Ep 19: "Dune 2 Review"
Alright, and hack. Welcome everybody to the Queens of Nerdom episode 19.
JJ:Hi, Jenny.
Tay:Am Tay, half of the Queens of Nerdom.
Jenn:I'm Jen, and we have a very special guest with us today. We have JJ's tag. I just
JJ:want that Nat's outfit to play every time I come into her. Just Tay going. Hello.
Jenn:So our awesome friend, Jen, is here with us today, and, we have all sorts of fun stuff that we're gonna be talking about today. We're gonna be talking about Dune 2. Oh. Or I should say part 2. It's not Dune 2.
Jenn:It's part 2. Yeah. I may have some horror news if you guys are interested. We'll see. I'll take a yeah.
JJ:Are you guys on horror news? Yes.
Jenn:Eric. Hello. Cameo. Hi. But, anyways, how about that intro?
Tay:I am. Let's go with that intro.
Jenn:I hope we never ever change that intro.
Tay:Oh, god.
JJ:We will not. That was the most legitimate intro of, like, any podcast I've ever been on. I'm, like, sitting here. I don't know if y'all can see me, but I'm just like, I fucking love this.
Tay:I saw you dancing a little bit. I saw I saw
JJ:I was. I'm like, I'm here for this. Like, nice. Show my girl Wonder Woman? I'm a happy camper.
JJ:I'm a good
Tay:That's actually our whole reason why we have that intro is because we wanted to showcase some of the queens that we really enjoy and like, because we're the queens of nerdom, and they're nerdy queens. So we like it. I'm so glad that you liked it too.
JJ:I love it.
Tay:Alright. So, we're gonna go into our shot. It's shot o'clock. Shot, shot, shot, shots.
Jenn:Ayo. Shot glass, but it's shotty.
Tay:Alright. I am taking a shot out of my Fallout 4 shot coming
Jenn:out of here. Oh, nice.
Tay:And I am taking a shot of Crown Vanilla, Jen.
Jenn:Nice. I have my Drink Up, which is is my, my go to shot glass. And as always, I have my rum.
Tay:I love that. JJ, what you drinking?
JJ:So I'm drinking an amino energy because we have so little alcohol in the house right now. Otherwise, I would be taking a legitimate shot, but we've got, like, nothing. So immuno energy, it is. Right.
Tay:Yes. Absolutely. I'm gonna be taking a shot towards, freedom and growth as always because we are continuing to grow in episode 19 already. It's insane. I have a fruit fly in here, apparently.
Tay:But, here we go. Would you take a shot to?
Jenn:I'm gonna take a shot to Jen. Thanks for coming on with us and sharing in your nerdiness. I hope that other chicks see that, it's okay to be nerdy and to come hang out with us and, yeah, nerd life.
Tay:Love it. To j k.
JJ:See y'all.
Tay:Sweet. Alright. Jennifer, what are we talking about?
Jenn:Well, we have do you guys want some horror news?
Tay:I would love some horror news.
Jenn:Okay. I have a little bit of horror news.
Tay:Oh, are we going into horror news right now?
Jenn:Do you want to?
Tay:I would love to. I'm gonna go.
Jenn:I'm down.
JJ:Okay. I'll say I Go over. Go over. Go over. Guys have the best transitions.
Jenn:Thank you. That was
JJ:so impressive.
Jenn:Thank you. Thank you.
JJ:Like, I just want the whole show to be transitions now. Like, what else you got? Just
Tay:Don't worry. We we got
JJ:more. We have several.
Jenn:Me, Camba, and I are friends.
Jenn:So some horror news. So Blumhouse has, a movie named imaginary. I don't know if you guys have, watched it or heard anything about it. It arrived to streaming on Amazon, Apple, Google Play, and, it's a story about a little girl who develops an eerie attachment to a stuffed bear named Chauncey. Their relationship starts off playful and soon becomes very sinister.
Jenn:This is actually starring, Dewanda Wise. So if you remember her, she's that pilot from Jurassic World Dominion is in there. So at first glance, I see this, and I was like, a horror movie about a teddy bear? I'm like, are you kidding me? I'm like, pass.
Jenn:But then I saw a picture of the monster, and I was like, oh, I'm like, that monster. That monster looks awesome. It looks like a giant monster teddy bear, and I freaking love it. So,
JJ:like, now I'm gonna have to, like, look this up. You have to look it up?
Tay:I do remember the trailer about this. I didn't I didn't really, like, look at it, and I was like, oh, this is interesting. But, what was that? Oh, Meghan. Did you ever see Meghan?
JJ:Oh, with the doll?
Tay:Yeah. Yeah. So at first, it was like good. Oh, Carl. It was good.
JJ:Was it? Because I I heard such mixed reviews. Like, I I feel like it's one of those really, like, dividing movies where you either really love it or you really fucking hate it.
Tay:Yeah. I could see that. I liked it.
Jenn:Alright. I was with JJ. Like, at first, I was like, really? So I had to watch it for, a podcast because we were reviewing it. And I watched it, and my husband, Eric, and I were like, actually, it wasn't that bad.
Jenn:Actually a really good movie. Like, it actually would like, ended up being pretty good. Like, we were surprised. Like like Eric says, like, monsters, can really make a movie. So does hey.
Jenn:Does the trailer in Imaginary, does it show the monster?
JJ:I literally just looked up pictures of the monster.
Jenn:Do you see it? It looks like a monster teddy bear.
JJ:Terrifying. Yeah.
Tay:Holy crap.
Jenn:Right. And I was like as soon as I saw the monster, and I was like, okay. I have to talk about this now. Because now I know it's okay. A monster little chucky eagle attacking little kids.
Jenn:So, so that's that's on streaming, if you guys don't watch that. Now another movie I wanna talk about is Late Night with the Devil. Now it's it's filmed in a found footage kind of way, which I'm not always a huge fan of. Like, if you're gonna do found footage, I want it to be done in a in a better way. Like, if you start having, like, the jostling of the camera, like, I'm just gonna barf and not wanna watch the movie.
Jenn:But if you do it in a good way
JJ:Mhmm. I'm here
Jenn:for it.
Tay:You also do motion sickness? Because I do.
Jenn:It's I'm kinda touch and go. Like, I remember as a kid, like, we used to play Doom on my dad's Commodore 64, and there was only so much I could play before I wanna, like, growl my guts out. But, I mean, I can I can handle a little bit, but after a while, I'm like, I definitely I'm I'm definitely a third person kind of point of view player in video games, because first person makes me wanna Ralph? Anyways, side note about Jen. So, Late Night with the Devil is now in theaters, and it's gonna be coming to Shutter.
Jenn:If you guys subscribe to Shutter, I believe it's, April 22nd, I think. It takes place Halloween night in, 19 yeah. 1977 when in a cult themed episode of a popular show takes a dark turn during a live broadcast. It's starring, and I'm gonna butcher this guy's name, David Desmalashian. So he's actually thank you.
Jenn:I I try.
JJ:That's good.
Jenn:Trying to pronounce people's names right. Sui is actually the polka dot man on Suicide Squad, and then he also was
JJ:Oh, boy. Yeah.
Jenn:Yeah. That dude. Yeah. Okay. You
Jenn:know him.
JJ:Weird dude.
Jenn:He's so weird. I love him. He's got that creepy face. I love it.
JJ:These obscure roles is oh, I love him. I love him.
Jenn:And he does such a good job with the roles being so obscure. You know what I mean? Like, he really does such a great
Jenn:So, this one kinda looks like, maybe like a possession type of movie. I'm kind of speculating a little bit. That's what it looks like to me. But but but, yeah, I'm I I recommend it if you guys like that sort of thing. Anything like exorcist kind of thing is kind of up my alley.
Jenn:So I'm a little little biased in my recommendation. Just saying.
JJ:What was this one called again?
Jenn:Late Night with the Devil. Late Night with the Devil.
JJ:I'm taking notes.
Jenn:And then, Netflix actually, announced recently that they're in production of season 7 of the black mirror. They're teasing that one of the episodes is a sequel to the USS Callister from season 4. You guys didn't watch that, it's kind of, like a Star Trek spoof. So if you're Black Mirror fans, they're in production season 7. So I'm a big fan of Black Mirror.
Tay:I love how Black Mirror actually makes you think about, like, how far off its society is right now to be where it can be for Black Mirror, because it's really not that far off, and it's it's crazy. It's wild.
Jenn:No. Like, even like the first episode, it kinda reminded me of, it's a movie that Robin Williams was in. They actually can, like, record your entire life. Like, they have, like, something implanted in your head. I have to look it up.
Jenn:Yeah. Talk amongst yourself. But, basically, I I think I remember the first episode. 1 of well, it wasn't the first. Maybe it was, like, the second and the third because I think the first one was about the prime minister.
Tay:The one that most people can't get past. Yeah.
JJ:I got not gonna lie. I haven't gotten further than that. Big thing.
Tay:Yeah. Usually, I'm like, like, just get past that
JJ:and I know. I need to just sit and binge because I I know it's good. It looks incredible. But, like, I'm also the biggest pussy in the world, So it it's catch 22.
Jenn:There's there's definitely some episodes of that. They're like like, that first one that's a little bit less than tasteful or as AD put it, yikes, is definitely what I would yeah. That one, I I didn't enjoy the first episode. But, the subsequent episodes have been, like, I've liked them at like, what do you guys think? Do you guys like the rest of them?
Tay:I definitely do like, the Black Mirror episodes with the, little mind device thing, because, like and exactly what AD just said, it really is scary and uncomfortable with how close to reality.
JJ:I think that's why. I think that's why I, like, can't Yeah. Myself. Because that's if like you said, Tay, like, the fact that we're not that far off from it is even more scary
Jenn:than, like,
JJ:any imaginary monster or whatever. It's like, no. That's kind of in the realm of possibility now, and that kinda sucks.
Tay:Exactly. Like with, I don't know if you guys have ever seen Handmaid's Tale.
Tay:are you serious? Yes.
JJ:Another another one that, like, I haven't caught up on because it just makes me so fucking uncomfortable.
Jenn:You mean you mean the society that we're living in right now? Or or am I getting too political?
Jenn:Yeah. That's
Tay:why I'm saying it's not so far off from where we are right now. And and it it just kind of reminds me of that just because of, like, how close it is. And, yes, Eric, I do see you in the comments talking about Willie's Wonderland. Listen. I I love that movie just because Nicolas
Jenn:Cage was hilarious to me.
JJ:Oh, for Nicolas Cage. The
Tay:Page. The amount of lines that he actually had, which was, like, fun. So, he did
Jenn:that one perfectly. I enjoyed it. But don't worry. I
Tay:I understand that I owe you a drink for that, and I will be giving it to your wife instead while she is here. I'll drink it
Jenn:for you. Oh, that movie was called The Final Cut. The Final Cut. With Robin Williams. I had to I had to look on, good old reliable uncle IMDB.
Jenn:But those are the one with Robin Williams where, they have, like, these filming devices where films your whole life, and then, they make, like, a movie about you after you die to play it, like, your
JJ:remember that. Like, here's, like, a scene where he's, like, looking at himself in the mirror, and it's, like, recording? And, like Yes. I feel like I can picture it perfectly. I'll have to read that.
Tay:See Bo is Afraid? Who? Bo is afraid. It's with, Joaquin Phoenix, and it's actually kind of just like that where,
Tay:movie is being, like, made from his life. So it was really interesting.
Jenn:I was afraid. No.
JJ:I don't.
Jenn:Write that one down. I haven't heard that one. Okay.
Tay:It's a 3 hour movie. So just gonna let you know that now. It is a longer movie.
Jenn:Girl, I I binge watch Harry Potter and stuff. I ain't scared.
JJ:I ain't scared. It's good.
Jenn:It's good about 3 and a half hours. You know, I appreciate the heads up though, knowing that it's gonna take a majority of my my afternoon. But, yeah, I answer your
Tay:But you could pause it at home and then, like, go get drinks, make some popcorn, you know, do the things.
JJ:And at least if you're invested, it's not gonna feel like 3 and a half hours. Like
Jenn:True. So Mhmm.
JJ:I mean, tragically.
Jenn:Because there are some movies that are an hour and a half, and it feels like a large part of my life as they've been so painful to, like, sit through, but yeah.
Jenn:Right? So if some of you want to stay home in streamster horror horror, I have some recommendations. So if you remember the 1988, the blob with Kevin Dillon and Shani Smith, if you remember her from, Saw, is gonna be on Tubi. And then we also have my personal favorite zombie movie is the 2004 Dawn of the Dead starring Sarah Polly. Big Rains is on Netflix.
Jenn:It's, like I said, one of my favorite zombie movies. Love it. Love it. Love it. And then if you're in mood for some boobies
JJ:Boobies. Always. Boobies.
Jenn:Slumber Party Massacre 19 8v2. Alright? Starring I don't know any of these people.
Jenn:I have no idea who any
Jenn:of these people are. I was like, oh, what are these? I've never seen any.
Tay:I went through a lot
Jenn:of the cast. I'm not gonna lie, guys. I went through IMDB, and I was, like, looking through the crafts. And I was like, what the fuck are these people? I'm like, I don't know any of these people.
Jenn:Okay. Whatever. It'll be on AMC plus AMC plus and shutter. It's kind of funny, but, yes. Bright, Mark.
Jenn:So if you're in, like yeah. There's lots of boobies and, like, shower scenes and
Tay:Now I didn't see the first one of this because I don't have AMC or the other one that you said, but I think I I saw number 2 just amount just as much boobies in there as well. I do believe that it is it I do believe that, number 2 is on, it's on, what Amazon, Prime.
Jenn:So Slumber Party Massacre 2 is on Amazon Prime?
Tay:I'm almost 100% sure because it's on one of the ones that I have, and I think it's either Prime or it might be Hulu. It might be one of the 2, but, I saw it. And is there is there another one after?
Jenn:Girl, there's 3. As far as I'm concerned,
JJ:there's 3.
Jenn:I I was just talking
JJ:to slumber parties. I'm going. After the first one,
Tay:it's the same thing with, like, the purge or whatever. Like, why open up your door if you're staying at home? Like, don't open your door. Don't let people in. Like, why
JJ:That's where it gets yeah. That's where it gets incredibly unrealistic because if anyone is knocking at my door, there's no way in hell I'm answering it. No.
Jenn:Dude. Okay.
JJ:So unrealistic. Just saying.
Jenn:I haven't seen all of the okay. We're gonna talk about Purge. K? I haven't seen all of the Purge movies, but the ones I have seen, like, I saw the newest one that they they did on Netflix, which actually was really good. Made a lot of sense, honestly.
Jenn:And, like, a lot of the ones with, what was his name? Was it Bullseye? Somebody help me. Frank I
Tay:don't remember what
Jenn:I can't remember that guy's name. That was on a the winter soldier. Was it was it Bullseye? Dutch? No.
Jenn:I'm not Dutch. Fuck. Anyways
JJ:No. That's DC.
Tay:Yeah. I'm like, that's DC.
Jenn:Fuck. That's Will Smith. Anyways, he was the one starring in it. And seriously, like, after a while, like, I would just move. Thank Rillo.
Jenn:Thank you, Kimpachi. You got me, bro. I yes. Mark. Mark's got me too.
Jenn:Thank you so much. Oh, it was Frank something.
JJ:I was literally pulling it up. I'm like, the fuck is his name?
Jenn:It's Frank. I can see his face in my
JJ:in my head. It's
Jenn:like right there. And, like, I really liked a lot of those movies, but when they first did it, I think it was, the new one that they did on Netflix is based on, them kind of testing it, And it was, kind of secluded to, like, Staten Island.
Jenn:And, it was definitely swayed to the point where, not to to ruin it for people, but they end up hiring mercenaries because a lot of the people, instead of the second purge was called election year. Yes. Yes. You're right, Mark.
JJ:That was
Jenn:that was a good one too. Like, I remember watching that one too. You were I was distracted by Frank Verloo's boob. I don't remember seeing his boobies, Eric. Was his boobies in it?
Jenn:Where are his boobies?
JJ:Anywhere near as impressive as anyone from Slumber Party Massacre because I don't care if it's not.
Jenn:Like, there's there's tons of boobies in that one. Okay. Sorry.
JJ:We don't need Frank's titties.
Jenn:No. We don't.
Tay:We need the tasteful titties. The titties.
JJ:The t t. Can we get that on a shirt, please?
Jenn:We can make that happen. We we know somebody. We know somebody.
JJ:Yeah. We
Tay:know guys. Totally. Like, when Kimpachi said this, I read this as manitties, but moonies are good too. Movies.
JJ:What do
Jenn:you mean? Movies. Movies. How? Like man movies?
JJ:Like man yeah. Man movies.
Jenn:Oh, I didn't know that.
JJ:Really? Were you today years old?
Jenn:Yes. Today, I was years old moving on
Jenn:to the movie. I'm sorry.
Tay:I learned something that you guys think.
JJ:Oh, good.
Jenn:But the, but anyways, I highly recommend the one that's on Netflix, if you guys are into it. Alright. Sorry. Brobees. I like Eric's brobees.
Jenn:Oh, man. We're sorry. Guys, I'm here for that. If you guys look. Election
Tay:year was the third one. The second one was called Anarchy for the purge.
Jenn:Anarchy. Okay.
JJ:I can't I
Jenn:don't remember all the names of them, but I remember We don't think Grillo being in them, and he did such a good job. I think the very first one they came out with, I think, Ethan Hawke. Was that it? Mhmm. Yeah.
Jenn:I remember that because I think he had, like, a panic room and it didn't work and yeah. It's like to me, that that's actually more terrifying because, you know, like, you, like, wrong your neighbor and they're, like, looking at you.
JJ:You're on the list now. Yeah.
Jenn:Yeah. I'm like, fuck, man. Like, I'm pissed on
JJ:a lot.
Tay:It's like The Office when,
Jenn:Yeah. When the space comes back and he's, like, writing down people's names.
JJ:Right? Like, crossing people off. Yeah. You're on the list now. God damn it.
JJ:It's like,
Tay:You're on
Jenn:the list now. Goddamn it. It's
JJ:like Let me cut you off the trap.
Jenn:So sorry. So sorry. Alright.
JJ:So what it said. You're all up.
Jenn:So some of you guys might not know this or you didn't pay attention to, miss JJ's screen name. She is actually a cosplayer. Oh. Oh. So, Jen, can you please actually, do you wanna start with, your screen name first and kinda tell us how that came to fruition?
JJ:So, in the real world, I usually go by JJ, the family name growing up. And when I was 13, I actually got stung by a stingray on a family trip to, Encinitas. It just kinda stuck. It just kinda became the family nickname, and I kind of applied it to everything. Like, it's usually my gamer tag.
JJ:It's it's my cosplay name. It's literally the name of my LLC now. So it's just yeah.
Tay:And was this oddly, I'm assuming this was before the Steve Irwin stingray accident.
JJ:It's Steve Irwin. Literally, Mark. And I was like, wow. I didn't know you could and, like so in my mind, I was like so I nearly missed death not realizing that he literally got stabbed in the fucking heart. Like Yeah.
JJ:Anything that stabs you in the heart, it's gonna kill you.
Jenn:Not a dong.
JJ:But I was under the impression that any kind of stingray sting could potentially kill you. So Oh my god.
Tay:Did you have someone pee on you?
Jenn:Wait. No. Okay. Good.
JJ:No. But then my sister got stung by a jellyfish, and someone did have to pee on her.
Tay:Yes. This is true.
Jenn:If you're right there waiting. Like, I got you. I will piss on you.
JJ:Oh, no. So, like, with the with the stingray sting, the thing is it leaves, like, like these protein enzymes in the cut, And that's why it, like, hurts so bad. So at first, I thought I had stepped on, like, a shard of glass, but it I was, like, boogie boarding, like, in the water, and my foot came down and just, like, and, I thought I stepped on like glass or something, but I came up on shore and it just it hurt more and more and more. And I'm like
Jenn:Oh my god.
JJ:Something, like, got me. So we went to the the lifeguard post, and they have to pour, like, boiling hot water on your foot, essentially, because it's on the bottom of my foot. Oh my god. Utilize the protein enzymes. And I was there for 5, 6 hours just getting hot water poured on my foot.
Tay:Goddamn. Okay. So your parents decided that this was your your dog's name nickname, like, for the rest of your life. That that's a shame.
JJ:Out of it. I
Jenn:have way more respect for you.
JJ:Trauma, man. Yeah. For sure.
Jenn:My god.
Tay:Oh my god. And I thought so my childhood nickname was meatball, but that was just because I was a short, like, fat baby. So they called me Taylor Meatball, for, like, the longest time
Jenn:because I looked like a meatball. That's so cute. We're not gonna call you meatball, Tay. That's not no. Thank you.
Jenn:You're like the potato
JJ:version of meat wine? Just
Jenn:Why don't you take a meat bridge? Oh
JJ:my god.
Jenn:We had to give you, like, a nickname that related to Aqua Teen Hunger Force because that's way funnier than meeple. Wait. Meatwad's funny? No one would ever
Tay:No. I don't I don't think that Meatwad's a
Jenn:good name for females. But, you know
Tay:That's just also happening.
JJ:God. Oh, shit. Alright.
Tay:So laughing. Your face is gonna hurt after this. It's okay. No.
Jenn:You're being sorry you heard.
JJ:They got I didn't plan anything after this because I'm like, how much you wanna bet? Like, I'm not gonna be able to breathe through the whole
Jenn:So we don't invite asthmatics to the show. They're not welcome, because you just can't survive, certainly.
JJ:Survive all the fittest I've been queasy I
Jenn:would've been as can you survive my show? So you cosplay. How did you Yes. Get into cosplaying? Like, tell us about your journey into that.
JJ:Oh my I love that. Oh, my journey into cosplay. So, wow, about, like, 8 years ago now, there's a a local group, that does, like, the the hospital visits. They dress up like superheroes, and they go visit kids, and, you know, they do all that fun shit. And, I saw what they were doing.
JJ:I'm like, okay. That's, like, really cool. Like, I want to be a part of that. And I saw that, like, one of my former, like, high school buddies was, like, one of the founding members of it. So I messaged him.
JJ:I'm like, okay. What do I do? Like, how can I be a part of this? Because I think that it's just the coolest thing. And he's like, well, use the main application, and we go do stuff.
JJ:And I'm like, alright. Cool. I don't have a costume, though. And he's like, well, you just start small. Like, you you start with what you know with what you like, which is, you know, the probably the biggest piece of advice I could give for anyone who wants to get a cosplay.
JJ:Just start with what you like. Like, there's nothing wrong with that. So I started Jin, I think I was telling you about this. I started with red headed characters because I did not wanna wear a wig. They're scratched.
JJ:So my very first character was black widow, and I and I just ordered, like, a pretty much a, like, a black, like, catsuit off of Amazon. My friend made me, like, a little foam, like
Jenn:Oh, no.
Tay:She muted.
Jenn:Oh, no. You muted Jen. Jen. There's a
Tay:little mute button. Nope. She's back.
Jenn:There we go.
JJ:I didn't press anything with the okay. It's fine.
Jenn:There's ghost in the shell. Don't worry about it.
JJ:Oh, so I still put that you love me, Ricky Bobby.
Jenn:Do you have, like, little bum thing is where you cut off?
JJ:Yeah. He made me, like, a little belt buckle. I had some combat boots. I borrowed, like, like, thigh harnesses from a friend. And, that was, like, my first ever costume that I put together.
JJ:And we what was it for? It was some it was so weird. So we went to represent our group at, like, a business convention. So not even, like, a Comic Con, but literally, like, local businesses were there just to showcase
Jenn:So everybody
Tay:was, like, wearing suits, and you guys came out and you're like, Here
JJ:I am. Literally.
Jenn:I love that, though. That's cool.
JJ:It it was awesome. Like, honestly, it was really fun and, like, everything after that, like, I've been able to work with, with, like, Make A Wish, a few times now, which was like a big, like, bucket list thing
Jenn:for me.
Tay:Oh my god. And I
JJ:yeah. So I love that. Now it's a huge part of my life. It's how I met my now husband and yeah.
Jenn:Oh, that's how you and Nick met? Mhmm. Oh,
JJ:do you Actually, that group, we I was actually dating someone else at the time. And when Mhmm. He and I broke all that fun shit, Nick and I became really good friends. And, like, within the next year, we were dating, and here
Jenn:we are
JJ:6 years later.
Jenn:That's so cute. I would love that. Mark actually has a question. Like, what was your costume. Costume.
JJ:I feel like that's so subjective because I feel like what I like, not other people.
Tay:No. And that's completely fine.
Jenn:Yeah. What's your what do you think you're best?
Tay:Like, what was your favorite thing to dress up as?
JJ:So my favorite thing to dress up as right now is probably captain Carter, from the the Warner Brothers series.
Jenn:Yeah. She's that.
JJ:She's badass. And, like, the, it sucks because, like, the suit doesn't fit, like, quite as well. So, like, the last time I wore it, I was, like, kinda, like, super uncomfortable. Oh. But, like, I love being that character.
JJ:And, like, being able to carry around, like, a big ass shield is, like, my favorite part, especially since the one I have is actually metal. So it's, like, pretty hefty.
Jenn:So when I go to, like,
JJ:have someone hold it, they're like, oh god. You're actually you're feeling this drunk. You're holding this? I'm like, yeah, man. Like
Jenn:Yeah. Power down. Try to hit me. Watch this.
JJ:Right. Yeah. Come at me.
Jenn:What you didn't know is it's actually made out of, like, adamantium. So, like Yeah.
JJ:It's quite radium.
Jenn:Yeah. You can't
JJ:even get it in the States.
Jenn:So I think Eric asked, do you and your cosplay crew attend a lot of conventions? Do you guys still, like, go as a group? Do you have, like, a a theme that you guys do, or you guys just kind of, like, well, I'm gonna go as this and we're going, or how do you guys kind of, like, organize that?
Tay:She muted herself again.
Jenn:Oh, no.
Jenn:I I'm not doing anything.
Jenn:No. It's Skynet, man. They're watching.
Tay:And she's muted again.
Jenn:Yeah. I'm muted. Go to talk. Rude. Rude.
JJ:My hands are up here. I'm not doing shit. Alright. Stay pans.
Jenn:Stay pans.
JJ:Stay pans.
Jenn:Just for your fingers.
JJ:But to answer your question, yes. We we do a lot of conventions, especially, in Arizona. There's so many. Like, oh my god.
Jenn:I don't know why that keeps happening. I'm so sorry.
Tay:Okay. Well, JJ has some technical difficulties.
JJ:I can't hear you.
Jenn:Oh, we hear you, though. Yeah?
JJ:Did that work? Yeah.
Jenn:We can hear you. We hear you. Son of a hear us?
Tay:I don't think she can hear us.
Jenn:Oh, okay. Standby.
Tay:Okay. So while she figures, they'll that out. Jen, have you ever cosplayed?
Jenn:No. Honestly, like, I I can't really compare, but, like, other than, like, Halloween stuff, I know that, one year sparkling.
JJ:I guess I'm gonna well,
Jenn:so 1 year for Halloween, I think, was probably, like, the true time I cosplayed was, yeah. Kaley's got it. Jazz hands. Jazz hands. I cosplayed as our RPG characters.
Jenn:So we were playing a campaign that year, and, I was a goddess. I was actually the avatar of a goddess, and, I decided to get this goddess getup on. And I have, like, I basically, like, cover myself in fucking glitter. Like, I like, anytime you took a picture of me, like, I fucking sparkle. Let me tell you, I don't recommend that.
Jenn:Vampire? Girl. No. No. I was a goddess.
Jenn:I was not a vampire. I'm a vampire now, but I am not a god. I would no. Wait. What?
Jenn:No. So I was playing a goddess in, or a goddess's avatar, I should say. And, I thought it would be cool to, like, cover myself in glitter. So I got this, like, glitter powder, and it didn't quite have the effect. So you know that, like, roller glitter that you can get?
Jenn:So I basically, like, decided to, like, highlight myself in that, and my friend's
JJ:like, no. I need
Jenn:more glitter. So I basically, like, glitter, like, all of my arms and everything, and I, like, sparkled. So whenever they took a picture like, I sparkled like Edward Cullen from Twilight when they would, like, fucking take a picture, dude. It was so bad, but I loved it. Like and, like, one friend was, like, a knight, and he had this whole get up.
Jenn:And then, like, another one, like, had a spear, and she was, like, my guardian and
Tay:Aw, that's cute. So it was kinda like a guilt effort type thing?
Jenn:It was. Like, we we all decided to dress up as our, RPG characters, and it was yeah. It was a lot of fun. We liked it. Have have you ever cosplayed?
Jenn:Actually, I have. Oh, do tell.
JJ:Do tell.
Jenn:Do tell.
Tay:When I was little, you know, my mom made all of our, Halloween costumes by hand. So there's never, like, 1 year that we weren't, like, dressed up and actually, like, it wasn't, like, store bought or anything. But the, time that I actually did cos play, it's only been, like, one time, and then I've worn it for, like, Halloween. So I feel like I've gotten my money's worth out of it. Yeah.
Tay:But I actually went to a Comic Con in Memphis, Tennessee, and, I went as Harley Quinn. So, yeah, it was a corset bodice, and it was like a little, like, underwear kind of like black and red. So, like, this side of me was black, this side me was red, and then the other side was black and red for
JJ:like the
Jenn:bottom piece. Oh, so
JJ:you did like
Jenn:her her gesture kind of
Tay:outfit? Yeah. And I had like the hammer. That
Jenn:yes. Yeah.
Tay:It's not like the new, Harley Quinn.
Jenn:Where she's basically bring cheekies. Yes.
Tay:Not not that. But I did wear, nylons underneath it because it was actually quite cold. Good cold. Yeah. So I wore nylons underneath it and then these, like, black boots.
Tay:And then, I got red spray paint, and I did I parted my hair down too. So half of it was black, because that's what my hair is. And then Yeah. Yeah. I pre painted the other half red.
Tay:So my scalp was red
Jenn:for a little bit, but it was hard there. Mind it. It's fine. Yeah.
JJ:It's like we pay for cosplay. It
Tay:Yeah. Absolutely, JJ. Welcome back, by the way.
Jenn:Clinical difficulties, Skynet, Russia, however you wanna credit that you're fine. You know, technical difficulties is all a part of the podcast, man. There's sometimes where I'm I swear I'm on, like, a 3 to 5 second delay, and I feel like I'm trying to say something and then interrupt somebody. I'm like,
Tay:sorry. Sorry. But what King said is 100% sure. Like, I did my first cosplay, and then I felt like I was addicted. And I really do wanna get more into it.
Tay:I just don't know what to do, because there's so many things out there. And with, like, cohorty coming out with the, with what if, I feel like I wanna do her at some point. Girl. Not
Jenn:just, like, so to speak.
Tay:Like, I wanna dress up. No.
JJ:No. No.
Tay:But I definitely did look into it for Phoenix Fan Fusion to, like, get a get a get up that she has. It cost, like, $200. I saw it on Etsy. It's a thing.
Tay:But I was just, like, that's not something I can do right now.
JJ:And that's how it starts. But, like, you you see that stuff and you kinda see, like, what you can obtain in that time, especially if it's a character that you really, like, love and resonate with. You're gonna find a way, whether it's, like, putting crap together in your closet or that's when you start learning how to build. And so which is literally where Nick and I are, because that's how it started. We we started with ones that we could only buy because, like, he and I are not necessarily, like, naturally talented in that sense where we can make a costume from, like, scratch.
JJ:So we're not everything, but that's how you learn, like, who's in your community that can help you out with certain parts, that can get you, you know, certain patterns, who knows how to sew those patterns together. Oh.
Jenn:Like, I'll fabricate that for you. And yeah.
JJ:Yeah. Become very, very innovative when it comes to that play. Yeah. Away.
Jenn:Yeah. Like Mark said, I wanna make costumes that would take a year to make. Like, it's definitely, like you're saying, Jen, it's definitely, like, an investment, you know? Like, it definitely, like, taking time because, there's there's some common cons where, like, there's people who've made, like, these really elaborate, like, fabricated, like, I can't remember what this one was. It was like a demon from, like, Final Fantasy.
Jenn:And he was, like, on stilts and everything. And I was just blown away. Like, Eric, my my husband's like, yeah. You know, they actually have sponsors and, like, they pay them to, like, do that. And I was like, what?
JJ:I have a I have a friend that, for Blizzard, and she'll actually put together, entire, like, World of Warcraft costumes, and she'll be invited out to, like, BlizzCon and stuff. And I'm, like, that is the freaking dream. Dude. Blizzard because I got different problems.
Jenn:Your nursing. I'm gonna do that shit.
JJ:Yeah. But, like, exactly. Problem. That was, like like, in 2019, like, literally before, like, the world shut down, that was kind of the route that I was on. I got to go to WonderCon for the first time because I teamed up with a local comic book artist, and I pretty much went as like his booth babe.
JJ:Nice. That was Booth babe? Yeah. So I dressed up as his character that he agreed, which I didn't I didn't
Jenn:know that was a thing.
JJ:But yeah. I'll have to send you guys pictures. Okay.
Jenn:The last one, like, you know, I
JJ:our ticket or, like, on tickets. So, like, me and my husband got to go for free, and I got paid to work at the booth. I'm like, holy crap. People do this for a living? Like, yes.
Jenn:I know. Yeah.
JJ:Like, that's yeah. Exactly. So it's bonkers.
Jenn:My husband wants to cross ways to xenomorph. You should
JJ:see some good xenomorphs out there.
Jenn:Really? I really. Well, I don't get that out that much, but damn.
JJ:Like, literally, I think it was amazing Las Vegas Comic Con. It's the first time I saw, like, a xenomorph. And they had I think they had special, like, custom made, the helmet, but then everything else was, like, stuff that they found at Home Depot and, like, spray painted black. And you never freaking knew. And it was the coolest thing ever.
JJ:Yes. That's what I mean by innovation. People, they find a way. Like Mhmm. It's awesome.
Jenn:I mean, like, I'm I'm really big into, like, special effects
Jenn:just like certain things on, like, the xenomorphs. Like, they use, like, the ribbing on condoms to, like, make, like, the tendons and, like, their jaw. I know not not to be, like, my 13 year old boy self, but, you know, there's just, like, certain things like that. Like, you can learn and, like, kind of, like, incorporate into your costume, like, you know, work smarter, not harder kind of things. You know what I mean?
JJ:Zombie Power Rangers. I freaking love that.
Tay:Yeah. That is, like, a really cool idea.
JJ:See it back here, but I got my Power Ranger. Oh. Oh.
Jenn:We're a collector too.
JJ:No. No. Oh, my grandma. Yes. Totally.
JJ:So true story. I fucking hate this helmet. It's so
Jenn:Can you actually put it on? Kill it or
JJ:Kill it with fire. That's kinda why I hate it. It like it's so tiny. Like, it it probably will even, like, cover my hair.
Jenn:That's even better.
JJ:Oh my god. That's amazing. Oh my god. I love your hair looking on. Nick and I because before it had clasps, which were insane to try to put on, like, literally, like, clasp in the side.
JJ:But then Okay. One of our innovations we went through and actually put in magnets so that it snaps.
Tay:I love that. And also hair, you know, so you won't clasp your hair. So that's Yeah.
JJ:Amazing. Wear, like, a a balaclava to, like, hold all my hair in place. But, yeah. But it but it's so tight, and my head is so big. My eyelashes, like, hit the inside of the visor.
Jenn:Ma'am, you are no mega mind. It's you're fine. Your head is not giant.
JJ:No worries. Here. It's mostly Yeah.
Jenn:Go live.
Jenn:Oh, man. That's amazing, though. That's great.
Tay:That is so cool.
Jenn:So what, do you so do you guys get into any sort of, like, fabrication or anything?
JJ:Or that's kinda something that we're looking into now. So Okay. I mean, during the pandemic, I I learned how to sew. And, I started with, like, making masks and stuff. And I've just been slowly kinda learning from there, and I'm at the point where I'm like, I want to start learning how to, like, customize patterns, you know, to my,
JJ:And I I wanna teach Nick how to do that. And then I don't know if you guys have seen him, posting lately, but he's been really getting into like painting, weapons. And Okay. That's kind of another route we're trying to go down is, like, not only, like, painting, but also kind of building our own. And one of the things I really want to get into is, like, silicone molding and making our our own weapons and possibly, like, 3 d print, right.
JJ:A lot more of our props moving forward.
Tay:That's so cool.
JJ:Like, the ragahole man, it goes deep. Yeah. It starts with Halloween costumes, and now we're trying to plan out, like, a business out of our garage where we can build armor and weapons. And, like, that's
JJ:That's where we are right now.
Tay:But that's a hobby. Right? Like, everybody has their own hobby, and Yeah. That's amazing.
JJ:The best expensive hobby I've ever had. Don't get me wrong. No. It's it's fun as hell. And we've met some of the best people through it.
JJ:Get to be, you know, a part of some really cool, not even just, like, conventions, but even some of the charity, like, aspects we've gone to do because of it. Right. Nick's actually been invited out to the red carpet for this last Black Panther movie because he's a Black Panther cosplayer.
Tay:Yes. So
JJ:yeah. Still like
Jenn:that. I remember that. Yeah.
JJ:It was oh, that was a trip. I because I couldn't go with them. I still had to work, but they had, like, the live stream of it. And I remember, like, screaming and crying whenever they, like, pan over to Nick.
Jenn:And just
JJ:like, this is the coolest shit.
Jenn:Oh my god. That is so awesome though. That's my man. I I actually I remember when that happened because, Will and Katelye had him on, like, this extended show on the smoke pit talking about and he has the most amazing pictures. Like, he's got Kim Biggie on there.
Jenn:He's got pictures of, like, Angela Bassett. Like, this the stuff that you you guys do is just I mean, their life goals. Like, that that is just so cool. I I love that. You know, you you I know you're like, oh, yeah.
Jenn:I'm just I'm learning how to sew. Girl, there's some people that can't sew a fucking button. Like, let's be real. I'm like you're like, you let don't don't downplay that shit. Yeah.
Jenn:See, that's fine, Dote. It's fine.
JJ:Started. Absolutely. Yeah. Do this shit. I got people that are making, like, entire cosplays in a matter of days.
JJ:I've got so many partially started costumes. It's ridiculous.
Jenn:That's okay.
JJ:Yeah. No. That's kind of
Jenn:the fun of it. Like Mhmm. Yeah. I
JJ:mean And also kinda like the overwhelming aspect of it. Because, like, the more that you get into it, you find more and more characters that you wanna do to the point where
Tay:you Right.
JJ:This giant ass list of all the characters you wanna do. Yeah. And, like, not nearly enough time or resources to actually do them.
Jenn:Yeah. And, you know, like, I don't I don't know about you, but sometimes my, my inspiration, like, waxes and wanes, like, take and tell you, like, I'll have, like, weeks where I'm, like, alright, girl. I'm gonna get in. I'm gonna go make sure I'm shit, and it's gonna be wild. And then there's times where I just don't have a lot of motivation for stuff, and I'm just kinda stagnant.
Jenn:Do do you kind of experience that too?
JJ:I feel like every artistic person definitely runs into that kinda, like, artist blog. I feel like regardless of whatever medium you're in, it it's always gonna happen, especially as, like, life happens. Here we are coming out, you know, the pandemic. And Yeah. It's weird because during the pandemic, it was, like, a weirdly good time for us because we were stuck at home.
JJ:And it forced me to, like, work on costumes and kinda set up our own, like, makeshift, like, photo studio. And, like, during that time, that's when a lot of our shit kinda took off. And regardless
Tay:of where you
JJ:are in your life, it's like it's always something to come back to, but it's always your own, like, self motivation, your self dedication that, like, can get in the way for sure.
Jenn:Yeah. And I I kinda feel like, I'm part of my motivation, which, they will probably laugh at me. Like, I I have a lot of songs that I go to for for motivation and I'll share them with, like, Tay and our, our network family here and they just kind of laugh at me. Because sometimes I'll make, reels or whatever, and it has the songs that motivated me on there. But, that's that's a big source of, like, my muse is that I I use songs.
Jenn:And it's something so silly as, like, I'm driving down the road and I'm listening to a song and it makes me think of something. And I'll work and listen to that song and I'll hang on to that little spark. So what you'll do is she'll share the song to us and then
Tay:yeah. Or yeah. Absolutely. That's exactly what I was thinking of. Sometimes it's it's also the other half of, like, I don't know.
Tay:I was more thinking of this and then we like kind of play with it and then we eventually get to the part where like we come up with this like great thing. She did it all by herself.
JJ:No shit.
Jenn:Yeah. Incredible. Thanks.
JJ:Yeah. So like I'm gonna be hitting you up.
Jenn:Probably should've told me this. I I, a lot of stuff I make, like, isn't a 100% me. Like, I gotta give props to Kaitlyn for, helping me finish it because there was something I really wanted to do. And he's like, that'd be dope. Why, you know, maybe we can do the you know, he gave me some thoughts and I was like, let me see if I let me ask uncle Google.
Jenn:Oh, I found a video. Let me watch YouTube. Oh, shit. Let me see if I could try that. And there's there's times where I I I get really stuck on things.
Jenn:And, I send it to Tay and she kind of, unfucks my suck, is the best way I can put it. Like, she kind of like unfucks it. And so it's like, gives me some thoughts and I can, I can kind of move on from there? So, it's it's never just like a one person thing. I always, I always need help.
JJ:For sure. No. It and it's so incredible to have kinda that support system that you can just kind of bounce shit off of people because I do Yeah. But again, you need that on a shirt. Like, you'll you'll just sound gold over here, and I need that on a shirt.
JJ:No? I will make that shirt for you because that's incredible. Yeah. It's like,
Jenn:please help me affect my back. I mean, like like you're saying, Jen, like, it's no different than, like a creative person just getting stuck. Like, you know, that that classic, like, runner who hits that brick wall, and you just have to get past that certain point. And you can kind of, like, more or less get your second wind, like, or writers have that where they get the writer's block, and they just need to find their their second muse if you will. Like, I, I get that.
Jenn:And, you know, I I have several different muses, and I have several different people that that help me through my, yeah, my thoughts more or less. So
JJ:Oh, thanks so much.
Jenn:Oh my god. Please don't let your children watch this. I tell you so much. I apologize.
Tay:Well, without further ado, I don't see any other questions in the comment section. Are you guys ready to talk about Dune?
JJ:Fuck yes.
Tay:Alright. Let's fucking go. Alright. Welcome to Dune. We are in the desert now.
Tay:I mean, like, we're always there, but, you know,
Jenn:we are Deserty desert. Mark Gecker.
Tay:There there probably will be some spoilers in here. So if you haven't seen Dune, part 2 and care about spoilers, you might wanna just, like, fast forward or, like, put us on mute during this part. I do have another transition before we go into the next part. So that's how you'll know to turn us back up with the volume wise. But, just know there probably will be some spoilers in this part.
Tay:Thank you for asking.
Jenn:So, I haven't seen this movie. I haven't seen the part 2. Since I haven't seen it, I went back
JJ:and watch the 1984 Dune.
Tay:But that's completely okay because if you look at our lord and savior IMDB, it actually does talk about, the past Dune and Right. How they, incorporated some parts into this, new, Dune part 2.
Jenn:But yeah. It's, so I I don't know about you guys, but, I kind of grew up watching Dune and I didn't really appreciate the story until I got older. A little fun tidbit about your girl, Jin, is that my brother and I used to chase each other around with, my mom's little sewing thimbles because we thought it was the gom jabar. So we try to, like, poke each other with it. Give you a minute to give
JJ:it a call. Because we
Tay:Okay. So real question though. Which finger did you was it your your, like, e t phone home finger? Or
Jenn:It was my e it was my right index finger. K. That was my stabby finger. And that actually didn't come back to me until I was watching the movie. I was watching the movie, and I was like, oh, yeah.
Jenn:I remember when my brother and I used to chase each other around, and my mom used to get irritated because we'd have her thimbles, like, around the whole house. Oh my god.
JJ:That's a darn good one. Oh my god.
Jenn:So, yeah, that was a fun fact about your girl, Jen. So I I haven't seen part 2. These 2 beautiful ladies have. So, I I have little tidbits here and there to interject, but please please tell me about the part tune how Timothee Chalamet, like, and Zendaya wowed us with their acting skills.
Tay:So if you watch you watch dune part 1 though. Right?
Jenn:Oh, yeah. I did. Okay.
Tay:So it definitely led up into this movie. I really enjoyed dune part 2. You know, so the the main part where, I got, so like I asked, like, what kind of gave you the feels? And what gave me the feels was like when they were using those thumpers to get the, the sandworms out and then he rode the sandworm. I was just like, yo, this is dope as fuck.
JJ:I literally turned to Nick and I'm like, if I had a dick, it would be so hard right now. I've ever seen. Like Total tick boner. Dude, like, oh my god. It was the coolest thing.
JJ:I'm there with you a 100%, Tay. It was so cool. I've seen this clip. So, I've seen
Jenn:the clip of this. Like, I've I've watched some TikToks. So in the original one, you kinda have Cal McClellan, like, kinda stick this thing in the worm, and he's, like, kind of dangling. Right? And luckily, the worm, like, does this, like, combat role, thankfully, to where he's, like, on the top side of it.
Jenn:But it sounds like the one that Timothy Chalamet actually did was a lot cooler.
Tay:Yes. He was not hanging off the side. JJ Stingray, do you wanna do you wanna talk about that a little bit?
JJ:Oh, I have no idea.
Jenn:You seem like you wouldn't
Tay:talk about this.
JJ:Oh, it's so like, it's just so good because it really especially, like, in this movie where I feel like the biggest accomplishment they they execute really well is just how vast everything is and how big everything is. Like, it really puts everything into scale, especially the sandworms. Like, if I feel like if they didn't get that right, it wouldn't hold the same value. It wouldn't be as special, when it came specific that part. But just knowing how big these things are, how they move, and then seeing something so miniscule ass beast.
Tay:Yeah. It just oh, you,
JJ:like, feel it in your chest. It's so stinking cool. Oh. I feel like it did so well.
Tay:They they definitely did it really well.
Jenn:The logical robot says, Austin Butler is an absolute revelation. We are talking Heath Ledger Joker style transformation here. I can't believe it was the same dude who played text. Actually, I have a little tidbit. So he played, Fade for people who who didn't watch the movie, which he actually wasn't in part 1, but I I knew that he was casted to fade in in part 2.
Jenn:And, there was something about his method acting. So Tayo and I were actually talking about this where, he did a lot of method acting for Elvis and he was actually, like, in character and totally, like, absorbed in it for, like, 3 years, which I don't know how that dude does it. Like, that was crazy. But he toned it down a lot playing Fade, which I'm I'm glad because I think he's kind of a sociopath.
JJ:Mhmm. Yeah.
Tay:That's to put it lightly.
JJ:Exactly what he was saying, like, Heath Ledger Joker. That kind of role is gonna fuck with your brain. Like Yeah. I feel like that's the role that you don't wanna be fully submersed in. Like, it it's a drip.
Jenn:And definitely good call on his part for kind of, like, pulling back a little bit because there's definitely characters that I think, I think Evan Peters even said that when he was playing, Jeffrey yeah. Yeah. Jeffrey Dahmer, where I think he is a little bit of method, but I think he had to take a little bit of a break when he's playing Dahmer, because I kinda fucked with his head a little bit and had to kinda, like, ground himself with his family. So, hopefully, Austin Butler didn't have to do that. But, but you do you guys agree, like, he did, like, a phenomenal performance as fame?
Tay:JJ, do you wanna say anything about that?
JJ:So full disclosure, I haven't read the books. So I don't know how he's portrayed in the books, but I feel like if I was reading it, I would probably stop reading because his character is just so fucking creepy and terrifying. Like Really? Like, I don't know what it was, but there was just something about this character that just freaked me the fuck out. Like, it just it's a dude that you do not wanna run into in a dark alley.
Tay:Because it seems like at any cream? Yeah. It seems like at any point, he was gonna, like, slit somebody's throat.
Tay:Like, he was ready to, like, fuck them up.
JJ:And the fact that he was just kind of like this harem of, like, concubines because he just, like, needed to fuck something at any given point. And, like, the
Jenn:Like rally?
JJ:Yeah. Literally. Like, it's a trip. It's a rip. So like I said, I don't know how it's portrayed in the books, but in the movie, they they nailed his creepiness.
JJ:Like, I think he did a fantastic job.
Tay:Yeah. I also never read the books, but I also never saw the old movies. So, I've only seen Dune part 1 and Dune now part 2. But, I think that he portrayed this character really well. He even, was inspired actually by Gary Old man in the 5th element, which is, like, they both kinda I love I fucking love Gary Old man.
JJ:Old man. Gary Old man.
Tay:That man is a national treasure. And, just like the way that he plays this character, he has black teeth. Like, his teeth are completely black. I can't explain it any more than that, like, because it's
JJ:so creepy. It's
Jenn:You know, like, those commercials where they
Tay:have those, like, charcoal, like, toothpaste?
Jenn:Things like that. I'm tired.
Tay:Is completely black, but his skin is paler than yours, Jen. So, like
JJ:Oh, I like the one. I'm used to being the palest one in the room.
Jenn:Both of you. For your pillar and me, it's like But,
Tay:yeah, like his, I don't know, like, I I can't say anything about the books just because I haven't read them, but, like, it was a really great portrayal, in in my mindset anyway.
Jenn:So Danielle's like, what a time to be able to tune in. Hi. Hi, Danny. Welcome. She I don't know if we mentioned this, but, Jen is one of our moderators of our, Facebook page, and Danny is as well too.
Jenn:So welcome. Sorry. We're dirty.
Tay:About boobies for, like, 30 minutes. I mean, minitties.
JJ:I feel like
Jenn:the boobies. It's funny. And Danny is pale too. So if you've
Tay:never seen any pictures of Danny, she was
JJ:Very pale.
Jenn:Quite pale as well. Yes. Maybe Maybe pulled you out. And then, logical robot says That's a good
JJ:way of putting it. Yeah.
Tay:This is evil. Like Yeah. Anytime he's on screen, you know something's about to fucking go down.
JJ:I'm only withholding my breath a lot of the times. And, like Really? Okay. So, Tay, like here we go. Okay.
Jenn:I'm sitting. Let's go.
JJ:Let's go. As far as, like, how he would talk, it was kinda it kinda threw me off a little bit just because it seemed like he would have like an accent at one point Mhmm. Sound normal another, and then it would sound like he was trying to sound like, the, like, the Baron. And to the point where if they weren't actively showing him on screen, I thought it was the Baron talking.
Jenn:Maybe because caught on.
Tay:He is Something like that. A descendant of the Baron. Right?
JJ:Yeah. Mhmm. So sounded like he would channel him. Yeah. Because it sounded just like him, but it was clearly, like, awesome.
JJ:Like, oh, did he? The watch the robot
Jenn:said the
JJ:interview. He
Tay:said it was intentional. Yeah. Okay.
Jenn:He said it was intentional.
JJ:I mean Interesting. Okay. Case he made up, like, I thought that was cool because I'm like, oh, this is so interesting.
Tay:Because the baron wants him to kind of, like, take over as, like, the emperor and, like, the Right.
Jenn:The chosen one, if
Tay:you will, for the prophecy. So, yeah, like, definitely, like, I never actually noticed the speaking. So that was really cool that you pointed that out because,
Jenn:I was totally, like, just engrossed in it and I was like, what's going on?
JJ:No. It was starting me for Luke because I'm, like, what is happening around? Because at one point, he almost said, like, he had, like, a southern accent. And I'm like, okay. Wait.
JJ:What is happening? But, no, that that makes sense. If that was intentional, then he fucking nailed it. But at one point, I could not distinguish the difference between him and, what's his name? I always wanna call I don't know if you guys listen to How Did This Get Made, but they refer to, Skarsgard as Stellar Skateboard.
JJ:So in my head, I always call him Stellar Skateboard.
Jenn:Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know you're talking about.
JJ:So he sounded identical to stellar skateboard.
Jenn:So, speaking of mister Skarsgard, so it said that his makeup to become the Baron actually took what was it, Tay? Like, 8 hours?
Tay:It was 8 hours to put on during the day and then to take it off if I'm not incorrect. I think it was 2 hours. Right?
Tay:To take it all off at the end of shooting, which is amazing. I can only imagine, like, how long somebody would feel comfortable just sitting there, like, for 8 hours. Like, right now, we are Yeah. An hour and 10 minutes into the podcast. Right?
Tay:So can you imagine at least for another 50 minutes just sitting there as someone's taking all of this makeup off of you?
Jenn:No. I can't. I actually also read that he took Imodium. So he wouldn't have to use the bathroom. Oh.
Jenn:I was like, well, when I was reading it, I was like, or do you know what a modium is for? And he said he took a modium, so you wouldn't have to use the bath. Like, can you imagine?
JJ:That is
Jenn:like, that just reminds me of, Emilia Clark when she was playing Daenerys. And you remember that scene where she's, like, eating the heart of a horse when she was pregnant? Yeah. That that part. Well, I remember she said in between, like, trying to film the scene, she went to go use the bathroom and she had to have help because all the fake blood that was on her, she got stuck on the toilet.
Jenn:So I can only imagine, like, I can only can you imagine, like, I can't imagine bringing out
Jenn:a secret. Know that?
Jenn:So did they use, like, acetone to, like, remove her from the toilet? Like, do they have, like, cotton balls to bug. I don't want acetone in my ass.
JJ:I just don't have a clue.
Jenn:Like, if I was, like, stuck
JJ:in the toilet, like, what do
Jenn:you do? Like, I guess at that point, once you phone a friend, you're like, you just gotta, like, accept the help at that point.
JJ:I mean,
Tay:I'm assuming she would, like, flush before, like, she would ask for help or whatever, but, like, at the same time, like,
Jenn:at least acetone would help kind of come off
Tay:the toilet rather than just, like, ripping you off like a band aid.
JJ:Like, a mommy murders when he gets glued to the toilet seat. Yes. That sounds awful. And like, as a cosplayer, I feel like that's like my my worst fear. And I feel
Tay:or any type of, like, romper. Like, you have to, like, maneuver your way out of it, and then you're just kinda, like, holding it while you go to the bathroom and, like, alright. Well
Jenn:You're basically naked. No.
Tay:No. You really are. And Yeah.
Jenn:No. There's no like that.
JJ:What is it that you're like? For what's what I'm talking about all the time. I hope that but we can talk about this.
Jenn:Because you can unzip it,
Tay:but who's gonna zip it back up? Like, you have to kinda, like, hold yourself together. I don't
Tay:Like Can
Jenn:you just can you just thanks.
JJ:Like everyone's bathroom, it's the most unifying experience I feel like to be in a robber because Yeah. You have to have
Tay:Yes. I
Jenn:have to say, I've I've been in that situation where I've had a girl be like, hey. Could you have, like, yeah, girl. I got you. Yeah.
JJ:I've been on both sides. I know.
Jenn:Like, I wanna do more. Like, do you need anything else? Like, I got you, girl.
JJ:Like Right? I'm already in the mud.
Tay:Let me fix your hair.
Jenn:Yeah. You're a little slow.
JJ:Let me fix your crown, queen. Like, we're already here. Dude, this is the best.
Jenn:And some of the questions I had for you ladies since I haven't seen this and you have, The Dune Navigators. So, what's a non dirty way I can, like, describe these things for people who don't know who they are. So they look like, giant skinless whales. So they're basically like the, the creatures who were I don't know if they had these in these. They had them in the 1984 version.
Jenn:So they're the human humanoids that took spice for, like, 100, almost 1000 of years. And they actually kind of made them, mutate in a sense. Oh.
Tay:I do not remember this in Dune part 2. Is it The
JJ:other part 2, could that be the spider thing from the first one that
JJ:Yeah. That Baron Harganen had that, like, didn't talk, but was, like, eating out, like, the bowl on the floor. I
Jenn:Oh my god. Oh my
JJ:let me Sorry.
Jenn:Let me see if I can find a picture. Spider thing on Dune is that I'm googling.
JJ:I mean, Google Earth. Careful. Google. It looks like a multi limbed gimp that is, like, eating out of a bowl. And, like, when, what's her tits came in that Reverend mother, whatever, and they went into, like, the cone of silence, and she's like, it can understand us.
JJ:Get it the
Jenn:fuck out of here.
JJ:Don't know if that's what you're talking. I'm sorry if I just completely derailed what you were saying.
Tay:No. You're completely fine because
Jenn:I am completely lost on what's, going on.
Tay:And apparently, 80 years as well.
Jenn:Doesn't know what he's talking about,
Tay:but he loves the attempt.
JJ:Jennifer fucking talk. It was such Coming. It was such a short scene, but apparently, it's pretty, like, imperative compared to, like, the books. Like, that particular character or yes, that fucking thing. That Yeah.
JJ:So we're looking at No.
Jenn:That's funny. Butt or the head?
JJ:Yeah. No problem. That's the butt. Got it. That's the butt.
Jenn:Oh, I see the butt crab. You got it.
JJ:It's the butt.
Jenn:Ew. Don't get hands.
JJ:That's gross.
Jenn:No. It's literally got hands.
JJ:It looks like a butt. Like a fucking, like, wet suit. And it's just, like, it I don't think it has eyes or anything, and it's just, like, slurping out of that hole. I've never heard of this. Dramatic scene.
JJ:Oh, god. Entire first movie. It's so off putting. Is it it looks slimy.
Jenn:Okay. So this is supposed to be the the guild navigator?
Tay:Oh, so this is, like, the navigator that you're talking about.
Jenn:That is?
JJ:This is
Tay:the first time I remember seeing this thing. I probably
JJ:Probably because it's out of my brain. My dreams after I saw that first one. I'm like, the fuck is that? Why is no one talking about it?
Jenn:Who is this? Yes. There's nobody wants to talk about it.
JJ:Fucking burn it. Burn it. Oh, man. No. You're traumatized with me.
JJ:I'm so
Jenn:sorry. Okay.
Tay:I don't know what that is, but I never wanna see another one. Oh, no.
JJ:Oh, no.
Tay:Jen left. We're unsupervised. But anyway, I definitely did have to, like, go pee in the middle of this, at some point. So, like, I, like, looked at my husband and I was, like, I have to go to the bathroom because I was drinking a beer. And I, like, ran off to go to the bathroom.
Tay:I like scurried away and I came back and I was like, what happened? He was like, they kissed and I was just like, what? So, apparently,
JJ:Paul is great. And No.
Tay:I couldn't figure out what happened. I was like,
Jenn:my my computer got mad. Like, no. You're not gonna scream.
JJ:I know. We're like, where did she go?
Jenn:I don't I won't do that anymore. I'm so sorry. I just thought it'd be fun to look up the spider monster.
JJ:See? Through is not meant to be techno technologically advanced in this stream.
Jenn:Apparently, no way.
JJ:Yeah. Barely weird.
Jenn:I agree with Danielle. I would just I would set fire to whatever was nearby.
Jenn:Like, that's too much, like, spider. Like, no.
JJ:Like, I remember scrunching up in my seat when I saw it. I'm like, the fuck is that? Oh, how horrendous?
Jenn:You said this was in Dune part 1? That that Yeah.
JJ:It was in the first one. Okay.
Tay:Well, I'm gonna have to rewatch it
Jenn:now. Yeah. I don't remember that. I have to rewatch it too.
JJ:Be traumatized with me. No problem. I have to be aware. You have to be aware.
Jenn:I'm all about trying out traumatizing things. Hey.
Tay:And trauma. That's how we get by.
Jenn:So I'm not I'm not sure if those are the the Dune Navigators that they Yeah.
JJ:I don't know what it is. About.
Jenn:Or if it's like some sort of, like, mutation. But the the first one had this, anyways, they used to be human and, like, for 1000 of years, they used to, like, consume the spice and, they mutated into, like, what I could only, like, describe as being like this, like, giant whale looking creature that, like, has no skin. And I I honestly would love to show you a picture, but I would probably get booted out again. So, please look at it at your leisure.
JJ:Will do. Yeah. Yeah.
JJ:I don't think that was in, part 2 based on what you're describing. There's nothing that sounds like that.
Tay:No. The only thing they rode the worms.
JJ:Yeah. That was really the only creature in part 2 were were the worms.
Jenn:So it it it kind of sounds like they're going I mean, I no. Did you find it?
JJ:Oh my god. Why?
Jenn:It's gross. It's got like a double vagina for a mouth. It's disgusting. Like
Tay:Woah. Not the best way I
Jenn:can describe it. Sorry. No.
JJ:I've got those in the second one. I can tell you that right now. And they kind of,
Jenn:like, float in, like, this orange gas, but, they're they're actually responsible for, like, guiding the ships. I guess from, like, one point to another, there's a lot of, like, gravitational obstacles from what I remember watching in the movie. And they need the spice because the spice, helps them, basically guide them through it. Like, it gives them, like, I don't know how to, like, describe it.
JJ:Versus, like, dark matter. Like, pretty much use it to to navigate, like, inter I don't wanna say inter dimensionally, but interstellarly, if that makes sense. I don't know if that's the same.
Jenn:Kinda the same concept. Yeah. Yeah. But, but they're yeah. They're submerged in this, like, orange spice gas.
Jenn:They're constantly, like so I kind of think of it as like like, you know, like a stoner, like, constantly, like, getting their hit, like, and just, like, being immersed in, like, the pot smoke?
JJ:Now seeing creature and then applying, like, that personality to it, can you imagine it would be like, dude. But they have, like, a vagina face. You remember the filler
Tay:from, like, Alice in Wonderland?
JJ:Oh, yeah.
Jenn:Like, it's
Tay:That's what I'm getting from.
Jenn:Yeah. Like caterpillar?
Tay:Yeah. The one that
Jenn:was smoking on the hookah. Yeah.
JJ:That's pretty fucking accurate. That's
Jenn:Okay. Yeah. No. I I don't know
JJ:if you looked it up, Tay. You may not No.
Jenn:Straight up did not.
JJ:Okay. Good. I'm
Jenn:thinking of nightmares.
JJ:Yeah, man. Jonas in the nightmares. I feel like that was paid back for making you look up the the other guy, but, it's fine. Good girl, man. We're all friends here.
Jenn:So it kinda sounds like, from what I've read and what you guys are talking about, I mean, again, I'm with you guys. Like, I haven't read the book, but it kinda sounds like they're going more towards the book and it kinda sounds like they're taking their time telling the story.
JJ:Yes and
Tay:no. So funny that you say that actually because, expectations going forward, they actually have started the Dune 3 script outline, by the way. It is actually gonna be based off the plot of the Dune 2 book. So the Dune Messiah.
Tay:So a continuation off of what's going on here. So I feel like they're playing the long game, off the franchise, but
Tay:JJ, what do you think? Because you said not really. So I wanna know your thoughts.
JJ:So really the biggest qualm that I had with part 2, which isn't saying much because I I fucking love the movie. Like, this is literally just kinda me being, like, Nicky. I felt like the pacing was really off, and kinda talking to Nick and kinda doing my own research, I kinda figured out why. So, like, pretty much the span of his and, always forget her name, Johnny? Yeah.
JJ:Yeah. Their relationship in the movie, it's portrayed over, like, the course of, like, a few months. Like, his mom is still pregnant that whole time. They're kinda getting, like, used to each other. But in the books, by the time he faces off with Fade, he and Johnny have had, like, 3 kids.
JJ:They have it's been over the course years. Like, he's been immersed Oh. In this world for years at this point. His sister had been born. She actually in the books, she was the one that kick that killed the baron at, like, 2 years old because she pretty much came out of the vidade, like, fully developed and, like, this hardcore badass military, like, prodigy.
JJ:Right. And so
JJ:Yeah. Because of the, what was it? The water of life.
Jenn:Right. Yeah.
JJ:So and at first, I was like, wow. So literally, they took decades worth of, like, relationship building and kind of empire building for Paul and condensed it into a few months in the movie, which is why their relationship felt very new because they tried to play it off like it was new. Whereas in the book, they were well established before, and he had actually talked to Johnny about taking the princess as his bride. And was, like, fully aware. And she was it's kinda weird because in the books, it seems like she's way more domicile than, like, how Zendaya portrays her, where she's like the strong willed person.
JJ:But it it's so weird. So that's kinda where I'm at with, like, the pacing of it because it's like, okay. Mhmm. So he's at this point well established. They see him as their, like, Messiah, you know, all this stuff.
JJ:But only over the course of a few months, whereas the books, it's literally, like, decades. So I thought that was kinda weird. So I wonder
Jenn:why they did that.
JJ:And that's where I'm at.
Tay:So I'm like I'm like,
Jenn:you could take your time. You're like, you're rebooting this. Like, they
JJ:did that
Jenn:in their in 1984 movie where I feel like they covered so much stuff. And, like, I feel like people now need to see more of a relationship and that character building. Yeah. Versus, like creepy. Yeah.
JJ:Yeah. So I thought that was weird. And then also the fact that they had, Chani respond the way that she did to him taking the princess as his wife, that doesn't happen in the book. It was like a fully communicated, like, militaristic exchange. Like, he loved Johnny.
JJ:They were each other's soulmates. Like Right. He it was only pretty much a marriage of convenience.
Jenn:That was played by Florence Poo. Right? Or Poe? Yeah.
JJ:That one chick. But, so it's kind of weird to see where they're going within the movies. Mhmm. Because now we have Zendaya, Johnny, whatever. Almost like now his enemy, like his nemesis moving forward.
JJ:So What? Yeah. It's Really? Very it's very bizarre. So I'm not really sure where they're going with it, which is, like, why I was saying that I feel apprehensive because I'm, like, that is such a glaze over a lot of things that happen.
JJ:And some of them I understand, like it's kind of hard to cinematically, like, portray this 2 year old killing the Baron Harkonnen. Like, I can see
Jenn:how it would
JJ:be very fucking weird to convey in a 2024 movie. But at the same time, a lot of his sister's younger years and development are really crucial to the rest of the book.
Tay:Yeah. But, like, you can also hear her talking through, like, her mother's womb, she was like talking and she's like, she wants to ask you this. And I was just like, is she asking or are you asking? And then, like, when the baby was actually talking, like, whilst in the uterus or whatever boom thing, I was just like,
JJ:hated it.
Tay:I don't like this.
JJ:Yeah. It's weird.
Jenn:The, you know, the only thing that I kind of liked from the 1984 movie no. Correct me if they did the I don't I don't remember it from part 1, but I do like how they there there there's so I'm a big book nerd, and there's a lot of things that I think I'm hearing you say, JJ, that don't quite get from the book to the screen because a lot of it is like internal thoughts and dialogue, like, within characters. And I think with, I can at least say for the 1984 Dune is that they would actually have them speak it out loud, but you can see the character just standing there and kind of like feeling that emotion.
Jenn:course, their mouth isn't moving because they're thinking it. I I kind of wish they would do that a little bit more with present cinema because I think there are things that people miss
Jenn:That aren't, yeah.
JJ:I can see that. And, like, it's always weird when it comes to, you know, trying to move the story along in such a way. Yeah. Because like you said, it's it's real easy when you're writing it. On paper
JJ:It's so easy to say this person thought this. But to convey that on screen and yeah. Absolutely. Feel like that's very difficult. And especially in these books where that's most of it.
JJ:Because that's where we see a lot of, like, Paul's plight
Jenn:Yeah. You know, they there's only so much emotion you can show. But, you know, you can go through, like, 10 pages on a book and, like, 10 seconds of screen time. But do you actually convey what's what's going on?
JJ:Point get across?
Jenn:Because Yeah. That's
JJ:Otherwise, it's gonna move point.
JJ:Yeah. I feel that.
Jenn:So Kenpachi says, do they ever say what Spice does in the new movie?
JJ:They're very vague about it. So they talk about how it's used for space exploration and travel.
JJ:But then how also, like, some are like the like the ancient, like, populations will use it as, like, an hallucinogenic or, like, a way to, like, connect with the universe. Mhmm. But it's very brief, which is funny because I know that's, like, a huge thing in the book. Like, everything is about Yeah. Science.
JJ:Right. Yeah. So that's and even in the beginning of the movies, which is straight from the book is, like, he who controls the spies, like, controls the universe or whatever.
JJ:And it's very true, but I feel like it's very secondary in the movies.
JJ:And it's like well, they're like, oh, well, this is the plot, but it's it it's more like a a way to perpetuate the plot than it is, like, the actual plot,
Tay:if that makes
Jenn:sense. No. Because that mean, like, you're going
Tay:out to, like, destroy the splice the the spice machines that were, like, harvesting, but they never really went further from that. Like, that was their, like, whole end harvest. That really was.
Jenn:Yeah. Like, because Kyle McClellan said it in the 1 in, 84 where he, he takes, like, a piece of spice and he eats it. And then I remember later, he confronts his mother. He's like, you brought like, something like you brought me here on purpose. You knew this would change me.
JJ:Mhmm. And
Jenn:then I almost had, like, not quite like the the way they portrayed it was kinda like almost like a psychedelic effect, but it changed him on, like, a subconscious level where there's something that his father said where, you know, you can't something about, like, you can't always I get the wording wrong, but you can't always be stagnant. You fall asleep inside. You have to go out and do new things, and you have to awaken the sleeper. And that was, a big underlying thing during that movie was that he wanted to awaken the the sleeper per se.
Jenn:And then, I wanna say that was about the time that he made it rain on Arrakis or something like that. Like, I'm awakening my sleeper. Or it's almost like the spice, like, helped him awaken that part of himself where and I don't know if they ever really talk about the powers.
JJ:No. Especially in these new movies, like I said, it's very vague.
Tay:Yeah. I mean, like, they got the water of life, and that's how they got to see kind of, like, their past and their future. Right. So maybe later on in part 3 of Dune, like, we'll get to see the rain, but it wasn't in Dune part 2.
JJ:That was mostly in relation to the Beno Gesserit. Like, it it really didn't give, like, an in-depth portrayal of, like, Paul and how it affected him. Like, to show him kinda have, like, that coughing fit. Like, he like, he too took too long a drag kinda thing. And it's, like, it's so much more than that.
JJ:Like like you said, like, it affected his mind, body, and soul. And it happens to all of us. Like, okay. He just can't hold a shit. Like, that's kinda it's kinda obvious.
Jenn:Don't don't take so long with drag. Damn. Lightweight. Well, I I thought it was kinda cool in, like, part 1 where it was, like, just after after him and his mom crashed. And he seems to be having, like, one of his, like, kind of, like, fast forward visions, I think, where he sees Chawny.
Jenn:And he can actually see the spice.
JJ:Yeah. He sees it in the air. Yeah.
Jenn:He sees it in the air. So even if you don't actually, like, taste it take a piece and consume it, like, it's in the air. Mhmm. And I I I love, like, the undertone of, like, the like, part of the movie was the spice is the worm, the worm is the spice. Like, he kept trying to make that that connection.
Jenn:Like, does he make it in part 2? That connection?
JJ:Honestly, I feel like they did do a really good job of connecting those 2 in the second.
Jenn:Because Oh, okay. Yeah.
JJ:You feel or at least I feel like they did a better job of portraying the sandworms as, like, their gods and how they were pretty much at, I guess, like, the whim of the sandworms, and they were kind of the all determining entities in their culture. And how The Fremen? That was directly yeah. With the Fremen and, like, you know, that's pretty much directly linked with the Spice and Arrakis and, you know, their their whole existence is because of the sandworms.
Jenn:That's so cool.
JJ:Yeah. I thought they did a good job.
Jenn:Can I just say that, again, I know we're supposed to be talking about part 2, but part 1, when they're Paul and his mom are running and they finally get to that, like, solid piece of rock and Paul's is laying there and that sandworm is just up and it's like kind of looking at him? I got, like, I'm getting chills right now. Like, I got, like, the biggest chills in my arm because you don't see that in the 84 film, which I think they did, like, a sublime job of showing how, sentient that worm is.
Jenn:Like it sees him and Paul doesn't even know, but that worm knows.
Jenn:Like, what he is. Yeah. Mhmm. You know? Like, oh.
JJ:They they really build off of that in the second Do they? They connect that so well. Okay. Yeah. And honestly, for me, like so in the first one, like full disclosure, I wasn't completely sold on Timothee Chalamet as, as Paul.
JJ:I was like, I felt like they just, you know, threw, like, a popular actor in, like, name recognition. But Mhmm. This, the second one, solidified it for me. I'm like, holy shit. He's a
Tay:He really gets into character?
JJ:Yes. He does. He oh, so good. Like, I wanted to hate him. But, like, oh, he did so good.
JJ:Like he
Tay:Part of me does because of what I'm a fear of what he's going to become. But Yeah. Yeah. So there's like that, like, I'm so proud of him for getting to where he's at, but at the same time
Tay:He's gonna turn
JJ:into like Anakin esque.
Tay:Yes. Oriented. Yeah. Absolutely.
JJ:And I've been trying not
Jenn:to No.
JJ:Star Wars, like, comparisons, but, god, it's really hard. Like
Jenn:Yeah. No.
JJ:But But the snow fairy Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. It's very much kinda Anakin's, you know, path into the dark side becoming Darth Vader. It it's very similar.
Tay:Yeah. He drinks, like, the water of life and becomes, like, I am the prophet who will lead you to paradise. Like, you have to follow me or you will die. Like, that is it.
JJ:Oh. But, honestly, I think Jessica was, like, the scariest part of that whole movie. Because, like, the idea of just, like, this overzealous person who's trying to sell an entire culture on the belief that her son is, like, the Messiah.
JJ:She was terrifying. Yeah. Like
JJ:She she freaked me out. I was like, oh, it's like any, like, sketchy ass, like, pastor that's, like, going around and trying to sell you on shit. Like, it's that same vibe just like a really like overzealous religious person that's just trying to manipulate and, like, destroy people.
Tay:It's like a cult.
JJ:Yeah. Very cultish and it It's culty. Yeah. Very trippy. So she was a trip.
Jenn:So do they use any of the, the weirding way? What do you mean? Techniques. So you know the guns that they use where they go shaw and shoots. You know, the guns?
Tay:No. I know.
JJ:I just really like your new sound effect. Can you do it again?
Jenn:You like it?
JJ:Like okay. So, like, the gun or, like, the the
Tay:What are they? Shield.
Jenn:May What
JJ:do you actually think about the gun?
Jenn:So I'm talking about the gun. So they they called it, like, I think they called it the weirding way. It's like a certain way of fighting. So they almost have, like, a to thanks, Mark. I appreciate that.
JJ:Seriously. Yeah. Clip the crap out of that. That was
Jenn:amazing. So so there was, a part where he said that, you know, the, Ben Gesserit, we will teach you the weirding way where they use these guns where you make sound. And one of the sounds that's like and it shoots, and it it blows up like this, pillar. Like, I'm going by the 84 movie. K.
Jenn:I'm not I haven't seen it. So I see you, Tay. I'm trying to keep it together over here.
JJ:I'm not. I would
Jenn:show you a clip of my computer. I'd be like, no. We're not doing that.
JJ:No. It's
Tay:fine. We can you can share it later because
Jenn:it's I cannot think of anything that you were talking.
JJ:Yeah. So there's nothing like that in the current movies, I feel like. No. Like, they never reference that.
Jenn:No. Alright.
JJ:Yeah. Yeah.
Jenn:Or if the kimpatches says I don't even know. Like the Jedi mind trick. This big word makes it someone do so.
JJ:So that's the voice. That's
Jenn:yeah. Yeah. Voice word. That.
JJ:It's kinda like the Jedi mind trick, whereas I think the weirding way is more like an actual fight style. Yeah.
Jenn:Jessica uses it against the leader of the Fremen. I think that was how she and got my back. Thanks, AD. My bro. I think I think I read something about that was how Jessica initially defeated him where she it's like a mind trick where she makes it seem like she's moving faster or something.
Jenn:Oh. But I think the weapon had something to do with it. I don't even know
JJ:Does anyone know, like, in the comments, like
Jenn:Anybody knows.
JJ:That's interesting as fuck.
Jenn:Weirding way. Because I'm all about weird stuff.
JJ:I love the name for it too, the weirding way.
Jenn:The weirding way. I know. Oh, I love
JJ:my life, man. The weirding way.
Jenn:So that sounds like part 2 does not disappoint. I think just the worms alone, I find intriguing. So, yeah, that sounds awesome. I'm I'm glad, Timothy Chalamet does not disappoint because I'm I'm with you, Jen, that I was, kinda disappointed at first, but I've seen him in other movies. But he does a good job in them.
Tay:They wanna make that look like Sarlaccs when they come out of the, you know, the sand with their mouths, with the teeth.
JJ:Do you notice?
Tay:Okay. So in star wars that
JJ:giant Okay. I think I missed that first part. You kinda, like, cut out. And I'm like, what? Yeah.
JJ:No. What Boba Fett falls into?
Jenn:Yes. Yeah. But I
JJ:can never remember the name. Don't come at me, Star Wars fans. Like, I never remember the name. Oh, I remember shit. No.
JJ:You're completely fine. I just know the feeling I get when I watch them, and that's how I know I like it. Yeah.
Jenn:Same. Same. Don't ask me for names.
JJ:I can barely remember my own those days. Are you kidding me? Like
Tay:Alright. Jenna, are you ready for some final shots and thoughts?
Jenn:Yes. Let's do it. Alright.
Tay:Alright. And welcome to the final shots and thoughts part of the episode. Thank you for everybody who tuned in. Thank you for JJ Stingray for coming out and giving us your thoughts about Dune and your interview, which is, like, so amazing. I cannot thank you enough for the awesome laughs of tonight.
Tay:I think, you know, Jim, this side, completely agrees with what I'm saying. It's been a super pleasure to have you on tonight, or today, I guess, regular part of the day for Arizona. It's, like, almost 5 o'clock. It's, like, 4:30
Tay:Right. So, for all of you that didn't know, you know, our fallen star part 8 of our tabletop RPG role playing game for those don't know, is out. It came out on Friday. So yesterday, so tune in. We have a really big fight scene that we have in this one, to get through and get out of, literally.
Tay:Literally. And, JJ Stingray, you wanna tell us a little bit about Phoenix fan fusion?
JJ:That I do. Oh. Fuck. Yeah. Uh-oh.
JJ:Yeah. So we are oh gosh. I think we're only about like 55 days out from, from Phoenix Fan Fusion. Not that I'm counting. But so originally, Jen, I think when we last talked about it, my group was gonna have a booth there, but all our members are so incredibly involved, in the local, like, cosplay and nerd scene.
JJ:Almost all of them are working, you know, panels, putting on performances. So we actually had to XNA on our booth. Otherwise, I'd be happy to drop the information here. But me and, like, my family, we plan to be there the entire weekend. I'm probably gonna have, like, 4 or 5 different costumes, which apparently I just hate myself.
JJ:So I don't I don't know why I do this. I love it, but I don't know why. But it's it's gonna be a good time. They they've been announcing, a bunch of guests that I am super excited to see. This might be the first well, I guess, 2nd year that I actually opt for, like, photo ops and and autographs because they got a killer lineup so far.
JJ:So That's awesome. Yeah. And that is May 24th through 26th, so Memorial Day weekend. It's gonna be hot as balls.
Jenn:Oh my god. It is. Oh, man.
JJ:I wish I did this shit in January. Like, it's just right now.
Jenn:Like, because right
JJ:now is Yeah. Right now is beautiful. Like, the end of May, it's gonna be awful.
Tay:Yeah. Because you're getting into June and it only gets hotter from there.
Jenn:Nope. Oh, god.
JJ:It's gonna be fun.
Tay:But, yeah, I look forward to actually meeting you and, you know, Jen, the other half as well. We are meeting both Gens.
Tay:Maybe, you know, since you're in Arizona and I'm in Arizona, we might meet up sooner. So, well, you know, we'll try to try that out. But if not, no big deal. You know, we have Phoenix Brainfusion to look forward to. Regardless if you have a booth or not, like, I cannot wait to meet you.
Tay:It was a super pleasure, you know, to have you on.
JJ:Thank you. No. Thank you guys so much for, one, dealing with the bullshit of the last time when I was supposed to be on. I know. You're totally fine.
JJ:Flexible and accommodating because I have been, like, dying to jump on here with y'all. And like I said, put, you know, voices to the faces, and you guys are just both so freaking, like, adorable. Aw. And, like Thank you. So much fun.
JJ:So, like, anytime. I I will be here default. Like, I'd love to come on again. Yes.
Jenn:You're welcome.
JJ:Anytime. I'm free. Woo hoo.
Tay:Alright. Jen, you got anything for closing remarks and shots and thoughts and things?
Jenn:No. Caveat what you said. Please check out our tabletop role playing game. We're, Uber nerding it over there. And, Jen, Tay, I haven't met you in person either.
Jenn:But, Jenna, I hope we get to meet up too and maybe get some pictures that we can, show, all of, all of our fans. And, yeah, I I really look forward to the Phoenix fan fusion. I'm super excited to to come out and my buddy Willie's coming and, our friend, Deontay from, Saturday Night Nerds and come to clean Klein is gonna be there too. So we're through work.
Tay:Absolutely. It's gonna be a big old nerd party, and I love it.
Jenn:Can't wait. It's gonna be so much fun.
Tay:Alright. And with that, I'm going to go ahead and play our outro. Thank you again so much, JJ, for being on.
JJ:Thank you for having me.
Tay:Bye y'all.