Ep 2: "Favorite X-Men Villains"


Alright. And, Hack, it is time to start the live show.


Hello, everyone. Welcome to the United States Department of Nerds. We are the new home of the Queens of Nerds and podcasts. I am Jen, one of your hosts.


And I'm Tay.


There's gonna be more to come from this group, so please bear with us as we continue to grow and build into something that all nerds from all walks of life, that can come, hang out, learn, and share.


Without further ado, here's our fabulous intro. Alright. Well, welcome back everybody to the episode 2 of, the Queens of the NERDOM or Quan for short. So since we are part of DFPN, we decided to kind of take one of their traditions. And and since we met on the smoke pit, what they usually do is a shot before they get really into their show.


So without further ado, Jen, what are you gonna be taking a shot of?


Do I have to tell you? Yes. Actually, I really like it. It's actually called Pink Whitney.


Okay. It's


a, it's a pink lemonade vodka




Out of my really cool, Barb from the Trolls movie.


Let's see. Let's see it.


I packed on my shot glasses, you see.


I love it. Alright. And I will be taking out of my oh, there we go. Dwight Schrute false


Dwight glass.


White. Yes. Right. I will be taking a shot of the good old Sarac, pomegranate. So, to growth with the VPN.




Salud, my friend. Salud. My boom got in the way. Yeah. So I heard.


Boom. Alright. So I'm gonna get my feelings a little bit. Tay, do you mind if I I do that really quick?


Please go for it.


Okay. So this project came a little bit earlier than anticipated. We were actually a few months away from, launching this, but as we know, things in the universe don't always, go the way we want. But our stars aligned, and here we are. To go back even further, you know, I'm gonna be a little honest.


We actually didn't happen Almost.




Almost. But we were rescued. We were rescued. Tay and I were rescued. And our enthusiasm was rejuvenated to continue, and Tay and I are just absolutely pumped now.


You know, I don't know if you guys have ever, like, found a place that just kinda feels like home or, like, you belong. And, for us, that's the DFPN. That's the Adapt Family Podcast Network. And, you know, it's not got any corners. That's Willie and Caitlyn.


Jeff, our producer, you guys have helped us out so much, and we greatly appreciate it. So this is a place where, you know, we can kinda kick our feet up and just be ourselves. And, yeah, DfPNs are home now, and we're gonna be here and we're


staying. Yeah. For sure.


Well, thank you. Thank you. I'm out of my feelings.


It's all good, girl.


Thanks. There's a lot of other, great and amazing podcasts that are on this network. Like I said, the smoke pit where our buddies Willie and Kaylee hang out. If you guys wanna check them out, it's a great podcast. That's where I spend my my Friday nights hanging and, joking with those guys.


But on, today's episode, we're bringing you our favorite and mostly forgotten x men villains.


And x women. Women.


Yeah. The the women. For sure. For sure.




Alright. Today. There is one, thing I would like to say. So we're bringing you some information today that just kind of, like, scrapes the surface. There's lots of information out there, and, honestly, into into.


I ran in in one today about the celestials, and I was there, like, an hour and a half.


And I


was like, hey. Help me. I'm in a.


I gotta get out. And I was like, through the rope.


I got it.


Like, save me. Save me. So


so if there's things you guys wanna interject, that's cool. But just know that, you know, there's not things that we're passing up that that we we try to cover some things we feel like is important, but there's a lot of other good information out there. If you guys wanna, like, dive into it, I highly encourage you to do so. A lot of great comic book information.




Without further ado, k.


Alright. So to start out, our first, hero or correction villain, my bad, The first villain that we're gonna be talking about is Lady Deathstrike. To start it all out with, yes, you did see her in x men 2. However, I didn't feel like she got enough justice done for her, just because of how I think how awesome she is. So, I wanted to talk about, kind of, like, who she was and then, like, the powers that she has.


So all to begin with is that she came from Japan, and there, she was like she was real good, like, good doer. Everything was good. And she had this lover named Kiro, that she kind of, like well, you know, she they were lovers. And then, like, her dad, kind of, like, took him from her, and they became, like, a team. So, she wanted to go, like, rescue him.


Of course, like, that's great. Right? So she teamed up with daredevil. He was looking for Bullseye. Yes.


The Bullseye from the Daredevil movie that nobody talks about. Barely. Goddamn. And, it was there that she was going after her lover, Kiro. At this point, she had killed her father, and then saw her lover, commit suicide in honor of his master, which is a big, like, thing in Japan.


But, of course, like, if any of you guys out there are feeling, depressed or anything, there is a crisis line out there. It's the 988. Please reach out to it. Don't suffer in silence. You know, definitely get the help that you need, and this is a great place to just everybody to be together.


So, definitely make sure that you are taking care of yourself mental health wise. Yeah. Alright. Yeah. Please don't


kill yourself in honor of your, master. That's


not a thing anymore. So this made her really distraught, and she was, caught up into her father's ideologies. And then this led her to meet Wolverine. She saw Wolverine's, claws. Like, she has the same because her father did experiments on her when she was younger, and she wanted to kill him to restore the honor to her family.


Kinda like Mulan, honor to us all. Anyway, this then they went into the Mojo verse, and she became a professional criminal and joined forces with the Hellfire Club, mercenaries. And then she then battled Wolverine multiple times throughout different comics. But then she eventually resigned her quest to kill Wolverine just because 80 is in the comments talking trash about bull's eye and stuff. I'm sorry.


But, anyway, straight up. But, anyway, so she ended up giving up her quest to, seek out and kill Wolverine because Magneto actually, in one of the comics, removed the an adamantium from Wolverine's claws. So he she saw a bone, and she was like, oh, okay. Like, we're cool now. Like, I don't need to kill you anymore.


But she totally have the upper hand too. He didn't have the adamantium anymore. It's like, I could still kick his ass.


Yeah. But, I mean, he still had, like, the healing and everything too. Right? So, like, both of them have, like, the the healing, that I'll get into with the powers. I'm sorry.


No. No. No. It's cool. It's cool.


So then she encounters captain America while he's in Japan, because she went back to, like, her homeland to be, like, herself. Oh, hey. Smoke it. Hey. Doesn't smoke it.


So Captain America finds, LDS or lady death Strike, and finds out that she's working with terrorists, and wants to defeat her before, like, more lives are being lost.


What, Steve?


This is where she resurfaces with an ally, the one and only William death, Striker who, you know, made Wolverine and then killed Sunfire. Sunfire was, had, like, rogue from our of our heroes. Sorry. Mhmm. Getting the 2.


No. You're good.


The shots really kicking. So


And he's the rock.


So Sunfire had, Rogue absorb his powers, prior to the battle with, Deathstrike because he felt like he was going to die anyway. But, Damn. So Lady Deathstrike and, Stryker ended up, like, taking Starfire's, like, dead body and making him one of the horses of Apocalypse. This is one of those rabbit holes that we did not get into. Starfire's rabbit hole.


Ahead of time. Yeah. But, anyway, to go over some of her powers that she had, was that she has the like, all of the superhuman, like, strength, speed, stamina, like, agility, reflexes, and she has that healing factor like we talked about that Wolverine had. And like Wolverine, she had the adamantium on her bone. She also had, something called cyber cyber, pathy, which allowed her conscious to, connect to, like, external computer systems.


And then this made like, it allowed her the ability to remotely operate, like, other systems, which I thought was pretty cool. I didn't really get further into that one. Again, rabbit hole. So I was trying to keep it, like, shorter, because we have lots of other stuff coming. I am.


But, something else that she was, like, part of her abilities or, like, her skill set rather, was that she was a skilled, martial artist, and, she was an expert in jenjutsu. And then she's also, like, a pilot of sea and aircrafts that's the short down dirty version of Lady Deathstroke.


Yeah. You know when another character that was a technopath I thought was really cool? What was that one movie? Do you remember that movie Sky High that had Kurt Russell and it was, like, his character, like, superheroes?




And that one chick was, like, a a techno path. I kept thinking, like, damn, I want that ability.




Right? I just sent emails


to the next chick.


Right? Yeah. Yeah.


You know, I'll have to I'll have to research it late and, get into the comments to put it in there. If anybody knows, go ahead and shout it out and, like, definitely.


Mary Anne Winstead or something, she was the same chick that was on the the thing, the reboot of the thing. She played that techno I was like, damn, man. I wanna be a techno path. That's, like, awesome.


Willie over here saying that sky high low key slaps, though.


Right? That's what I'm doing. I'm like like, I watched that movie. I was like, damn, man. This is for kids.


I'm like, this movie is awesome. Yeah.


I feel like it was It was it was straight up good.




Alright. Alright, Jen. What you got on, our next batty?


Alright. So I unless anybody really watched, like, the the animated shows or anything, I really like the shadow king. So Okay. The shadow king, he he's one of those bad guys that he's I don't know. Sometimes I feel like he's like a cockroach.


He like, he just won't go away. So he's like this man this multiversal manifestation of the dark side of human consciousness. Now if that's not like some dark shit, I don't know what is. So when he actually has a a form, he manifests as a gladiator gladiator in the astral plane. He actually has, like, Roman weapons.


If it gives you any, indication of how old he is. Okay? So there's a lot of conflicting accounts of his earlier days. The the first records, like, he he mostly lives in, like, the astral plane. He has, he needs a host to be a part of the physical plane.


One of the ones that he uses a lot is, Amal Farooq.




My butcher's name. I apologize. I'm not Egyptian. So he initially applauded with, like, a Nazi scientist to dispute the lineage of the, England's royal family, that was put in place, so they could put somebody else in place that was more, loyal to, like, the Nazi party. Now this was stopped by Wolverine, Kitty Pride, and Rachel Summers in a time travel.


Okay. Rabbit hole. I'm not going down there. K?


Real quick, though. Is Rachel Summers related to, like, Scott Summers? She is. Okay.


Okay. Rabbit hole. Continue. Rabbit hole. Alright.


So Faruk runs into professor x, and this is how it went down. Alright? So Faruk is as the shadow king, is a crime lord in Cairo. Okay? Uhuru, which is Storm, tried to steal professor x's wallet.


Okay. He's minding his own business. He's sitting there drinking his tea in Cairo, and here she comes trying to steal his wallet. He's like, get off my wallet. That's mine.


That's mine.


Yeah. Shit. And you actually see this a little bit in x men apocalypse. So you remember when Storm she's like, she's basically a thief. Alright?


Okay. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. So I was actually kinda happy that they, Yeah. There you go. Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Thanks, Willie.


That's that's that chick that played on Sky High. I know. I'm fixated on that. I apologize.


No. It's okay. Go for it.


So you you see Storm a little bit in this situation in x men apocalypse, which I'm a little disappointed that they didn't introduce the shadow king, but I understand with movies, you can only have really one big baddie, which the shadow king is one of the one of the biggest. Okay?




So so Storm runs away. Right?


With the hands. So


yeah. She runs away, like, really fast like this. So Fruch's like, hey. You know, don't touch don't touch my my thief. So he hits professor x with a psychic bolt.


So, of course, you know, professor x is like, damn. What the hell? What was that? So he's like, bitch, I wanna go see who just hit me with this psychic bolt. So he goes and looks for for Faruk.


So he found him, and they go and fight. Now I say that very plainly, but when I say that professor x is going into the shadow plane and fighting the shadow king, dude, it was knocked down, dragged out. So what ends up happening, as I'm sure you can guess, is that professor x dealt such a huge psychic attack that it killed the shadow king's physical host. So for just for Rick's body die.


Oh my god.


He hit him so hard. And he it felt like it was like the the the flaming pump. It was just like, boom.


Oh, one punch man? Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. It was like a one punch man thing. Like, knocked his ass out and killed the physical form. So that's how that went down.




So a cup couple of interesting things about the shadow king. Okay? He is an omega level mutant. He is a mind bender. So outside of Xavier and any mutant possessed by the phoenix force, keep that in mind.


Okay. This is


an alien force. He is the most dangerous and omnipotent telepath. So the only person that cannot do him is professor x. Now the movies don't really give professor x justice when it comes to his abilities. I don't because, you know, you see a lot more in, like, the comics and, like, even the, like, the animated series.


Like, they they hint on it a little bit, but, yeah, that's crazy. He can take up over over people's minds, and he feeds off of their negative energy. And it actually, causes them to slowly merge with his own essence, which is kinda gross. Yep. That's weird.


Right? I was like I read I read that. I was like,


stop it.


Scrubs. And then the shadow cane is is such a sloth. So he I'm guessing when he's stuck in the astral plane, when he gets into the physical plane, he, like, overindulges himself. So all of his himself. So all of his hosts become, like, morbidly obese.


So whenever I'm sorry. Whenever you see Faruk, he's usually morbidly obese.




So next time, if I get a little chubby, I'm like, it's Shadow King.


I gotta go work out. I gotta go run.


Shadow King possessed me. It's not my fault. It's not my fault.


Those burgers just you know, they they weren't me. They just There's my inner shadow king. Name.


I know. It's my inner shadow king came out. I can't help it. It's so delicious. Damn it.


Anyways, girl, when you said you wanted to talk about the Scarlet Witch




It hit something deep inside. I wanna hear it. I wanna hear it. Okay. Okay.


Said I'll use that on the next PT test. Do it, Willie. I I endorse it. This you guys can't approve right there. Do it.


It's like my my Where's my stamp?


Where's my stamp? I'll give you a stamp, bro.


Damn you, shadow pink.


Damn you, shadow pink. I'm over my max weight. Thank you.


It's the it's the waist circumference, you know, test. You know?


It's not it's not my fault.


Not that they do that anymore, but yeah.


Of course, they shouldn't. It's such a new phone. What can I


something cheap? That's a whole thing. We'll talk about that later.


It is.


So, yeah, they did bring it back, Danny, but they it's a height versus weight ratio. Like yeah. It's a whole thing. So, anyway, it's a Scarlet Witch.


You might be possessed. I can't do that today. I can't test today. I'm being possessed. Y'all are crazy.


It's a tragedy.


I'm over here sweating. Oh my god. No. It's okay. Alright.


So Scarlet Witch. Alright. Her origin is, Siberia. So she's also known as the queen of chaos. We'll get to that later about, like, how she got to that name.


Like, Willie said, he promise. He promises they're they're done. She has the the twin, Pietro or Quicksilver as we all know him for, his normal name. I can't remember, what her first movie that she showed in. Do you remember?


First movie? Yeah. It's also the end credits of winter soldier, I think, is where you first see her in, Petro.


Oh, oh, 80 said age of Ultron. Oh, that was, like, the full movie movie.


Yeah. Like, the whole movie. There's a little sneak peek at the end of winter soldier that you can see them. You can see them in their, like, cages or whatever, and she's, like, playing with stuff with her magic. And you can see


Yeah. Her


picture looks like like poor little hamster without a wheel, like, jumping around and, like, telling you there's, like, YouTube videos. I'm like, poor guy.


Like, what's the guy looking at a


hamster wheel or something. I'm like, he's got so much pent up energy in there. Like, let him run around. Yeah. The 80 said their their Easter egg and, like, the winter soldier.


Okay. No. I appreciate


that because my my mind, 100% I just faced.


No. You're good. I'm like, I think I'm talking about military soldier.


So, when she was, the cocaine hamster stop it.


It's true, though. It's true.


So, she was first born, you know, with her twin, and her mom was, like, super afraid of harming her children. So they were placed in their, care of their uncle, Dijango. I'm just gonna call him because it might be just Dijango. It might be pronouncing the d, but I don't know. It's not the right word.


What he will be doing now.


I see that state country, the dango.


No. Ma'am, not here.


No. Totally nervous over here.


Are these are these the dad jokes that you said were coming? Because I need to be warned out


of this. Oh, I forgot my dad joke. It's okay.


I'll say


it later.


Okay. Okay.


Goddamn it. I'm sorry. Okay.


Okay. So, when they were placed in the care of their uncle, there was somebody called the high evolutionary. I don't know if y'all ever heard him, but he that's also a rabbit hole. Just gonna go ahead and disclaimer that. So the high evolutionary was ravaging the region, for babies to do, like, experiments on, which I thought was kinda weird, but I was like, alright, man.


Like, cool. Do what you gotta do. Like, obviously, you're a baddie too. So, eventually eventually, they they were, put back into the care of, Dijango and his wife. But before that, they had kidnapped, they were being kidnapped and had, alterations made to them, which gave them their powers.


But, the high evolutionary still wanted to, like, make them private and, like, keep them, like, looking like normal human beings. So so what happened then is that Wanda actually got embedded, with her mystic powers, with the the chaos, if you will, from the mountain. So once they were returned, to Dijango and his wife, they had a happy childhood. They traveled, with their what they thought were parents because at this point, they didn't know 3 movies and 4 accidents ago. Yeah.


It happens. Hollywood. So they had, like, a happy childhood. They, traveled all of Europe. But because they were poor, Django was stealing food for his family, and this led to villagers being, like, super upset, obviously, because you don't wanna get things that are, like, stolen.


And they attacked their caravan. So Pietro and, Wanda ended up fleeing the camp. And then the 2 of them just kinda wandered around all of Europe, just living off the land. Wanda accidentally eventually set fire to a house, and then was captured. Yeah.


She's like My bad.




It happens, man. We all get angry sometimes. Our inner whole came out. You know? It's it's a whole thing.


The house looks at me funny.


So, she was captured by the villagers, and then one of them proclaimed her to be the Scarlet Witch, which is how henceforth she was known by that name. Nice. So then Magneto arrived on the scene. Heard of him? We all have.


The Magneto, the guy with the metal, you know, the guy that took the adamantium for Wolverine, like, from lady death strike. Remember remember that? Yeah. That dude.


Who was that guy?


Yeah. That guy. He ended up, rescuing Wanda. And then she felt like she was, like, ever in debt to him as one would if you were rescued. Right?


Sure. So then she became, part of the, brotherhood of evil mutants, which her brother then, like, ended up joining just because his sister was there. And he was like, my sister is my life. Family. You know, Fast and Furious.




Every room


is family.


Yes. God.


You're welcome for that, the meme that I posted. Every room is a family room.




So, when they joined the brotherhood, they ended up fighting a lot of different x men on different occasions. So the initial battle, that they had with 1 of the x men, Scarlet Witch actually ended up knocking out Angel. You remember the guy with the wings that was like, I don't wanna be human anymore, and he had, like, that whole, like, backstory too.


He was, like, trying to cut off his wings and stuff. I'm like, why don't


you kinda really gross. Terrible. Yeah. Like, just the blood and everything, like, can you imagine doing that to your nails and cutting too short? I know you've done it.


I've done it.


I have. It's like the worst. It's like, ah, I


don't know if I


can't use that finger to


be right now, but yeah. Anyway Oh, sorry. That's okay. I was cutting a line, and that's what reminded me of it. Anyway, so so Scarlet Witch ended up knocking out Angel, and then she captured him and brought him to Magneto.


And then the next fight is when, Quicksilver actually got captured by Marvel Girl. So then Namor, yes, the Namor from Black Panther 2. The guy with the wings on his feet. Yeah. I'm trying to like wings.


Oh, over here.


I like I like your wing feet then.


Thank you. Awesome. Scarlet Witch is probably one of the biggest. Yeah. Yeah.


I totally agree with McCoy that Scarlet Witch is one of the fewest characters that he has no issue with how, like, Marvel and Disney, like, brought her character. I loved, like, all of the Wandavision and, like, all of her backstory. Like, it was mainly one of the things of, like, why I thought, like, she was a great villain and why I wanted to cover her.


They they did a great job with that. Yeah. Totally agree.


So Namor was totally infatuated with Wanda because, I guess, she has red hair and, you know, we're all infected apparently with gingers. I don't know.


What the hell is up with these gingers, guys? You know, there's other hair colors out there.


Just There there are. There's there's definitely, you know, different hair colors


as you can see. Brunette?


Just wanna say. Yeah. So he ended up staying back with Wanda to fight off the x men so she could get her brother back. Okay. So Namor was defeated by Beast and Angel, but then was immobilized by, Cyclops.


So then professor x ended up intervening, and he was like, we don't need to do this. She just wants her brother and just gave her brother back to him. So or back to her. Sorry. Back to Wanda.


So then the 2 of the twins, they ended up leaving the brotherhood. Yep. Mary Jane, Jane. Yep. All all of those are all very much redheads.


So the twins ended up leaving the brotherhood when Magneto was, imprisoned by the, stranger and then joined the Avengers conveniently enough. So I believe this is when they did the, like, the whole, like, Avengers and everything with the 2 of them involved. I think that's where, like, this fits in. Correct me if I'm wrong. Like, I might be totally wrong, but that's just where I I thought that it it came from.


You're good. But soon after they left, Wanda actually ended up losing her powers.




And they were like, alright. Cool. I don't really know why. So, EJ said he made you feel sadness and pain. It was so well done.


Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. I've Yeah.


I felt


that. Totally felt that. Yeah.


Yeah. So so they they ended up leaving the Avengers because they lost their powers. And this is also when they find out that, Magneto is their father. So, eventually, down the line, want Wanda ends up recovering her powers and then joins the Avengers again. This is when she falls in love with Vision.


Yeah. And the 2 actually were married. Wanda actually gave birth to 2 twins. So they had 2 daddies. Thanks to


your family. That's weird. We're not gonna go there.


Nope. But, you know, everybody has their own family. So the 2 actually ended up getting married, and Wanda gave birth to 2 twins, Tommy and Billy, by using the, dark magic, from Mephisto. And then the demon actually ended up, like, reabsorbing them. So then she was, like, catastrophically upset, obviously.


So do you


remember do you remember when, WandaVision was out, and they had all those memes of, like, Leonardo DiCaprio? You're, like, watching. You're like, it's. That's right here. I know.


And they never ended up saying, like, who I know.


I felt like they had, like, that opportunity right there, but then they didn't. And They did.


They never they'll save it. No one's in. It'll They'll save it. I didn't know that, though. Maybe you said that was me.


Like me. That was me. That boy was me.


With with the drink in his hand.


Hey. I I believe what Eric said. Mephisto is the tree in the yard. That's Mephisto right there. Yeah.


So, Agatha Harkness, yes, the WandaVision, is where this all, like, comes into play. She ends up casting a spell to have her forget about her kids because she was in, like, so much pain. But this is when she this is when she gained, powerful reality altering abilities, from that chaos magic that we had mentioned earlier. And that gave her uncontrollable aspects to her powers and, created a real mental strain on her. Again, mentally, like, if you have anything going on, you know, there's a hotline for that.


Please, like, reach out.


Please don't create alternate realities


Right. Possibility. So it was remarked by Wasp that, Wanda losing her children drove her just over that edge. And then she lashed out with this new power and ended up killing Agatha Harkness, and, like, some other teammates.




So, because all this happening was happening, She Hulk, ended up killing Vision. What? And that was curious? Yeah. So Wanda was making him, like, do whatever.


Like, she was controlling his actions, and, She Hulk realized that,


Yeah. Right.


She Hulk was like, I gotta end this, and she ended up killing him. That's so fun.


That so that's way different than movies.


Yeah. Yeah. So the whole, like, how Vision died is completely different from the movies as to, what the comics, have. Yeah. Okay.


Doctor Strange ends up using the eye of, Agamotto, and puts, Wanda sorry. Hold on. We're good. He ends up putting Wanda in a catastrophic state. I'm so sorry.


I had to burp. It happens. We all have gas. Better out than in, we always say. Right?


Thank you, Shrek.


Those are durable. Sorry. Okay. Sorry.


I'm blushing over here. Okay.


So You're good.


I really am blushing. Alright. So, doctor Strange puts Wanda in this catastrophic state. At this point, magneto comes to try to collect her, and, he ends up bringing her to professor x, so that they could have a meeting with the Avengers and the X Men, to decide whether or not to kill Scarlet Witch because she's just so dang powerful at this point. Damn, man.


So here comes Quicksilver. You know?


Oh, yeah. Save my sister, yo. Mhmm.


He ends up realizing, like, like, what's going down. He was like, oh, hell no. That's my family. That's what? Family.


Again, family. Family. Always. Family. Always.


K. Family.


Always family. So he ended up using Wanda's powers. I'm not really sure, like, how that all went down of, like, how he used her powers.


Yeah. But


he ended up using her powers and then created the reality of House of m. This is another one of those rabbit holes that didn't really go down to, just because, again, like, we're already almost at 40 minutes. So, like, wanted to keep it, like, short and sweet and for you guys to have some enjoyable content. So in the House of m, this is where Lila, was able to restore, some of the heroes' memories. So you had Wolverine, Hawkeye, and Cloak, whose memories got restored from this.


Hawkeye actually was re resurrected, at this point because he was actually killed, during Wanda's breakdown that she had.




And then the 3 of them got together and restored their reality. Wanda, at this point, revealed, to doctor Strange that Quicksilver, was the one that created the House of M, and it wasn't Magneto, who initiated, like, you know, the reality war. And then Magneto ended up killing Quicksilver. Oh, I don't know. McCoy asked if Agatha will spin off.


We'll cover the house of them. I don't know. That's actually, like, a really good question. I I really hope so.


If they did, it'd be lots of seasons. Yeah. Lots of seasons. And what's up, Calvin? How are you doing?


What up, ma'am?


What's, you one thing about Layla, I wanted to point out. Yeah. Go for it. I think she was one of the only mutants in the house of m that remembered the real world.


Yeah. She didn't. She that was how she 1. Yeah. And how she was able to restore the memories because she was like, this ain't right.


Yeah. She's like, guys, this, this is wrong. Yeah. I thought that yeah. I thought that I just wanted to point that out.


I was like, oh, yeah. I remember that. That's actually I remembered her being one of the only ones.


So, at this point, Wanda retrieved her brother and revived him. She denounced Xavier, so professor x, and then she said the the words no more mutants. And then this added to the depowering of 90% of all of the mutant population, which I thought was, like, wild. This girl is so powerful. And then this also led to a lot of their deaths.


So the surviving mutants and ex mutants, referred this as m day, the worst day in mutant history. I'm sure there's some digging on that as well, but I didn't really get into. Continue Can


I mention can I just mention one thing about that? So don't think that Wanda actually intentionally killed everybody because Yeah. Like like, when you read stuff, it sounds like it. But what actually happened was, like, she took their mutant powers away. Mhmm.


So if there if there was somebody flying and, like, their mutant power is flying, they would just be like


Oh, shoot. Oh my god.


Or if their mutant ability was, like, keeping them alive




You just like, can you imagine being, like, thousands of feet underwater and all of a sudden, like, your mutant ability was, like, to breathe underwater? Like, there's no way. Damn. You're gonna be able to, like, swim up to the surface?


Or or, like, Storm. Like, I don't I don't think she was one of the ones that was killed. But, like, Storm could endure, like, the severe weather, like we said in episode 1. Right? So, like, what if she was in the middle of a a goddamn blizzard.


Right? So, like, she would've just died. Like


She's just chilling all of a sudden. She's like, fuck. It's cold. Damn it. And then all of a sudden,


it's just obstacle. Yeah. Like,


damn it, Wanda. You just killed Storm. Like Damn it. Yeah. That's what I mean.


Like, it wasn't, like, intentional, but if you, like, take away their abilities




Or the things that they're doing, like, I would I would start to rely on my mutant abilities, like, after a while. You know what I mean?


I mean, because they're a part of your life, so why wouldn't you?


I I would. I mean, they would be, like, my arm. Like, I would just, like, use them. You know what I mean? Sorry.


Not to, like, break your train of thought, but I was


like No. Go for it.


She wasn't, like, a a murderous, like, jackass. Like, she actually was just like, no more mutants, and then they're like, fuck. Wait. I need that. You know?


It's just fun.


Yeah. Falling out of the sky. Right. Sucks. Right.


So, she eventually, like, lost her memory, because of this. She was founded by her alleged son, Wiccan, And then, he found, Wanda at that point, and she, like I said, didn't have any of her memories or her powers. And she was engaged to, Victor Von Doom, who we know from, like, the Spider Man. Right?


Fantastic 4.


Oh, yep. Sorry. My bad. Good. So from Fantastic 4, straight up, like, she was engaged to him.


At this point, like, Wiccan, he found her and then told her about who she was, what had happened, like, what had happened though, all that good stuff, and told her about the twin sons, that he had suspected that were hers, so Wiccan and Speed. And then that's when she actually found out that they were her reincarnated sons, which I thought was actually pretty cool too.


Yeah. I have to agree with you, Willie. Doctor Doom is definitely don't worry. We're gonna talk about the fantastic 4 in the future. Yes.


No worries.


Yes. It's it's on the it's on the list. You know?


It's on the list.


We'll we'll get over there. We'll we'll get there.


It's on the list.


So, Wiccan story about, like, what had happened though, had been interrupted by the avengers. The young avengers and Magneto and doctor Doom. Wolverine ended up killing Wanda. But before that happened, or he actually, he tried to kill Wanda. Sorry.


He didn't actually kill her.


Oh, okay.


Sorry. My bad. Yeah.


No. I don't like fuck. Are you serious? Shit.


No. No. She's very much alive. So he tried to kill her. Obviously, wasn't successful.


Wanda actually ended up defeating, Modoc who we saw, you know, in the latest, Ant Man v Ant Man and Wasp. Right? Of his big feet. Yes. And the little baby butt.


Yes. Okay. Little baby butt. With a big big face. Yeah.


So, How much


did about like a toddler.


Yes. Seriously disturbing. But Wanda ended up defeating MODOK and AIM with the help of missus Marvel and Spider Woman. Also, if you guys haven't seen the new Spider Man across the Spider Verse yet, highly recommend. Okay.


I liked it. So, so then Wanda ended up visiting, the Avengers mansion, and, this is where she has visions of fights with the phoenix. The, and the vision was that the phoenix had killed the original avengers. Dang. So then Wanda actually ended up defeating Magic who you talked about in the last episode.


Wait. Kaylee needs a gray for Spider Man real quick.


Oh, alright. Are we doing that a 5?


We gotta do the puffs. You know how they work. Alright. Plus max.


I'm a say 4 out of 5. What? I really liked it. Like Really?


I'm not surprised. Spartan you know Spider Man is my favorite. I love Spider Man.


The intro to the Into the Spider Verse. So Okay. This builded on that. So if you haven't seen that one, you have to watch that one first. Definitely recommend that.


Okay. And then the, this one was yeah. AD said 4 pups too.


AD said 4. Okay. Okay.


Yeah. So, yeah. Like, I I straight up I do recommend, the Across the Spider Verse.




There is, like, a mid credit team, but not an end credit team. I'm not gonna spoil anything. I'm not gonna talk about it. I'm just gonna say that. So if you're gonna go watch it, don't wait until the end like I did.




Okay. Gotcha. So, she had this vision.




And then Wanda ended up killing magic and then became began, to train Hope Hope from, like, Ant Man and Wasp to Wasp. Right? Okay. With Spider Man's help, in Wakanda. Mhmm.


And then, Cyclops actually ended up taking the title of, Dark Phoenix after killing professor x.


Cyclosted. Okay.


Yeah. So this is different from, like, what the movies have been showing is that Yeah. The gray was


the one. Right. Yeah. Exactly. Okay.




So in this, comic book is when, Cyclops actually was the one that, took the title. Okay. What would you give the first one? Oh, god. I'm gonna have to get back to you on that one.


I'm gonna have to rewatch it and then give you, like, my honest feedback.


That's, like, easy for pups, Four and a half.


Right. So, like That's


hell, yeah. That shit was good.


And and, like, across Spider Verse. Right? So Spider Verse. Right? So you, you know, you're gonna see whoever you're gonna see.


So Yeah. It's just


You know, you can't you know, don't ask me about Spider Man stuff because I'm automatically gonna give it at least 4 because I love Spider Man so much. Like, that's my guy.


Man 3? Like, Tobey Maguire's Spider Man 3?


Spider Man even though he went a little emo, I love Spider Man. Spider Man's a good guy. He's like I'm I'm just like I kinda cringed, and I was like, okay. It's gonna be be tough. Okay.


It's over.


Jeff is in the backstage. Thanks, producer Jeff. We appreciate you for doing that.


My mouth when I watched it. I was like, but, you know, I love Spider Man. Anyway, sorry. I keep interrupting you, Debbie.


No. No. No. It's okay. But, I mean, like, honestly, like like, AD said, off the strength of sunfire alone, like, I literally have, like, a tattoo of a sunflower on my arm.


It's my favorite flower. It's I got it I loved it. Because of me, of who I am, not because of the song. I'm just gonna put that disclaimer out there. But


No. No. No. You're fine. You get what you want, girl.


I know. It's my body. It's my temple. I do what I want. So, so Cyclops ended up taking the title of Dark Phoenix, after killing professor x.


And then, the Dark Phoenix, Psychops, had become, began to, burn the world. So then Wanda and Hope, joined forces in order to stop him. And then instead of the, saying that she had said before, the 2 of them joined together and said no more phoenix. So then, that took away the phoenix force from the earth instead of immune. So I thought that was, like, pretty dope.


So it was like a a spell that they did?


Yeah. Yeah. Damn. Yeah.




So so, like, to go into her powers, because that's, like, what's next, is that, she has, you know, obviously, she has the witchcraft, the chaos magic, the divine sources, spells and phrases, that she has that she, like, speaks them to life. For her spells and phrases, she has the, astrial projection that we saw in, doctor Strange.




If you've seen doctor Strange yet. Sorry.




Spoiler alert, I guess, if you haven't seen it yet.




I thought it was safe. Oh my god.


We're, like, much safer now. Just saying it's been, like, a couple years.


I'm sorry if I ruined it for you, but she has, the astral, projection that, yeah, binding, manipulation, the energy construction, energy manipulation as well. For the energy manipulation, to go more in-depth with that, she has the absorption, projection, transferal. She has, flight, force field, gravity manipulation. I mean, this girl is, like, powerful. She's got the telekinesis, telepathy, transportation, and time manipulation.


Like, what more do you need? Oh, wait. There's more.


She's a badass bitch.


I'll call it. Yeah. So for her abilities, she has obviously magic knowledge. Right? She has a magic knowledge.


She can do, meditation, and yoga is, like, something that she does, you know, to, like, center herself, because that's, you know, what some people do.


I do some yoga in between them.


Some people use it as meditation and, like, helps you


Kinda center yourself in between, like yeah. I gotcha.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. She's a expert in combat and, expert tactician as well as leadership.


So she's, like, really well or she does really well with, creating plans and actually, like, seeing them through. Or if someone else has those plans, she can, like, help them see it through. So it should be a great one for, like, 5. What?




anyway, I had some


yes. I did.


She went there. I did. I went there. I went there. You know, we're all about plans and


Right. And seeing those plans through. Gotta see those, like, plans through some execution.


I'm sorry. Cry special power.


Oh god.


Not the patch. She had the patch.


She had the patch, bitch. Just the patch.


Anyway, that's like air force jargon. Sorry. If y'all don't understand that. If you don't understand people who us up, we'll explain it the best that Wade can. Absolutely.


The power of the patch. So, anyway, for the the random trivia, that I had is, Wanda's a vegetarian. She doesn't drink alcohol, so, you know, there's that. And she's actually lactose intolerant. So like our producer, Jeff Jeff, who is also lactose intolerant.


I'm so sorry for y'all because I love pizza, and I could not


fuck that milk. That's right.


Yeah. Alright. So, I believe from here, we're gonna go into some mystique. Do you want me to lead with my stuff, or do you wanna lead with your stuff?


No. Go ahead. You're a roll, sis.


Alright. Cool. So, so for Mystique, I wrote some of her powers down, which is the metamorph. This allows her to alter the cells within herself, to, like, be identical as to what you're, like, supposedly seeing. So to see me, she could like, all she has to do is just, like, rearrange herself, and she's good to go.


And then she got cheese and milk and cheese to solve that whole problem. Sir, I need you to not AD. Sorry. My hubby's on 1.


Oh, you're fine.


I'm not gonna apologize for him. I think it's hilarious. Anyway, so, she got into some radiation, and this, granted her the powers of night vision. She had wings on her back, talons on her fingers. I had, like, sharp, like, teeth.


Yeah. Had, like, natural body armor, which I thought was, like, badass. Mhmm. And then, can even compress a nearly, like, 2 dimensional, so, like, paper. You know?


Yeah. Like that guy off of Betelgeuse?


Yeah. So or yes.


Absolutely. Like, guy, like, off of Betelgeuse that could, like, go into, like, the sorry. Oh, no.


She froze. We're back. Okay. Yes. This is similar to that, but also similar to so fantastic.


So, you know, like, it can get, like, super thin or even, like, remember when we were talking about the blob and, the senator Kelly, and he got all 2 dimensional? And you remember that?


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Betelgeuse because we don't say his name three times.


How do I look at billing a little flat? Sorry.


No. It's okay. So 2 dimensional, is something that she can, do as well. She's also Okay. An expert combatant, marksman, and covert operative.


She's also Omni lingual. So what that means is that she can literally, like, understand and speak any language, like, fluently, which I think is, like, super dope. Because as someone who, has a stepson that's only speaks French, it's it's hard to, like, communicate. Right? So that would be, like, a super guilt, power to have.


So I'm gonna add that to my list of superpowers that I want.




So so fun fact about Mystique, is that she actually never wears clothing. And this is due to her out, being able to make the cells of her skin, like, make anything. So, like, she's like, why would I need clothing if I would just have to, like, strip that off to, like, put something else, like, or to have, like, whatever on? Mhmm. So it actually eliminates the need for, like, regular clothing, and unstable, like, molecules.


And thus, she actually is naked all the time, but not really like the movies show her. So to go into the movies versus the comics, something that I found is that Mystique actually isn't Magneto's secondhand man. Like, that's actually not true. So I just wanted to goddamn it, Willie. Willie said, hell, yeah.


She is.


Sir. Sir. Excuse me. Excuse me. Sir?




So she's the, mother of Sabertooth's son, because her and Sabertooth had, like, a little something something. Yeah. So Her


mister Creek got down.


Yeah. They they had a son together. She's also Nightcrawler's, mother as well. And then she also adopted Rogue, as we alluded to in the first episode. So what do you got on, missique?


So there's one thing that let me correct myself. There's many things that the movies got wrong. You know, I used to play that, was it Marvel Alliance video game? Mystique wears clothes, guys. I hate to break this to you.


She wears, like, this white halter top and, like, this, like, white dress that has, like, these skulls on it. Like, that's what she wears. Yeah. Yes. She has the blue skin.


She has, like, the yellow eyes. Like, that's how Mystique looks.


But do you think that she, like, made those with the molecules, like, of her skin, or do you think it's, like, something that she just, like, threw on?


Maybe. No. I don't know if she threw it on, but, I mean, she's not walking around naked like she was in the movies. I kinda feel like that was because you had y'all shut up. That's because you had Rebecca Romaine Samos, and then you had Jennifer Lawrence.


Do you really wanna dress them up, or would you rather them walk around naked? Naked ish. Me, personally, I would rather be true to the comics.


Naked adjacent.


Be true to the comics, please. Be true to the comics, please. Anyways and so I don't really have an answer to that because I I that's how she always appeared in the comics. Okay. But there there is one thing.


She never really truly aligns herself with any one group. There is one thing about mystique. She is all about number 1, and number 1 is mystique. If she thinks that she is going to benefit from something, that's what she's gonna go with.




So she is a shapeshifter. She can mimic people, even their their faces and, like, their their voices, appearance, whatever. And she's able to actually constantly, like, rejuvenate herself. So she's, like, over easily over a 100 years old Okay. Because of her shape shifting abilities.


That's how she, like, attains her youthful appearance. I I know there's in the movies, they they kind of make, like, her part of the x men first class, the one with, like, James McAvoy and being professor x and everything.




That didn't happen in the comics. She didn't help build x men first class. She was not a part of all that stuff. K? Again, that's a rabbit hole.


We just kinda wanted to touch on mistake. There's there's a lot of things that they did wrong. I think Jennifer Lawrence is a great actor, but there's this I I I kinda think they exploited it a little bit. Yeah.


For sure.


There's a there's a lot of things that she did that other characters did. Mhmm. Is a great character, but she more does, like, espionage, kind of like terrorist kind of things. Like, that's how she works. I mean, if you're a shapeshifter, you're not gonna sit there and go on, like, full attack somebody.


You're you're gonna be shifty. You're gonna be shady about it. You know? Anyhow, well, without further ado, are you ready to talk about our our big baddie?


Absolutely. I am. Are you? Yeah.


So you guys you guys, we did a poll. My dear sweet husband, Eric, did a poll and asked you guys by our big baddie, and I was so happy that you guys picked mister Sinister.


I am right here. Pick. Like, you wanted to Yeah.


Mister Sinister is just one of those evil bad guys. You're like, dang. Whoever named mister sinister did it so so well so well, and let me get into why. So there there is some Marvel animated stuff, that's on Disney you can watch. And one of the ones that I caught wasn't exactly accurate as far as, like, his origins, but kinda gives you a little bit of insight into it.


So he was this brilliant Victorian era scientist. So his origin starts with him and his wife lost a baby.


Oh, no.


The baby right? So the the baby had a lot of, like, birth defects, so he became obsessed. In my mind, naturally, because if you're a scientist, you're like, I don't want this to happen again. Let me fix this. Mhmm.


So he wanted to perfect perfect the human race. Okay? So he started experimenting. Now back in the day, the, a lot of the, doctors and scientists and stuff are part of the rural society. So he got kicked out of that because of his unorthodox meth methods.


So if you go back and and look at these animated shows that they have on on Disney Mhmm. It it shows it a little bit. So he predicted that there is going to be, an emergence of mutants. Believe it or not, he coined it the Essex factor. Now guess whose attention he caught?


Apocalypse. Oh, shoot. What? Girl, he caught apocalypse is like, what'd you say?


He said, I said, exit doctor. You cut out curiosity. Now you have my attention.


Oh oh, yes. Oh, yes. So now Apocalypse at this time wants to conquer the 19th century England. So he's like, dude, I'm gonna hook up with this dude. I need to talk to this guy.


So Apocalypse thought, hey. What better way than, like, I'll reveal my powers to him. I'll show him that he's right. So that's what he did. He showed his powers to, Nathaniel Essex is what his name is, actually, and it proves living proof of his theory.


Now to go back a little bit, do you know who shared all the genetic knowledge that mister accumulates over time? He shares his knowledge with the high evolutionary.


Oh, wait. The guy that I was talking about?




Girl. What?


Girl. So who experimented on the Scarlet Witch high evolutionary? He got a lot of his information from mister sinister.


It's all good, Rob. I'm glad you came


here. Bro, you're good. You're good. You're good. So now a little off topic or it seems a little off topic, but I promise it ties in later.


So Cyclops, yes, our dear Cyclops and Jean Grey, travel back in time with the help of another mutant called sanctity. Rabbit hole, don't go there. Or you can go there. I'm just not going to. She wants them to go back in time.


I need you to prevent a great tragedy. Can you help me out? So Psychops and Jean are like, okay. So they go. So Psychops and Jean were defeated and captured by Apocalypse.


Oh my god.


Right? So Apocalypse takes them to mister sinister, or he's actually just mister Nathaniel Essex at this time Okay. To experiment on them. So Jean knows him from her her time, immediately recognizes him. It's like, hey, dude.


Don't work with this, like, apocalypse guy. He's bad news.


Yeah. Talks to him for


a little bit. So Nathaniel's like, oh, yeah. Okay. For sure. He doesn't.


That doesn't last too long. Just saying. So what ends up happening is that him and his wife end up having another child, and this child dies, unfortunately. Because what happens is is that his wife discovers that mister Essex is actually experimenting on the remains of their initial child that died from the birth defects. Again, mister sinister was very appropriately mean.


So, she calls him sinister, and that's how he adopts his name. Oh. His his own wife that ends up dying calls him. This is all you you're so sinister. So he's like, I guess I'm mister sinister then.


Oh my god. So he yeah. So he ends up going back in allies with Apocalypse. Now one thing that kind of annoyed me again, I know I'm bringing it up again, but the animated version that they have, mister Sennister becomes who he is with Apocalypse through the celestial technology, okay, to transform him.




Yes. The this is the same social technology that you see in the Eternals movie. Now, it's the one that creates the Eternals and the Deviants.




Now if you'll humor me just a little bit about the eternals and deviants because some people may not know what those are if you don't


mind for a minute. Love to hear it. You think I'm okay? I'll go over that. So,


a deviant, okay, is actually a genetically engineered, biased celestial. So what they do is that they ensure that the SapientLife that was developed will actually, the sapient life in a planet will actually develop, and it'll actually kill the apex predators. So when essentially happens is that the celestial beings will actually see the planet. That seed actually goes into the planet. So in order to feed that growth, they need sapient life forms to feed it.


So the deviant's initial job was to kill out the a p apex predators because you want that life to grow. If you have too many apex predators, right, it's not gonna grow. Alright? So what happened was these deviants, what? Should I should I, Willie?


You don't wanna watch that 3 hour movie? We we can just put it on real quick. I got my TV right here. No. No.


No. Continue. Go


for it. Go for it.


So what happened was was that these deviants were biological. So when you see in the Eternals movie is that anytime the, deviants kill, like, one of their prey, they actually, took their form. So they slowly became an apex predator, and they started killing everything.


Oh my god.


Right? You do you remember the movie how they kill something and they would actually, like, absorb their power? And you're like, oh, damn. They can do that now? Good luck, guys.


Well so then the socials kinda had to have a little meeting and say, shit, guys. We, you know, we messed up. So that that's when they created the Eternals. Now the Eternals are synthetic. Again, I know I'm going down a little bit of a rabbit hole, but I just wanna explain this for some people.


I would love to hear it.


So the the Eternals are synthetic, so they they can't morph. They can't change. Like, they're exactly as they are made, and so they were sent to actually kill the deviance. That's all I wanted to say about that. I just want I just want clear the error of what those were.


Letting that sink in. Letting that marinate, if you will.


Yeah. It. A little bit of butter, a little bit of teriyaki. Okay. Yeah.


Mhmm. A


little bit of time. You


know? A little


bit of time. A little bit of time. So, mister Sinister, so his power, actually starts to increase through self experimentation. So over time, he's he's studying all this genetic and and genomes and DNAs from all these different moons, and he's just like, this looks good. Oh, I like this one too.


And so yeah. So he starts tampering with his own DNA. Okay? His power increases, and over time or or throughout this time, he maintains this interest with Cyclops and Jean Grey. Okay.


He believes that their DNA together can actually create the ultimate mutant.


I can see that. So


if you remember me mentioning sanctity. She this bitch did that on purpose. She did it on purpose.


She said, there was gonna be a


great charge, Nene. You should go check it out. No. This bitch did that on purpose, and I will tell you why. Yeah.


I will tell you why in just a second. Don't don't trust nobody, you guys. Don't trust nobody. That's all I gotta say. So over time, mister body has been destroyed several times.


Okay? He can regenerate. He can transfer his mind into, like, another host body for a time. He's actually had, clones made, for himself as well. Okay?


So to the part I really wanna get to, the results of his machinations of all of his outside workings and whatnot. So he made a clone of Jane Grey. Right? Her name is Madeline. Yeah.


Girl. He made a clone. He's like, I'm tired of waiting on you guys. I'm just gonna make a damn clone. So he made the clone of Jean Grey.


So at first, this experiment failed. Okay? He kept her in a hibernation chamber because he's like, damn it, man. That shit didn't work. And he really actually couldn't figure out why it didn't work.


So the dark phoenix died. And when the phoenix force actually, sought this clone out and actually gave her a little spark of itself. Not the full phoenix force, but just a spark. So that clone came to life, and it's known as Madeline. Okay.


Okay? So guess who they ended up creating?


I don't know. Cable. No.


So Cable is actually Nathan Summers. He is actually the child of, Cyclops and Pryor. Okay. Right? I know.


I was like, I didn't know that when I was watching Deadpool. Like, that's that's Jean Grace clone Madeline and Scott Summers. Damn. So That's wild. Right.


So the whole intent behind cable was to fight apocalypse. So but mister sinister was tired of being under apocalypse control. I didn't really mention it a whole lot. This whole time, like, apocalypse is like, hey. Do this.


Do that. Do it. And it starts dude, like, kind of wait. Like, I'm so tired of it. So he's like, you know what?


I'm gonna create the ultimate mutant that can kick your ass. So he creates cable, and the only way he could do that was the way I just explained.




Now that's how that came in. The only way that he knew, that was possible was when sanctity sent back Scott and Jean, and he took samples of them when they were under his care, when they were kept with him.




That's how he knew that they could create, like, the ultimate mutant, and that is cable.




Again, not really referenced in Deadpool 3 or Deadpool. Guys, gotta work on that. Come on, Marvel.


No. Actually, like, AD brought up a good point that he was wondering if it was gonna get, referenced in Deadpool 3. So, I mean, like, as it I mean, maybe. I mean, they're gonna have Wolverine in there, so I don't know. We'll we'll see what they do with that.


You know, I hope so. There's, like, I I get when you're a scriptwriter and you're writing something for a movie. There's so many different avenues that you can go, so many different rabbit holes. Like, I I get it, but at the same time, there's just stick to a story. Like, don't don't make up your own shit.


There's enough material that you can use. But Mhmm. Again, I don't wanna go on a rant.


No. You're good.


Girl, because I will rant. Anyhow, so I wanna talk to you a little bit about Krakoa. I don't know if I'm saying it right, but Krakoa. Okay. So professor x and Magneto established a safe haven for mutants.


It is called Krakoa. Now Krakoa is actually a mutant in itself. It's a living island. At first


It looks like the island in Moana?


Kind of. Just a little bit. It's we can call it if you want because that's all you need. Lots of noise all you need. So the island actually at first was hostile towards them, but they had a couple of shots.


Everything was fine. Is like, yeah. Come on. Come on. Live on me.


It's fine. I don't mind. So they established this council at. It's called the quiet council. Now professor x and and, Magneto are super smart.


They're like, you know, we're gonna have something things in place, and they're gonna need mister sinister's help. Help. Now he has had a lifetime of genetic research, easily a lifetime, when we need him on our side. So they bring mister Sinester on, and they give him access to certain secrets.




And, they also, are able to do the resurrection protocols Okay. Which I'm not gonna talk about. Okay. I'm not gonna talk about the resurrection protocols.


Okay. That's more of a a rabbit hole type thing?


That's a rabbit hole that I would actually like to revisit with you later.




It's actually really interesting. Okay. Yeah. That's all I'm gonna say about it. Okay.


I think we'll I think we'll cover that in another podcast. What do you think?


I I would love to cover that later.


Would you like to talk about that? Okay.


We'll talk


about that later. So, guys, we'll talk about the resurrection protocols later. But just know that that would not be possible without mister Sinister because of all of his genome research. There was actually another thing that, mister Sinister kinda stumbled upon was Mara Mettaggart.


And who's that?


Do you do you remember her?


No. Agents of Shield? Maybe? No?


Close. Close. She was actually on, x men first class. She was actually played by Rose Byrne. Okay.


She was actually the FBI, CIA, whatever special agent. Okay. So in the comics, she actually wasn't one of those. She was actually, a scientist on the comics. She had this really unique mutant ability.


Now they never said anything to the story and the movies that she was a mutant, which she actually is. So her mutant ability is every time that she dies, she resets reality.




Right? I know. Yeah. Yeah. Kinda like kinda like a cat in a way, but not really.


Right? Charles' crush seriously, he was just like, hey, Moira. He always went back to Moira. Like, I get it. Yes.


The first one, she wasn't an agent of shield. I'm sorry. Continue.


No. I mean, she dated Superman.


Oh. Just saying.


Rose Byrne and Henry Cavill dated for a while.


That's different. But okay.


I'm just saying. Anyways, side note, that was like a VH one pop up information right there. So, anyways, so, Myra, I'm tired. Every time that she dies, she resets reality, and then she is reborn into a new timeline. But every time that she is reborn, she actually remembers all the knowledge from her previous lives.


That's dope as fuck.


Right? That's what mister Senderster said too. He said, damn, man. I could use this. So he creates something called the Moriorum engine.


So the Moriorum engine is the way he uses it is he tries to manipulate the x men. And if something doesn't go his way, he kills one of her clones. Now I think girl yeah. I know. What a jackass.


Right? I think it's one of the things that Jeff brought up. He's like, I think they only have, like, what, like, 9 or 10 lives, Jeff? But No. If you think of it, he has several clones.


They have 10 lives. He's showing up to 10. Yeah. They have 10 lives. So even if he had 10 clones, that's 50.


So something doesn't go his way. That's what I said, Willie. I'm like, man, man, that's sinister. Fuck. I'm like, damn.


Who who named this guy? This is perfect. So he'll just, like, damn that and go my way. Yeah. Kill that one this time.


No. No. That one. It's her turn. And then he'll just reset it.


I mean, they eventually caught on to what he was doing, but I'm just, like,


that's why. Like


Yeah. That's why, like, he's one of my most favorite back bad guys. This is isn't one. He's the fastest, the strongest. It's the background stuff that he did, the plotting and the and the scheming and, like, the genetic research.


Like, that's the dangerous ones that you're like, oh, damn. He was doing that the whole time? Like, I didn't know that. Damn. You know?


Well, that's kinda what they say. So that's actually all I got for, for the wonderful and amazing mister sinister.


Okay. Well, I think it's time for the, final shots and thoughts. Oh, okay.


Are we done? Alright. Let's go, lady.


So, we wanna go ahead and just go ahead and thank everybody that, came through for our second episode. It's been super great to, like, just watch that number, continue to rise. It's it's awesome having you guys here, having the interaction. It's just such a blessing to be here, really. So watch the USDN, page for more updates on, Queens of Nerdom episode 3 as well of our very first episode of USDN.


We will be posting updates and timings for those episodes in the next coming, weeks. So just, like, be on the lookout for that. Thank you, Kately, for the great show. Okay. Thanks.


Also, Jen and I, like, had a fantastic time doing this heroes and villains, that we like to just keep going with it for a little while longer. So, watch out for a poll. We're gonna be, doing on the USDN page, and that's going to be on our next topic for heroes, which is drum roll, please. Bye. Thank you.


It's gonna be on the DC Gotham. So, you know, I have my little joker over here. So, you know, we're gonna be doing the hero side of that first.


Oh, wait. Are we?


Yeah. Over here. Also, a special thank you, to the d f b n podcast group. All of the love and the support, we just cannot say thank you enough. It's been an honor to just be a part of you guys and just see, the creation and the, group not kind of group think, but, like, just just the creativity with that we all have and that we're all, like, surging forward with.


Also, a special thanks to you and shout out to ggnxbt. She is the amazing woman that has been putting up the Quan and USDN logos, that you can see today. And all of our all of your graphic needs or anything like that, please go out to her. She really is amazing. Gigi, actually, spoiler alert, will be our 1st, guest that we're gonna have on an interview series that we're also doing, and dates will be coming very soon for that.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is USDN approved. See


y'all. Can can I



Ep 2: "Favorite X-Men Villains"
Broadcast by