. And Jeff, which, I don't think I I noted on the interview is a huge huge Star Wars fan. Like, he's got, like, a whole sleeve he was he was telling me about. I should have low key just, like, recorded while I was talking to him, but, huge Star Wars fan. So, I again, I really, appreciate, all the the great people over at Comic Care.
Jenn:Once again, taking time out, they're very busy day. Yes.
Mac:Their booth was
Jenn:It was hopping.
Mac:Kids were lined up.
Jenn:Hopping. I mean, I was I was in the middle of, like, interviewing. I'm sure you guys will see. I was in the inner of an interview with, Jeff and Erica, and there's a little girl that came up. She goes, boo.
Jenn:And I was like, oh, yeah. Go ahead. You're working. Go ahead. I'll step back.
Jenn:I'll see. My goodness. I'm like, we're seeing it live, everyone. Live with Comic Care.
Mac:Look at the look at the effect they have on the children.
Jenn:I mean, just I I mean I I know I I said it like during the interview with Tony but I just mad props to them like I can't even say it enough but the stuff that they do for kids and they're just so professional. Like, if you can be a part of their group, like, you were just, like, top notch. Like they, they are my people. Like they're just awesome people.
Mac:Yeah. Awesome. And, yeah, they, they gave us some time, laughing moon, you'll probably hear more about that, in in future of, like, dates. You gotta is there a sit down interview tomorrow? Kinda sorta?
Mac:Yeah. I We'll spend a little bit of time with them. Yeah. Ask them questions. Yeah.
Jenn:Griffin's gonna be in her cosplay tomorrow. So I think that's why we, we held off today because, yeah. Yeah. Griffin's gonna be, I think where her player comp is.
Mac:The amount of time we spent there just talking to them, like, you know, Queens are doing a fallen star, our tabletop RPG, and watching someone who's been gaming for doing that for 20 odd years. Jen talked to somebody who's been doing it for 30 odd years, and they're just going back and forth. Jen brought her character sheets, showed it to him, and they're just you can just see the the trading of ideas, mind melding, and stuff going on. And I'm talking to a marine who's over here with his 2 sons Yeah. Who's been gaming with them since 2009 Yeah.
Mac:And has nothing but glorious things to say about, you know, like, we're just sharing, like, how well, I'm playing my character and how he plays this character and how he loves it because, you know, it's you make the character yourself. Like, you are doing the things Mhmm. For your character. Like, there's no the dungeon master or the the game master is not giving you a a script like, here's what your character is supposed to do. It's you.
Mac:And he I'm just like, bro, this is I I'm talking to him for at least 20 minutes. They're talking. I'm like, am I supposed to be recording them talking? Is this the is this the interview? Because I feel like I'm fucking up right now.
Jenn:Oh, no. No.
Mac:And, like, you know, it it it was just an amazing time. Like, I I like, it's the most welcoming, most inclusive, like, just come here and talk to just ask me a question, and we could shoot the shit. Yeah. I'm I'm a normal person like you, and we're just looking at, like, oh my god. You're so you're so well established.
Mac:You're doing all this crazy shit.
Jenn:You're what I wanna do.
Mac:Yep. So, tomorrow, we got a couple people we're gonna talk to. We're gonna try and sneak over to the anime side of it and and talk to some people over there, get some content for the new show we're rolling out, Eat the Cake Anime. And then, our buddy Jedi has a panel tomorrow.
Mac:About how to get kids younger the younger generation is the the tabletop RPG, and I don't know what else is going on tomorrow, but,
Jenn:Easy Power Girl. I think we were gonna talk to Yeah.
Mac:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Jenn:We're gonna talk to Cara tomorrow too. And,
Mac:we're going to try and go live. I think that was the thing, you know, just stop by a couple of the, the vendors that we see. Like, oh, like, we'll probably swing by the so, a lot of, vendors down there selling dice dice sets, different kinds of dies and stuff. We stopped by 1 and, we'll put the information down here.
Jenn:Should I get it? Do we
Mac:have the you wanna go get the card?
Jenn:Let me get it.
Mac:Go get the card. But, so, like, there's, like, dice bags and dice cases and stuff like that. This vendor 3 d prints different kinds of contractions and stuff. I don't
Jenn:know I don't know if you guys can see it.
Mac:Go ahead. Bring it up to the camera. But, this here is a dice prison, a dice dungeon, if you will. And granted, I am new to the tabletop RPG, but, like, the first night I played, if you guys go back and watch episode 1 of Fallen Star, like, it's a
Jenn:I I was nerdy.
Mac:Like, when your dice are, like, not giving you the numbers you want, you're like, yeah, you need to put them in the dice dungeon. And so they actually 3 d printed a small dice dungeon and a key that'll open the dungeon and take your dice out or you could put it in. And they have, like, vials of, like, potions and stuff, like and you're just like, oh, is this supposed you open it and, like, there's dice in there. Yeah.
Jenn:It's like a dice bowl.
Mac:So it's it's the most, like, since I've seen it, you know, there's, like, numerous dice tables there. Mhmm. Dice is the dice are beautiful. The set's, like, different, very cut, but it's just the extra outside the box thinking like this
Mac:That that caused me and Jen to just, oh, look at this stuff.
Mac:And, so, you know, like, things like that, we'll probably swing by there again. And what we wanna do is give them probably, like, a minute, minute and a half to to just ask them, hey, I'm a ask you, like, 3 3 big questions, you know, you know, give us your name, you know, what it is you're you're vending, how did, like, how did you get in this, how'd you know it was your passion, and then, you know, something along those lines, and hey, do you wanna drop your social for for, you know, whoever has stopped by? Yeah. Absolutely. Because over here, like, I know the Queen's do it, but just DFB it as a whole, like, we're all about just supporting the the up and coming, you know, like, small creators.
Mac:Like, they they're not real big. They're not well known. They don't have a huge website. Mhmm. You know, they just have their Instagram thing.
Mac:They're just like, hey. This is what we do. We're our little 3 d printer, and, like, we love that. Like, get after your passion just like we're getting at our passion over here. So expect, some live notifications from the Queen's
Jenn:Yes. You may get
Mac:Facebook page
Jenn:You may get Instagram. Some tomorrow.
Mac:So, if you see it, tune in and, get to know some of these vendors and they're because some of the stuff they're selling out here, it's it's amazing. So, we're trying to give you the the scoop. Yes. The behind the scenes.
Jenn:I have the scoop behind the scenes of Infiniti infusion.
Mac:Yes. But, day 1 overall day 1, I wouldn't say if you're like how many crowns would you give your experience? Because this is both of our, like we said, first major con in a major city. Is it everything you dreamed of and more?
Jenn:The more is what I wanna highlight. Like, I did not expect, I mean, they have like sections of downtown Phoenix blocked off.
Jenn:It is a big like Phoenix is definitely like a nerdy city. Like I was just like Like, I mean, when I used to live here, like, you know, they block it off for like Saint Patrick's Day and you know Halloween is a big thing with like the zombie walk I remember and just just seeing the the love that the the city of Phoenix has for their nerds and you know opening up the convention center and everybody that that put their, you know, big beautiful brains into, like, creating this and organizing it. I mean, it's just the the more I can't emphasize enough.
Jenn:Like, I'm I'm so thoroughly impressed. Like, I'm just so impressed with what they've they've done out here. It's definitely, somewhere where I would like to to revisit in the future if they, you know, have a Comic Con. But I think with Willie and I talking, like, you know what? We know we need to venture out to other comic cons, like, see what else, you know, other places are.
Jenn:Yeah. And then beautiful, continent the United States has. So,
Mac:Yeah. It's it's one of those where you come out here and you just this is this is not what I expected. Like, I've been to smaller cons where it's like, the just the floor where the booths are at. If you were to half it, and and you'll see it in the b roll, that'll be playing. But if you half it, that's probably like the size of the cons I've been to.
Mac:Probably like Yeah. 70, maybe a 100 booths and I'm just like, man, a 100 booths? That's a lot. You know? Wow.
Jenn:Oh my goodness.
Mac:You go down there, like, a 100 booths is, like, one quadrant Dude. Of of the thing. You know?
Jenn:You know what it reminded me of? Like freaking Costco. I'm like, mind. 100 per yeah. Yeah.
Jenn:It was like, guys, I'm not even kidding. Like, it was. I'm like, I walked in. I'm just like, where's produce. Where's the bakery bakery where I go?
Jenn:Yeah. But but yeah, that's what it felt like it felt like going to like a Costco and we also have some footage on on the, the second floor. We were kinda mentioning was the,
Mac:the tabletop
Jenn:gaming. RPG for, like, I I I didn't even count the tables, but they have so many tables where, you can sit down and do, like, a a 2 hour adventure with a, a game master or Dungeon master there. And, hopefully, sometime we'll we'll have have time. Maybe we can dabble in that. But that was just amazing too like that just shows me that you know people are really getting into role playing games.
Jenn:And I'm telling you, like, if you guys have never dabbled into that, you really got to. It's so much fun. Like, it's it's like, an adventure book, but you get to play the character and make the decisions. To me
Jenn:Is kinda what it's like. You get to create a whole person, and it's just yeah. Gotta gotta do it. Like, I could go on
Mac:Just try it. Like, I would just say just give it a shot. And like, if if it's bragging, but it's also true. Like, if you get a good enough GM like our very own, EJ, AKA Eric, AKA Doctor Awesome
Jenn:Doctor Awesome.
Mac:Who is willing to take the time to usher in new newly, you know, appointed TTRPGers like, myself and Black, and and, you know, a few others that are doing the, the, fallen star thing. Like, he was very patient, walked us through it, gave us some time, but, yeah, just give it a shot. And if it's not for you, then you can just back out, you know. It's no harm, no foul, but
Jenn:And it it it's like what, I I told all the the newcomers with the RPG and what, Eric, my husband, told me when I I first started gaming with everybody. I'm I'm doing a big promotion for role playing games right now. But, you know, play your character, play the story. All the other odds and ends will come later. Like, as long as you stick to that and you have fun, like, everything else comes later.
Jenn:Don't worry about it. Not not a big deal. And as you can see, I'm sure from the gaming, like, Willie picked it up, like, 0 problems. Zero problems. Play this character, play the story, and it just gets more interesting as time goes on.
Mac:And, she's embellishing.
Jenn:Sure. But, and the other thing too that, that was kinda refreshing was with, John, like, he's another, GM who, because because you'll you'll find some GMs that will I don't want to make it like they're out to get you. Like, I'm gonna kill your character.
Jenn:But it's it's to me, it's like but the campaign that my my husband runs, it's the journey. That's what matters Mhmm. Is is the journey that you have with your character is is that is the purpose of the game, is the journey, your your growth, the things that you learn, and it's he's not out to get you. He's he he wants, you know, the story to unfold, however it unfolds. And, no, it's all about the journey.
Mac:Yeah. So I'd be remiss if we did not, shout out to our spouses who graciously was just like, you know, go out there and and have fun because they know what we're trying to do, you know, network, get some interviews, you know, build those bonds, build those relationships, moving forward, not only to, like I said, help the show, but to help them get the word out about what they do. So they're back home holding it down, so I would like to shout out my beautiful wife, Apple, who let me come out here to Phoenix. She loves Phoenix. She loves the area.
Mac:She has friends out here, but she was like, go ahead. You know, I'll hold down the the the shop, as well as EJ. I'll let you shout him out.
Jenn:Yes. Give
Mac:him his flowers for
Jenn:Yes. Huge shout out to, my husband, Eric. Thank you so much, for letting me come out here. He's staying at home with our our 3 kids right now, So I can come out here and do this and, promote the podcast, promote his RPG and, you know, believe it or not, the the queens wouldn't exist without him. So I I appreciate all the times that he, gives me to work on stuff, whether it, you know, be the podcast doing, you know, making videos like he, super supportive.
Jenn:So, I'm so fortunate to have you. So thank you so much. Oh. I know I love you.
Mac:If you had to pick a moment of the day, which what would it be?
Jenn:A moment of today?
Mac:The moment of day 1.
Jenn:Oh, gosh.
Mac:Top moment.
Jenn:Dude, there's too many.
Mac:Top moment.
Jenn:Can't. You
Mac:want me to give you mine?
Jenn:Yeah. That might help me. Tell me.
Mac:If I give you mine, you cannot use it for yours. So I'm just giving you because once I say it, that's one moment that's off the table for you.
Jenn:Okay. I know what it is then.
Mac:What is it?
Jenn:First time somebody called me Lydia.
Mac:I recognized your cosplay.
Jenn:So so it threw me off. I told the story. Go ahead. Okay.
Jenn:ahead. So so we're walking through. Right? And I'm like, I told Willie when we're going out. I was like, you know, the only people that are gonna recognize me are people our age.
Jenn:Yeah. Because there's no way, like, anybody is gonna recognize my costume, which is fine. I was totally fine with it when I picked it was for me II love the the nineties Beetlejuice cartoon. I love I just love Lydia Deetz in general. So I'm like, you know what?
Jenn:I'm I'm gonna cost this because it means something to me. Mhmm. And, walking through and someone's like, hey, Lydia. And I was like, what? She, like, looked right at me and I was like, I must have come off of, like, a stuck up bitch.
Jenn:And I was like, what? I was like, oh, the god dude. Oh, and then it happened a couple more times. I'm like, oh, thank you. Yes.
Jenn:And this guy's like, hey. Hey. Are you cosplaying Lydia? I was like, yeah. I am.
Jenn:He's like, awesome. I was like, thanks. It was so validating. Feels awesome. Feels my favorite part of today.
Jenn:It was, like, being recognized as Lydia. I was like, yeah. Okay. What was yours? What is it?
Jenn:What is it? Tell me tell me. What is it?
Mac:It's not it's not even funny. It's not even funny. Do you think I'm a say something funny? And it's not even that.
Jenn:No. I I genuinely wanna
Mac:know. You're excited?
Jenn:I do. I'm excited. What is
Mac:So here we are hang hanging at Comic Con. You know, we just finished the interviews. We're just hanging out, talking, and, you know? So shout out to I guess you've anointed them like, you just call them a magic couple or whatever.
Mac:So, we're just hanging out and for those who are friends of the podcast and following us and stuff, Nick Smith shows up. So I see Nick. I'm like, my boy, Nick. And then here comes his beautiful wife, Jen. And then so this is the first time that Jen has met Jen in person.
Mac:The energy that they had, like, when they first met, You've only had the one interview. Like, you've you've you guys know each other for, like, talking online, like, the comments and stuff like that.
Mac:You did the one interview with her online.
Mac:And then, it went so well. You're like, hey. You wanna join the crew. Right? No.
Jenn:We won't.
Mac:So she's on the crew. They go there. The first time they meet, it was so so good seeing that the energy that they had. It was like they they go back, like, 20 years or some shit like that. It's how because it they the way they hugged, I'm just like, oh my gosh.
Mac:Like, I that's what I like to see, like, the the connections that are made, like, online, like, because a lot of shit happens online. Like, it's it could be a toxic place or it could be a a awesome place, and I'm glad that, the community that the Queen's made was able to create, like, such a awesome friendship like that. Mhmm. So where they're hugging and, like, she's just like, and shout out to them because usually they're working the Common Care booth, so they're on a a schedule, but they had today off from the booth so they can dress as ever they want it, go in and enjoy the con. So I would say that's the best moment, like Jen meeting Jen or Jen meeting JJ.
Mac:Yeah. They're just like, went right for the hug and everything. So
Jenn:I wanna change right now.
Mac:What's yours now?
Jenn:Jen. You know, just just when, Jen, like, walked up and I realized who it was, like, the the, like, 16 year old, like, school girl
Mac:came up.
Jenn:And I was just like and she, like, you know, that there's people that give good hugs, and then she gave, like, the best gen hug. Like, it's, like, the best hug ever.
Mac:It was
Jenn:just like, oh, god.
Mac:Because it was genuine. It was a genuine ass hug.
Jenn:Such an awesome person. Right. And, you know, it's the first time I'm meeting her in person is, like, one of those things I was, like, super looking forward to. It was, like and, like, meeting Nick too. Like Right.
Jenn:Of all the times I've I've, like, ever had, like, discussions with, like, Nick online. If you guys, don't know, it's Nick Smith, and he he's one of those people who you can have a discussion with. And even if you disagree, it's still such a pleasant conversation, you know, and Nick is like so wicked smart, but he's such a nice guy. Yeah, you know and and Jen just has this like infectious energy. Like, she's just this vivacious person, and I absolutely love it.
Jenn:Like, it gets me pumped just like being around her. You know? I see her and I'm just like, so that was it was amazing meeting them today. Like, it was just like wish fulfilled. Alright.
Jenn:I'm gonna go die. I'm good.
Mac:It's one of those things where you're just, like, now that you know them. Right?
Jenn:Yeah. Like, you know you.
Mac:You're just like, if there was a way to rewind time
Mac:So you can go to their wedding. That was Star Wars thing, by the way. Like all the guests had lights, seriously. Like this is the kind of couple we're talking about. That level of fun, that level of just, you know, we're just gonna do what we like to do.
Mac:Mhmm. You know, buck tradition. This is who we are, and we're gonna celebrate us and what we love.
Mac:And, you know, that that's that's the cool so that I will say, like, anytime I see a connection like that, that is made through anything DFPN related or, you know, in this case, Queens related, and they they were able to just meet up for the first time, the energy and all of it. Like, it was it was a dope it was a dope moment that had nothing to do with me. I'm just like, I just love seeing other people be happy.
Jenn:And it was, it was definitely a core memory. Oh, I know it's core memory. Core memory made had had that. Yeah. That's my favorite core memory today.
Mac:So you are using my answer after I said if I use it, you can't use my answer.
Jenn:Same core memory.
Mac:But it's not your favorite moment.
Jenn:What? Are we gonna edit this out? Now you're making me feel bad.
Mac:Absolutely not of that edit because I gave you the rules before. Jackass. I gave you the rules before.
Jenn:Oh, and I I do want to point out I always say this to William. He's like, stop. I'm like, so you guys realize that a lot of these connections and, like, the people I know is through the smoke Stop. He says.
Mac:Oh my
Jenn:god. Do we need the other mic to hear?
Mac:There she go.
Jenn:It's true because, you know, when when you guys started to smoke that you just opened up, a gateway for all of these awesome people that I never would have met in my life. If if you guys hadn't done that show, if you guys hadn't created that that Facebook page, like, I wouldn't know any of these people. And, you know, I kinda look at it as, as Jedi always says, like, hey, if you're cool with me, they're cool people. You know? And I'm like, oh, well, you know what?
Jenn:If, Black and Willie know them, they gotta be cool people. Has not filled me yet. And the, what, since 2020, I think, the smoke pit's been going. So it's 2020. I'd say all the all the the the people that I've interacted with and everything, like, on the smoke put page, like, they're just genuine good people.
Jenn:So you got you you have William Black's, like, stamp of approval, dude. They're good peeps.
Mac:I guess.
Mac:guess. I mean, all we do is create the group. You guys did all the communication chemistry. You know what I'm saying? Like, we didn't force people to be friends in there.
Mac:No. So it's it's just.
Jenn:You created
Mac:It's almost like we just created a mini Facebook within Facebook that other people join. So like, you know, like, are you giving Mark Zuckerberg props for meeting Nick and Jen? No. Absolutely not. You guys did that.
Jenn:That's too big of an umbrella.
Mac:Because, like, you saw the comments and you decided to reply to them and all that stuff, so you guys did that. It was just under our our Facebook page. So I don't think we should get credit for that. I do wanna shout blackout for, holding down smoke pit this, this afternoon. Yeah.
Mac:I I gave him the heads up, like, bro, we're I'm a be out, and he jumped on there and held it down. So make sure you check that out if you're a Patreon member. If not, you know, check us out on Monday. But, so, Jim, what's your plan with this episode? This is supposed to be a quick review, and we're almost at a hour.
Jenn:I know. What happened?
Mac:This is almost at a this is almost a episode.
Jenn:I guess my, my social battery was, like, way recharge. I just needed Onos, everyone. I just needed Onos in my Hawaiian sun drink, and I was good to go.
Mac:Social battery social battery update.
Jenn:My my blood my blood
Mac:We're leaving we're leaving the body paint thing. So they do the runway walk. Everybody looks amazing, by the way. These these dudes killed it. The artist has crushed it.
Mac:Models, gorgeous. Crushed it. Amazing. So cool. We'll give 2 minutes to take pictures of models and their their artists.
Mac:Then the artist leave will give you 2 minutes to take pictures of the models by themselves. After that, you guys gotta go because now the professional photographers are gonna do a photo shoot with our winners and make a print, all that other stuff. I'm sure they'll they'll advertise where to buy it from. Mhmm. So as we're leaving, you know, we we just Jen wins a raffle.
Mac:She gets a, the lineup autographed by the artists and the models. There was one artist that was missing. She's just I find it. I'm just like, where's his shit at? Like, where's why he didn't sign it?
Mac:He's the one with the mic.
Jenn:Good essay, by the way. Right.
Mac:He's the one with the mic. I thought he would have been signed it. Right?
Mac:You're just like, yeah. And he's on the other side of the room, and he's just like, I'm cool. I'm like, go get his autograph. Go tell him to sign this thing. Yeah.
Mac:Yeah. Because at this point, I'm like, everybody is cool at this point. Like, there's no way this dude will not sign this thing. Mhmm. So we go over there.
Mac:He signs it. We're talking to him. He introduces us to the individual who had a part in making Skin Wars. Mhmm. And then we're leaving, and there's one other, artist.
Mac:Felix. No. Felix was the model.
Jenn:Yeah. Brandon.
Mac:Brandon. Yep.
Jenn:Yeah. Brandon.
Mac:Was the artist. We're like, we wanna holler at him too because his his concept was amazing. He had all, you'll see the videos.
Jenn:It was so thick.
Mac:Yes. So you'll see the videos, You'll see all the the the the art, first of all, the paint and then the actual, what is it, prosthetics that go with it? Props? What do you call them?
Jenn:I guess it'd be like like more of like a a prop. Yeah.
Mac:Okay. But then we're leaving, and Jedi is just like, oh, by the way so shout out to Jedi too who who's who's our continuity out here.
Mac:He's like, the last last year, he did this. 1 year, he did this. And then, you know, one of the friends of the artist is pulling up the Instagram and is just showing Jen the pictures as he's explaining it. And we're talking to the artist. The artist, you know, I'm like, shout out, you know, firstly, he was cosplaying as Deku from, my hero, so bonus points for that.
Mac:Mhmm. You know, I shout him out. He's just like, alright. Cool. Cool.
Mac:Thanks. And we're leaving, and Jen is just still talking to a complete stranger. To a complete her her social battery is apparently gone, but all of a sudden, the ad has recharged. Like, she found a she found a charge spot, a wireless hotspot or whatever, and she was just chatting and chatting and chatting. And she's just like, we leave.
Mac:She's like, I had to leave or else I would have been sitting there talking to this guy all
Jenn:night. So
Mac:And I'm just like and and ladies, that's that's the kinda energy that that you get from here. Like, these people are just it's such a welcoming environment.
Mac:They love to talk and they they encourage you to ask these questions because they love to talk and educate people. Hey, this is where you can go. Here's where you can find more. Mhmm. If you like this art, here's where you can find more.
Mac:Follow us. You know, it's it's a beautiful thing to watch, so I just thought it was funny. So, oh, I'm so so bad. And then next thing, you know, like, me and Jenna are leaving. She's just here.
Jenn:Is Jen coming?
Mac:Like, are
Jenn:you gonna
Mac:leave? So that was funny.
Jenn:Well, you know, and it's like when, like, he was he was showing me his Instagram account because, you know, obviously, I'm a big Beetlejuice fan. He's like, oh, yeah. I did Beetlejuice. Actually, you and you incited that riot. Usually, like, oh, yeah.
Jenn:I need to do Beetlejuice. And I was like, and they he he didn't have a picture of the Beetlejuice, but he did a, angler fish. Mhmm. And and, you know, when when you hear an artist talking about their work, it's it's not bragging. It's more they're proud and it's you you can hear their their passion and, like, dedication for their art coming through
Jenn:When they're talking about like the the the fabrication because II don't know if I've said it before, but I'm I was a huge face off fan and I love watching skin wars. So when Jedi told us about the the body paint, I was like, body paint?
Jenn:What? Hell, yeah. I wanna go. That sounds amazing.
Jenn:I definitely wanna I get to see a lot. Like, they're gonna do it in front. Right. And and to actually go there and like talk to the artists and and talk to the models like you just just hearing somebody like geek out about that stuff. Just it is just I don't know it's again.
Jenn:It's like another infectious energy and I just I love listening to them like talk about like just hearing somebody talk about something they're passionate about like
Mac:that's it
Jenn:you can just just sit back and just like marvel at it. You know?
Mac:That's it.
Jenn:I loved it. It was awesome.
Mac:Yeah. The worst thing you can do is sit there and it's because being in the military, people will brief stuff that they're not even passionate about. They're just like, I just gotta do this. I gotta do this. I gotta give you a safety brief.
Mac:I gotta brief you this shit. But somebody to take time out of their day because they don't have to be there. Yeah. They don't have to be there. Like, all of these artists, they're legit doing stuff on a on a way bigger scale.
Mac:To be there to do that and to share their gift and to like, bro, come talk to me while I'm working. I will answer questions.
Mac:I I just I just love the non gatekeeping thing. Like, come talk if you have questions about what we're doing, ask me, and I'll I'll I have no problem telling you stuff. That's amazing.
Jenn:Absolutely love that. Yeah. That that's, that's always a big, big turnoff for me is the gatekeeping, but, you know, if you're gonna share in your your love and passion for the art that just kind of, like, called to you, like, I that is just the most amazing thing. And and honestly, it makes me, think about, you know, the podcast and the things that we talk about and to to really focus on the things that you know I love you know instead of like, oh, what's popular? I'm like, oh, that like I wanna talk about something that I think is cool.
Jenn:So Right. You know, it it's it's it's inspiring too, I think is my point. Like, it's it's inspiring, like, moving forward about talking about things that I think are interesting and and hoping that, you know, my my energy is infectious. Right. So it's it's definitely, like, some some self reflection in there too.
Jenn:You know? Mhmm. So
Mac:Yeah. So, with that being said, like, we'll we'll put the social media, handles for both the artists and the models in the description of of this video and stuff when we get it out. We just ask that you go give it give it a look.
Mac:If you like what they see. If you like the work, you know, go ahead and give them a follow, and, let them know the queen sent you. Same thing for the Comic Care guys. Like, I know Comic Care has their own IG and their own Facebook page, but we also wanna shout out the people that actually take time out of their day, because they that's not their full time job. Like, they work a real job, they get off work, and they get in costume, and they go to the children's hospital, and they do this for free.
Mac:Like, no. They're not getting paid to do this at all. So, Common Care, yes. If you wanna donate to that, that is a 100% amazing. But I also would like to shout out and get these guys who are giving up their time, the the respect and deserve the respect that they deserve.
Mac:Mhmm. So, yeah. So we'll put all of those things, all those social medias handles for these members in the description. So just please give them a look and a follow if, what you, you know, you like what you see over there.
Mac:Cool. What else you got for our Jen?
Jenn:Well, just just some closing statements. Oh.
Jenn:So, we have some different things in the agenda tomorrow, so you will see. Gonna hit up some anime people and probably do some, some, quick chats with, some of the vendors, that we think are, really interesting.
Jenn:And definitely we'll we'll have some links, hopefully to their their sites if you guys are interested in buying any of their their things and
Jenn:Just kind of, anybody that's interested in getting into things and and kinda getting started out, I think, is probably what I'll focus on.
Jenn:You know, hey. How'd you get started? Because you know sometimes you get into stuff. You're not really sure where to start this kind of what we're I would I would personally want help with. So
Jenn:So yeah. So you'll probably see some, live notifications of of us, going live tomorrow. And, yeah. So on to day 2 tomorrow.
Mac:10 o'clock?
Jenn:10 o'clock.
Mac:Which is 9 hours from now.
Jenn:It is fine. It would be fine. It's fine.
Mac:We made it today. We were alright.
Jenn:Woo hoo.
Mac:Cool. So I'll let you sign it's your show. I'll let you sign it off.
Mac:Do you guys have a outro oh, you do have a outro video.
Jenn:We do. So until next time, stay classy.
Mac:Is that how it goes?
Jenn:I don't know.
Mac:Y'all take care.