Ep 3: "Gotham Heroes"


Alright. And, Hack, we are live. Welcome to the USDN our correction. Yeah. I mean, this USDN, but the, episode of 3 of Qon.


The queens of nerdom. Episode 3, talking about the DC Gotham heroes. Probably we spent a lot of time, talking about Marvel. You know, I'm kinda partial, but not that there's no love to our our DC homies out there. So, so welcome to the United States Department of Nerds.


It's USDN for short. It's the home of the Queens of Nerdom podcast. Please continue to bear with us as we continue to grow and build this into something that all nerds from all walks of life, they can come, hang out, learn, and share.


Awesome. So much. I love that intro so much. Oh my god. Every time, just chills.


That stuff hits me so long. I'm just like


Yeah. I saw you dancing. It was making me laugh. It was great. Thanks, DfPN.


So speaking of DFPN, we were coming to our shot part of the, night, I guess, time frame. So what are you drinking, Jen?


Lots of things. I know we wanted to do a, salute to Willie Mhmm. And his family, all of our DFPN family. And, I always like to also continue to go to Brooks.


Always. I'm over here taking a shot of, what is it? Ciroc Patron. So I have my missus always right. It's my, it was my anniversary yesterday, so these are our anniversary, like, a shout out.


So anniversary. Thank you. Sorry.


You were asking me what I was shooting.


Yep. That's exactly what I was, but it's cool. Like, you were with it. I was just like, alright.


You know, you always talk about Ciroc, so I got the peach Ciroc.


Oh, that's a good one. It's a good old reliable. I love peach anything.


Yeah. I asked asked the old hubby. I'm like, hey. I need a shot. Will you grab me something?


And I'm like, so he's like, yeah. I got you some peach Ciroc because we've talked about it, and I don't branch out much. So I might be a Ciroc over here.


DFPN said it perfectly. So, we're gonna go ahead and take a shot to Mac, our favorite Willie, you know, to growth and to, my anniversary. Shouts, everybody. Cheers. Salud.




Salud. Alright. So, there's gonna be a lot of information as always. I feel like we need to warn people. A lot of information that we're bringing to you that nearly just scrapes the surface of the things that are available.


There are so many comic books and and animated things that that you can watch, and we are barely scraping the surface. So as always, if you wanna join us in in the comments and, kind of help the conversation along, we always appreciate everybody joining in, with us. But we really wanna prevent going down endless rabbit holes. So in a 3 hour long podcast, just just isn't gonna fly. So we're just gonna highlight things that, Tay and I think are important.


Yes. So today, today's episode, we're gonna bring you the Gotham City Heroes. It was voted by you guys, and you're our wonderful people. So we're here for the people of the people, every buddy's people. I don't know.


Everybody's people's nerds. So, without further ado, I'm gonna go ahead and go into, my first one, which is our good old batwing.


What's that mean?


Batwing. Alright. So, to start off with, who is Batwing? So Batwing, is Lucas, Luke Fox. He's the son of Lucis Fox.


And his origin of, like, how he became Batwing is that he actually, saved Bruce Wayne's life. And then, he gains, like, Batman's attention because Bruce Wayne is Batman. In case you guys didn't know, I'm sorry, spoiler alert if you didn't know. But, now you know. So though although he was noticed, Batman ended up choosing, I'm sorry.


I'm gonna probably butcher, like, some of these names because I don't really, I'm not good with reading. I'm just gonna go


ahead and say that.


So, I mean, like, it's it's gonna happen. So he chooses David, is mhmm. Is a Vimbei? Yeah, there


we go.


There we go. To be Batman. But David ended up resigning and then Batman ended up choosing Fox to become the new batwing. So, the first, like, I'm gonna talk about, like, his arcs and, like, his major, pieces of his, like, works, that you can see him in. So the first one is the things of doom.


So what background about that is that he was stationed in the, Doctor Congo and he finds himself in the swarm of the, mar Mar Mar Buddha? Mar Mar Marabuda. There we go. Soldiers. And who they are?


Are they're a high they're a high-tech army of, themed like mercenaries.


Like literally?


Yeah, like Ant Man, like antennas.


That's awesome. Sorry, go ahead.


No, it's okay. So they, they're ant themed mercenaries, that operate in, the Congo, obviously that's in like Africa, right? And like a little geography lesson there. So Luke was just to gather intel about their leader and, report back. So the lady the leader was lady, Mara Buddha.


And, she told the she told Luke that there were mercenaries that had like these high-tech weapons, that were there for like illegal mining and selling like diamonds. So what does he do? He doesn't just like get intel and like dip out like Batman wants him to. He ends up actually like venturing into the mine. And then he has to confront, a lion mane who is like another villain that's a part of that.


And Lion mane like hopes that he has like 3 wives. So he hopes that his 3 wives can fight off of Luke, but they don't. So there's an epic battle that ensues. And then, this almost costs Luke his life. So, then Luke returns to Gotham and he visits the family for dinner.


So, this is Fox, right? He's there with his dad. And, Lucius like finds out that Luke didn't take the job offer from Wayne Enterprise because he went to Africa. And at this point, he doesn't actually know that he is batwing, right?


So But Lucius doesn't know?




Okay. So Lucius doesn't know his own.


The father fox does not know that baby fox.


That is we're all shady, like, her and his son. I'm like, don't tell me.


Yeah. And it's hilarious because of, like, like, Lucy's Fox, like, no shit. Right? Like, so why why keep this a secret? I don't really know.


Maybe they'll, like, protect his identity. But for whatever reason, he didn't tell him. So Bruce Wayne didn't




father Fox. So their discussion is actually interrupted by, Marburita, attack. So, like, all those, like, little ant themed mercenaries come and attack


in the


middle of them having dinner and this giant argument about like, why didn't you accept the job? Luke thinks it's because the mercenaries found out about him, like his identity. But then it turns out that they're not. Luke is, like, a badass, and he kicks their butts, like, without his suit because he doesn't have a suit. His dad doesn't know who he is, but he can have a suit.


Right? Father Fox. Yes. I'm just gonna call him bait foxes, father fox right now. It's it's it's worth it.


It's Luke and, Lucy. Yeah. So, Luke kicks, like, all of their asses, right, without his suit and he survived being shot multiple times. I'm like, I don't even know if I could be survived getting shot once, but multiple times? Alright.


Good for you. So, his father was kidnapped and Luke then contacts Batman and was instructed to not get involved and allow Batman to handle it. So, you know, Luke is like, alright, cool man. Like, I'll go and do my thing. So then he, returns to his parents' house and he found his mother and his sisters




And he leaves them to go, like, investigate the house. But then they leave to go to, like, a dinner party or something. And he was like, he found some, so Luke finds tactical gear, made for Batman by his father. And then he realizes why the mercenaries were there. It was because of his father, Father Fox, rather than him.


So then he ended up, grabbing a suit and meeting up with Batman and now the house is like completely like left alone. Nobody's there. So Batman and Batwing, tracked down the mercenaries and, they find Lucius because they Lucius has like a tracker in him because all employees of the, like, top tier, Batman Enterprises, the Wayne Enterprises. Sorry. Hey, McCoy.


I'm not good.


All of


the top tier, employees all have a tracer in them, just in case they did get, like, kidnapped or anything that way that they could find them. So then the bats infiltrate the hideout and began to have this, like, another fight. Right? Batman, ends up, like, fighting, like, all of these soldiers and Batwing leaves. So, baby fox, Luke Fox.


He leaves.


So he leaves, to go find his father. He ends up finding him, and his his father is, like, bound to this chair. Okay? And there's like an ant like meta being like draining his mind. Yeah.


Literally, there were, like, pictures of it and I was like,


this is


the sky sign.


But okay.


And it's via, like, an enormous ant larva that was, like, attached to the technical wiring. Then, like, Luke acted, like, super quickly. He was like, oh my god. What the hell? Grabbed the batarang and then, like, threw that shit.


And he wasn't aware if he wasn't aware if it was gonna kill his father or not, but it ended up not doing that. And, the ant was paralyzed, and it was quickly defeated because of, Luke's fast thinking. Starship Troopers is a whole another thing. We can you know what? Maybe we'll do we'll talk about that on USDN with our, our franchises that we have coming up.


We'll see. Yeah.


It's a smart phone thing.


Yeah. It's alright. There's 3 of them. So now we fast forward to, Luke, gets his father out and he's getting his father the medical attention that he needs and then returns to his parents' home to find out that there are cops there. And, his mother is standing there, like, trying to say that, like, their parents' home got raided.


Like, his parents' home got raided, while he was gone because he wasn't there because he was trying to save his father's life. But his mom's like, you're going out and doing hoodrat shit. Why? Like, you just left the house on account and 4, and now it has been rated, and we don't have our valuables. And he's like, but you have your father.


You have my father. Right? Like but yeah. So after realizing that he couldn't diffuse the situation, he ends up leaving. He went on a date with his girlfriend, Zenya.


And then he didn't tell her that he was going to Africa So then she, only agrees to go on this date with him to officially end their relationship. So then she leaves and Luke was having one of those, like, sad boy in the rain. He's trying to look back, like, Maharaj that you see in, like, every movie.


Sadness explained.


Exactly. And little, you know, violin or whatever. So, anyway


yes. My little violin. The world's smallest violin.


Sorry. Anyway so, she leaves and, yes, sad baby fox. And Luke ends up suiting up because he sees a person fleeing, like, an exploding bill building. So he's like, oh, I gotta go, like, over there and go check that out. So he goes over there and checks it out.


And when he arrives on station, he runs into Lady Vic. And Lady Vic, wants to go into a battle with Batman, but she ends up, meeting that wing and is like, I guess this will do. She's not really impressed. But she then matches him in combat and defeats him using an electronic, like,




that shuts down his entire suit. Yeah. On station. Sorry. That's my inner air force that I wrote that.


It just made sense to me. But anyway, Luke manages to place a tracker on her before, she flees the scene. And how she flees the scene is she, like, threw Luke off the building. She was like,


yeet yeet,


and then he went flying off the building. But Luke ends up surviving because he was able to reconfigure his suit and then, activate his little wings and, like, soar off the building. Mhmm. So then he goes back to his apartment to change into his suit, and and he wants to make changes to it because he just wanted to rely on electricity, which is exactly like how society is now going, which is kinda funny. But anyway, like he doesn't want his suit to be so reliant on electricity.


And then when he gets there, he actually ends up finding his girlfriend whose father had died that night. And then he still reveals that, like, she has feelings for him, And then they spend, like, the night together, and they have, like, a whole whole thing. But then the last thing, that happened, that Wing, contacts Batman, the next day, about the tracker for Lady Vic, and then he tracks Vic down and, finds out that she allowed him to actually plant that tracker on her. Their altercation was brief, and Luke admits that she is the better fighter and didn't actually want to fight her. And that's the end of it.


Like that's the end of his like background story for now, like, for his, comic stuff. So, for his powers, he doesn't have any, but his abilities, he has high intellect, which is very similar to his father. He is a skilled, engineer, which is why go into Wayne Enterprises, with the engineering skills that he has. He's very, skilled in combat, hence, the not having a suit and being able to kick, like, multiple asses. Mhmm.


He's an accomplished martial arts, fighter. He has gadgets, which are like the standard, like, Batman like gadgets. But that I wrote down was that he has a grappling gun, daggers which are used for slicing and shredding opponents, Vapor bats which are mechanical bats that release sleeping gas and then sprays, that have like hallucinogenic gas and pepper spray. So they're like 2 different sprays that he has. And then he has his bat.


He has 2 different vehicles. He has a bat wing tumbler, which is a car. So it has, like, front mounted guns, missile firing capabilities, thrusters, and gliders for, like, flight. It's also heavily armored and bulletproof. And then he has his batwing cycle, which is a motorcycle.


It's the front mounted guns, armored body, and custom wheels for on and off road maneuvering. Places that you can see him in actual, like, film or series, is he is featured in the Batwing, Bad Blood, which is an animated series, or correction, I think that might be a movie. And Batwoman, which is the TV series and that was a live action that he did.


Mhmm. Okay.


That's about me.


Wow. I never knew, one of them that, was Lucius Fox. Morgan Freeman's son. Like, you like, when you're, like, Lucius Fox, like, it's Morgan Freeman's son. It's awesome.


Well, to to build upon you, I wanna talk about Batgirl. Okay? Okay. So much like Batwing, Batgirl is a member of the Bat family. She is one of Batman's sidekicks, much like Robin.


That's AKA Dick Grayson. The many the many other Robins that are out there. The original Batgirl was Beth Kane. Now she made her first appearance in 1961 in Batman issue 139. So, there's also, Barbara Gordon was also a, Batgirl in 1967, and then Helena Bertinelli in 1999 Mhmm.


Was also Batgirl. And then, also, Cassandra Cain in 1999. Mhmm. I think.




Primarily, I wanted to talk about Barbara Gordon. So she Eric's talking about, Luke, I know you're your father.


It could be in, like, Batman's voice like, I'm Batman. Luke.


I know your father. So alright. So Barbara Gordon, from 1967 to 1988, she was Batgirl. She was the most popular character to appear during the silver age of comic books. That's a silver age.




Okay. I'm


so glad you asked. Okay. What does that mean? Silver age? I'm like, that makes no sense.




mean, like, silver hair? Like


That's what I thought.


Oh, okay.


Silver box. Like, my brain went all sorts of different ways on that one. So the Golden Age of Comics was from 1938 to 1954, and this is actually the first appearance of Superman. And the Silver Age was from 1956 to 1970, The bronze age was from 1970 to 1986, and then the modern age is 1986 to present.


Okay. That makes sense because modern age.


Right? Yeah. Just a little little little history lesson. I I was like, dang. I didn't know how many folks were around for so damn long.




So, she's, in 19 seventies, due to her being on the 19 sixties Batman TV show. Because that's


the one with, like, that was a live action. Right? That wasn't a comic?


I think that was with Adam West and stuff. Those are the yeah. The first Okay. Dude, I remember watching that. I was like, man, it's awesome.


Yep. Anyways. And she's consistently on that show and and in the media, and she was actually used as an advocate for women's rights.




That was kind of I was like, that's kind of cool to mention on the queens, but I might throw that in there. So a little caveat. So Gordon's motivation for cry crime fighting was entirely altruistic. It was not the same like like the characters of, like, Batman and Robin who are like these poor people. She just wanted to help people.


Aw. That's sweet. Right? Like, so sweet.


So she's very independent of her male superheroes, unlike other female superheroes like Batwoman and, there's another Batgirl. It's really weird. There's Batgirl, and then there's bat hyphen girl.


Okay. I'm


not gonna get into that.


Okay. That's a rabbit hole for another time.


Like Eric said, the seventies were crazy. There was no refurbished place. And then there's that. But she she's totally independent from the other guys. Totally, like, different, like, take on a character.


Like, she's not tortured. She's totally altruistic. Like, she just wants to help people.




So kinda depending on the continuity of what you read. She's either commissioner Gordon's niece or his daughter.


Okay. Now Like, biological daughter? Or




Okay. Okay.


Yeah. So either niece or daughter, kinda depending on which one you're either gonna get into it because it's a little bit of a rabbit hole because it kinda branches out in different things. But, pretty early on in her career, she is forced into retirement due to a gunshot wound that, paralyzes her. And this Okay. She moved the trigger.


This picture is on the wall behind you. The


Joker. Oh, okay.


I know. That jerk. So she's paralyzed from the waist down, and this happens during the, Batman killing joke. Oh, that's a that's good. Yeah.


So at this time, this a dude. So why why did you feel it? Yes. He shot her. When you actually look at the comic book, it's actually pretty gnarly.


Like, he shoots her, and it's just it's really heartbreaking for her character. He shoots her, and it, like, goes through her spine and, like, paralyzes her. Like, it like, I I was like, I was like, oh, man. So she's paralyzed, and this actually is not well received from fans because they feel like at the time, like, female characters were not, like this is a central theme. You know?


They're just kinda like the side characters, like, add the parts to the story, and it kinda made them mad because I think, you know, Barbara Gordon's back row had such a weight to it. So they were mad. But DC was smart. They morphed her into something else.


That's pretty cool.


Yeah. I I I kinda wonder if they got this feedback and they're like, oh, damn. We missed up. We need to fix this.


Yeah. Because, like, we're talking about women's rights and, like, how can you not, like, keep women, like, around as heroes? Because, I mean, I feel like you're a hero, you know. Like Yeah. You know, you're like an heir.


So, like, why are you you're a hero. So, like, we gotta keep heroes around. You know?


Especially when so loved. Just a little my personal opinion side note. You got Khaleesi in Game of Thrones, and you may turn out to be a bad guy. You pissed off a lot of people. Just gonna throw that out there.


I don't know. Like They opened the king of worms.


Yeah. I


did. You did that.


I did. I did. That just happened. That just happened.


That I don't know. So, Khaleesi, like, to go off in, like, a little, like, tangent just real quick. Just like a


a partial little tangent. Just a little tangent.


Just just a tad. So I think it was an epic, like, sense of, like, her like, exactly how she had started, and, like, her arc of, like, how she had become a villain. It was it was basically after her father. Like, she was she was the mad king's daughter. You know?


Like, so the the arc of, like, how she became a mad queen, made sense because she was just killing people left and right. And then she didn't have, to, like she didn't have to stop killing people. She had her dragons. She was like, I'm a badass. I can kill all of you.


So she did. Then that's my little tangent.


No. No. I I agree with you on a lot of points, but I I think AD kinda hit it. It shows that bad guys aren't bad for no reason. She's kind of became bad for a reason, and to me, she's not necessarily bad.


Mhmm. She's a part of all the things that happened to her, and I just hate that they they made her into a villain. That's what made me mad because I was always rooting for her the whole time. And, you know, like We


all were. We all were rooting for her to get


all these shitty things to her, and, you know, it's like, oh, well, she needs she needs to get diapers and, like, fuck that. I would probably get to Westeros, and I would blow up the red cape and sorry. I'm gonna stop the tangent because I can promise for


That's a show for another time. I mean, like, you can keep going if you want. Like, this is, like, really, you know, interesting stuff. But 100%, we can, like, put this offer a different time. We can talk about, maybe Game of Thrones heroes and villains.


Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. Okay. Sorry.


Oh, so, so a lot of people were upset about the fact that Barbara Gordon was paralyzed. So I think they realized they messed up, in my opinion, just an opinion, and they morphed her into a character that went by the code name Oracle. So from 1989 to 2011, she operated as a data broker or more like their IT person to help with Batman and, like, other good guys in the worldwide communications and espionage. And she became, one of the the co named Oracle. Now during her times at Oracle, she trained Cassandra King, more on that later, and Stephanie Brown, she both whom she both mentors them, and they take up the background mantle.


It is a while later, I think later in 2011 that she's able to take up the batgirl mantle again when she's able to walk again. Okay. She's not paralyzed again.


But she doesn't ever, like, regain the role of batgirl.


No. She does.


She does?


She does. She takes the mantle back up, and she's able to walk again.


Oh, okay. Okay.


Yeah. Took some time, but she she got back in there. So out of all the backbones that I've read, she's often the the most adapted version of Barbara Gordon or Batgirl Mhmm. And and, like, relating to, like like, the whole, like, Batman franchise. Like, she is, like, to me, like, Barbara Gordon, like, is backbone.


Okay. She's, like, she's amazing.


Okay. Okay. You you can have your opinion on that because there's, more coming for another Batgirl now. There's more. There's more.


So, now we're gonna go into some Cassandra King, who actually is the 4th bat girl. As Jen so eloquently put it, she took up the mantle in 1999. And then, depending on, like, how you read the comics, especially with the, new generation of comics, the new 52 that came out, she's kind of, like, still a bat girl, and we'll get more into that later. So the different aliases that she has is black bat, black girl, the one, who is all, Cassie, Cas, and the orphan. Yeah.


I wrote a little bit about that, I think, a little bit later.


I am h c. We didn't hear that.


Okay. Okay. One who is all. So, her origin, so a little bit of a background for her is that her father is David Cain, and he trained Cass to be like, he trained her in isolation, and he kept her away from, human speech. So she did not talk.


This gift is Cass, with being able to read body language, you know, like Ursula, talks about body language and


moving right, my dude.


To predict their next moves. EJ said that she, she ran as a orphan and then helped out the Titans. Yeah. Mhmm. So this also, because she didn't use words, this ended up causing her to develop, learning disabilities, such as dyslexia.


So, you know, like she tried to do like what she could do and we'll get into that a little bit later. So when she was 8, Cain, so her father took Cas on a hit with him to carry out a hit. And then she did exactly as her father instructed and ripping out a man's throat. What? Yeah.




And then, yeah.


And then due to her body language reading ability, she was able to see how her actions had affected the man that she had ripped just like the throat out of. And that traumatized her fatality. Yes. In little bit of Mortal Kombat for you. You know?


So, her father came to congratulate her, and Cass was like, nah, dude. I'm done. Like and runs away. And it's like she rejected him and then, like, fled in full of tears. So this comes to our first, major arc, that we're gonna talk about, for her.


She has a lot of, content out there. So I'm just gonna talk about a couple of the ones, and then I'll talk about the one like, I'll tell you what each of the arcs are and kinda give you a synopsis of it to avoid going down these rabbit holes that we had sort of talked about during the, the USDN, alert.


That's fine.


Yeah. It is super hard. So, this is the new, this is pre new 52, Batgirl. So she was trained not only by her father, but also by, Bronze Tiger, Merlin, and Alpha, like, amongst others. Katz spent the next 9 years of her life, because she did this hit when she was 8, like, 8 years old, and she ran away.


My my middle son is 8. Aw. I get that. Sorry.


No. It's okay. My my stepson's actually 8 too, so I can't, like, imagine.




But, yeah. So Cas spent, the next 9 years homeless and beating herself up, of, like, what had transpired at the ripe age of 8. Like, can you imagine trying to kill somebody at 8 years old? Like because I can't. But, anyway, while she was beating herself up, she also traveled the world.


And this is how, she ended up coming, into entering. Yeah. Who was a snapping ex when they were 8 years old? You know? Just, you know yeah.


Because that's that's a normal thing. Right? People do that all the time?


It happens all the time. No.


Just me? Okay. So she entered Gotham City, during no man's Sorry, my dog is, wanting some attention real quick. So, she entered Gotham City, during no man's land and became a courier for Oracle. So Barbara Gordon, like who I just talked about.


And that's how she had, first started, doing things with the Bat family. So Oracle took her on as a student and then tried to teach her how to read and write because, you know, motherly instinct. Right? You're not gonna just, like, let like, this child. She is still a child.


Mhmm. Girl. Sorry. So she was trying to teach her how to read and write. And then this is how Cass becomes involved with the bat family.


And then after seeing the, handiwork of her father, and realizing that he was planning on actually killing commissioner Gordon, she confronted him and ended up saving the commissioner. Because she was given the bat girl costume with the blessings of Batman and Oracle. Fun fact. Uh-huh. Yeah.


They're like, you know what? You deserve to be a Batgirl. So she got a costume. Cas works with Oracle as, Batgirl, and they were quite a team. They were, involved in solving a bombing at a diamond exchange that was done by 2 face, who's a villain, obviously, you know, with the, Gotham, that had killed several people.


When, when they got there, they only found 6 bodies. So, and like the other bodies had disappeared. So they're trying to figure out, like, what had happened with them, and they found out that they had been reanimated by the general, who was also known as Trio. There's another comic that goes into that, and I'll talk about that in a bit. So then Cassie desires, a family due to living with the bat family.


Like, she's like, this is what a family is. We work together for the greater good, not for ripping out men's throats at the right age of 8. So she ends up, chasing down lady Shiva, who she thought to be her mother. And this was against Batman's wishes. Cassie ends up defeating her with, like, a cheap shot and requested Shiva to, retrain her, like, to read people.


Sheba accepts only the condition that in a year of, this like, in a year's time, they fight to the deaf so that they can, continue. You know, eventually, this fight is gonna happen again. So 1 year later, you know, 1 year later, if you don't watch Spongebob. So, Cas and Shiva end up fighting. She stays true to her her, like, contract and, like, ends up fighting her.


So Shiva actually ends up killing her in a matter of minutes. And Shiva restarts her heart, Restarts Max's, like, heart and realizes that Cassie has, like, a death wish. And they, like, discuss that. And then once they come to, like, a mutual stand of, like, cool. You have a death wish, but that's no way to live.


The 2 fight again, and Cassie wins. So Shiva ends up revealing that she's part of the League of Assassins, and recruits herself, recruits call herself, one who is all.


And one who is all.


So Cassie is still trying to find out the answer, to


her question


if she was actually her mother. The duel that the 2 of them were having, with this fight, gets interrupted by Mr. Fries. Cassie, convinces mister Fries, to unfreeze her because mister Fries freezes her, and he she was like, hey. Somehow, like, she she she is, like, a brilliant person.


She convinces, Freeze to unfreeze her, to help, save his wife, Nora, which is actually, like, how mister Freeze became mister Freeze. And that's a that's a whole thing. That's a villain, little side story. But anyway, so Cassie convinces, Frizz to refreeze his wife, and then, Cassie ends up escaping to get out of that situation. So then, finally making her way out, she encounter, Cassie and and blah blah blah blah.


Sorry. Encounters. That's the word I'm looking for. Get your man.


What are you doing over there?


So so, Cassie, who is Cassandra Cain. Right? She convinces Freeze to refreeze his wife. She escapes. She encounters Lady Shiva again with her followers.


Half of her followers, end up joining Cassie, and then the other half are with, Lady Shiva. And, there's a giant fight that breaks out. Cassie is attacked by Mad Dog, who is her brother Shiva ends up throwing her into this Lazarus pit.


No. Not the Lazarus pit.


It's the Lazarus pit.


No. Not the Lazarus pit.


She fell in a bit. Sorry if you've ever seen Parks and Rec. You'll understand why I did that. Anyway, so Shiva, threw Cassie into this Lazarus pit and then waited for her to get reborn. There's more fighting then.


So Shiva is now getting the battle that she wants with Cassie.




then she tells Cassie that she is. She is actually her mother and, few more other brutal details. But Cassie was able to defeat Shiva once again and stabbed her, through a chained hook, and then left her to die in the Lazarus pit. And then Cassie I'm sorry. What?


I said she just resurrected you. Like, rude. Sorry.


Well, yeah, it was only to fight her though. Right? Like, she only really wanted this fight to happen. Like, and as soon as this fight happened, she realized, like, it's okay.


Story. I'm like, oh, yeah.


No. No. No. No. It's


okay. You.


So Cassie realized, like, she's a terrible human being. It was just


like, not even a doctor. You're fucking terrible. You just fell to rest with you. Oh, good shit.


I'll give a fuck. Yeah. Exactly. So then Cassie is handed the cowl, and returns back to Batman and then quits being Batgirl because of this. Robin ends up tracking Cassie down and, finds her as the new leader of the league of the assassins and now is the one who is all title.


Right? She was actually injected, with the serum by death, stroke, and this clouded her mind. So Robin tries to reason with Cassie, and she's just like, Robin, take this gun and kill my father and, like, prove to me that, like, I need to listen to you. And Robin refuses. So then Cassie kills her father.


He's dead. So, Kane's now dead, and then there is a fight that ensues between, Cassie and Robin. Then a large bro explosion appears, like, it occurs, and Cassie and Kane disappear.




Yeah. So, that is the pre, new 52, for the Batgirl. So the next arc that you have is Ghost and Batgirl. Sorry. This goes into the, diamond exchange background of them solving that, debacle, if you will.


And then, you have the Justice League Elite, and, this is where Cassie is a reformed assassin. Batgirl returns. This is where Cassie joins the bat family. Nightwing isn't very happy about that. Cassie actually ends up hacking into the bat computer, to further hunt for her father.


And then Cassie finds him. Cain mocks her for, like, her demons that she has because everybody has demons. Right? So her father's like, you silly girl. You got too many demons, and they're silly.


So so Cassie gets upset and, Kane ends up falling, like, off the building, but it's saved by the lower roof, like, and then, Batman ends up actually, sending him to the hospital so he can survive. At this point, Batman actually adopts offers to adopt, Cassie, and this further drives her love for Batman as the father that she has always craved. Yeah. It's, like, super touching. It was, like, so cute on the wall.


So then you have Batman and the outsiders, and this is where Batgirl joins the outsiders, Hong Kong and the, black bat. So black bat is Cassie. Right? So, Bruce Wayne tells Cassie in the event of his death that, the bat girl mantle needs scope to be passed down to, Sophie Brown.


And me.


Stephanie Brown. Sorry. Correction. My bad. Then you have Batman Incorporated, and this is where Cassie involves operating of, becomes, an operative of the Batman Inc, preventing Hong Kong.


And this is, using the suit that was given to her by the time, given to her at the time, and calls herself, black bat.


Did it say why first one wanted her to give the mantle to Stephanie Brown?


I did not research that. That


was a


that I was like I just kinda glanced over


gross thing. Like, okay. You need to be something more and then give your stuff to some. I noticed that with a lot of comics. It's like, you give your mantle to someone else, and then you kinda grow into something different.


It's more magnificent. I know that a lot was, like, DC Comics. Like, they the characters, like, can will change into something when that character grows. Okay. I


was curious. Like the harbor board. Yeah. I didn't,


Yeah. You know how, like, they they do something and then they have they have, like, a big character change and then they grow into something else and someone takes their old mantle and kinda continues with it. I noticed that that theme with, like, DC. I was just wondering if that was one of them. Sorry.


No. It's okay. It's a great question. I won't get back to you on that because straight up I don't remember. No.


You're good. Well, I'm glad you have it pulls, you know, if you fall down and keep going.


Yeah. 100%, which is why I was like, I just need a gloss. I just need the summary and then to continue. I don't know exactly, who Stephanie Brown was, to Bruce Wayne. So I didn't really research more into that.


But that definitely is a rabbit hole, that, you guys can definitely, like, research on your own time, later on down the line. So, the new 52 is futures end. This is where Cassandra becomes, part of the league of Batgirls. So this is why I was like, she ended up stopping being Batgirl, but then she continued being Batgirl now that there's the new 52. So that's why I was, like, still kind of actually Batgirl, in a sense.


There's there's convergence where Cassie, returns as black bat along with red, Robin and, Batgirl as Brown. So, she was still actually doing the things, with the Bat family just as a different bat person. Then there's Batman and Robin the, eternal. This is where Batman loses his memories, and then Cassie teams up with, Robin to investigate, the mother, which is a secret, criminal organization, Detective Comics rebirth, which is where Batman enlists Batwoman, bat sorry, Batwoman, to lead his new t,




of Gotham Vigilantes and this is where they discovered the colony, is trying to purge members of the League of Shadows from Gotham and it's at the cost of several, like hundreds of innocent lives. And then like that is the end of her, main arcs. So to go into her powers and abilities, she's unarmed combat body, reading body language is like a really big part of, like, how she is so great at combat. She can, she has a weakness, perception, so she can see, like, what the weaknesses of her, people are intellect and weapons master. So for her equipment and weapons, she's got the bat gadgets, right, batarangs, grenades, and grappling hooks.


And then she also has the orphan suit, and that one's the one without the hood. But instead, her mask, like she wears, it covers her hood and the part where her mouth is. She uses like the blood of her father's victims to like draw like a mouth on it. But there's like stitching around the mouth because like she can't speak. There's the, former Batgirl suit that was created by Huntress, but then taken by Batman and then it's her.


And then she also has an original outfit from the new 52. It's a, hooded black and yellow, like, ninja outfit, and it's wore with like utility belt, for her weapon. And then for a short period of time, fastened a mask, with the blood, ew, gross, but holy shit, it's cool, right, in the shape of Batman, as a symbol to like, as in the Batman symbol, for like, from her father's victims. But this is shown how like she's defiant towards her father, but like admires Batman. But like if that doesn't say huge daddy issues, I don't really know what does.


It. Like the I


was like, okay. So we constantly, in this society, like, talk about daddy issues. Like, she has some serious daddy issues.


Daddy, mommy.


So then the media, so what she what you guys can see, like, her in is the Justice League season 1 finale. She's in that as well as in the video game, Batman Dark Tomorrow and the DC, Universe Online. Hold on, Jen. Like, I think I'm having some interference hold on, Jen. Like, I I think I'm having some interference coming over my headset real quick.


Hold on. What is it?


No. It okay. So it sounds like our producer, Jeff, is trying to get in touch with us




he was saying that we're missing something, and it'll be a shame to not discuss Catwoman. So what do you think? You think we should show Catwoman, like, some love? Like, what do you think?


Girl, yes. Okay. Okay. I have to be totally transparent here. So, you know, we you know how we did that whole poll, and I was, like, super disappointed.


I'm like, oh, do we know Catwoman? Because I told you guys how much I love Michelle Pfeiffer.




Best cat woman. You guys can come at me if you want, but I'm gonna tell you why. I think Michelle Pfeiffer is the best cat woman ever.




Alright. Yes. Yes. Let's totally talk about cat woman. Okay.


So I'm so geeked. Oh my god. Go.


Go go. Go for it.


You know, you got Anne Hathaway in the dark night rises. Right? And you have Zoe Kravitz in the new Batman. And those were both great Catwoman's. Like Mhmm.


Not hats off. Like, they did a great job and and they respect the movies and everything. Like, totally impressive work.




But, you know, Michelle Pfeiffer is, like, the best cat woman ever for me. Like, I remember very clearly, we didn't really go to the theater much or movies, whatever you wanna call it when I was little. And I remember when I watched Batman Returns. Okay. I'm thinking, oh my gosh.


It's PG 13. Can I watch it on 12? I'm like, am I allowed to watch this? So I'm watching it, and I'm so excited. Alright.


Just a little sign in. So Joel Pfeiffer or Selena Kyle, 1992. She I totally encourage you to watch the behind the scenes, like, YouTube




For being Catwoman. So just just a little, like, like, background on her. So Annette Benning Annette Benning was almost, I know, was almost Catwoman, but she ended up not being Catwoman because she was pregnant at the time, and she had to bow out. And then Sean Young, if you guys remember her from, like, Blade Runner, Dune, stuff like that. Mhmm.


So she actually if you go on YouTube again and and watch some of these videos, she she actually, hilariously, like, aggressively went through this part. Like, she went, like, full costume. Oh, shit. On set and burst through the doors of, like, one of the producers, like, offices and, like like, I think she let you jump over the couch and everything, and she's like, I am Catwoman. And I I give her, like, hats off to her for being so aggressive.


They're just like, okay. So Michelle Pfeiffer was eventually selected for Catwoman. So there is a scene on YouTube. If you guys haven't watched it, you have to watch it, where she actually, like, is able to do that scene with the bullwhip and the mannequins where she can actually go there and, like, whip all the heads off of every mannequin.


No shit.


She actually did it, and she did it, like, in a a continuous take.




And she, like, goes off and, like, skips, like, with her bullet. Like, she actually did that. Like, she worked with I wasn't I was so impressed.




And then there's another part that, Tim Burton talks about in the movie where, I think she's talking with the penguin and Danny Danny DeVito playing the penguin, and she puts a live bird in her mouth. And she does it for, like, several seconds, and it takes a couple of takes. But she'll she put the live bird in her mouth for, like, several seconds, and then releases it. And she actually did that. Like, Michelle Pfeiffer.


Like, my girl, like, she actually did that. I was like, dang. So here here's why for me why I think she is the best cat woman. So I know there's a lot of comic book characters that are a lot different from, like, their their alter egos versus their, like, super egos, however you wanna put it. She Michelle Pfeiffer was able to, like, master the performance of Selena Kyle and then Catwoman.


Like, I kinda feel like the other ones, like, didn't really capture that Selena Kyle, not not Selena.




And I I feel like the those characters didn't really have as much in-depth to them. Mhmm. And it just I I feel like if you know, to actually, like, understand, like, a full character, you need to master both their egos.




It's possible. You've seen many characters who have multiple egos, and she just she did that. And, I mean, honestly, like, to this day, like, if anybody mentions Catwoman, that's that's the one that I think of. I think of Michelle Pfeiffer. Sorry.


So I'm gonna go into the cat woman that I know then, if that's okay.




So, I mean, like, I definitely have seen all of the cat woman. I've also seen, like, you know, the Halle Berry one that we don't really talk about. But the one that I wanna gush a little bit about is, the one that's in the Gotham TV series.


None of


you have seen it. I highly recommend. The Gotham TV series is amazing. I loved it. I loved it.


I was upset when it, like, was done, but, Jada Pickett Smith is, like, one of the person, one of the people that's in there, and she plays Fish Mooney. But, anyway, Selena Kyle, that was, in Gotham was played by, Cameron. I'm gonna butcher her last name, and I'm so sorry in advance. It's, Bicondova, for the younger years. And then, later on down the line, Lily Simmons is the one that plays her when she's older.


So Cameron actually, strongly resembles, a young Michelle Pfeiffer, who portrayed, Catwoman in 1992 in the Batman Returns. So I thought that was pretty cool. These are just like some of IMDB's like little fun facts that I found out about her and, like, a little bit of researching on my own as well. So Cameron actually used to do some dancing. You see?


Kader knows what's up. She knows she likes Goff and Catwoman


as well. Cool. Cool. Cool. So,


Cameron, did some of her dancing, in the, like, moves in Gotham. She actually started dancing, like, at the age of 6, when she was growing up. Cameron's also the youngest female actor, to play Selena Kyle. And if that's not impressive enough, she also played Catwoman longer than any other performer for 5 years. Yeah.


I'm telling you, you have to watch it. Like, if you haven't seen it yet, you have to watch it.


You haven't.


And then in the episode, there's an episode in Gotham where, Selina is pushed out of the window in a similar way that Michelle Pfeiffer's character is actually pushed out of the window in Batman Returns by Max. And that was an homage, many believed to her. It was also her, Cameron's idea to have a older, actress play Catwoman later on down the line. I think it was, like, in season 4, maybe even the season finale. Due to the, the way that the show had been headed, they needed a, more mature, female actor.


So it was actually her idea and, with her blessing, they pushed to, Lily Simmons. But, I just wanna talk a little bit about Gotham, you know, because that's, one that holds near and dear to my heart.


I love that. No. You know, I've never watched Gotham, but we have to. We have to.


I suggest it.


Okay. Alright. I will teach you both. Okay. Are you ready for our big finale?


I think so. I think I'm ready. Yeah.


Okay. Alright. The person who got the most votes was the red hood. Oh. I know.


Everybody loves him. Everybody loves him. Alright. Let's talk about him a little bit. Alright.


Okay. Alright. So the red hood was actually an alias that was used by multiple characters in the DC Comics. So the identity was first used in 1951 by Detective Comics, issue 168 for the new Uber Nerds. Okay.


Alright. The Man Behind the Red Hood. So this provides the earliest origin story for the Joker, believe it or not. I know. I was like, what?


I didn't know. That's what I tried.


I'm surprised that the Joker actually has an origin story because I know that there's, like, a lot of them that are, like, Joker really doesn't have the the origin story. You know?


You know, we dabble. I've heard a couple, but, yeah, the this this one I'm gonna focus on, but I've heard a couple. So in this particular one, the Joker is robbing a a playing card factory, and then he falls into a catch basin full of chemicals. It defigures him. Imagine that.


And it drives him insane. And this gives birth to his future joker persona. But just to touch on the the different types of or different people that work on Red Hood, the one that I'm primarily gonna talk about is our favorite is Jason Todd. Now anytime, like, you guy anybody talks about Jason Todd, I immediately think about Jensen Echols. Why?


Because that's who voices the red hood.


Oh, I'm just gonna say it. I love that man. Like his voice and, like, I don't know if you've ever seen supernatural, but that is how I got introduced to him. Yes.


We're not gonna talk about soup supernatural. We're not gonna talk about it. Okay. That's a that's a rabbit hole. You're ready.


We'll talk about you know what? Girl, we're gonna talk about Queen's and Nerddom is gonna talk about supernatural in the future. Okay. Gents and Echols is what always comes to me. Angel, thank you.


That's right. Absolutely. It's a fantastic series. I absolutely love it. It is love it.


Okay. I'm gonna focus. You guys are my my my ADHD lingo off the chain here. So let's talk about Jason Todd.




So 5 decades later, alright, this identity was used again in 2005, 2006 story arc. Okay? So Jason Todd was Batman's sidekick, Robin. There's many different Robins in case there's people that don't know, but he was one of them. The one thing about Jason Howard is that he had a big difficulty with his temper, and he was very reckless.


What ended up sending him over the edge was that the joker blew up a school full of children. Goddamn. I know. That's when we decided Joker Nanny died. So, you know, you you look at, like, the movies, like, of Tim Burton's, like, Joker, and I think the ones that come a little bit closer is the animated series, but he's she's a lot darker.


Like, even Christopher Nolan's, like, Joker. Like, they're he's so much darker than what they portray him to be.


Yet again? You need to watch Gotham.


Yeah. He blew whole, like, guy that


is Joker, but not the Joker at the same time.


I get it. Yeah. He's he need to go. So Jason Todd, same. He's like, he needs to go.


So so he here's what Jason does. So he ends up cutting off comms to Batman. He tracked the Joker down to Arkham Asylum where the Joker was trapped. He beat him with he beat him with the crowbar. Well, he the Joker beat Jason with the crowbar, and he kept him there.


So Jason and Joker got in a fight. Joker beat Jason with the crowbar and tracked him there. Damn. Yeah. So the Joker ended up making Jason believe that Batman had basically abandoned him there.


And this lasted for about 6 months. So the Joker ended up faking Jason Todd's death by shooting him. So he he made this video, shot him, and what and sent this footage to Bruce Wayne, and he believed that Jason was actually dead. But what actually happened was that he shot him, but Jason Todd was actually wearing body armor. Okay.


He's slick. So after that, poor Jason Todd's torture, continued under Harley Quinn. Cheap crazy. She's legitimately crazy. But amazing.


K. So she was actually jealous of Jason, and her ultimate goal was to manipulate Jason into believing that Batman, gave him his this J Brand on his left cheek. So apparently, during the torture, the Joker left this J Brand on his face and burned it into him. So his, so Harley Quinn's goal was to be like, oh, no. The Batman did that.


The Batman did this. Basically, you're trying to get Batman be the bad guy.




And the ultimate goal is for him to kill Batman. And she just wanted it to be, like, her and Joker. I guess she felt like Joker was paying, like, too much attention to Jason Todd, and she was, I guess, pretty much jealous. And she just wanted it to be her and Joker, like, together forever. And she ended up name nicknaming him Arkham Knight.


Mhmm. I've heard that before.




So a couple of story arcs that kinda get to my point in the end. So the ARCEM asylum incident. So this is where Jason broke free during the Joker's prison break. So the Joker Joker had deathstroke from retainer to ensure that Jason didn't leave, this particular island alive. It's where the Arkansas is.


And then Jason, persuaded Deathstroke to side with him by breaking Bruce Wayne's bank accounts and paying him triple yeah. Paid him triple what the Joker promised him. I know. Fair enough. The next arc is the Arkham City incident.


You sound very familiar, but they're all building. I promise.




So in this particular situation, the Joker reveals that he still has a partnership with Deathstroke and had instructed the Deathstroke and the assassin to help Jason in his revenge. So this was all the Joker's idea. And he actually, had reinforced the manipulation that Batman had abandoned him and had encouraged Jason Tai to become the archonite. So, again, the Joker's kinda pushing on, like, what's going on here. Mhmm.


So right before the arkhamite okay. Jason decides to form a, militia in Venezuela.




So his militia and Deathstroke, fight Robin, and Nightwing. So, basically, 2 different Robins, if you will, to test for, like, any sort of, like, weaknesses. And they also shuttered Batman to monitor him monitor his activities after the Joker's death. Now Jason campaigned, had a campaign of, like, intimidation to persuade some of the Gotham supervillains to work for him. So she was like, Harley Quinn, Firefly, Bane, just to name a few.


Okay. And then Jason very reluctantly, like, partners with Scarecrow because Scarecrow ultimately wants to kill Batman.




And here's the ultimate incident. This is the incident. So this particular militia that he creates in Venezuela and bathes Gotham, This kinda reminds me a little bit of, the last Christopher Nolan Batman movie. Okay. Gotham and forces a mandatory evacuation of the city.


Oh, okay. Okay.


Batman battles all of his old foes and new ones in a single night. Yeah. Just one night.


What the fuck?


That's what I said, dude. I was like, damn, damn, damn yes. Yeah.


In one night, like, fucking everybody, that is insane.


House, man. He's at Santa Barbara. So this is actually where Bruce Wayne discovers that Jason Todd is not actually dead. This whole time, like, he he thinks that Jason Todd is dead, but he's actually not. He actually can Batman convinces Jason Todd to help him take down the Scarecrow.


So a lot of this stuff it's it's weird. There's pieces of it that I I see in movies, and then there's also things that I see. If you guys haven't ever watched or if you have HBO Max, you definitely have to watch, Batman Under the Red Hood. There's some differences though Like, when you talked about the Lazarus Pit, the in the HBO, show, it talks about Raso Gul, Ezra, and Todd and the Lazarus bit. That actually didn't happen in the comics.




He's actually never killed the the joker who just kinda, like, simulates that and puts the, you know, armor on


him. Right.


And, there's a lot of people that said a lot of the action was really cool to see comic, and then kind of incorporate into, like, a visual like the HVOA needed. And then they said that the, the team up between Jason Todd and Batman Batman has, was much clearer in Under the Red Hood versus the comics, so there's that. But if you guys have never seen Batman Under the Red Hood, HBO Max, definitely recommend it. It's great. Definitely don't wanna miss that.


But there you go, guys. There's your your red hood that you guys, like, asked for. Loved it. I loved reading about it. I've learned so much.


Thank you.


I'll have to actually look into that because I've actually never seen that, that man under the red hood. So, AD said that he has seen it. It's very well done. So


Yeah. It's yeah. It's great.


Oh, okay. Well, now I got it.


No one ever wants it.


Okay. So, to go in our, final shots and thoughts. Mhmm. Oh, we're probably gonna rewatch it tonight. Alright.


That's good


to know. Thanks, hon. Alright.


Alright. So final shots and thoughts. Thank you everybody that tuned in, for your episode 3. You know, just watch the USDN page, for updates on episode 4, as well as we're finally announcing USDN's episode 1 coming in 1 week from today where we're gonna be covering, the, Alien and Predator, franchise in chronological order. So, that's gonna be at 8, I think, eastern.


It might be 7. Just look at the page. It'll tell you exactly, what, you have going on out there. We also have more coming from our interview series, that we kicked off, not last weekend, but the weekend prior to that. We're gonna highlight some comic books and cosplay, communities plus much, much more.


Definitely more to come from everything. And there will be, polls posted on the USDN page to help us, come come up with our Gotham villains for our next episode. So make sure that you guys, do your voting and, let us know what you wanna see because it was super awesome to have that, happen this time. We loved researching it. So thank you guys so much.


A special thank you again goes out to the DFPN, podcast group for all the love and support that they've given us. We cannot thank you guys enough. Special, shout out to g g, n xbt for the amazing logos and, the fantastic interview that you guys, might have seen. But if you haven't, please check it out. It was super awesome doing it.


A first interview for all of us, here. So, the way that you guys can head over and see it, is in our Linktree. And then just give it a listen and a like and a subscribe. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is USDN approved.

Ep 3: "Gotham Heroes"
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