Ep 21: "Fallen Star Pt 10"
What's up, everybody? It's Will. I play Dolion Adolf, and welcome to our original tabletop RPG game entitled Fallen Star developed by our very own Eric, aka doctor Awesome. Now I wanna let you know that this is a original game. It's not d and d, story that you have never heard before.
Dolion (Mac):So sit back, relax, and I hope you enjoy, listen to us exploring the world of Servia. Take
Mara (Jenn):care.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Oh my God. Alright. You see the, priest come running in your direction this way. Towards you guys over here. The box that she put the stuff in is right here, so let me see if I could it'll hold this box here.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):There we go. Alright. There. When you look over there, you or Okay. So when you look over here, you see the the Knowles that have entered this place.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):They came up through this right here, this little, like, brassiere thing with the fire. Next to it is a grate where they can wash the stuff down, like, you know, old ash and stuff down to underneath the building. They came up through that grate. So box here. Priest come running this way.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You guys are over here.
Melody (Tay):Alright. I'm gonna keep, talking to, Irene to see if I can get into that box, so she'll allow me access to the box.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. She takes out a,
Melody (Tay):what
Dr. Awesome (Eric):do you have? It's it's truncheon. It's like a it's like a mace. It's a smaller mace. She takes that out of a side pocket and says, I'd gladly help you here in a few minutes, ma'am, but I'm gonna try to save my lie or defend my life against these gnolls first.
Mara (Jenn):Okay. So I'm gonna tell Melody and Jer grab the constellation charts and the, record of the ages, grab Irene and try to find the exit. I'll be right behind you.
Jer (Joe):Irene, do you know the way to the to the catacombs?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):From inside this building?
Jer (Joe):Uh-huh.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yes. We do have an entrance.
Jer (Joe):And we can get there relatively safely, or do we have to pass through these holes?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):No. It's behind us. Hold on.
Jer (Joe):Then I suggest we go quickly.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Alright. She goes over grab what we
Jer (Joe):Let's try to grab what we can.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):it over. Over this way while they're over there and then moves this bookcase which opens up into a small room with stairwell down the catacombs. She says, they must have come from down there, so we've gotta be ready.
Jer (Joe):Sure.
Melody (Tay):Did we get did we go by the box first to get some stuff or did she just
Dr. Awesome (Eric):She just left with you guys as, Mara told said to. So the priest has already had this bookshelf open. He's already trying to get through there.
Jer (Joe):Can I see outside of the building really quick? A map outside of the building.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Like in the street?
Jer (Joe):Yeah. Yeah. Just basically, I wanna see which way, like, or what the closest waterway is and then Okay. Gauge its way it flows.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Let's see if we can find that.
Jer (Joe):And before we run out, do we have an opportunity to try to grab the the the books and
Melody (Tay):Yeah. I need to get into that trunk, before we leave. So I will risk it for the biscuit.
Jer (Joe):Yeah. And I'll take, Irene to the exit.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):K. With minor technical difficulties, you're not letting me change this. When you get outside, you would have to go through the archway that heads towards the west end of the castle, and then there'll be a river that go that flows to the west southwest. Like, you can't I can't move it right now. I don't know why it's not letting me.
Jer (Joe):But there's a river
Dr. Awesome (Eric):that goes straight down.
Jer (Joe):So from are we on the west side of the
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The yeah. The west side of the central plaza.
Jer (Joe):Okay. Because there's a river that borders Balenforth to the west.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yes. There's one to the east or there's one to the west, there's one to the east, and you guys oh, I'm sorry. Let me let me if I could just get that map to come back up. Gonna go back and see if it'll let me open up the original map again. Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Nope. It's permanently keeping that on there for some reason. Oh,
Jer (Joe):no. It's okay. Okay. I I have a general idea what's going on. Let's see if I can get that off there now.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. So this is the river I was talking about that you guys could probably get to. The other one is out the west side. But if you can't if you head east and come out underground, you'll then or back above ground from there, then you'll be able to find this river which flows out to the bay.
Jer (Joe):And this
Dr. Awesome (Eric):one's just not cooperating.
Jer (Joe):What side of town was the Hori temple on?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The Hori temple's on this side of town. So, picture the library would be like here.
Jer (Joe):Uh-huh.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):And then you guys would be going underground underneath this part of the keep outside the city through that little hole in the library, the little stairwell. This is the duchess' estate and then this is the side of the city with the, holy temple.
Jer (Joe):Okay. So the waterways would flow eastward? Yes.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Because yeah. Because the mountains are. Yeah, so land goes that way. And you guys got all these gnolls over here that don't belong over there. It's awesome.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):This could be, user fail too, so I don't know. Alright. So you guys head to the, stairwell to go down. You wanted to try to grab the book out of the box there, Melody?
Melody (Tay):Yeah. I'm gonna roll the 20
Dr. Awesome (Eric):to get over there and find a star chart. K. Roll high.
Melody (Tay):I'm trying. 15.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. You get there. You open it up. Right on the top section is a star chart.
Melody (Tay):And the book of ages?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The record of the ages is, Mara has. Because that would've been the first thing that Irene gave you because she said she had a copy. Okay. So, but you got the star chart. This star chart dates to and I'll bring it up so I can give you the Star chart dates to Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So it dates back to 2094 PC.
Jer (Joe):I'm just trying to make sure it's right.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):No, I'm sorry, it dates back to, 8015ac. What's that again? 8015ac.
Jer (Joe):What year is it now?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Current age is 22/79 PC.
Melody (Tay):Alright. I'm gonna hold up the fact that I have a star chart, make eye contact with Mara, and be like, I'm out.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. So you head towards the exit or the the stairwell down. Mara, what did you wanna do with the gnolls?
Mara (Jenn):Okay. So I'm gonna cast hail of
Jer (Joe):stones. Okay.
Mara (Jenn):So, it does, 35 media area, then universal physical resistance, negative 10%. And then I also casted, uncontrolled bleeding where they take 500 damage and additional 250 per turn for 5 to 6 turns. And then I, as I was casting the hail of stones, I came down and and, casted seismic strike to a 10 meter area, all targets, and a negative two actions.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. You're pretty sure they're dead? And if they're not, they're not gonna have any actions. So you could probably leave.
Mara (Jenn):Okay. I'm gonna turn around and run and follow Mara, Jer, and Irene.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. You guys get that down into the the stairwell and little trap door. She closes the trap door after you guys get in. She says we can't open it back up to get back to the library, so we have to head out this way now.
Mara (Jenn):Lead the way.
Melody (Tay):I'll pull out my, laser lantern from my bag to give us some light. Oh. Good idea.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You have. You guys don't see the priest anywhere. He took off without you guys.
Melody (Tay):That makes sense. I'm also gonna draw on the ground an arrow going forward saying this is the way that we're going.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Mara (Jenn):Who's bringing up the rear?
Jer (Joe):I will.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Gingero?
Mara (Jenn):Alright. Gingero's got it.
Melody (Tay):You take
Mara (Jenn):the spear and the bear with him?
Jer (Joe):I'll I'll bring up the bear, and
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I'll watch where I step this time.
Jer (Joe):If he brings
Melody (Tay):Jer, do you have any trap, like disarming ability?
Mara (Jenn):Hopefully, I don't have any in here, but good good thinking. Maybe.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. Actually, for the last couple ideas, you guys, is 500 experience points each.
Melody (Tay):Hell, yeah. Because it's per idea that I've had or just Damn.
Jer (Joe):Damn. Yeah.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So far, so take take 1500 jen you did you did too. So jared just joined us. So, he's got the 500 so 1500 for each view and then 500 for jared because he wasn't there for the stuff with the Duchess.
Melody (Tay):See, this is what you ask.
Jer (Joe):Alright. No. I don't care about traps. I'm just gonna get my eyes shot at. It's like fucking traps.
Jer (Joe):Apparently.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):He just runs
Jer (Joe):for me. Waving my hand in front of me, like, if there's cobwebs.
Melody (Tay):The fries? No. Alright. Before we move forward, I'm can I roll to, investigate for, anything that's in front of us?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Sure.
Melody (Tay):K.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So you're you're investigating negative 15%. Okay.
Melody (Tay):I got a 78. My investigate is 65.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. So while Melody gets in front and starts investigating, Melody, you felt some sort of, you know, like cylindrical piece of stone and wood sticking out of the wall. When you touched it, it then turned and clicked into the wall, and now you guys hear something that's kinda sounds like gears moving.
Mara (Jenn):Goddamn it. Damn it.
Melody (Tay):Well, that's the last time I'm doing anything. Sorry, y'all.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Hey, this is why, you know, it's it's tough. It's hard to know when we're it could be nothing.
Melody (Tay):I'm a look at Irene and be like, how fast can you get us to where we need to go?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):And she says, just follow me. She said we needed to hit that anyway. It lowers the bridge. Okay. Alright.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Now you notice as you guys move ahead, the lever that she hit unlock or made the gears lower a drawbridge that goes over sort a small chasm that's basically over top of the river that you're heading to underground. See how the river kinda just stops in the middle of land right there? That's because it comes out of the ground at that point, but it is underground all the way up to that other portion of the river.
Jer (Joe):So you're over it right now. Can anyone levitate?
Melody (Tay):I have flight. They can fly.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Is this switch I can I can fly?
Jer (Joe):Is this switch to
Dr. Awesome (Eric):a? Yes.
Jer (Joe):So I wanna tie a rope onto whoever who Irene or Melody.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Jer (Joe):And then have them pull the switch once we get across the bridge.
Melody (Tay):Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Good idea. 500 experience points. You guys can easily retract the bridge, and it'd be hard to find that thing again. It was just because she stumbled upon it by chance. So it's hard to even see that thing.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You guys are on the other side. You do see torches come down in, where you were at before, but it's a good 100 meters or more. So you just can see the light because it's so dark down here. But whoever they are, they've gotta still search around. You're the point that you're at kind of, like, it'll go and then it it spirals up a little bit then go straight then spirals up a little bit.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You've fallen Irene for a while. There's no sign of the priest, but within about, half an hour of following her, you guys end up coming out on a cave across the bank of that river that you could see right there, right here. So you're on the opposite side of it though over here. Because you would have crossed over the river underground in about this section. Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):And now you're on this side near this, wooded area. Alright. As you guys are coming out of the cave, it's now middle afternoon, so you guys can turn down your lanterns and stuff. It's not really important. The one thing you do notice when you get out here though is, when you come out of the cave, you hear
Melody (Tay):this,
Dr. Awesome (Eric):thundering kinda sound.
Mara (Jenn):Like horses? Can I try to,
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You need your chance to perceive?
Mara (Jenn):Yeah. Let me know my chance. Yeah. Let me try to roll my chance to perceive.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. It's negative 10% because the wooded area. But
Mara (Jenn):no. Didn't get it.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):K.
Melody (Tay):I'm trying to get above the perceive percentage.
Mara (Jenn):Hello. Hello. Shit. Below negative 10. Alright.
Melody (Tay):I got a 3. Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Nice. Right away, Melody, when you look off into the direction where you heard the sound, north of your position, maybe a half mile out, you see a lot of dust being kicked up into the sky. And on the edge of a a hillside stretching from the north back towards the, west, you just see columns and columns of marching beastmen. Could be Gnolls, could be whatever, but there's a lot. You'd say probably a couple 100.
Melody (Tay):I'm gonna look at my team and be like, hey, Lochmore is right to the south of us. We should head there.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):This area is vaguely familiar to you, Jer.
Jer (Joe):Am I drawn any particular way? No. Don't say no word. But you
Dr. Awesome (Eric):do you do have a short you have a short flash or images memory that you have, marching troops through here with a couple horses and marching lancers towards, farmstead.
Mara (Jenn):Can I where's Shadow's Bluff? Can you zoom out?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Sure.
Mara (Jenn):Where's the hoard? Here.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So there's now let me I will do a a what?
Melody (Tay):Yeah. Yeah. Rude. So rude. No.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Well, stop editing my map from here. Okay. Horde.
Jer (Joe):Horde.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Is that what you're looking at?
Mara (Jenn):Damn it. We're gonna have to go to Lockmore.
Melody (Tay):Well, I wanna go to Lockmore anyway.
Mara (Jenn):Can I summon animal?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You try negative 20% because most would have been scared off by this large amount of movement of armies.
Mara (Jenn):Can I focus to, birds?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Okay.
Mara (Jenn):It just says 1 animal times 1 eighth level. That's all it says.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Jer (Joe):Let me see. What do
Mara (Jenn):you want me to roll?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. So you noticed that there's some crows that come flying over in this direction and land on a tree?
Mara (Jenn):Okay. I will speak to the crow and show them a vision of Gideon, and then show them a vision of Lockemoor.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Alright. One of them screeches and it takes flight towards the city.
Mara (Jenn):Okay.
Melody (Tay):Alright. Alright.
Jer (Joe):We'll have
Mara (Jenn):to go on foot
Dr. Awesome (Eric):and Pinjiro taps you on the shoulder and points off towards the, the, Southeast.
Mara (Jenn):Why? Send another crow? What? No.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):He's point as he points over there, he hands you a spyglass.
Mara (Jenn):Okay.
Jer (Joe):Oh, boy.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. To the south, there's, you would say it's gotta be more than a 1,000. Knowles, lens.
Jer (Joe):So side of our position.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. So Okay.
Jer (Joe):Basically east of Boundforth.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. So
Mara (Jenn):here. Alright.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):That'd be too south of you guys. Here's the other group, here's the other group.
Mara (Jenn):So my thought is to regroup in Lockmore and then head to Thorn steps.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Alright. So you guys are gonna start making your way towards Lockmore? You do notice as you start moving, all the crows and stuff are in your area and vicinity because you walk through the wooden area and you come across just a massacre, probably about the, size of 2 overlapping football fields, like an arena style, just pieces and parts of bodies everywhere. Weapons, all sorts I mean, siege equipment, horses, everything, and the crows had just been picking this area for meat.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):There's a bunch of torn banners from the imperial alliance. I mean, just you'd say this is probably all the forces that would have been able to been have come here from the ocean or from the bay. So like I said before, if you go from Lockmore out, these rivers dump out into smaller harbors, but ships can come up to here, seafaring ships. So if the alliance was like, hey, we're gonna bring they already sent the soldiers that they had over from Gedron Falls. And then they were probably sending more soldiers from, further into the alliance territories, but they would have come by ship, landed, and then been moving in towards Balanford.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So you guys are coming across that area here, and that's where all the reinforcements are. It's not a good sign for lock more, but, Gynjos is we're not on horseback. It looks like the battle has come through here already. If we keep a low profile, we probably won't draw any attention. It looks like they're setting up for siege against the city.
Jer (Joe):Is Boundforth forewarned? Yeah.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The Boundforth only knows about this, the, west side of the the city because the whatever army attacked here, it split. Half of them went to this direction towards this bridge. The other half crossed the the river and went north. So they stayed pretty far outside of the watch towers and so forth of the city. Now they probably thought, hey.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Since we have, reinforcements in the size of, like, a battalion of soldiers coming through, If they see anything, they'd let us know, but they didn't make it. So
Jer (Joe):So all the scouts are got smoked.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. All their scouts and lookouts and so forth would be either in this huge battlefield of this massacre or you see very few, of the monster horde in this battlefield. This area looks like it was showered. I mean, just showered with arrows which is strange. Genjiro picks 1 up, and he says the do the gnolls use a lot of bows?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Do they have archers?
Jer (Joe):Can can we tell the make by looking at the arrows?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Because I'm not from these lands. He hands it to you. You can try with your, like, weapon knowledge or, combat knowledge. See if you can identify it.
Melody (Tay):I got a 55 for weapons and armor.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Melody (Tay):What do you guys got?
Jer (Joe):Oh, I just I just made it. I got a 63. I have a 65.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):These are imperial alliance arrows. The armor piercing imperial alliance arrows. They haven't been issued to the Imperial Alliance for archer archers for, better part of a decade because they've moved on to using rifles. So the majority pretty of these men were carrying rifles. And like I said earlier, you missed it.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The rifle regiments are a little bit lighter armor than your average infantry because they have to carry more with the the, ammunition and stuff. But they don't There's the archer archery or the archers, the columns of archers have been reduced a lot within the military now that they have rifle. So So all these arrows are of the imperial make.
Jer (Joe):So what you're saying is we see imperial soldiers that have been pierced with imperial arrows.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. I mean, the this is probably one of the largest showering archers that you I mean, these guys walked into a perfect kill zone. There should have been probably archers on all sides of them just showering the spot with arrows. And I mean as quick as as powerful as a rifle is and they're quick, one is range. 2 is, you know, they've got a reload, and these guys are moving in columns.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So they were, you know it's a pretty easy target. Once they lose the first couple of, barrages, either, you know, wiped out most of them or or pinned them down to where they weren't going anywhere. It's quiet.
Mara (Jenn):I wanna send another crow to my father. And so Those
Dr. Awesome (Eric):are kinda hard to stop summon because there's gorging themselves on on meat and stuff right now. Your best guess, Genjiro's, you know, trying to look at
Jer (Joe):some of
Dr. Awesome (Eric):the stuff, but like he said, he's from a foreign land, so he doesn't recognize this. But he said, the men have probably been dead for about 12 hours. They were killed last night.
Jer (Joe):How can we get word to bound forth that there are 2 additional, like, hordes coming?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I don't know. Not before night. Oh, we won't make it back before nightfall.
Melody (Tay):I don't think we need to go back.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The monster port can attack at night because they can all see in the dark. They don't need torches and lanterns and
Jer (Joe):Then who are those guys following this in the library?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Good question. 500 experience points. Do Knowles need a a torch?
Melody (Tay):No. No?
Mara (Jenn):No? No. They seem dark.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. They're like the dog.
Jer (Joe):So if you guys need to get to Lockemore, can we take the waterway This little oxbow? And then we'll just head straight due east. I think that'll probably be the fastest way. If there's any, like, small small vessels tied up here.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. You can look along the look along the riverbank. You guys roll your investigate, negative 10% to try to find, like, little fishing, boats or rafts. Remember, they do move goods, so there could be some.
Jer (Joe):Arm fail. Oh, man. I'm not this is not starting off well for me tonight. Well, like, I can't I can't I don't even know what a boat looks like.
Mara (Jenn):Oh, no, Joe. What'd you get?
Melody (Tay):No. I got a 64, and I have a 65%. So
Jer (Joe):Yeah. You got it.
Melody (Tay):No. He's not mine yet.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):It's a negative 10.
Mara (Jenn):Oh, okay. I'll try.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright.
Mara (Jenn):Nope. Sure.
Jer (Joe):Sure thing. I can get you.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Genjiro Genjiro, I got a 18. Genjiro finds a, small cargo raft like the pole driven kind. So he's like, we can all fit on here. Luckily, we don't have horses or anything.
Mara (Jenn):No. I haven't.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):It takes you guys maybe 20 or 30 minutes to go down river to the point where you see that small island in between. Okay. You guys get to this spot, and you can actually see the fire is burning in Lochmoor.
Jer (Joe):Oh, god.
Melody (Tay):Like, what kind of fires? Like, is it just like like bonfire or okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):It's not good. Faint screaming and so forth can also be heard. Genjiro says, as much as I wanna, you know, put, do stick with this team, my my I'm driven to see if I can help anyone.
Jer (Joe):As am I.
Mara (Jenn):Fine. So are
Melody (Tay):we going in? Yes. Okay. We're going.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Alright. Says what what we can do is if we can cause a distraction to the southeast of the town, maybe we can buy or clear out enough to tell the peep anyone we can find to head, due west and get to that raft.
Mara (Jenn):Can you pause for a second?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Sure. Pause. Drink. Getting a drink.
Mara (Jenn):The the furry one needs you.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Oh, okay. Send her down. As you guys approach the edge of Lockmore, you could see fire everywhere, and
Jer (Joe):there seems
Dr. Awesome (Eric):to be a lot lot less activity going on. You do see some huddle or huddled and crouched down, citizens a lot more behind houses and stuff. You don't see any of the monster hoard around.
Melody (Tay):How close is the nearest citizen?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Well, if you come out, like, I figured you guys are kinda, like, stealthily approaching. So if you come out from your location,
Jer (Joe):you're probably about 30 meters from somewhat so pretty close. Okay.
Melody (Tay):I'm gonna head over to the nearest citizen, and ask them if they know where, miss White Hawk is.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Melody (Tay):Sorry.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Go ahead and roll your your your stealth and stuff to move up. Roll stealth and ask without trace, negative 10%.
Jer (Joe):Just move up to them
Dr. Awesome (Eric):and then I'll roll their chance to
Melody (Tay):Nice stealth. Social interact. 55%, and you said without trace pass without trace?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Mhmm.
Melody (Tay):That's 50%. Okay. So I'm trying to go under. Right?
Jer (Joe):Mhmm.
Melody (Tay):No way. No way. 96. That is nope.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright.
Mara (Jenn):She'd fallen in and
Jer (Joe):out of the basement.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):From your guys' small hidden location behind the bushes and stuff. Neli leaves the group and starts to climb over this small rise through the bushes and out into the the shadow of one of the houses. When she does so, she kicks over a bunch of buckets that were next to this feeding trough for horses, And they go down and then those buckets were attached to lines to to water, to water buckets from the well. So it just makes it enormous chain of buckets falling as it goes all the way over to the house because this is where they were, you know, keeping steerage and stuff, so they fed or did their water here like a bucket brigade, but by rope. So all that stuff starts banging around the fan the the people next to the house turn around, like, oh,
Jer (Joe):what the hell was this? They think
Dr. Awesome (Eric):that you're gonna kill them, but they're the only ones that seem to notice anything because the the sounds of the town on fire are pretty, intense. Okay. Please don't kill us.
Melody (Tay):I'm gonna walk up to them with my hands up and be like, I mean, you no harm. I just have a couple of questions.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. She's they're like, this this this town is under attack. You should run for your life.
Melody (Tay):What is it under attack from?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):They came from the sky.
Melody (Tay):Does it have wings?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The, middle aged man that's there lean leans to the side of the house and kinda beckons you to step closer to him, And, he's pointing. And I will show you what he's pointing at.
Melody (Tay):Great.
Jer (Joe):His butt.
Melody (Tay):His butt.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):His butt. Here's my butt.
Melody (Tay):Not a butt.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Look at that view. Look at that beauty. My butt.
Jer (Joe):Beat it. Look at that beard. My butt.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):My butt is a beaut. Okay.
Mara (Jenn):Made me spit.
Jer (Joe):Oh my god.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. It should pop up here for you in a second. I'm hoping. Okay. He points over to that.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):It's just outside of Lochmoor. He said first the monster. He said first the gnolls and the Flynn's started to come with, some more on Warg, like riding on Warg's back. Like, Warg are these big dog like creatures. They're pretty nasty.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You might have seen something like that in, Lord of Rings, The Two Towers. Mhmm. They don't look the same as the ones that you guys are encountering, but same idea. Right. They were they were just heading into town.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):They came from the north, and they're kinda sweeping around Lochmore. And then that thing showed up, and he said that, surprisingly, we thought they were gonna fire the their cannons. They have a bunch of cannons all around on the deck. Oh, nice. But they just started showering arrows, just hundreds of arrows, and the monsters dispersed and took off, and then there is an another ship identical to that one that went to the, west.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):But then this one dropped or opened these metal cylinders that shot fire all over our town, and they left they dropped troops not too far from here.
Melody (Tay):Alright. I'm gonna ask him if he knows anybody with the last name of White Hawk.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. Widow White Hawk?
Melody (Tay):Yes.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):She's our matriarch of the town. She lives at the other end of this town.
Jer (Joe):Is she safe?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I don't think anyone's safe at this moment.
Melody (Tay):We have to go get her. Y'all come with me to go get her or you guys staying behind the bushes?
Jer (Joe):No. I'm down.
Melody (Tay):Alright.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The farmer that's talking to you, his melon gets split in half. Boom. You hear a crack like thunder not too far from you, and his head just goes bloop, and you get covered by gray matter and a lot of blood.
Melody (Tay):Great. Great matter?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Screaming, and then you see some soldiers cross a field towards this farm area. And I will show you what they look like.
Melody (Tay):Okay. That's rude. Rude. Are we able to, like, sneak by, like, the houses to go to the other side and not in concrete? You can keep them,
Dr. Awesome (Eric):in between you and those soldiers, but they probably have already seen you. They haven't seen the rest of your party.
Melody (Tay):That's right. Because I made all that ruckus.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Well, that and you were talking to the farmer, they can't pull his head off. So you're probably knowledgeable of your your current position.
Melody (Tay):Okay. Once you get the guy up, I'm gonna use my passive ability of, assessing the opponent.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):All right. There we go.
Melody (Tay):What the hell?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):There's 4 of them. It looks a lot like Imperial Rifleman, but, little more advanced.
Melody (Tay):So what do I learn when I assess my opponent?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You learn that they're of medium armor, padded armor with a light plate, effect effective, helmet and, shielding their their face and, eyes from the daylight so they have better chance to aim. They're very well equipped. The the way that they move, it appears they have a lot of training or experience with combat. Their weapon, unlike the imperial riflemen, their weapons seem to be, newer.
Melody (Tay):But that's metal. Yes?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yes.
Melody (Tay):Okay. I'm gonna use my lightning storm because metal is hella conductive.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Good idea. 250 experience points.
Melody (Tay):Hella conduct. Attack. Alright. So what do I roll? It says 3 d 12, so a 12 sided?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yep. Get the the fat one.
Jer (Joe):Not that. Now, the liver is kinda fat.
Melody (Tay):The kinda fat one? So the medium fat.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Fat one.
Melody (Tay):Got them. Alright. Alright.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Roll that.
Melody (Tay):Alright. Everybody get out of the way.
Mara (Jenn):So it's 2. 3 times 2.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Roll it 2 more times because that's terrible.
Melody (Tay):Okay. I'm gonna use a different one. Hold on.
Mara (Jenn):Air in your face.
Melody (Tay):9.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. And roll one more time.
Melody (Tay):Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):That way, we're doing 3 d 12.
Melody (Tay):8.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. So 19 so times 10 is a 190 times half your level. What level are you? 10. So 5.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. It shocks it shocks through the troops. 3 of them fall to the ground and don't get up. One of them is still up.
Jer (Joe):Do you
Dr. Awesome (Eric):still have you you know, 1 over there. You did the spell. You still have 2 actions left.
Melody (Tay):Sir He
Dr. Awesome (Eric):is taking aim.
Melody (Tay):Okay. I'm going to where is that? The Melody of Serenity. I'm gonna calm the enemies and make sure that they have no action.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Melody (Tay):That's 1.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. He totally fails his resist magic so he's just standing there now. He lowers his rifle. He's standing there.
Melody (Tay):Alright. Cool. I'm gonna go walk over to him and put a sword to his throat and start talking to him.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Melody (Tay):Alright. I'm gonna ask him why he's here. Why are they setting this town on fire?
Mara (Jenn):The close shave.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Following orders.
Melody (Tay):Whose orders?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):My superiors.
Melody (Tay):So what is what are your orders?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):That we will take bound forth and become part of the Obsidian order, the Obsidian Empire.
Melody (Tay):But this is Lockmore. This isn't even Ballonforth. Why are you here?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):All of this area will belong to the Obsidian Order.
Melody (Tay):Alright.
Mara (Jenn):Who leads the Obsidian Order?
Melody (Tay):There you go. Who leads the Obsidian Order? Since you guys aren't here, you didn't come with me. No. Jerry's here.
Melody (Tay):So who leads the Obsidian Order?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. Just take me right away. There's a a flash of, light in your direction. It actually is like a it looks like a a very golden ish fire, but in this in the shape of a crescent. That blasts across the field.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):It splits this soldier in half, and you gotta roll your dodge or block.
Melody (Tay):Me? Oh, shit. Okay. So you said dodge gets all of it. Block is only half.
Melody (Tay):Right?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. But if you fail your dodge, you take double damage.
Melody (Tay):Can well, since I saw it coming, can I just, like, use my passive ability or the active ability of evasive routine?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah.
Melody (Tay):Okay. Cool. Which
Dr. Awesome (Eric):you bonus. Right?
Melody (Tay):No. It just says evades all projectiles.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Oh, excellent. Okay.
Melody (Tay):Evade all damage.
Jer (Joe):Like, get the fuck out of that. It's like
Dr. Awesome (Eric):we need to through it goes through and it chops, like, part of the part of the, the steer rearing built the wooden house where they brought all livestock to it. It chops half of that off, and it falls on the ground. It sets it on fire. The guy's body's on fire, and then another slash comes through and kills the 3 the the 3 soldiers using lightning as well.
Melody (Tay):Okay. I'm gonna look at my compadres and be, like, I'm gonna head over to go find the widow, White Hawk.
Jer (Joe):Can I see who's doing that?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Very good. 500 experience points.
Melody (Tay):I'm like, get the fuck out of here.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Walking straight towards Melody.
Melody (Tay):Oh.
Jer (Joe):I shared his picture.
Melody (Tay):I got it. Okay. Shit. I'm running. I'm gone.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Their order is not to speak to the enemy, but I will remedy that now.
Melody (Tay):Oh, is he the leader?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Roll your defense. He's now face to face with you and, swings with his sword. It looks like almost like a figure 8 when he does it. Mhmm. And I rolled an 18.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Who's he swinging at?
Melody (Tay):You. Me? Mhmm. So I have to roll a He
Dr. Awesome (Eric):moves very quickly. He crossed that field like nothing.
Melody (Tay):So I still can't use my evasive routine? I have to I have to actually do something now?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. He's point blank, so it's not a projectile.
Melody (Tay):Okay. So I'm gonna go ahead and and try to block it.
Jer (Joe):Okay. Kill this dude, man. He's nothing.
Melody (Tay):Hurry up.
Dolion (Mac):Just kill him.
Jer (Joe):He's whack, man.
Mara (Jenn):Alright. I'm gonna
Melody (Tay):go ahead and try to block it. Where's my block? Am I missing it?
Jer (Joe):Do you have any other defensive
Melody (Tay):skills? Me. Okay. A back flip.
Jer (Joe):That'll give you some distance too.
Melody (Tay):This is true. That is true. I'm gonna go with back flip.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Melody (Tay):Thanks, Cher.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Go ahead and roll your roll your, dodge. Do you want to know your negative? Yeah Okay, it's negative 20 percent
Melody (Tay):Alright. So my dodge is 84. Negative 20 is 64. I rolled a 23. Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Dodge out of the way, and it, the blade cuts through, pretty much everything right there. So the family is in pieces.
Jer (Joe):Can I step into locked blades?
Melody (Tay):Sure. Please.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Roll the roll the 10 sided die first. Okay. Go.
Jer (Joe):Through me?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah.
Jer (Joe):2. Okay. So you you,
Dr. Awesome (Eric):while you're there and you you do a back flip, Jared steps into the situation and locks blades with or his sword against the other guy's sword. So they're standing there, blocking blades. Across the way, Mara, you know, there's 10 more of those soldiers with the rifles, and 2 more guys wearing this kinda armor and sword, but their helmet's slightly different heading in this direction. So Genjiro takes out his spear and he says that, he'll slow or he'll defend against them as well so Jarett can fight this, fight this guy, but he's gonna need your help.
Jer (Joe):Me? Because that's Okay.
Mara (Jenn):I'm coming.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Gonna be 10 actually, 10 enemies. So it's it's gonna I'm gonna need help.
Melody (Tay):Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Whatever you're gonna do, Melody, do it fast. Go find that lady because we don't have time. Okay. This family's dead. We can't save them anymore.
Melody (Tay):Alright. I'm running towards the building that Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The
Melody (Tay):guy said he was in and she was in. Okay.
Mara (Jenn):Change tactics here.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright, Jared. Roll the 20 sided die versus mine. He has a plus 3 to his face off. So he has a 13.
Jer (Joe):Do I have any face off images?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You should have a plus 2, but I don't know if it's on the sheet or not.
Jer (Joe):So what am I rolling? 20 sided?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. 20 sided high as you can.
Melody (Tay):Oh, no. No.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. I lost
Jer (Joe):face off, bro.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. 40 per, he won the face off 40%. He does disarm, so he knocks your sword out of your hand, and 20. Okay. After he knocks your sword, you guys see that he disarms Jair and, stabs Jair through the upper part of his right, like, chest.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright? Fuck. It's a it's a move that he also like, when he does it, it slides forward, and basically, there's a blast behind him like a of of what looks to be like red fire. Alright? The ancient symbols that come off looks like, it says demons rush, and he hits and pushes forward.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):It throws Jair into the rubble of that building. It also does 875 damage. It did, 15 or 15 times a 30 structural damage to your armor
Jer (Joe):Now I'm gonna rags again.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. You lose 2 actions, but it's your turn. So you still have an action, it's still your turn. For me? Yeah.
Jer (Joe):Okay. I wanna keep this guy distance, man. Like, first my first action, I'm gonna do weapon retrieval.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Jer (Joe):Hold on. Let me keep all my numbers.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. So that's pretty much instantaneous.
Melody (Tay):So you got
Jer (Joe):your sword back. And then, do a distant slash.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Any particular location?
Jer (Joe):Towards the sword arm.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Golly.
Jer (Joe):Forget it.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):What'd you get?
Jer (Joe):I got a 6.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):What's your bonus?
Jer (Joe):Does it matter?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Not really. It'd be a half damage 8.
Jer (Joe):This is like a plus 2. You know what I'm saying? It's like a 8.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You notice the distance slash strikes off across the front of his breastplate, and, it hit him, but it just not not not effective enough. It's your turn. Okay.
Mara (Jenn):My turn?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yes.
Mara (Jenn):How's Jir doing?
Jer (Joe):Oh, just dead.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Jir took a pretty bad hit, but he's on his feet. But the bigger problem for Jaren and Genjiro since they're basically being your guys' front frontal attack. The problem is going to be when those 8 riflemen set up and start firing because it's gonna be hard enough. Jared's got this guy to fight who's obviously skilled, and then Genjira went to fight his other 2 lieutenants. But those 8 riflemen are gonna post up and start firing, and that's gonna be a lot of damage heading down towards them.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You're gonna have to provide them some kind of cover.
Mara (Jenn):Okay. I'm gonna cast a stone guardian. Okay. Which they have, 35 SID times 7 turns. Okay.
Mara (Jenn):Then I also raised 2 bone golems.
Melody (Tay):Alright.
Mara (Jenn):Which tier they're 500 life force. I raised 2 and they last for 5 turns. And I'll tell them to go attack the rifleman.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Mara (Jenn):So I have one more action.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Mara (Jenn):So I'm I'm gonna use it to, animate stone and send the projectiles, imbued with my soul fire and shoot it at that
Dr. Awesome (Eric):guy. Okay. Sounds good.
Mara (Jenn):Hang on. I don't know. Give me a second. I don't know how much damage my soul fire does. Give me Okay.
Mara (Jenn):A second. You can continue. I'll tell you how much damage I do.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Melody, you're running through the town towards the, the main hall, which is the center of town. It's where they would hold most of their, like, town meetings and so forth. When you're heading there, that building is is nearly gonna fall to the ground. It's on fire.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You hear people screaming inside. There's a good dozen soldiers standing around outside of the building. You see a couple dead bodies at the door which looked like they were trying to get out of the burning building, and the soldiers just shot them.
Melody (Tay):Okay. Can I can I use that same lightning storm to, get their attention away from the door so those people can get out?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. Good idea. Roll the 12 sided dice.
Melody (Tay):Good lord. Okay. This is a 12th? This is a 12th. Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Don't roll that first one again. That one was terrible. 11. There you go. Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So that's 30 3330 times 5. Okay. That definitely took out. Let me see. 330 is a 5.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Sorry. Gotta do some math in public here.
Melody (Tay):No. You're fine.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):K times 5. Okay. That will kill some soldiers. Alright. So that's gonna be 5, 6, 7.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You killed 7 of the dozen, so there's 5 left. But make sure you keep track of that 7 Obsidian, infantry. Alright. Roll your magic resistance negative 15%.
Melody (Tay):Sorry. Hold on.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You just got hit with a fireball.
Melody (Tay):Alright. You said my what? My magic resist?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yes.
Melody (Tay):Minus what?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):15%.
Melody (Tay):And I'm trying to get under it. Right?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yes.
Jer (Joe):Okay.
Melody (Tay):Get out of the way. No. No. I did not. Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So you take the full on damage. It's 480 damage, but it's gonna continually do a 150 damage, a fire damage for 3 turns unless you can get the fire out. But, it blasts you off your feet into the, like, a wagon area with some hay and so forth, like, bundled for, livestock. So it kinda collapses on you and catches fire, but the person doesn't throw another fireball because they see that you're down. But it was one of those it one of those night looking guys, but he doesn't have the same helmet as this guy.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I think I have a picture of those guys too if you need that one. They're just slightly different.
Mara (Jenn):What was the, so far sole fire damage? Do we take the base EP and multiply times 10?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Sole fire damage? Yeah.
Jer (Joe):Oh, I I see what you're saying now. Give me
Mara (Jenn):a sec. Yeah. The base the the raw damage.
Jer (Joe):I have it.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. I thought it was just gonna be, fit 50 damage times your your level.
Mara (Jenn):I thought I thought it was your base EP. Are we saying 50 damage times level?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. I think so. Because then and we didn't wanna make it too too much on their EP because if that's the case, then you would have higher level mages, especially in the dual we're still working on that. So let's just go with that for now, the 50 times your your level.
Mara (Jenn):So 50 time 50EP 10. Yeah. Temp level.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Does that sound about right, Joe?
Jer (Joe):Yeah. I'm trying to see
Dr. Awesome (Eric):See how it plays out to where we're not overly empowering one opponent over another, you know?
Jer (Joe):Right. We were also thinking like for Soulfire, we're doing,
Dr. Awesome (Eric):That's just a mage throwing out damage without anything no spell. It's basically he's using his own magic energy to
Jer (Joe):to scan. It's level times 20.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Level times 20.
Mara (Jenn):So what And
Jer (Joe):then any if you have any, like, damage modifiers. We haven't worked out all the like, there's little things like
Mara (Jenn):For for just this this, I'll just use my wand since that's the only really magical item that I have.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. We don't wanna. We'll go with that because until we figure out exactly how how that works, I don't wanna enter the Soulfire and mess up the
Melody (Tay):Do you
Mara (Jenn):want me to just not use it?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. Just use your wand. Alright. That'll work, just the same pretty much until we figure out how we wanna the soulfire damage to to work.
Melody (Tay):That's fine. Okay. So with my 5 soldiers left, are they all standing near each other with the, guy that, like, shot that rocket at me?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Shot the fireball?
Melody (Tay):Yeah. That thing.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Now the 5 soldiers are closer to the building. The guy who threw the fireball is across the street.
Melody (Tay):Okay. So I'm gonna do my passive ability of distractive sound for the 5 guys, by the building.
Jer (Joe):To
Melody (Tay):get them distracted away from the building. And then I'm going to, assess the opponent of the guy that, shot the fireball at me. Okay. And I'm going to do a Spinning dual presence. So, I'm gonna use that chaining ability.
Melody (Tay):I got you. To do that, to see if I can, like, kill this guy.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Melody (Tay):Alright. So it says plus 2 d 10 times 10. So
Mara (Jenn):So we had 10 times I die. Your percent.
Melody (Tay):Times the 10
Mara (Jenn):die? So, yeah, make it 2 whenever you roll in the 10.
Melody (Tay):Wait. What?
Mara (Jenn):You're fine. Throw your 10 sided die.
Melody (Tay):Okay. Got a 2.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. So it's 4 it's 40 times your level?
Melody (Tay):No. It says times 10.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Times 10.
Melody (Tay):Yeah.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. 4 time 2 d 10 times 10. Right?
Melody (Tay):Mhmm.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yes. That's 40. Is it times your level or
Melody (Tay):It just that's all it says.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Alright. He stands there and does a, oh, that's the damage for the okay. He does a block with his sword. Let's see.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. He fails to try to counter, but he did block with his sword, so he took half that damage.
Melody (Tay):Okay. And since I'm close can I, I assess that he doesn't have a helmet on so can I try to decapitate him?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah.
Melody (Tay):Okay. Alright. I don't know if I wanna do that. Can I transfer critical to his neck? Yeah.
Melody (Tay):My chance to decapitate 15.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):15 or higher to hit on the neck.
Melody (Tay):15 or higher?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):16 or higher is a called hit to his neck.
Melody (Tay):Alright. And that's just the 20 sided die. Right?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Mhmm. Yes.
Jer (Joe):Okay.
Melody (Tay):I got a 7. I'm gonna do it.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Alright. Counters. 19 double damage. Alright.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):With his counter, he does a crushing pummel strike. So he hits you right in the face. You gotta roll your physical resistance negative 20%. Basically, he took the pummel of his sword and punched you in the faith.
Melody (Tay):Oh, great. Physical resistance is 70, you said minus 20%.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yes.
Melody (Tay):Okay. So that's 50. So I'm trying to get underneath that. We're going to try these 2. 43, and I needed a 50.
Melody (Tay):So I Yeah. I got it.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You're awake. You're a champ. You just punched the shit.
Melody (Tay):It's like,
Jer (Joe):I'm good.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. He's he jumps back. He does what's called a leap back. When he lands, he he says, or casts a spell, and it's a pillar of hellfire. So it does 100 150 damage to the area.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So now you're sitting at about that's 8, 9. You're at about a 1,000 was it a 1,100 damage?
Melody (Tay):Alright.
Jer (Joe):Cool. Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Back to Jer now. Jer, what are you gonna do?
Jer (Joe):Okay. So passive ability that doesn't take a does that take an action? No. No. Okay.
Jer (Joe):So I am going to start with the oath of perseverance. Okay. And then I wanna use, my or of execution to perform a distant slash. So let me see.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):125
Jer (Joe):plus 50. Okay. Here we go. 7 plus 5. Golly.
Jer (Joe):So that's a 12.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):That hits.
Jer (Joe):The the sword has a chance at a cap day too, plus everything I I added.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. What's the percent?
Jer (Joe):It's everything added, 35, 20, it's 70.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. Go ahead and roll it.
Jer (Joe):Oh, 67. Okay. Man, my my I gotta get a new 20, man. Sir.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You when you hit him, you take his helmet right off, that that dude with the the, alright. It takes his helmet right off, and you notice that underneath his, he looked very desiccated, but it took half of his face and neck off at the same time. And he hits the ground, and you see a blast of ash and stuff come out of the armor. And then it looks like shoots up in the little bit of, of that red fire and then goes straight into the ground. Shit.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Now, There's a dude that's across the well, you didn't know where he was, but this guy that I'm showing you the picture of now he leaps away from where he's at with Melody and crashes through the building, the what remains of the building next to you and lands on the ground, and he seems extremely pissed off looking at the armor on the ground that just, you just murdered that guy. So he's at least he's no longer trying to kill Melody. You definitely drew his attention. Cool. How many actions do you have left?
Jer (Joe):I still have 2 actions.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. What are you gonna do? Because he only he used the, his last action to get over here. So
Jer (Joe):let me see what I wanna do. I wanna do a hold on. I gotta make sure I have enough for this. I might be running running low. Where do my MPEP again?
Jer (Joe):Oh, I see that. I got it. I got it. Oh, yeah. I'm still good.
Jer (Joe):Okay. The first thing I wanna do is a leaping fierce chop, which is a minus 10 to their deep defense. And it's a 40% chance to break his guard.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Good.
Jer (Joe):That is with what I have on 13. It's an 18.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. He does block, but you have a chance to break guard. So go ahead and roll that. You immediately came up with a sword, but the chop
Jer (Joe):does 28. Okay. You broke you
Dr. Awesome (Eric):you noticed that the the blade changes completely. Okay? More so than normal, the center part of your sword goes all the way through with that with the same energy, the light that you see at the hilt. When it does that, it splits right through his sword and splits right through his armor and takes his, left arm off because he he's a double wielder and his like, if he's like this, his left arm would have been forward. So when it breaks the sword, it cuts right through his arm.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. His arm falls on the ground and, it seems like Ennard's being drawn off of him into the hilt or to the what do you call that? Where the cross guard is on your blade. Alright. He notices it right away and backs up holding his arm.
Jer (Joe):Can I try to reeve?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah.
Jer (Joe):7%. Okay. 40 45% chance.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. When you read, you noticed it and you see what looks to be like a like a black light, like almost like a dark fire.
Melody (Tay):Right. Right.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):It starts to burn out through his eyes and mouth and through his wound. Alright? It comes up it burns out of his body and goes into the sword. Alright. You feel strange for a second, almost like a pain, but what's left of his body falls over like a husk.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):And, and from from your guys vantage points, you guys see a a flash of, these 4, like, almost purple eyes, like glowing eyes that disappear into his sword. Alright. The soldiers that were hit with the lightning over at the church or the sent town center are are dead. The other ones took off. Right?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The ones that were being pounded to death by the stone guardian and the bone golems, that killed 5, and the other 3 that were left took off. Now the 2 lieutenants that were there, once you killed the captain, they backed up too. They all seemed to be falling back to the airship, but it allowed for 17 of the villagers to make it over to the raft. Okay? Now 2 the last two villagers have come out of the, main hall.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Most of the town of Lochmoor is done for. And it's fallen to pieces. The airship slightly lifts off the ground, and he noticed that all the ports on its, starboard side flip open to show its cannons. Alright? Genjiro's still fighting one of the last lieutenants, but he seems to be just trying to keep Genjiro busy and backing up at the same time.
Jer (Joe):This shit. Rain fire.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So,
Jer (Joe):But the truth, sire.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The 2 people coming out of the main hall and while it's fracturing and falling apart are carrying a an old woman who looks very badly burned. Alright. Yes. You guys are you guys are in a in a location. Alright.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Genjiro does a hand motion like his sigils from before with a little bit of energy, and what you guys can't tell from your vantage point, but it looked like energy came up from behind him over top of him and then released this this deluge that looked like a a blast of extremely, huge amount of water. Right? And it hits the the one lieutenant and is pinning him against the building in the distance. Then Genjiro just comes back to where you guys are at and, then heads over to try to help with the carrying the lady out of out of the town. Immediately, the airship stop starts bombarding at the furthest part of town and working its way towards your guys' direction.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So everybody roll your escape negative 15% to avoid any, explosive damage.
Jer (Joe):Minus what?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):15.
Melody (Tay):I didn't make it.
Jer (Joe):I I got it. I have 30 30.
Melody (Tay):Ouch.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):How about you, Mara?
Mara (Jenn):I got it.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. K. You wanna send your, stone guardian over to help Melody then?
Mara (Jenn):Yes.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I mean, he's still around, so he could take up the damage and just bring her.
Melody (Tay):You know
Dr. Awesome (Eric):what I mean? Kinda like just Yeah. Because, I mean, he's a stone gulp. So, alright. So you didn't take any damage, Melody.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You guys all regroup at the rivers side of Lochmoor. Alright? The town is getting obliterated, But you're also hearing, at first, you you were believing it was echoes of the cannon fire or, you know, just repetition is cannon fire and, gunshots just destroying the town, but it's it's actually, reverberating from the other side of the river. You're hearing the battle now taking place at Ballinford. It's a different sound of gunshots because it's the imperials fighting off the hordes attacking from all sides.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Guys, you're seeing here. There's Melody's got some serious, wounds to deal with. She's got a pretty bad cut on her forehead from the pommel strike that was a it was a double damage. I mean, landed perfectly. She's blooded all in her eye and stuff.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):She needs to tend to that. You didn't really get injured, Mara, so you're in a good spot. Jared has a pretty bad wound in his, the right his right chest upper chest. Ginger's about average. He took a couple hits, but nothing nothing big.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):What do you guys So
Melody (Tay):can I use
Dr. Awesome (Eric):wanna do at
Melody (Tay):this point? Can I use the dressings and bandages in my bag to help Jare and myself? Like
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Could I be a total 50 experience points? You guys can at least stop the bleeding and kind of, you know, bandage up the wound so you keep it from foreign objects getting into it.
Melody (Tay):I wanna see
Mara (Jenn):if there's, I'm gonna roll my botany and see if there's any plants nearby that would help with, like, accelerated healing.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Sweet. Excellent. 500 experience points. You guys, notice the that there's the, the long bottom leaf and then, from Mandel's pipe. And, you guys also no.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Basically, you find the plant the plant that the flower Sirena grows on, but there's no flower. But what you do know since you used to make potions is you could take the leaves. The flower is like a a huge boost of healing, flower Sirena. But the leaves themselves accelerate healing, and it and it will prevent infection. So you could put that with the dressing and bandages that Melody got out, but you guys need to take refuge somewhere.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):That ship's not gonna just stay where it was. You guys took out one of their commanders, their captain, some lieutenants, and a good dozen of their soldiers. They're gonna come looking for you because others escaped. So, you guys could try to help these people, maybe get them to the coastline or hide or get them Let me get the Let me look
Jer (Joe):at the map again.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I'll bring back up the map to try to find a good direction for you guys to go. You could head, due south into the into the I mean, it's a wooded area, some of the lakes and some old dead trees, but there's still some wooded area
Melody (Tay):that's alive.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Or you could try to cross the river real quick on that raft and go hang out. This is a got a little bit more wooded area, and if you're headed towards Can
Jer (Joe):you hear me? If you're cross or just wooded area,
Dr. Awesome (Eric):you could head into Fox Run Hollow. The airship can't follow you into the in here. You see what I'm saying? Because they won't be able to see you in a heavy wooded area.
Mara (Jenn):We can't see it. Can you share it?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):What?
Mara (Jenn):We can't see your screen.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Oh, that would probably yeah. My bad. Alright. Helpful.
Jer (Joe):Yeah. You wanna do this? Yeah. You wanna do that? No idea.
Jer (Joe):Yeah.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay. So you could head into this sparse wooded area, or cross the river through this wooded area, and into Fox Run Hollow, which is a very dense forest. Your chance to escape to here is a lot lower. This is the easiest escape roll, but you could probably be found this escape roll's medium. So basically think of it as no negative to your escape, negative 5% to your escape, negative 10% to your escape.
Jer (Joe):I feel
Mara (Jenn):like if we go to Fox Run, we're going backwards.
Melody (Tay):Mhmm. We need to go up north.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Okay.
Melody (Tay):So Can we
Jer (Joe):move the map up? What about those woods north of Lochmoor?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. They're mostly dead wood, but it's hey. It's something to give you some kind of cover. What else did you guys learn about this area when you when you came from over near this river? What did
Melody (Tay):you learn about? Tunnels. It's your secret tunnels.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Which means there's probably what? Caves.
Melody (Tay):Is there a cave nearby?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I don't know. How would you know?
Mara (Jenn):Townspeople.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):500 experience points. So everybody get 500 experience points and then extra 250 for if you guys find out. 1 of the townspeople says, just on the other side of these these two small lakes is a is a another cave entrance. But you're it's gonna be about waist deep water for the most part in that cave.
Mara (Jenn):That sucks. Oh, well.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So it'd be over here.
Mara (Jenn):Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):We could, that's the best we could do. There's a small piece of land that juts up from the water, but it's only gonna fit, like, maybe 5 people. I think we should put the most wounded on it.
Melody (Tay):Okay. Because
Dr. Awesome (Eric):night as the night falls and it's starting to get a little darker, it's gonna look a cooler. And it although it's the end of winter, it's still cold.
Melody (Tay):I say we head over to that cave, and can I ask the guy that talked to us, the townsman, if, Widow White Hawk made it?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yes. She's, she's not doing well, but she's she's here with us.
Melody (Tay):Can I try to talk to her as we're moving?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah.
Melody (Tay):Okay. So we're moving towards the cave. Jared, are you in a green so we're going to the cave? Yeah.
Jer (Joe):I'm down for whatever you guys wanna do. Okay. I'm just long for the ride. Alright.
Melody (Tay):I'm gonna talk to the widow, White Hawk. I'm gonna ask her, about her daughter.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. As soon as you start talking to her, you notice, I mean, she's got some serious burns. Your best guess is she's probably only got a little bit to live, but she moves her her hand out immediately and touches your face and asks, where have you been?
Melody (Tay):I'm gonna tell her that, I was with the, oh, god. I forgot what their names are.
Jer (Joe):Do we not have any anything any healing? I mean, I I don't.
Melody (Tay):No. No. I did not pick up healing when I, upgraded
Jer (Joe):to him.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Says she's beyond my ability. We would need a real priest.
Melody (Tay):I would, so I'm gonna touch her hand that's on my face and, probably tear up a little bit. I wanna tell her that I was with the Thynerian or sorry. How do I pronounce that again?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Hythereians. Yes.
Melody (Tay):Hythereians. I was with the Hythereans, and, can you tell me about, like, who I am?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. She just call she said, she's she's speaking on and off into ancient, and she calls you her, midnight child or or gift from the the moon. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense at first, but she says that she's so glad they she thought they would have sold you into slavery or killed you because she remembers the day they took you, and they killed your old your older brother. She says you may not have been blood, but you were of our family. You were my
Melody (Tay):When she says I'm not of blood, does that mean that, like, she found me in the shrubbery of of Alright. She
Dr. Awesome (Eric):says, you were my mid, the midnight gift from the moon, but I raised you for 4 years.
Melody (Tay):Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Your darker half left you to me.
Melody (Tay):What does that mean?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):She said that you were very special. That's why I was tried so hard to keep you safe at the farmstead that day when they killed your brother.
Melody (Tay):Can I ask her if she knows anything else about me other than me being the midnight child, the gift of the moon? Like, did I have any special attributes that I showed early on in my
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You've always been, one with the music. That's because of your you're the light side, that your darker half is is still gonna be out there. Your darker half brought you here because this land once was watched over by one of your sisters.
Melody (Tay):Can I ask her, please?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You were one of the last that could do something.
Melody (Tay):Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You would need to you would need to find the person who could guide you so your music could awaken those that had fallen.
Melody (Tay):I don't know what else to ask.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Your guide is of the most ancient of blood.
Melody (Tay):Does she know what their name is?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):They are not supposed to exist anymore.
Melody (Tay):Okay. But what what is the name?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):It will be a woman from the deep forest.
Melody (Tay):K.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):1 that will be above a queen.
Melody (Tay):Like a goddess?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):In a sense that the kingdom may disappear before she can protect it, but her duty is to help you first.
Melody (Tay):Okay. And she said that she was in the deep forest. Does she know which forest?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):The woman I knew was a, a witch. She had lived there for 200 years, but I don't think that that's who your dark half was referring to because she said that she would be, of the ancient blood. The witch was not of the ancient blood, the most ancient of blood, the ones who fought off the the ones cursed who fought off the first vampires, the the first Vexx.
Melody (Tay):Yo. It's Mara. It's you. You're my guide. Okay.
Melody (Tay):Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
Melody (Tay):Alright. Yeah. I don't have anything else that I wanna ask her. I want okay. I wanna ask Ashley if she
Dr. Awesome (Eric):She grabs your hand tightly, and she says that she's so glad that she was able to speak to you again because you you she feared you would never get the information. But she says, no, you will be safe in the company of the dragon, the lion, and the mountain. Beware the sword from the darkness. Alright. She pa she's now unconscious.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):She can't speak anymore.
Melody (Tay):K. Alright. I don't know what else to do. Alright.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So we're says that I've I've I've I've, taken away her pain, which cannot stop her from passing.
Melody (Tay):And I will thank Ganjiro for that.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):There's so much debt. I must pray.
Jer (Joe):Can we try to gather the people to go to safety then?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. You guys get them to the cave and everyone seems to be at least at the front of the cave. It feels a little safer and a lot of people don't have to wade down into the water. Mara, you're in a urine you're not really injured or anything. So but, you know these you know that these people aren't gonna survive long on their own.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):So you guys are gonna have to come up with some kind you can't take them to bound for it. That'd be a terrible mistake. Ginduro's off doing his, yummy yummy yamas over there in the corner.
Jer (Joe):He has no temple. Kinda run our choices like the you know what I'm saying? Like, where where is the closest safe haven?
Melody (Tay):So we have the Therians, the Thorian steps over to the east, and then Shadows Bluff to the north.
Jer (Joe):Are there established, like, imperial towns there?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Shadows Bluff is a free city. The closest How many city? Imperial Place to be Durlan's Keep, which is all military fort or Gedron Falls. Gedron Falls will take you probably about greater part of a week.
Melody (Tay):So there's 17 villages Renborough. Looking
Jer (Joe):at us.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Renborough is a just a trade town. It's not even a full city. Shadows Bluff is a free city, but it's full of, brigands and thieves and and Blackwell's gone. So
Mara (Jenn):They don't really have a heart.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Are you guys willing to manage and you're you're healing up pretty good. So, it'd be great if you guys had some rations, but all that's still back at the stable since you never got to go back to the the Duchess's estate.
Jer (Joe):Mhmm. Are there any can we look and see if there's any hidden caches in the caves? Yeah.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):You could search the cave. See what's here.
Jer (Joe):Just in the general area, I feel like if people are trying to escape, maybe they have something hidden in the cave.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. Go ahead and roll your guys investigate negative 10%. You do still have your land laser lantern and stuff, so it helps you see enough in the dark.
Melody (Tay):Yeah. I'll go ahead and pull that out. I found something. I did not.
Jer (Joe):I don't even know what a cave is.
Melody (Tay):I'm in the cave, but,
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I'm outside the cave searching. He's like alright. I'm digging dirt. Jer's looking and, in and around the cave not really finding anything. Melody's sort of looking around and not finding stuff.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Mara, while you're moving stuff, looking through the cave, you find you find a few boxes, which would be like strong boxes maybe left behind. But the one thing that startles you right away, when you find the 1st strong box, it's the lock's broken, but you see a chain connected to another strong box. When you lean over around this little bend in the cape, you see that young black man again, and he has a sword out and he draws a sword really rapidly and says, state your business. Get away from my gold.
Mara (Jenn):But I want your gold.
Jer (Joe):Who are you? We met before.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Oh, yeah. The graveyard.
Mara (Jenn):In the graveyard. Man, I
Dr. Awesome (Eric):keep running into you guys.
Mara (Jenn):I Are
Jer (Joe):you guys
Mara (Jenn):I'll introduce myself. Okay.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Alright. He says, I'm just camping out because after this I'm heading towards shadows ball.
Mara (Jenn):Can we travel with you?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Not with all those people.
Mara (Jenn):I'm not gonna
Dr. Awesome (Eric):die for them.
Mara (Jenn):What is your name?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Don.
Melody (Tay):Okay. Don Juan. Yes.
Mara (Jenn):I think I know your father.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Been to prison? Mhmm.
Mara (Jenn):Not anymore.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):And he's gonna die in prison.
Mara (Jenn):He's not in
Melody (Tay):prison anymore.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):He's never getting out.
Mara (Jenn):He's not in prison anymore.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I don't know if you're talking about the same guy then. He murdered my mom. He's gonna be in prison till the day he dies, and I'm okay with that.
Jer (Joe):It's not true. Look, lady.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I don't know who you are, but I really don't wanna talk about the greatness of my dad. Far as I'm concerned, that old man can die.
Melody (Tay):What's your real last name?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Nonya. I'm Don Nonya.
Mara (Jenn):I don't think your mother's dead.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Well, we can exchange fantasy stories all night, but, I'm still not helping you guys take 17 villagers across the open plain to Shadow's Bluff.
Mara (Jenn):We're not. We're going paired
Dr. Awesome (Eric):with 2 of them, maybe.
Mara (Jenn):We're going through the caves.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Oh, good luck.
Mara (Jenn):You know a better way.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I'm quick. I can stick to the shadows.
Mara (Jenn):So you're arrogant like that your dad as well.
Jer (Joe):So does your dad.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):He's like, if you really want the best way, find a way to take one of those airships. The best way to travel.
Mara (Jenn):Seems like it's more trouble than it's worth.
Dr. Awesome (Eric):I don't know.
Melody (Tay):If we figure out a way to pilot this airship, would you be able to help us overtake it?
Dr. Awesome (Eric):Yeah. As long as I get to keep what I kill.