Ep 9: "Fallen Star Pt 1"
Hi. I'm Jen, and I play Mara Elderwood. Welcome to our own home brew role playing game. It's made by our game master, Eric, aka doctor Awesome. Now you'll be entering the world of Sariva that's very different from our own.
Jenn (Mara):Now just so you know, this isn't Dungeons and Dragons. This is a home broom game, so you'll notice there's differences between the 2. But I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Here's the map of the area, which is also what it's shared on the screen right now. This is the primary area to which our stories can be played out right now. I don't know if I zoom on it. Is it zooming
Mac (Dolion):on the screen? It is.
Jenn (Mara):Yeah.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. Yes.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So I made The menu. This is one of the things I've been working on. So this is the primary area which we'll be talking for now. Names of areas that are probably part of your character's back story.
Kately (Machitis):So I have to pay attention. I probably shouldn't have drank. Hey.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You're gonna let me read the the intro once we start recording information.
Mac (Dolion):You're amongst your people.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. Yeah. So everybody is actually partaking in the, the libation? Different types of spirits. The spirits.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):There we go.
Kately (Machitis):There we go.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):That's fine. It fits your guys' characters right now. Brief overview of the world. This is not as big of a deal, like, right now, pertaining to your guys' immediate story, but just so you get an idea. There are tensions across the main continent, which you're playing on.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? The continent is named Serenia. It is once part of an alliance where many of the kingdoms on the continent were allied together, but that's fallen apart over the last couple decades. And new alliances come to pass, called the Imperial Alliance. This whole thing is due to the fact that during the serenity alliance, the king died with no heir, the main king.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So all the other kingdoms that pledged their loyalty to that king decided, hey. There's no rightful heir. They all fought over who should be in charge. So that broke apart the alliances. Everyone went their separate ways.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Eventually, some of the people who claimed to have more of the noble blood or, entitled to the throne or nobles' royal blood, they would come forward and pitch their, you know, hey. I'm I'm part of the so eventually, those people came together known as, like, the elites and so forth and created the imperial alliance. Since no one is actually a king, no one is of the king's bloodline. It's ruled by members of all these different noble royal houses. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So it's more like a parliament or a council. There's not a there's not a sitting king, and it's a bunch of dukes and duchesses and, you know, pearls that were clinging to the throne, and they all backs try to, you know, plan towards backstabbing each other to the throne. What they're waiting. So that's currently the governing body is the imperial ones. On this continent, the strongest military is known as the Obsidian Order.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? They they were once part of the alliance, but now they've broken away, and they are definitely the most technologically advanced of the kingdoms. They are, very wealthy due to that technological advancement. So they're yes.
Tay (Melody):Do can you see where the Obsidian peoples are, the army, on the map? Or
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They would not be on this map.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Let me I can share a map to you that, will show where they're at, but just know that they're not in your immediate vicinity to this area.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But everyone knows they're like the forever looming empire that's spread.
Kately (Machitis):So They're the ones we got.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Coming is taking over this. Alright. They come and they show up and they help when things are deep. Think of it like a the disaster comes along, they're they're there. They're like, oh, let us help.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):We have the money, we have the resources, And then they they never leave. And they're like, oh, you're having problems with the monster you know, horde monsters in your forest. Let us help. And then they stay. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And because they're vast numbers in technology, usually, the local militaries aren't strong enough to push them away. They don't wanna start anything with them. So, that's why they're considered, by a lot of people, they're looked on in a in a good light. But at the same time, people are scared of them because they know that they could walk in and stop everyone, but they don't. And the the most of your characters have never seen their technology, but you've heard of it.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You've heard that they have armored wagons that move without forces and have a cannon on it. Alright? That's well beyond anything that most of these other armies have. Okay. The Imperial clients does have certain regiments of firearms.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. They have guys that rifles. But what you've heard is that it's nothing compared to what the Obsidian War has. Okay. So there you see the, you know, the and you've seen the imperial alliance bow to try to keep favor to them.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So what they'll do is they'll come into a city like the one you're in right now, Ballinford, and start to set up shop. And where the imperial orders or the imperial alliance is supposed to be governing that place. The obsidian order comes in and starts, hey, we're helping out, we're setting up a camp, or we'll start building stuff, helping with the wells. And the imperial alliance just kinda okay. And then the obsidian order will be like, oh, we can help with moving all of your goods and trade, but then we're gonna have to put a tax on that, but we can move it much more efficient.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And then the people are like, oh, that's our money. And then the imperial alliance just like, okay.
Kately (Machitis):So
Eric (Dr. Awesome):take it or leave it. That's that's basically your the political map is constantly shifting is the main thing you gotta look at right now. Ever since the the king was, there was no heir to the throne of the old alliance, things are shifting often. Okay? And there's the one of the main things that people are talking about, Giuseppe, the the holy order of light, which is kinda like what you would consider the Catholic, like, would be considered equals like a Catholic church.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):K? They have a bishop who's kinda looked at like the pope. He's calling for a a crusade into the the Aronian lands. Okay? Look, it's kinda like the Middle East for us.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The Aronian lands is where he he believes there's an item that is holy and sacred to the holy order of life. So when he calls on this, of course, young impressionable minds from across your continent take up arms for the church and head to the Middle East. So think or to army. So things are a little bit rough. So the economy and everything's faltered because of the fact that your young men are moving on to, you know, either join this crusade, join the militaries.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):There's all sorts of turmoil. But putting all that aside for now, what we need to focus on is what's immediately in front of your characters today. Is this the eve of the last day of winter? Okay? Their years are a little bit longer here on Sarita, but the winter season is celebrated when it ends because it's known as the seed the seed time.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? The seeding period. Right? That's basically they celebrate the time that things the rivers are falling so they can now transport grain. They can start moving livestock again.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It's a it's a welcoming of spring and, the and prospering, you know, like farms and so forth. They're looking forward to that season coming. So it's a celebration being held across most of the northeast lands. Okay? So across the Serena continent from the Middle Plains area, which is this, can be marked by a city that you guys will know is called Ilvoret.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It kind of sits right in the middle of the the continent. Everything north of that celebrates this, last day of winter. Okay? All of you are in the town of Urbis, city of Bavenport. Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Bavenport is is a very historic well known city. It stood for 100 of years. It was very famous during the time of the Serena Alliance as a defender of the North. It's a very prosperous city because it sits next to the rivers as you could see on your map. Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So, basically, transports goods easily. It's near the you know, it has easy access to it to the ocean. It's close to the eastern pass I mean, the western pass for you guys through these mountains. Okay? You you then open up into the great plains where I'll grip to be located, the city I mentioned, which is kind of dead center.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It is one of the largest cities in the northeast. And if you look at the map, it's in the center here. Let me see if I can bring it up and give you some focus. Okay. So this is the city of Battleford.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):As you see, it's very close to all these rivers, which gives it access to the harbor or to the ocean, like I said. Has a small town outside Lochmoor, which is one of the other reasons why this area has become significant is if you when I scroll down here, you'll see the Blackwell ruins. There used to be a city here called Blackwell. Back during the, the events of the cataclysm, the fall of the dark star, okay, which you guys can actually reference in the historical documents. When the dark star fell to the planet, pieces of it broke off.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? The goddess, Sareba, wasn't able to keep all the pieces of that falling star from hitting the planet. Portions hit, and one of them hit near Blackwell, which was the largest city at the time in this area. And now as you can see, it's gone. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):There's areas like this across the map and certain events that happened during the cataclysm changed things like the the shape of certain regions, mountain ranges. It all depended on how close they were to where the pieces of the dark star fell. This area near Blackwell, I tried to emphasize to you all that that that the area is, lifeless. Okay. People avoid Blackwell.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Anyone who survived the area or refugees moved on to balance forth or any of the other close close regions like, Shadows Bluff or, Gedron Falls. Gedron Falls is very wealthy city. It's known for its nobles and, elites that have money there. Shadow's Bluff is the complete opposite. It's known for its cutthroats and thieves.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And then as you go further over, you got Rambo is one of the few places where the men of the the Northlands, the Ithereans, get it like vikings. And the people of the Southlands, the Cyrenian people, where they'll meet and congregate, and and it's actually done peacefully. Okay? But whenever you where where this area here, where these cliffs are, Thoren steps, Thorin is the god of those Hyperion, those barbarian men. K.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So this marks to them, this marks the beginning of their land. Okay. And now we will return down to now. Alright. So any questions as to your short political and geography, lesson there on the earth?
Kately (Machitis):Question. The lands you just mentioned, is any part of that land considered sacred?
Jenn (Mara):Like Holy Land.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Holy Land?
Kately (Machitis):Yeah.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The only the only thing people that would consider this, any of these regions sacred? Good question, by the way. 500 experience points. You can write that down and keep track of it. The reason I mentioned Thorn steps is this whole region, these mountains north, and this this this divide right here, this little pass, this bridge from Chatter's Bluff that goes up into, the north, this area is sacred to the Hyperians.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? Those barbarian the Viking like men from the north. Okay? All the skirmishes that were fought in in, the last 20 years have been between the Northmen and the people of Serenga. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They come down here and raid and pillage like Vikings used to, you know, historically. They raid, but they don't consider it an act of war or anything. They consider these are their lands and you guys have settled. So if you're gonna settle there, you're subject to, you know, the way that they survive. And they live as nomadic plants.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They don't live like the people of Serenia. The people of Serenia live, you know, much like a medieval lifestyle. They, you know, homeland, farm. I think they don't do that stuff. If anything, they might move livestock, but they're not big on farming and staying in one place.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So so that good question. So anything beyond this river next to shadows block, this recius bridge, if you go beyond this area here, this is all sacred land in that, especially here. Thorn steps, they will come to that location because they consider that the place where their god walks more into the glaciers. So as for you guys, the the area doesn't really hold anything except that that now it's got a whole bunch of boogeyman stories for anything south of where the Black Pearl Romans used to be or where Blackwell ruins are now or the city of Blackwell used to be. Any other questions?
Kately (Machitis):No, sir. I think that was it.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. Oh, okay. So like I said, this is celebrating you guys are walking through the or you're in the city of Malinforce. Some of you are walking through. Others of you have been told where you're at.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):If you have questions in a second, I'll tell pinpoint exactly where you are. You're all in the city of Ballon Forge. It's a big celebration as far as lanterns strung up, flowers, music, entertainment as far as dancers, acrobats, you know, fire breathers. You gotta think of, like like, the circus coming to town, basically. It's it's a huge thing for all the people here as they pay basically, they're paying homage to the gods for letting them survive the winter and asking for a prosperous spring.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):On this night, the celebration falls on full moon of Eretas, which is one of the 4 moons of Ova Sariva. Okay? Now I wish I had access here. I could basically tell you who your this is. Let me see if I pull up.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But, I will get that information for you, but it's a full moon in Earth. It's basically you have, the 4 brothers of the night are the moons that are over. Okay? Each moon has a different name, and they're they're basically like, part of their pantheon account. The last streams of daylight are falling behind the western hills and all consuming dark of night descends upon the city.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Colorful lanterns, bonfires, and so forth are light in the streets as you guys walk around or take it in from your positions where you're either eating meals or, coming into this, city for the first time. Floral decorations are hung on walls. People are celebrating. This is one of the few times where you'll see even the commoners and the peasants celebrating amongst noble people or people of the higher classes. And that's usually because many of the temples and so forth will get involved.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So when you you see the priests and so forth out in the street, the elites are less likely to treat the peasants like garbage because they don't wanna do that to lose face in front of the the priest. The crowds are partaking of food, is you guys are in the what is southern portion. It's an old plaza. K? There used to be just just outside of this plaza is an area that's called steam alley, which is where a lot of the, underhanded things or, gambling, prostitution, so forth go on.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):At the head of the the square that you're at right now, it's a cathedral. It's the, Hori temple is what it is called. It was a grand cathedral one time. Now it's a den of prostitution. Prostitution.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):January of 5. Okay. The it's it's the frowned upon by many of the priests and stuff. And if you guys walk through, you can see the priests try to avoid it. They don't go near there, but people fall up to this area because even though it's a prostitution or what do you call it?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):A house of prostitution, that everybody enjoys this area because a lot of the entertainers, barbs, and so forth come to this to this area. So, let me bring that up for you guys here just to give you an idea what the area looks like. Alright. So this is the actual area, the plaza that you guys are in. So just to give you an idea, this is the, Fori temple is what it's called now.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But it used to be a grand cathedral for the south the south side of the fountain. These are the stages and so forth that are surrounding a fountain nearby. There's musicians on the stages, dancers, you know, like I said, entertainers of all time. People are pushing their wares mostly seed. Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Because it's becoming it's becoming spring season. Right? There's people selling lots of seed, but there is what comes of this season. There is lots of different spirits and beverages to be partaking in. So the fact that we're partaking in beverages have this.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):All of you are in different locations here. You might know from your backstory as to why. Mara, you were closer to the the fountain area, but you're you're nearby this pub like tavern. Okay? It's not an inn.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It doesn't have a place to sleep, but the reason you've gone here is because it's a one of the few places that are serving hot meals at this time. Okay. So it's drawn a lot of people. And your search your search, you need to see as many people as you possibly can. So you're coming here to see all the people coming into the place to get food.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? Because once these other places open, you'll have to start traveling around to see where other people are at. But right now, this is the only place serving hot food, so this has the largest private people coming in and going. Alright. Willie, how do we pronounce your character's name?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):D'Oleon. D'Oleon. Okay. D'Oleon. You are here on the opposite side of the fountain.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? This is near a blacksmith's little, space. Okay? The sharpening wheels, so on and so forth, out front kinda indicates that he's not working right now. This fire is not even going.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But it's a, place people don't go to a lot because it's considered dirty and so forth from all the the soot and the iron work and whatnot. But it's a good shady spot to sit and people watch.
Mac (Dolion):That's what I'm looking for.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):This is your home your home, turf area that you've you've seen many times before, but now you're approaching it. It's totally different, like, than your normal light. Yep. But watching the area, you do see that the crowds are coming closer to the the music venues. They're playing on these 2 stages just above the Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And, one of the stages is clearing off. One stage still has 2 bards playing back and what you would call it. Like
Tay (Melody):Duelling?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Musicians play yeah. Like, the dueling musicians. Okay? Well, they're both playing music back and forth, and there's some some, very talented dancers up there. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Challenge is the fact that one of them is doing illusionary tricks with the impossible magic while they're dancing. So making it look like there's they do mirror image and stuff. Okay? So to the crowd, I mean, you gotta think a common peasant probably will never see magic. And if they do see magic, they don't really recognize what it is.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):A lot of them can't even read.
Jenn (Mara):So is magic not really widespread there?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They they've they've seen mages. They've heard of it. There's mage towers. It's not something that they've never heard of. But you gotta think the average peasant never leaves his quarter.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):He may spend his whole life in this flat. Okay? Working, finding a place to sleep, paying for it, getting up, doing it all over again. So a lot of them, especially if they if they live in the city, in this side of the city, like I mentioned, Steam Alley, you're talking about the lowest of the law. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):This region over here where you see the the houses are less orderly and so forth, these were once your average home, but they've been since more condemned. People have moved on, gotten to you see these, these houses here that kinda make squares and so forth, like little little, complexes.
Jenn (Mara):Or you're in here.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Some people probably moved over there from over here, but now these might have, like, 8 or 10 different people living in the
Tay (Melody):They're leaking.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yeah. They're leaking. They're leaking. So this is your Steam Valley location here. Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You're you see all this garbage and stuff pile up? I tried to try to put that on there so you guys can see it. This kinda indicates that manure, stuff thrown out, people's garbage, people's toilets. Yeah. All that stuff is thrown into Steam Alley.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And this is where a lot of the peasants, if they don't have a home, they'll find a spot somewhere in one of these houses to crash for the night. K. But this play the the holy or the holy temple is very active, very wealthy.
Jenn (Mara):Sure. It is.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Slick. As you guys see, I mean, they have, you know, the upper crust of society even comes. They may be too good for a lot of the pedants along Steam Alley, but they're not too good for the, company of a lot of the prostitutes who report to them.
Mac (Dolion):Alright.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So how do you pronounce your name,
Kately (Machitis):like? Machitie. Machitie's.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Machitie's. Machitie's. Machitie's. Okay.
Tay (Melody):It sounds like he's got the shitties.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Unfortunately, due to some of your travels and issues that you ran into before you came this far east, basically, through the central plains, you were in need of money. So you're hanging out close to steam alley in the area that, I'm gonna zoom in near this fish and stuff. Earlier that day, you helped them move some of these goods and pile them into different barrels and so forth for for, shipping. You earned a whole 2 gold pieces. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It's gonna probably cost you at least 5 to stay the night somewhere. So you're thinking, what do I do? 40 temple?
Kately (Machitis):Yeah. I'm ready for a
Eric (Dr. Awesome):This is money. At first, you were like, I'm gonna punch that dude in the face. But then you realized for your temple, the back end of the temple next to the graveyard, they do, fighting, like arena fighting out the back. Okay? So what used to be the pulpit and the where the altar and everything was is now being converted into, like, place to actually slug it out.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):That's something
Kately (Machitis):So we send people to Jesus there.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And you'll look for gold. Yeah. They took the Jesus out, and now you just get, you know, get sent to Jesus.
Tay (Melody):Whooping.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):That area. Alright. So so you guys know where you're at right now. Anybody have any questions? Move
Kately (Machitis):around. No, sir.
Jenn (Mara):Am I in or am I sitting out on the porch?
Mac (Dolion):First of all, it's not
Eric (Dr. Awesome):a in. You're sitting right outside of this the bottom.
Jenn (Mara):The bar.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yeah. Right here. I'm I'm zooming in. If we could zoom in any further, I
Mac (Dolion):would you'd see or
Eric (Dr. Awesome):is it right here?
Jenn (Mara):Okay. There you go.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You'd see the top of your head right here in your barrel of apples or whatever it is.
Tay (Melody):I have a question.
Jenn (Mara):And I'm just looking for people?
Mac (Dolion):What's your question, Tay?
Tay (Melody):Oh, I thought we were gonna answer, Jen's first. Sorry. Mars first. But what are the the black circles? Like, if you go up?
Mac (Dolion):The game master is sending secret messages standby. Oh. You may be receiving 1.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):This circle right here?
Tay (Melody):Yeah. Yeah. Let me do not Is that a well?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yeah. Those are wells. Okay. Those are the wells. So let me give it just so you get a little bit of an idea of what stuff is.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):This is the old graveyard.
Tay (Melody):Oh.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Those are wells. This is a fountain. This is a sewer cover. Each building is supposed to be something different. The larger the building, they're probably a business.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The smaller the building, they're probably a poor person as well.
Tay (Melody):So where are the wealthy people on this map? Where do they reside?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The wealthiest people that reside right over here in this section, the the wealthiest people in this section of the city would be considered the best middle class. Mhmm. But they live in these houses that are more grouped together like a complex.
Jenn (Mara):Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):A little more orderly. Over here is where the poor live, where the houses are all kinda, like, happily built and ramshackle and all that kind of good. We all old English words. We ramshackle the Let's just say this is the ghetto. This is normal middle class people.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The Ridge wouldn't even dream of, breathing in this section. They probably consider it too smelly.
Jenn (Mara):So I'm gonna, I'm gonna leave the tavern and start walking towards the fountain.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The feeling is growing.
Jenn (Mara):Okay. Can I tell exactly from where? Is that like a hotcold thing?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):That's just the hotcold thing. It's not
Mac (Dolion):that bad.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Thing? Yeah. Yeah.
Jenn (Mara):I'll start I'll I'll start walking towards the northern part of the fountain near the stages.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So I must inform you guys of certain things real quick. Excellent.
Tay (Melody):That's an ominous at all?
Jenn (Mara):Shot.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Oh, yeah. We need to do the the shot. Excellent.
Kately (Machitis):My god.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):There's a short break in the music and, all the applause and everything because, the bard seem to be taking a second to have their drinks. The entertainers are doing the same, like, drinks of water or drinks of beverages like we just had. All of you take your free drink, you know, that you accumulated a couple walking through the area because, like I said, there's individuals handing out spirits. Kinda like advertising for the coming season. They want everyone to buy their their ale or wine or whatever.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So you've come across plenty of free cups. So while there's a break in the music, though, the town prior can actually be heard. Town prior is like that, you gotta think back to, like, the early 1900, newsboy who stood in the corner and just kinda yelled out stuff as part of the news. The town prior in this in these times would pull a bell or something to get everyone's attention, and then he kinda spat out, you know, things that are going on, you know, defense or whatever. The town prior is yelling.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It's or he basically goes through a number of things just like a news. You hear him mention, you know, horde monsters reported moving, east towards the city from the mountains, talk of rebellion from an annexed area by the Obsidian Order, Rumors of women being stolen in the night and found, near the the piles of garbage in in the morning.
Tay (Melody):Dead?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):We suspect, vaccines are involved. And, a number of men have been found murdered, their bodies frozen to the core. City guards are asking questions. So this deck of, falling out of stuff, but, you know, it's just like any other kind of food party. Nobody's gonna listen to the dude who's giving you the news.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay?
Kately (Machitis):Have they stopped what type of weapons have been used in these killings?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You wanna approach the top rider and ask?
Kately (Machitis):Should I?
Tay (Melody):Should you? No way.
Mac (Dolion):I'm a just watch you do it from the, the blacksmith thing. So
Tay (Melody):From afar to see if I wanna ask any questions.
Kately (Machitis):Alright. I'll do it. Let let me ask.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. He's when you walk up, I mean, he's yelling and stuff, but he sees you coming. He kinda at first, he thought you were gonna pass by. But when he stopped and actually asked him a question, he he seems startled and he's first speak slowly like, hello stranger. Like, you some for some reason may not speak his language.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Even though you just talk to women.
Mac (Dolion):Are you an illegal immigrant? Yeah.
Tay (Melody):You were
Eric (Dr. Awesome):not from here. Jesus.
Tay (Melody):He knew he was a broke boy. So, you know He
Kately (Machitis):says I'm broke in this part.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The the man who've been found, murdered, they've been found in the river frozen, and it seems that they've been crushed like sacks of meat with no bones.
Kately (Machitis):K.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):He says that as far as the woman being, taken in the night, we're pretty sure it's vaccines because they've been drained of their blood. And you don't have a first vaccine.
Kately (Machitis):Like a vampire. Right?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Always eating hearts and drinking blood. If they don't have that where you're from stranger, with scary pale people, then only come out at night.
Tay (Melody):It's Mara.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You're welcome to you have come to some dark lands, my friend.
Kately (Machitis):I can tell.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Would you like to buy a paper for 2 gold?
Kately (Machitis):Heck no. Don't tell
Mac (Dolion):me It'll boost your intelligence.
Kately (Machitis):No. Hey. Can Only got 2 gold. Not need somewhere to
Eric (Dr. Awesome):sell it.
Tay (Melody):Can I try to, charm him and try to get the paper for free?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You wanna go over to the account prior to you?
Tay (Melody):Sure.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Because you're still on the stage.
Tay (Melody):Yes. I shall I shall join in on conversation because it has piqued my interest, and I would like to, try to, use, I guess my charisma to to try to get a free paper. Alright. So how do I roll this?
Mac (Dolion):Will play.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. Nice. Go roll the roll 2 tens.
Tay (Melody):2. Tell
Eric (Dr. Awesome):me what you got.
Tay (Melody):Alright. So the 10 sided die and the chance die?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yeah. The percentage. Yeah.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Mhmm.
Tay (Melody):I got a 6 and a 90.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Oh, 96. Okay. You went up there and tried to throw you, you know, your game and your it seems like he's way more interested in black. Hey.
Mac (Dolion):Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Tay (Melody):Hey, Elvis.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So you went to the wrong you went you barked up the wrong tree. But what when you go over there, he offers he offers to sell you one, but he offers you he's he's like, I'll sell 2 for 1 gold. You're a local, aren't you?
Tay (Melody):Absolutely. I am. I will I will spend the one gold and gain the knowledge that for all of us. Excuse me.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. It's the same stuff that he was talking about. The only thing is it goes into more detail about the Obsidian order. You're saying that people have seen more brutality, and then anyone who questions it, and it just disappears. And the everyone's like, what is the imperial army gonna do?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And the statement, from your local, member of the Imperial Army is the commander here. His name is Rickard Bendrick. Commander Bendrick said, the duties of the Obsidian order are to help maintain order. They are here to assist us. So everything they do is approved by this.
Tay (Melody):Is this like a catch all
Eric (Dr. Awesome):type of stuff? Opinion of that man is he does very little of anything. Then let's see Obsidian order do everything. Alright.
Tay (Melody):Did it say where the last monster or town hall was? This paper?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):As far as the Board of Monsters, it describes the Board of Monsters, the close, moving from the mountains, they have crossed the main, Ceridian Road that you guys could see on the map that, if you go from the East Wind Caves Mhmm. And you keep traveling east, you'll see that there's a road. They cross that road. So they are about if you go each block, it's about a, half a day's travel.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):No. Not really. That's even it's even less. They're about a day's travel from.
Tay (Melody):Who? Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):If it's even true. I mean, horde of monsters, if it if it was, you know, on on Petunia reporting it, it could have been, like, 4 4 goblins that just jumped out of a bush. You don't really know the authenticity of the story. Once again, it's something that the Imperial Army should probably be looking into.
Kately (Machitis):We don't need this type of
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You see that his business seems to lie more in, making sure that the local business taxes is ever paid, the travel tax is paid, the entertainment tax is paid. You noticed that it was about everybody here says about 6 years ago, maybe 8 years ago, there was a a captain that was in charge of the guard here, and it was much better then because he was directly involved. But now that commander Bendrick has taken over, kind of being involved, in control, very little enforcement of anything goes on. It's mostly just tax collection.
Tay (Melody):So I have a question.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Mhmm.
Tay (Melody):With the information that we have, like, can we ask questions about said information?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You'd have to try to find someone who would know that. Like, if you're looking at the the paper that you guys have, and I I can always tell you what's on the paper. It talks about the orb. It talks about the obsidian order. It talks about the Dexian murders or the wind being taken in the night, and the frozen bodies found in the the rivers.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):If you find while you're going about your business, if you find someone that you think might have better knowledge, like, let's say, the monster board. Let's say, while you guys are in this festival, you come across someone who is a pathfinder or a hunter, and he constantly goes outside of the city and, you know, goes through these forests of all land. He might be able to give you a lot better information. You could ask him, hey. I I grabbed the the music pamphlet or whatever, mentioned the horror monsters.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Have you seen anything? That kind of stuff. You talk about the obsidian order, you might wanna talk to a soldier.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Kately (Machitis):Can I use my, search investigate to find someone?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yeah. What are you looking for?
Kately (Machitis):Anyone with information.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Well, you gotta kinda pinpoint what I mean. You wanna look for a soldier? You wanna look for someone that looks like maybe a trapper or a hunter?
Kately (Machitis):I would like to look
Eric (Dr. Awesome):for being stolen at night, you could ask the woman. A whore. Yeah. You could ask the prostitute about They know things. They're out at night.
Kately (Machitis):Let's do that. Let's ask let's ask let's ask woman of the night because Roll your 2 10 sided dice.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You have a spot on your character called chance to proceed.
Kately (Machitis):Which one is that, you said?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Chance to perceive. Perception?
Kately (Machitis):Perception is, 76 chance chance to perceive a 75.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So roll under 75, and then you'll be able to find well, you gotta roll under a 65 because of the crap. It's why you got a negative 10 for perception because the crowd is gonna make it harder to find the good.
Mac (Dolion):So you rolled the 2 tens?
Kately (Machitis):Mhmm. I I wrote 34.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. Oh. While you're looking around, the woman who just showed up and started talking to the town prior that you're talking to, the stage she left, there's a woman wearing a red dress over there, sitting near the stage. And, by the way that she's she's sitting and not drinking and paying attention to all the wealthier or the better dressed men passing by, you're pretty sure she she's a woman of the night, the nice way to say it. She's working.
Kately (Machitis):Hell yeah.
Mac (Dolion):It only takes 2 gold, bro.
Kately (Machitis):I don't wanna I don't wanna do that, though. I need somewhere to sleep.
Mac (Dolion):You need 5 for that. We can sleep. No. I'm playing. Go ahead.
Kately (Machitis):Fine. Screw it. Give me the 2 goal. I'll pay her. I need the information.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. You walk over to see her? Yeah. Okay. Alright.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So, like, goes over to see the the one that he saw. Melody still standing near the town prior. You're near the blacksmith spot in the you've now walked closer to the stages. The woman that I described, the night comes walking up, pass through it. Seems very familiar to you, but but it's been in probably about 6 to 8 years since you've seen so she was 6 to 8 years younger seeing that she's in her early twenties.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):She was an adolescent. She gets up on the stage. The armor immediately kinda catches everybody's attention in the immediate spot because it it's the old alliance. Okay? It's this from the Serena Alliance.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright? So it's the blue, gold, and silver. Alright? Back when, everybody was united. Right?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You know she's not old enough for that, looking at her. Okay? It's been more than it's probably been closer to 40 years. Mhmm. Right?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But, she gets up there and, immediately, you notice the people that probably live around here seem to recognize her right away. It gets quiet. It's pretty quiet right right off the bat. Right? You 2 are paying the closest attention because she just passed you.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So both of you roll your perception negative 20%. If something's gonna happen and only you 2 are actually paying the closest attention. So I'm rolling your 2 tens. Your 2 tens. So whatever your perception is, minus 20%.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Oh. Chance to proceed minus 1. Oh my god.
Jenn (Mara):So I got it. 15.
Mac (Dolion):Okay. Go ahead. I gotta get a 60 set. The black on book is, a 74.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So you know something happened because you see a woman close to the stage, right, it's like, she reacts, but you didn't see what actually happened. Right? Two arrows go through the air right past this woman, but she didn't see it because she's going up the the steps, the wooden steps to get to this makeshift temporary stage. But they go right over her head.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright? You didn't see him because black on black against the night sky. But you do hear it hit the buckets and stuff near the blacksmith. So it came from across the street.
Mac (Dolion):Yep.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Up and over. Right? They just missed her. Right? When she gets there, she stands up on the stage and she starts talking.
Mac (Dolion):At that point, could I use my search investigate to kinda check-in a trajectory of where it could've came from?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. You don't need to do that.
Tay (Melody):Because I I have, seen some things while I was, scanning. What?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):That would probably be the best strategy and tactics. That way you know, like, because that kind of shot, they're probably over there. So I don't think you have a 70% chance. I don't
Mac (Dolion):think you can tell me that stuff yet because we haven't met yet.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And you haven't met him, so you can't really tell him. You don't know him from
Mac (Dolion):I'm I'm I'm still your boy in the dark, man. I'm just I have my own agendas out here.
Kately (Machitis):So You just know me. Right? She just
Eric (Dr. Awesome):knows You can act on the stuff that you know if you wanna move in that direction because you're seeing what's going on too. Right. You're just not witnessing from their vantage point.
Tay (Melody):I'm
Kately (Machitis):I'm following you, Tay, because we know each other. Just high.
Jenn (Mara):Okay. Did she notice the arrows?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):No. Because her back was turned. And now she's be now she's speaking out. But go ahead and roll your percentage. Let him roll to see if he could figure out where the arrows came from.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):99. Okay. You're like I had no clue what those are.
Mac (Dolion):I'm sorry.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Did I shoot those? I did.
Mac (Dolion):What's going on? I had way too many dreams.
Tay (Melody):Alright. Alright. I'm gonna start walking tomorrow.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I gotta read this part real quick and then we'll we'll we'll go ahead and roll to see who goes or we'll you guys gotta come up with a pattern that you guys agreed to. Like, we can we can
Mac (Dolion):I can do the, counterclockwise? I can do the Melody, Machidis or Machidis, Mara, and then, me.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So let me read this part, then we'll go to Melody, then to you, then or okay. Yep. Anyway okay. Good people of Ballinforce, please listen to my words.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I implore you to look back and remember, reflect on who we once were, the morals we held dear to life, freedom, equality, courage, honor, under the banners of the imperial alliance, we've somehow forgotten those tenants. The young woman speaks with a lot of passion in her voice, and an older woman dressed very elegantly is slowly taking the stage behind her with her arm extended towards her. The older woman is escorted by a knight, and he would say a better knight by his age and a a couple of, obviously, advisors or diplomats. Right?
Jenn (Mara):What color is her armor?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The older woman or the
Jenn (Mara):The knight's with her.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The knight that's with her? He's wearing the, old armor.
Jenn (Mara):Old serenian armor?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Old serenian armor. Okay. Alright. You guys can all roll your chance to kind of, and be what is it? Law and government to kinda try and recognize what that means.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But, she extends her hand in the young woman, Caesar, but continues to speak.
Tay (Melody):Oh, I got it. 21.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. I'll tell you in just a second. Many of you remember my father, Duke Malcolm Prayton the 3rd. A just man, a loyal man, a noble man who served his people. He stood fast in the late wars and fought against the northern invaders and lost his life defending us.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):How did the imperial court reward his valor? They annexed his lands and his castle. The old woman finally gets the older woman finally gets there and puts her hands on. At this moment, a lot of you are putting it together. You know it to be the the duchess of duchess Croydon.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? Right? She she is the actual royal of this city. But because the imperial alliance took it over, she is only royal in name, even though the people still view her greatly. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They still love her, and they love the memory of the duke that used to run the city. K. That's who's the daughter is talking of right now. It's her father. Right?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The old woman places her hand on on her and says, daughter, please. And she said, my husband, the duke, would not want us to bear the threat of another war, to defy the imperial order the by the the court, the alliance, the 6 houses would lead to conflict. The duchess says, I'm sorry for this interruption. Raylena just is very spirited as you all know. When she says her name, you remember.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? In the past, your wife Who who remembers? Helped take care of her when she was little. Okay. Ralina used to be at your house with your kid.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yep. Okay? So that's why you know her. Alright? Among them though, you see the veteran knights already looking all over the place.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? He doesn't you could tell by his look. He doesn't like the situation because they're up now. They're like big targets. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But the strange thing is the other 2 accompanying them, I sent like I said, I sent you guys a picture or the description of MPC list
Mac (Dolion):in an email. Uh-huh.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You can look them up. They're on there. With her is a judge. You can tell by his clothing. He is a judge of the, the noble court.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yep. Okay? He doesn't come up on the stage. He stays where he's at down on the ground. Then with them is some sort of, you would say, maybe a priest, but you've heard you've heard about him here and there that his name's Phelan, brother Phelan.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And he's like a spiritual adviser to the family or something, but he's a lot of people say he's a plate, but they say he's a really nice guy. He's just kinda but he's walked up there. He's very tall, dark, dark hair and everything, soft spoken. Everyone says he's very friendly, very nice, good spirited, but he's kinda just you're like, you know, he kinda gives you the, the old let let me give you a love from the Lord who's gonna save us all kind of speech. That doesn't really mean much, but he's really always ready to collect arms to the poor.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Right.
Jenn (Mara):Right.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But he takes the stage. Okay? Now while you guys are watching this, it the crowd is kind of focused on this whole situation. Okay? It's but they've kinda drawn in, so it's gotten thicker.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):And I know that, Melody has mentioned that she noticed. So she are you guys moving in that direction?
Tay (Melody):So we started to move, but then we kinda stopped once we saw the gathering of people because, people Okay. Crowds are a lot.
Kately (Machitis):Yeah. Anxiety.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):That's true. You don't, you know, you don't wanna get stuck in the middle. But just to give you guys a good example, you guys would be see if there's a way that I can
Jenn (Mara):Do I see you, Larry?
Mac (Dolion):Right? Is that you?
Kately (Machitis):Yes.
Mac (Dolion):She was calling you.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So they are the the the the 2 royals are here on this stage. Okay? It's the empty stage next to where you were playing originally, Melanie, before you left. Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Then you went down this way to the the town crier and near black. This is where Doleon? Yep. Is over here, and Mara is back here. Alright?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):While you guys are all watching this, from this where the crowd is kinda built up over here, pushing through, and, I mean, it's thick people, but your guys are estimating could be near a dozen people. But it's like you got 100 in that crowd. So trying to match up these dozen altogether, you're not sure. But there's definitely a group of people pushing through the crowd to get closer to the stage. Also, Melody, you do see the same thing you saw earlier.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Those same individuals are now closer to the they're on the balcony where the child was at.
Kately (Machitis):So it's a
Eric (Dr. Awesome):much higher vantage point.
Tay (Melody):So I don't really know.
Mac (Dolion):That's cool.
Tay (Melody):Can I, like, investigate, like, what the fuck they're shooting at? Taste turned now?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):If taste turned right now, then, black, then you, then yep.
Jenn (Mara):K.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):We're just going down the line of what you see on the, power power set there.
Tay (Melody):Okay. So if I can see these dudes, can I, like, investigate to see actually, like, what they're shooting at?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. The guys that are shooting are on top of this building. There's 2 of them. They're wearing hoodie cloaks, and they're definitely drawing arrows to shoot again. This time, they seem more focused on the older woman.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So they're point they're they're looking from this building to there. You're over here. I don't know. Can you see my little hand thing?
Tay (Melody):Yeah. I can.
Kately (Machitis):I just
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I guess I'm just, like, lost. A melody you're at?
Tay (Melody):What I'm supposed to do, I don't know. I'm sorry, this is also new to me, I don't know what I'm doing.
Mac (Dolion):Are you trying to run after the guys that you saw shoot, or what are you trying
Eric (Dr. Awesome):to do? For everybody.
Tay (Melody):No. No. I'm just trying to figure out, like, I don't wanna go run after them because, like, I don't know what kind of, like, weapons they have. But I, like, wanna, like, warn, like, the people that they're shooting at.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Well, okay, Margaret. If you were there, what would you do? You try to warn them. Right?
Tay (Melody):Yeah.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You can yell out to try to warn them. Y'all out
Tay (Melody):to take pictures of them. Well, no. I mean, there's a crowd.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yell out something.
Tay (Melody):Can I use my, like, bardness to, like, play a note or something to, like, alert them?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You wanna just start playing music? Remember, it's not very loud right now because she was speaking and everyone can't because they respect her. So if you play music, it would catch up
Kately (Machitis):Play that funky music.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You. Yeah.
Tay (Melody):I'll play some music.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Get their attention? Yes. Okay. Alright. I'm rolling the 2 percentile.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? So you go ahead and roll your mute your roll your 2 tens, and I'll roll to see if if I roll under it, they all paid attention.
Tay (Melody):I have a 19.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I have 19. Okay. Let's see if they listen to Mel.
Mac (Dolion):He's good.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):46. Yeah. Okay. We might have turned a couple heads closer to you, but you weren't playing loud enough. You need to you need to you need to bring it.
Tay (Melody):You need
Eric (Dr. Awesome):to walk it. Mhmm. Alright. So next, Machias, what do you wanna do?
Kately (Machitis):I don't know.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. You can pass. You can wait. You can you can move to a different spot.
Tay (Melody):Yeah. You get
Eric (Dr. Awesome):the fuck horse for me. Weapon. Now drawing a weapon might make you the target. So just kinda think if you were actually sitting in this situation in a crowd with some people up on a stage and someone's about to try to assassinate somebody, what would you try to do? Remember, there's stuff all around you.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You could try to pick up an option that can throw it or do you have a weapon that can hit those guys up on that balcony? Do you even care?
Kately (Machitis):Like Let's go fight. Let's let's go fight them.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. What do
Kately (Machitis):you got?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):What do you have for weapons and stuff? Do you have a distant weapon like some kind of range attack? What do you got?
Jenn (Mara):Even a dagger.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Let me see. I I can look at your weapons and help you out. Oh.
Jenn (Mara):I didn't throw a dagger. Give us a small dagger.
Kately (Machitis):Shit. My weapons is empty. I don't have nothing but ants.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Oh, did I I I didn't send him weapons? Okay.
Kately (Machitis):No. Oh.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):He got a weapons. Jack
Mac (Dolion):Get ready for Roy Rogers and Dwight Ivan Howard. Yep.
Kately (Machitis):That's it, man. We just got Manny and Pacquiao over here, bro.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):All your stuff is gone.
Kately (Machitis):Manny employed. That's what we got. That's it.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Little do you know if you
Mac (Dolion):look at my weapon sheet, I have all your weapons now.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Did all the machines.
Tay (Melody):Look at me. I have your weapons
Kately (Machitis):down now.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):To change. Alright. So My I'm gonna have to try to find your weapons, but I know you have a throwing hand axe that you could throw. Do you want the throw dash at them? Don't you miss.
Kately (Machitis):Let's throw it.
Mac (Dolion):You can
Eric (Dr. Awesome):at least hit 1 of them.
Mac (Dolion):He said let's throw it.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Howard, get the 20 sided, guys.
Mac (Dolion):It's down. Bro, look at the range on that thing, man. You gonna hit him?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):He can't look at it.
Jenn (Mara):No. But he
Mac (Dolion):doesn't have anything. That's right.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So roll the 20's gotta die, and I think your combat information should tell you what your bonus to hit is. It should be bonus to hit. Yeah.
Mac (Dolion):2nd page of your own character page.
Kately (Machitis):Bonus to hit is plus 3.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So go ahead and roll a 20 side
Mac (Dolion):of that.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay.
Kately (Machitis):I got a 3.
Tay (Melody):Nope. No.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You got a 3 plus 3, so you gotta see. Alright. All of you guys noticed there's a very large man that's in the crowd that draws like a hand axe and throws it at this balcony. Alright? It bounces off the wall next to the balcony, breaks a window, but it goes nowhere.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But it drew everyone's attention that was looking at these 2 guys in dark clip the close to both. Okay. So now half the crowd is looking up and go up. So the night moves the better night moves in front of, the duchess. Well, then And you notice, Rilina, the the young woman knight pulls up her shield, draws her sword.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. She said something, and you see a global light around the the section, and you could tell by the the way the, the sigil that goes across it that just put up some sort of defensive spell, maybe a shield. Okay? Now it's on, though, because the people that were rushing through that crowd, they don't have a chance to slow it down now. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So you see, there's, like I said, probably about a dozen that come up on the different sides of the stage. Immediately, beelining it past you, but he double takes his Darius. Okay? He, like, looks for a second, then he takes off and draws his weapon because this is his job. Right.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):He's running to the stage now. I wanna like this.
Mac (Dolion):Is that? Never mind.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):No. Also, with Machias, when you threw your axe, the one thing you did notice is you you hear that flapping noise again. But the, more so than the flapping, this time when you hear it because you heard it the first time, you hear it, like, sounds like, clunky or jingling. Mhmm. And you see it's something very dark and probably about the size of, like, an elephant over top of one of the houses.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But it's too dark, man. You can't talk to the hell about it. It's definitely not an elephant. Don't move it. I know that you have
Mac (Dolion):an elephant up there. Multiverse.
Kately (Machitis):So can I use my night vision?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yeah. Try to roll your chance the the roll your chance to proceed again. This time, 10 negative 10 because of the dark. Alright.
Kately (Machitis):59.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. You definitely see it. So I'm I'm gonna bring it up and show show you what you see. Yes. Everyone else look away because I have to compare this.
Kately (Machitis):Please don't be fucked up. Please don't be fucked up.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Actually, no. I think it's yeah. I'll I'll share.
Mac (Dolion):Those night vision determined by the meters?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):No. Then you go as long as it's within that distance, you roll your chance to proceed. Alright. Yes. Good question.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. Five hundred points? Five
Mac (Dolion):That's all I wanted. I was like, black up 500.
Tay (Melody):I'm not gonna be so
Eric (Dr. Awesome):competitive, like, I would say Yeah. Like Where's mine?
Tay (Melody):Omar, ask a question.
Mac (Dolion):That point.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I'm gonna ask you I won't be in.
Tay (Melody):I won't be in.
Jenn (Mara):Where do I have to ask to get point?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. What the fuck?
Tay (Melody):Oh, that's not a great That's what I saw.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Are you looking? You're not supposed to
Tay (Melody):be No.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It's actually It's actually a little more green. It's actually a little more green. This is a brownish scaled version, but it's a little more green than that. But, yeah, he's about but, yeah, he's about 20 feet. He's about 20 feet long.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):But the main thing that you're hearing is that on his on his legs sort of shackles and and they can't change.
Kately (Machitis):He broke them shit?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They're just not connected to anything anymore.
Tay (Melody):That reverb.
Kately (Machitis):Alright, y'all. It's been it's been real, but,
Mac (Dolion):but she
Eric (Dr. Awesome):was gonna call
Kately (Machitis):it a night.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Hand dance.
Tay (Melody):Can we look at the screen now?
Kately (Machitis):Yeah. It's gone. Thank god.
Tay (Melody):Oh, okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Jesus Christ. Alright.
Kately (Machitis):How do I tell people about this?
Mac (Dolion):You roll the dice. Do you yell out?
Tay (Melody):I mean, like Yeah. Right next to him, like
Kately (Machitis):Yeah. Can I tell her?
Mac (Dolion):You gotta roll the dice.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yeah. You don't really know her, but you could be like, yo, play your some crazy shit. You should do something.
Mac (Dolion):Hey, Melissa Apple. Look at you.
Kately (Machitis):What powers you got?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Come to my window. What's up? Out there. What's your
Kately (Machitis):combat skills looking like? Alright.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So you want you wanna tell you you you pointed out to Ameli?
Kately (Machitis):Yes. I definitely told her because I couldn't just keep this information.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Bring it up for Melody to see if I can Oh. Alright.
Mac (Dolion):Are they forming a party already?
Tay (Melody):Yes. We stuck together immediately. It's better in numbers, my dude.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They
Mac (Dolion):are trying to survive. We're outsiders here. There's flying elephants.
Kately (Machitis):Bro. I had that
Tay (Melody):bad. Beat up with us then.
Mac (Dolion):There's flying elephants, arrows, people throwing axes in windows. Let's stick together. Party. We met up.
Tay (Melody):Hey, man. You both had the chance to meet up with us at the the talking man, whoever his name was, and you decided to stay there.
Mac (Dolion):I got a I got other plans.
Tay (Melody):Apparently.
Mac (Dolion):I'm out here for reasons. Hopefully, our paths will cross later. Maybe we'll be friends. Maybe. Find out on the next Dragon Ball z.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. So there it is. In this beauty Yeah. The checks. Okay.
Tay (Melody):You already saw it.
Kately (Machitis):Now now you've seen my reaction because
Eric (Dr. Awesome):fuck that. Let's go.
Tay (Melody):Yeah. You're right. Yeah. All of you
Eric (Dr. Awesome):hear a huge screech, like, bird shaking screech. Coming from those eastern buildings where those 2 guys are at. It's now drawing those 2 guys' attention, but they seem like they aren't very surprised. The 2 bow and arrow guys. Mhmm.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It's kinda look up at you. You can all look at it now. It's on the roof top of the tavern that you would you were at before.
Tay (Melody):It's it's Morris' turn.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Wherever he'll
Mac (Dolion):So this is in the same proximity of, the 2 would be assassins that we're trying to
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yeah. They're, like, 1, 2 buildings away, and they looked at it, and they've only seen the characters there.
Mac (Dolion):It's finally here.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):My god.
Kately (Machitis):We're waiting all day.
Mac (Dolion):Took you long enough. Jesus Christ. It's my Uber.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):That never arrives.
Jenn (Mara):I'm gonna jump on stage in front of Raylena.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay.
Jenn (Mara):And and turn and look at her and tell her to run.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay.
Jenn (Mara):And then I'm there. How far away is the creature?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):That'd probably be about a good 40 feet. So or Meters? Meters. We were meters because the rest of the world is not just America. I know.
Jenn (Mara):Wish me luck.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I'm gonna catch my tree. It's it's 12. About 12 to 15 meters from your spot.
Jenn (Mara):Can I I roll my monster creature lord and see if I know what it is?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yes. Good idea. 250 experience points.
Mac (Dolion):I got my feet to meters conversion right here.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):There you go. That should be about 150 feet.
Tay (Melody):I know
Jenn (Mara):what it is. I got a 14.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. It's a Wyvern.
Jenn (Mara):Okay.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I will read to you what a wyvern is. I'm sure the wisdom of my peoples.
Jenn (Mara):Okay. I know. I have one on my arm.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):A wyvern is kin to dragon crayon. They're often considered similar to drakes. Wyverns are usually solitary creatures while not mating or raising young. They're very territorial and protective of their nesting area. Are capable of flight and are notorious for attacking farms that raise livestock.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Have 2 powerful legs, 2 large wings, and a long tail covered with various spikes and a bar. One venom producing claw. White men are not quarters of treasure. Not they do not have any kind of breath weapon like a dragon. They do bite, very powerful bite.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They usually do not collect treasure. They opt for remains like bones and garments that you use to build their nests. Wyverns are not known to communicate often and are considered to be less intelligent than their dragon relatives. This swyvern is about 20 feet long. And by the way that the tavern's roof is kinda gimme and you hear the snapping and so forth of the support liens, he's probably right around a couple 2 to £3,000.
Kately (Machitis):Is there any weak spot?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):No. They're very dead, poisonous.
Jenn (Mara):Hang on. I gotta figure out my
Mac (Dolion):Your next move.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):No. I didn't.
Kately (Machitis):Oh, I wasn't supposed to ask that. Alright.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The captain of the guard is fighting with some of those guys in the crowd. The veteran knights seem to be fighting a couple that have gotten on the stage. I will share that.
Jenn (Mara):Alright. I'm gonna cast, enchant animal on it. Okay.
Mac (Dolion):Spellbook?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Good call.
Mac (Dolion):Look how shitty.
Kately (Machitis):Please work.
Jenn (Mara):Perfect. She needs 10 to 1.
Mac (Dolion):Where's my level?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):What is it?
Jenn (Mara):It's like
Eric (Dr. Awesome):the boss point. Double 0.5% chance here. We should Everyone hold your breath. Hold your breath.
Jenn (Mara):Fuck no.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. Alright. So the woman that jumped up on the stage that you all saw told Raylena the night to get out of there. Does some sort of magic you see the the whole doctor strange, you know, hey, building fizzles in the air and then nothing happens. And the Wyvern kinda just launches and lands on the stage that Melody was once standing on.
Tay (Melody):Thank god I moved.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It swings its tail at this woman that just did the magic that didn't do anything, and it misses. Okay.
Mac (Dolion):What was that second role for?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):The second role was to see if it was gonna try to fight. That is too far. Double moves? It actually has 3 offensive actions. It can attack 3 times or defend 3 times.
Jenn (Mara):Okay. I'm going to, see you. Shut up. I'm gonna try to speak to it. Okay.
Kately (Machitis):This did not go well last time. Come on. Come on, Seth.
Tay (Melody):Shut up.
Mac (Dolion):It'll work this time. You're amongst Frank. Let's do it.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Let's do it.
Tay (Melody):K.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. What's your what's your, your social interaction or whatever the is that on there? What's your charisma?
Jenn (Mara):My social interaction is 55. My charisma is 63.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So you negative 10% of your social interaction, see if even listens to you.
Jenn (Mara):Oh, hell no. Did you hit me?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yes. Alright. It it leaps back and does a big blast of these wings, equivalent of a gust of wind. K? It hits everybody on the stage, knocking people into the crowd.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):When you hear that, a couple people scream, and you do hear the duchess scream because he falls into the crowd where those dudes with the the the folks and everything work. Mhmm. Alright. Everyone near the stage, not not Melody and, Machidis, because you guys are on the opposite end. He's he does gust the wind towards them.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So oh. 250 damage. Boom. Knocks all of you down. You lose 2 two actions.
Kately (Machitis):They're dead. They're dead.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. And now it climbs over to that stage, and you notice that the, majority of the guards that are nearby are going to fight or trying to keep this thing off, but they're not paying attention to the hooded cloaked assassins except for the captain of the guard. He's fighting, but now he's surrounded by at least 5. I will show you what they
Jenn (Mara):I have one more action.
Kately (Machitis):Go for it.
Jenn (Mara):Okay. I'm gonna use size of the stripe.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Everybody roll your 10 sided diet real quick. Just one.
Mac (Dolion):It doesn't matter which 1?
Tay (Melody):I got a 1. I got a 9.
Mac (Dolion):A 2.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):9.
Mac (Dolion):8. Okay. Alright. Machitus.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. The 3 of you well, you would notice you just got blasted down. You and Machitus are the only ones that noticed out of the guys attacking the hooded cloak guys. There's 2 different ones. Some are wearing red and black.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Some are wearing brown and gray. Mhmm. The brown and gray ones seem to be going for the duchess. Okay? The ones wearing red and black go right past and they go to the entertainers that were on the stage with Melody.
Tay (Melody):Mhmm. Alright.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I need you guys to look at your MPC list now. It's not in there. I emailed it to you. See if I can bring it up.
Mac (Dolion):Gmail for the win.
Tay (Melody):I got it up. What's up?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. On your on that, she was dancing right near you, Melody.
Tay (Melody):Right. Yeah. Her
Eric (Dr. Awesome):name is Laelia. Oh. Okay? You notice the guys wearing red and black? They're looking over at the stage where the duchess was for only a few seconds.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They then they're looking at the tall guy with the dark hair and the robes that was with the ductless. Then they look back, and all all 5 of them go for lately. Everyone else still paying attention to the Wyvern and these brown and grays, plaid. I mean, those that the brown the way I can describe it to you is the brown and gray guys are your classic mercenary assassin looking dudes. Okay?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They're the ones with the bows. They're the ones with the swords that attacked over here near the duchess. The guys in the red and black or they're mostly wearing black, and they have, like, red clothes. They're dressed a little more like robes and stuff except for the fact that they're wearing masks. But otherwise, they're not wearing armor or anything.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I mean, I'm not paying no short sword or knives, but they're they don't look soldierish or military.
Tay (Melody):Are they, like, moving
Eric (Dr. Awesome):or something? Okay. While this is going on,
Kately (Machitis):Read what?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Closest to you and probably the only reason that you're paying attention to it is because you know him. You see Darius is fighting the captain of the guard, and he takes a sword right through the chest. And it's there.
Mac (Dolion):What was that? He's done with all her actions?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Mhmm. It's now your turn.
Mac (Dolion):So based on my history with this dude, sucks to suck, how do I find out where they took the judge, where they scampered him off to?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. Well, your chance to perceive, negative 10% because of all the chaos. So perception? Yeah.
Mac (Dolion):It's a 91 chance to perceive, 87.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So Under a 77.
Tay (Melody):You said what?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):77. Don't worry about it.
Tay (Melody):No. That's freaking awesome, dude.
Mac (Dolion):Hashtag rogue life.
Kately (Machitis):Big shit. Big shit.
Mac (Dolion):Bro, 99 again, bro.
Tay (Melody):Alright.
Mac (Dolion):What is happening here?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It's rolling. Alright. The thing is you locked out because he's got under the stage right near where you're at. Okay. He nobody knows what he does.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Nobody rushed him off. He's just sitting underneath there like, oh. I'm a
Mac (Dolion):go into there, and I'm a have words with this man because I could my mission in life right now is solve something else. Miss Wyvern is distracted by the beast master over here, the whispering. So while that's happening, I'm a try and talk to this judge real quick.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. You wanna try to grab him and take him somewhere? Yes. Okay. Roll a 20 side.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I would just kinda grab him.
Mac (Dolion):What am I trying to is it just against I heard the better.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It's just physically putting hands on.
Mac (Dolion):Now watch this shit be like over. Over.
Jenn (Mara):Were you rolling? The 20?
Mac (Dolion):Yeah. Is this the 20?
Tay (Melody):20. No.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Oh, okay. There's 12.
Mac (Dolion):I'm learning, guys.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You're good. That's good. It's the same chance. Oh. What is it?
Mac (Dolion):Why did you make me switch that? It's a 1.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Oh my god. Okay. So you go to grab it, and he's gets startled. And he turns, and he shoots, but he misses. He pulls out a firearm and misses completely.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright? It's loud as hell. Everyone's like, oh my god. He doesn't it it looks like he doesn't recognize. He's just shined.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? He tries to bolt, and he crosses that spot where those other the, the other mercenaries or whatever, they're attacking guards.
Mac (Dolion):Right.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay? So I'm gonna see if they get. Yeah. Okay. So he makes the pass, and he's taking off towards the well.
Mac (Dolion):Okay. This doesn't make
Eric (Dr. Awesome):a lot. You too. Alright. You still have actions. That would
Mac (Dolion):I know. I know. I'm just trying to do something different. Okay. I roll high when I don't need to, and I roll low when I don't need to.
Jenn (Mara):Alright. You gotta outstage your dice.
Mac (Dolion):So he shoots, he misses. Yeah. He's looking right at me. Right? Yeah.
Mac (Dolion):And, hopefully, it's one of them old timey firearms where he has to fucking
Eric (Dr. Awesome):No. It is it has a revolver. It's like a revolver, but he obviously isn't used to using.
Mac (Dolion):I still don't want him to have it. How do I take it from him?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):You? You can just try to disarm. On Tammy. Or, yeah, you have it. It's disarm.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So you're gonna roll the hit, and then you have a disarm percentage where it's a chance to
Tay (Melody):It's on the second page. It's next to your defensive offer. It defensive actions.
Mac (Dolion):Defensive actions. Disarm 60%.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So roll a 20 sided guy to first hit it. You know what I'm saying? Like, with your weapon, and then you do the percent to disarm.
Tay (Melody):Like a nice cold?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):No. No. Keep it. 17 on. Let's go.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):40 percentage.
Mac (Dolion):Let's go.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Plus 10 because that was
Jenn (Mara):a good hit. Did you?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So, yeah, send me You're right.
Tay (Melody):Chill. Chill. Chill.
Mac (Dolion):The buster. The buster. So what am I looking to try to get?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So you gotta get under so you gotta get under 70%.
Mac (Dolion):Oh, yeah. Yeah. Alright. 39.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. Let's go. This this bitch Fire arm goes flying and lands on the ground. Alright? He immediately puts his hands up, and he's looking at you like he's trying to recognize who you are.
Tay (Melody):Bitch record
Eric (Dr. Awesome):at me. He's like,
Kately (Machitis):I don't know who
Eric (Dr. Awesome):this man is. I'm just not in my gut. So he's completely He's Yeah.
Mac (Dolion):Plus I mean Yeah. You get you are Yeah. Cloped up and everything. Yeah.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):He doesn't recognize you at all. Alright. Another assassin comes up but misses to stab him in the back from the guys who are attacking everyone over there.
Mac (Dolion):The judge? Yeah. They want the judge gone too?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):This looks like they're killing anyone they can in a little while. Protect the judge. Especially anyone that looks important. Okay. You still have I think you have
Mac (Dolion):2 actions.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. You have 2 actions.
Mac (Dolion):So who are these?
Eric (Dr. Awesome):There's one one guy next nearby, I'll tell you, he looks like a
Mac (Dolion):And he looks like a man? From bad TV. You guys remember? Yeah. He look like a man.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):I just stabbed the judge.
Mac (Dolion):He's gotta go. Yeah. I wanna kill that man.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Okay. So now you have combat skills to pick from. Yep. Alright. The way it works is a passive skill means something you could activate it before the battle starts.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):It doesn't take any actions. Right. Okay. These are your actual combat skills. So since he's not facing you, any of those are pretty much bad.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Let's go. Now you roll a 20 sided die, and then we could follow-up
Mac (Dolion):from there. 14. Alright.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Good hit. Okay. So we know back stab, roll your chance for critical. Let me see. This is,
Mac (Dolion):what dice another bonus
Eric (Dr. Awesome):that one critical is 20. Your natural critical is 40, so you have a 60, and then this gave you 70% chance for a short hit. Yep. So it's gonna be 10s.
Mac (Dolion):Get off my oh, this isn't a tank guy. Who's this a tank? Yeah. They're good. Good.
Mac (Dolion):Good. We're good. I am at 65. Alright.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):He's he just falls over onto the ground.
Mac (Dolion):Fuck out of here.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Alright. So he's done. Now I'm gonna see under 40%. Oh. His homies notice.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Other than at over 40%.
Mac (Dolion):Right.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):They're too busy fighting to see what happened.
Mac (Dolion):Right.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Like a club fight. Okay. Okay. 76. They have no idea that you just killed.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Her.
Mac (Dolion):I'm a
Eric (Dr. Awesome):ninja. Alright. Now, last move, roll the 20 to grab his judge
Mac (Dolion):and take him. Yeah. Right hand. Have some words.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):Yep. 12. Okay. It's over 10. He has no negatives in his back because he sucks it hand in hand.
Eric (Dr. Awesome):So, alright. You got him. The closest area would probably be the overhang back near the blacksmith spot. That's my So you're headed there.
Mac (Dolion):Hey. What's good, everybody? It's Willie. But you probably know me as Mac aka your boy, and I have the privilege of playing Dolion Adolph in this adventure. So if you made it to the end of this episode, stay tuned.
Mac (Dolion):Like, subscribe to the YouTube channel, the podcast, as we start episode 2 next week. Make sure you have those notifications on so you get, the heads up when it drops. Alright? And, hope to see you next week. Peace.