Ep 15: "Fallen Star Pt 6"
Hi. I'm Jen, and I play Mara Elderwood. Welcome to our own home brew role playing game. It's made by our game master, Eric, aka doctor Awesome. Now you'll be entering the world of Sariva that's very different from our own.
Jenn (Mara):Now just so you know, this isn't Dungeons and Dragons. This is a home broom game, so you'll notice there's differences between the 2. But I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Hey. Welcome. Welcome. Good to see everybody. Welcome, Joe, for, your your first experience with, Fallen Star.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Although I'm sure you've been, you know, you've been following along, and plus we've been I've been giving him his information as best as I could to keep him up like I've been doing with, Black as well. So, Joe Joe knows where he he comes into the picture, but I'm gonna recap for for those of you who have been following in, our our intrepid core group here of, Dolian, Mara, and Melody. Last we left them, they were in the wonderful ruins underneath the Hori Temple. Basically, the cathedral that used to be, where everyone held service in the south end of Ballonfort became a den of prostitution and, debauchery known as the Holy Temple. Recently, our our comrades have discovered that the New Life Eternal Church, which plays an important role in, kind of their investigations right now, they seem to have some, answers to possible questions that are going on, the mysteries.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):They seem to be meeting underground in some of the areas that used to be catacombs used by, the church, back before, in the older parts of the city. So now the way the way a lot of the ancient cities were is, like, you know, if things happen, let's say there was an earthquake or something, they didn't have the technology we had today. So if a lot of the stuff fell apart, they would just build on top. You know? Like, okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Let's flatten out the best we can, fill it in with rocks and stuff, and we'll just build on top. So that's what a lot of this is underneath, you know, places like the cathedral, holy temple, the graveyard. It's not so much that there's all these, you know, tunnels and so forth. Some of it was probably operationally used by the the church and such back when that part of the city would you know, the old parts of the city. So if they're building a new church, which you guys have found out through some of the peasants, I think, Mara took part in questioning them, so did Melody.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You questioned that young man and the and the girl who was actually a member of the New Life Eternal Church, and they spoke about coming down into the catacombs through that old stairwell, and that's where she would go to service. And she was trying to bring him on as a new recruit, and you guys kinda interrupted that, which was good, it ended up being, because that seems like one thing you've learned from the town crier when you in your first evening in Ballinford was that, young men have been going missing. Their bodies been turning up in the river just outside of the South End, and they're, you know, been looks like they've been crushed. A lot of their bones have been removed. So, it's good that you stopped that young man from going there, because that probably would have been the end of, end of that date.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Hello? Apologies. Apologies. Someone's trying to drink soda when he's supposed to be in bed. Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So anyway, as it went on, you also found out that during the, the the escaped Wyvern attack and the, the attempt on the duchess's life during the festival that, some of the women that were partaking, the entertainment in Melody's stage, a couple of them went missing, and that's also been a a reoccurring situation in. So one of those individuals is important to, an MPC who's joined your party, Genjiro. He's looking for one of the women, and the other woman was actually, part of the show with Tay. So it's people that she had known prior to the situation. So as when we left, I'm going to bring up where you guys were.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You guys had remembered going to the graveyard, meeting with an individual, who gave you some insights to the place after being given given some gold and some persuasion. He informed you guys of, what was underneath the the graveyard area. Okay. So I'm trying to share this, map. I think that it's gonna take you, Melody, to bring it up.
Tay (Melody):Oh, okay. I got you.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):There we go. Okay. So when we last left you all, This was your location. I believe that, Mara had used a a spell to bring some fire that brought light to pretty much get the go the ghouls to go back into the darker areas of the, ruins, and you guys were able to get past them. So you guys were at the edge of where that young man in the graveyard said that there would be an, break through the rubble of this of these ruins to get into the sewer area that leads to where the new life eternal meet.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So that's where we are at right now. Do you guys have any questions as to what's going on?
Tay (Melody):Since we kinda, like, took a break and everything, does that mean that we still have the same amount of damage that we did when we last played? Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. Reason being is that although we took a break oh, wait. You mean that you guys actually rested near that in that that collapsed entrance?
Tay (Melody):Right. Like, did we rest?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So we could take that as a it wasn't a full camp, so I'd say whatever damage you had, go ahead and half that because you've had the the chance to rest. Maybe not a full rest, but, you know.
Tay (Melody):But our EPMP should be I mean, like, I did the a thousand.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You did the yeah. You guys should be rejuvenated as far as your EPMP for sure. Injuries, though, the only thing that's a little different there is when you guys get injured, especially if it's stuff like physical injuries that could lead to bleeding and so forth, Sometimes when you're resting, it'd be good to mention, hey. I'd like to tend to that wound, be it if it needs a bandage, does it need a a splint or, you know, something to hold you know, is it fractured, broken?
Mac (Dolion):You know,
Eric (Dr.Awesome):is it missing? Am I missing my arm? Because if I'm missing my arm, I should probably do something about that. Those are things you take care of when you guys are, you know, in a camping situation or a rest situation. So, yeah.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So consider whatever damage you had halved, and right now I'm trying to I don't really love that. Alright. So any other questions besides Melody's question? Negative. Alright.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Jer, I hope that you noticed I have put you on the map. As per the messages I've exchanged with you, this is where the rest of the party had noticed too that that stairwell from near the graveyard dumps down into this what used to be a hallway, but it kinda has been eroded and washed away from time. So this is your location at the moment, but I'm going to start with woah. There's a lot of you. Way to catch up there, misty table.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You're all over the place. Okay. So apparently, Joe's
Jenn (Mara):Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry. Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So but I'm gonna start with you guys over here first. Like I said, you guys just just near where Dollyon's standing, you guys could see a a break in the rubble that would allow you guys to squeeze past. So, now it's pretty much do you guys wanna just go through? It's very dark. You guys can go ahead and, chance to perceive anything if you wish, maybe get a light in there in some manner.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):It's completely torches.
Tay (Melody):We have the laser lantern still. So I have one, and I have another one in my bag, and Gajiro had the elixir of
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Oh, yeah. The vial of light. Yeah.
Tay (Melody):That one. He had it on his, like, waistband.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So that gives a that gives more of a trying to give a good exam. Good example of what Gendura's carrying is kinda like, remember Lord of Rings if you've watched it, when Sam had that or
Tay (Melody):The little vial?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):The little vial light thing.
Tay (Melody):When he went to go to
Eric (Dr.Awesome):the Spectre. Frodo, but we all know Frodo, you know, kinda
Tay (Melody):Yes. Yeah.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Failed there. And Sam took over and was the hero and had it, but that you know how it's kind of like a dimly lit area just around them. So Gengiro has it on his belt. It's enough to see your guys' party, but as far as, like, projecting, you wanna get the lantern out in front, and that's why when you guys discussed the last time we were going, it was a good idea. Like, hey.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Let's have someone with a lantern kind of up here. You know, I think Dolion was taking point because if there is traps or, dangers, he might be able to, you know, find them and remove them so you guys have more of a safe passage. You don't wanna walk into a Indiana Jones moment.
Jenn (Mara):You know, car falling
Eric (Dr.Awesome):on a box, falling on you in a garage. Those kinda strange things can happen. You know?
Jenn (Mara):So I I say the point person has a lantern, and then whoever's bringing it to rear has a lantern. So we have kind of full coverage over front and back.
Mac (Dolion):So, so the way we were lined up, Melody was behind me with the lantern to provide some light. And then Yeah. Okay. My position being at 25 meters, that was allowing me to do that. Plus, the perception and, the ability to find and disarm traps.
Mac (Dolion):So that's kinda how we were playing it. So, when it's time to start taking actions and stuff, all I was gonna do is roll for my, to use the pass at the surveil area to see what was ahead of us.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Mac (Dolion):Finding disarm strap, in our in our area.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. Sounds like a plan. I like it. Alright. So let's go.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):As far as the surveil area, you immediately I mean, it's dark, and the lantern, the light that Melody is holding is good enough to get, you know you gotta kinda think how how well a lantern would a cat Yep. Especially over someone. But it it's enough to illuminate the area where you could get footholds and see well placement to get in. Now immediately, what draws your attention is you do see a, wire right about, I don't know, 4 inches off of the ground that crosses that crevice. Okay?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Just at the very end of it, the light catches it. Moisture on it is basically giving you slight, you know, little twinkling. Like, oh, hey. So when the light catches that, though, what you the your your, situational awareness is picking up that something just moved past that entrance. Okay?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You don't know if it's because it noticed your light, it moved away. Could it be a ghoul again? That's uncertain, but that whatever it was was there until the light came through. Okay? You'd notice the large enough silhouette to tell it was blocking this the the the crevice that you would pass through.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So it's of decent size. It moved quietly, though. That's a that's gonna, you know, let you guys know there was no, like, boot boot steps going off in a direction. Whatever it was moves swiftly and off to the right if you're looking at the crevice.
Mac (Dolion):Alright. So since there's a wire, I'm assuming that's a trap. So I have a fine disarm trap 60%. If it is a trap, I'd like to disarm that.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Due to the crevice being not a lot of room to move, you have minus 5% just because you gotta kinda contort yourself to be able to reach it. Yep. I rolled a 28. Alright.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Excellent. No problem. You disarm it and you notice that basically it seems to be attached to something that goes up and then it's, it's more of an an alarms, like, you know, it's gonna ring a bunch of bells that were hanging up up top. So, when you do that, you also the next to the wire as it goes because the light that Melody's got behind you while you while you disarm this trap, you notice some tattered clothing, and what appears to be possible remains mostly fleshy?
Mac (Dolion):Okay. Well, if we have enough room to kinda just all of us fit in there, at least to the entranceway, I'd like us all to come in, and I don't know if Mara wants to try to talk to dead people, but she's more than welcome if she would like to use that.
Tay (Melody):Before we all go in there, I'm gonna do a distracting sound to see, because it's a passive ability that I have to see if we could find out what that creature or whatever that had flashed by.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. Yeah. 200 experience point.
Tay (Melody):Goddamn right.
Jenn (Mara):What's the sound sound like? So, like, a.
Tay (Melody):No. So I just kinda, like, picked up a pebble because there was pebbles around, and I just threw it. I said, you
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Tay (Melody):And it Yay. Smashed. It's
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Like that sound at Walmart when you check it out. Like, beep beep. You know, like, the 100 of them. Beep.
Tay (Melody):Yeah. Beep beep.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So Beep. The sound goes off and it kinda echoes a little bit, but you do hear that that, you hear something moving in. But like I said, it's not it's hard for you to kind of give a description of it. You you hear a movement, but it's not like a something's moving, but it's not like boot steps or anything.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):But whatever it is is large because it it kinda whooshes by again in the tunnel.
Tay (Melody):Okay. Well, it's over there. I say we can all go in. Mara, do you have any
Jenn (Mara):I I wanna look at the body. Can I investigate the body?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yes.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Jenn (Mara):Nope. I didn't see shit.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. You're like, I don't care what this is. This isn't a body. Come on, Jolion.
Jenn (Mara):Is it enough of a remains to, like, speak to it?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You by the looks of it, you'd say maybe 2 to £3 of meat. Not not and it doesn't look like it's any part of a head. So probably not. There's no bones.
Jenn (Mara):There's no bones? Mm-mm.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You're pretty sure it looks like a peeled forearm, Kinda like it when someone takes a a a flat of a wing and just peels all the meat off. Like that.
Jenn (Mara):Can I roll my monster creature lure to see if I know what that is?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Sure. Well, it
Jenn (Mara):does that.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Negative 15 because it's not a lot of information to go off of, but go ahead.
Jenn (Mara):Nope. Dang it. Fucking shit. Goddamn it.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):She's Sasquatch. It's definitely a sasquatch.
Tay (Melody):So can can can I?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. Genjiro just butts in real quick and says, I'd like us to get into more of a a a defensible position. Right now, we're kinda all locked into this line in this crevice.
Mac (Dolion):Cool. I'm down to, to proceed, just enough to get everybody inside, so we're not lined up like this at the crevice.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright.
Tay (Melody):Can we ask Everybody roll Oh.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Everybody roll your 10 sided die with the exception of Jer.
Tay (Melody):Just 1 10 sided?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yes.
Jenn (Mara):K. K. Got 5.
Mac (Dolion):8.
Tay (Melody):3.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So it will go Dollyon first. Dolion you see, a rat probably more the size of a small dog run past you, but then it's accompanied by a good dozen rats that are about the size of house cats.
Jenn (Mara):Are they the RUS's?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):They are the RUS's.
Jenn (Mara):I knew it.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. You knew it was coming. You knew it was gonna happen.
Tay (Melody):What's what's in What's in What's in our our US?
Jenn (Mara):Broons Broons of an unusual size. That's right.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright.
Jenn (Mara):Just a spread.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):A little bit of water at your guys' feet and stuff dumps off into here, and then this is this would be kind of where you guys have come through that that crevice that leaves the pipe, then boom. Right right here. Once you get through that spot, though, like, there's there's slight illumination as you could see. The rats just kinda crossed over your path, but whatever was large, like I said earlier, went let me see if I can make that.
Jenn (Mara):It's splinter. Is that the ooze?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He's going to see his his boys. They went that way.
Jenn (Mara):I knew it.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So you guys are all right here. You've got first, you've got initiative right now, Dollyon. So what you do see going around the corner over there, I'm going to message you, and then you can decide what you wanna do. Share with your share share.
Tay (Melody):Oh, he he's gone.
Jenn (Mara):Oh. We lost him.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):We lost him. Yeah. Well, then we never
Tay (Melody):went black. When he gets back though, I would like to discuss, like, how we want to align ourselves. There we go. Just dipping out on us, you said, peace.
Mac (Dolion):It's cool.
Tay (Melody):Never life.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. He's like, there's something moving. I'm out of here.
Jenn (Mara):Fuck you guys. I'm going home.
Tay (Melody):Goddamn. It's huge.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He's huge. Alright. Let's fix that.
Jenn (Mara):Who's huge? What?
Tay (Melody):So I said, we should figure out how to align ourselves now that we're all in here except for Jer who's, in the rear, making his way downtown. Making his way downtown. Fucking bad. Face him down.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So what? Is this forever gonna just be the
Tay (Melody):And then And I miss you.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So I'm gonna will they know which would buy?
Tay (Melody):Jeremy, I need you to run so you can keep up because we need you.
Mac (Dolion):I'm worried about those ghouls we just ran through and left back in that room.
Tay (Melody):Nah. He's it looks like he's going through the water, the quicker route. So I don't think he's gonna hit the ghouls. So I think I think we're okay.
Joe (Jer):Nice. Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. So I I did draw that earlier. So let's see if I could do it again that way. And the rats went this way because frat they probably saw what went around the corner over there, and they're, like, oh, we're getting the hell out of here.
Mac (Dolion):Cool. So, I'm allowed to pass this information to the, the crew. Right?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yes.
Tay (Melody):If you so desire.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep. Alright, team. So I saw
Mac (Dolion):a large green tail about the width of the tree, went around the corner on the right.
Tay (Melody):It's crocodile. We lost Mara.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):It damn, it ate it ate Mara already. It's crazy. Alright. So, you can roll your monster creature lure if you guys want to try to to try to figure out what it is you saw. You have the best chance.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):With the information you have, Melody, you have a 10% because it's kinda just going off of a large green tail. Okay.
Tay (Melody):Other than
Eric (Dr.Awesome):that, you really don't have a whole lot of information. And then I'm gonna go back to Jer here while you guys do that. Alright, Jer. After you enter these tunnels, it's it's dark. Here.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You don't have a lot of, light to support, night vision or anything. But as you're moving along, you notice you come to a spot where it looks like a a battle was fought. There's pieces of bone everywhere, but what was it looks like there's a larger piece, like, maybe a
Kately (Machitis):They gave it.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Some sort of creature. Your best guess would be, like, maybe a a golem of some kind, like a bone golem or something, but it's gone. So it should be laying on the ground right here because all the pieces, but it's gone. When you when you are inspecting that though, you do notice the sound of,
Tay (Melody):The needle.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Heavy heavy breathing or gasping being or whatever coming to towards the hallway at the very end of the the, passage you're in now. So you got you're more you're coming to, like, what would be a room with chain or a chamber with rooms above you to the left and a walkway. But the hallway that's new south of your position, you're hearing a definite rise in activity that you're like I said, your vision is stifled. You might be able to see possibly to to to this range right now.
Joe (Jer):Do they notice me?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Your best guess is they're coming here because they they, more of an investigation. They could have been part of whatever battle just recently happened, but you're they wouldn't notice you yet because you don't have a light or anything.
Joe (Jer):So the the battle is relatively fresh.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You wanna
Joe (Jer):see are there any standards that are that are visible that are familiar to me?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):No. On the tattered pieces of cloth that are with some of the broken bones, it looks like it could have been a mix match of different things. Like I said, your best guess is a bone golem of some kind, but it's gone now. There's not enough pieces here to have been the full golem.
Joe (Jer):Can
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Go ahead.
Joe (Jer):Can I tell what they are?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):At this range, with that with the site that your your site is only good to about as far as the cursor is showing, you're it's it's a guess. So you'd have to get more input. I mean, you can roll your chance to know, but it's probably gonna be a range of creatures. I mean, you gotta think about catacombs, ruins, underground, graveyard. It kinda gives you an idea of what's probably down here, especially seeing bones.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So,
Joe (Jer):so I wanna move in in a way that keeps me away from the the center of the battle and, try to
Eric (Dr.Awesome):to pass without trace. Okay. You did notice an opening back where you were, but you gotta drop into a flooded area that looks about waist deep. Or you could try to climb up these these rubble and go along this this walkway and maybe go pass by you. But, with very little light, the rubble and stuff could be a treacherous
Mac (Dolion):Sure. Sure.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Goat. But, whatever whichever you wanna pick, other than that, it's getting back out of this place.
Joe (Jer):Am I drawn towards one way or another?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You're feeling drawn towards the the south this way. Okay. It's too generalized right now. So it is becoming more focused. I would say it went from being like a a a 90 degree, you know, to being more like a 45 degree this way.
Joe (Jer):But I can't I can't tell numbers at this point. No. So then I I wanna try the other way and still continue to pass without trace.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. This way, you'll water?
Joe (Jer):And then go on the southernly course.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Like, stick close to the wall? Right. Okay. Alright.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Drop down on the water. It's waist deep.
Joe (Jer):Yum.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Mostly runoff from the streets, maybe some sewage, but,
Jenn (Mara):I've got in there.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):But as you went down, you'd probably your your best guess is that, the creatures are now in that large room that the opening area that you were in before. So you'll probably bypass them altogether, and they're not in your way. So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Jenn (Mara):And
Eric (Dr.Awesome):what's your movement?
Joe (Jer):It's on here somewhere.
Jenn (Mara):Look under your your abilities. Run That's right next
Eric (Dr.Awesome):10? So let's see. 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I mean, I'm guessing you're just trying to progress past them. Right?
Joe (Jer):So if I stop, can I see the water, the surface of the water? Yeah. Alright. Do I see any ripples other than the ripples that I'm making?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Good question. 25 250 experience points. There are large ripples coming from the opposite side of the room, but whatever it is, it's moving towards what you this this opening you can barely see with the dim light coming through, but it's large. The crackling sound and everything leads you to believe it could be that bone golem.
Joe (Jer):So those 6 the 6 posts in that room or the 6 are those columns?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yes.
Joe (Jer):And then keep those in between me and the the thing.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Joe (Jer):Like, as I move towards it or to I mean, you know, keep those in between me as I as I go in the side of the course.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. And you're still heading towards the the southern direction. Right?
Joe (Jer):Correct.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Joe (Jer):Yeah. In the in the way, I'm I'm cold.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So you make it to that crevice, no problem. Because the the the the motion and movement of those other creatures is all in that other passageway now. So Mhmm. You're at the crevice now, and you're gonna have to try to figure out how to squeeze your way through that with your gear or you could say, it's it'll be a tight fit.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You might be able to make it, so, but you're probably gonna make some noise. Passing without trace is not gonna be an option.
Jenn (Mara):Suck it in. Suck it
Mac (Dolion):in.
Tay (Melody):Yo. Did you see how fast he just moved past that shit?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. He doesn't have any lighter.
Jenn (Mara):Zip. Zip. Zip.
Joe (Jer):Sorry. I'm kinda looking through the sheet more to see my options, but it passed through the
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. No worries.
Tay (Melody):Go ahead
Eric (Dr.Awesome):and take your time. I'm gonna go back to the rest of the party. Alright. So now that you guys know
Jenn (Mara):I'm muted, Michelle.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You guys see that, whatever it was went around this corner. The rats went that way. You guys could drop off. It's not it's not maybe maybe 8 8 feet. Oh, doing meters.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):4 4 4 a little more than 4 meters. So
Tay (Melody):Also, Mara, what you missed was, Dolan actually saw what it was, and, he told us that it was a large green tail that whipped around the corner. I said it was an alligator, or I might have said crocodile.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):I think you went I think you went with alligator.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):But who knows? At this point.
Tay (Melody):And then we all rolled our 2 tens. Right?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yes.
Tay (Melody):Okay. For monster creature lore, Willie, what'd you get? You're muted.
Mac (Dolion):I did not get it.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):No? Okay.
Tay (Melody):Can I So for the marcher the monster creature lore, like, are you trying to get under it or above it?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Under it.
Tay (Melody):Oh, I didn't get it then.
Mac (Dolion):Alright. Let's go, Mar.
Jenn (Mara):Alright. Fucking shit.
Mac (Dolion):Get the other set.
Jenn (Mara):Damn it. Alright. I'm good. I'm getting another set. John's hat.
Jenn (Mara):It was her. Goddamn it. Sorry. Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. Well, let me see. I believe that your your mystery is gonna about to solve itself. So
Tay (Melody):Yay.
Mac (Dolion):Those are the best complain.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. It's like, you know, I don't want you guys to be out there just waiting. It's not cool. So
Tay (Melody):So can we align ourselves in a better position
Mac (Dolion):make myself
Tay (Melody):than what we're at. I
Mac (Dolion):mean, we have the high ground right now. So
Tay (Melody):Well, yes. We're gonna stay on the high ground, but I wanna do something more like diagonally. So like
Mac (Dolion):An alligator. So,
Eric (Dr.Awesome):there we go.
Mac (Dolion):Oh. It's another snake person.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):I don't
Mac (Dolion):know how Mara is about snake peoples.
Tay (Melody):Wow. It's a basilisk.
Jenn (Mara):Dude, I might speak It's a
Eric (Dr.Awesome):very, very large giant serpent. And it has now come back out this in this direction. Oh, you can see a little better. When it came back around this direction, it came quickly. It passed around some of these, stony outcroppings that make like a pillar, which you guys can see like this.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Mhmm. Alright. It it came rapidly, almost as if it's it's looking for you. So in a way, it's detected your your presence.
Mac (Dolion):Does it know where you're it's it's just it senses where around, but it doesn't know our location.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. It doesn't know exactly where you are. You're guessing it felt vibrations or movement, so it came back around, and it's near closer to the pool water, but it's gonna look for you. You're guessing it's about 20, 25 feet long, pretty large, around, but it moves very fast. The way it went around the the corner there and then popped back up below you guys is pretty quick.
Tay (Melody):How are we going? Is it do you guys wanna do, like, Mara, me, and then Dolan?
Mac (Dolion):I think we, we rolled I think it's, because
Joe (Jer):I have
Mac (Dolion):the Yeah.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):It's Dolman, Mara, then then Melody. Got it. And then Gengaro
Jenn (Mara):I know.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):The rear.
Jenn (Mara):V formation.
Mac (Dolion):The flying heat.
Tay (Melody):The Vic.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):The champagne, 10 wide, 5 deep.
Tay (Melody):Oh, my God. You still made a better pitcher than half these new kids.
Mac (Dolion):Cool. So if I'm first, I wanna go ahead and use my passive ability of Stalking, which allows you to silently maintain distance, stick to the shadow, and negative 15 detect.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Excellent. Good idea. 250 experience points. Let me see about that. Let me try to
Mac (Dolion):sneak up behind this motherfucking chop its head off.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. He is he does not notice you then. I'm gonna guess you're moving around to try to get behind him. Right? Yes.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So 3, 4, 5, 6. What's your movement?
Mac (Dolion):It is 11.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So one action actually gets you pretty far, and I'm trying to keep these pillars. I know you can't see them that well because of the snake, but, I'm trying to keep these pillars in in in between you guys there. So Okay. But you're you're you're you're definitely in the shadows, and he's not noticing.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He is definitely watching in the direction of the this way. And it looks like, with the the whole tongue flickering that he's he's trying to sense what's going on in this way. Okay. But when he passed oh, that's what I meant. Why I took the fog away.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):I'm sorry. I forgot to mention. When he came around that corner really quick, he hit some of those You see that, luminous green crystals? Yeah. He crashed across some of them, and when they crack open, they they they make a much brighter light.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So that's why the area looks illuminated. It seemed like he had to adjust to the brighter light. That's why he's using his tongue to kinda sense out the the area. Oh. So you are definitely behind him, and that would still leave you two actions, Dolan, if you wanna do anything or you can just ready yourself, it's up to you.
Jenn (Mara):Let's
Mac (Dolion):see if I have anything else I will use my, active ability, Eye of Precision, which will give me plus 25 damage and increase focus, plus one to hit for 5 turns, and then, just to prepare for my strike. So, I'll just stay where I'm at and prep myself for a strike, after the rest of the team does their actions.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Good job. Alright. Mara.
Jenn (Mara):Can I try to roll my monster creature lure again? Okay. Oh, I got it this time.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. As a giant serpent, I'll share his information with you.
Tay (Melody):Do we all need to look away from the screen? So I'm
Eric (Dr.Awesome):I'm I'm gonna go ahead and guess that, Laura's gonna
Tay (Melody):Thank you.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Interest and share their
Mac (Dolion):sheets. So she could get the XP.
Jenn (Mara):What? I ain't no Gandalf.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Did Did it pop up? Mhmm. Okay. So this is your giant serpent.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Like I said, 20 to 30 30 feet. What you do know about them is they are poisonous. Different types of poison, be it whether he bites or you get hit by his spit. Their their biggest thing though is constriction. They like to crush their their, prey completely, and then, swallow them and poop them out.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):But, that's why a lot of times, you'll find broken bones or just chunks of meat in their area because they've crushed the meat or crushed someone so much that the meat kinda just falls off the bone.
Mac (Dolion):So I
Tay (Melody):think we lost Solian again?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You might have found the, culprit to to the, bad stuff that happened. Alright. It lets out a very large hissing sound now that its tongue kind of flickers over in Mara's direction. So you're guessing that means he knows you're there now. Jer, you're on the other side of that crevice, but you hear it.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):That crevice dumps out into the tube, but you kinda hear people's movement and you hear that lard that that super loud hiss. So
Jenn (Mara):How how intelligent are they?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Animalistic at best. Maybe equivalent of, like, a dog. I mean, they're not they're not they're not, gonna hold any conversations with you. They're pretty much driven by, primal instincts. Alright, guys.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So Pampers.
Jenn (Mara):Alright. I'm gonna do some I'm gonna, cast rot flesh on it. I will tell you if you wanna go to somebody else while I figure out my damage.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):What's your name? Okay. Next, Mara, you're I mean, Melody, you're the next one. So you could tell Mara has casted a spell. Ginger has moved around behind you.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He's trying to go around the other direction.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):The the snake is up to the ledge, but you guys like I said, you guys are good, you know, 4 meters off the ground. So he's gonna have prop himself up. It's your turn.
Tay (Melody):So I'm gonna do my passive ability of assessing the opponent, just to see if he has any weakness points, whereas it'd be like the eyeballs or like his
Mac (Dolion):Okay.
Tay (Melody):Tongue.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Weaknesses for the the giant serpent is, bleeding. One, they don't like flame. Okay? They like kind of warm, damp areas, not flame and heat. They also have bleeding attacks, like chopping, slicing, and rear attacks.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay? So the thing is is they're very good at dodging if they see you. It's hard to hit their eyes and stuff because if you think about it with snakes in general, if they're in that kind of, you know, about to strike position, when they're about to lunge at something, they're very, very agile. Okay? But what's not agile is the base of their body behind them.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So the the the neck and the head portion is very, very agile, very quick, but the the the majority of his body at the base and behind him isn't as fast. So that's more of his weakness, which is good because you got Dolde on back there right now.
Tay (Melody):Okay. So to kinda get him off of our asses, I'm gonna go ahead and use my loot, which actually, envelops the target in flame since he doesn't like flame. Okay. It takes a 100, EPMP, and you're gonna have to kinda help me with the, damage. So the rift damage is 2 d 6 times 10 times 1 fourth level.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So grab the
Tay (Melody):cube. Oh, okay. We're gonna use
Eric (Dr.Awesome):And roll that.
Tay (Melody):This 1. Okay. 2.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You say 2 d 6
Tay (Melody):times that's 26?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. So it's 40 times a quarter of your level.
Tay (Melody):And my level is 7.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So about 2? So you did 80 damage. Alright. But he doesn't like fire, so it did a little bit more. You notice he reels back for a second.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):His tail comes up behind him, but that bulk part of his body is still at the base. Okay. He takes his tail and he smacks against the wall of that kind of, I don't know what you call it, Ledge that you guys are up on. He smacks his tail against that, and he obviously missed because of the the flame hit. But, oh, man.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):No shit. Okay. I'm out of the fight. So, when the giant serpent tail smashes this or this kinda rise here, Ginjiro falls into the into the, crevice. So that's a way you guys learn not to go near those spots.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Ginjiro's out
Mac (Dolion):of fight
Eric (Dr.Awesome):here So
Jenn (Mara):I casted, Crimson Firebats.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Jenn (Mara):With the he's got a negative 10% to resist, and then I also casted rot flesh. So they do a 150 damage per turn, negative 20% heal.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Jenn (Mara):And it's total of, like, 550 damage. It's not that much.
Tay (Melody):Well, you're 550 plus mine, like, 80 plus a little bit more. Alright.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He's taking the damage. The rot flesh doesn't seem to have what is that? 61. Does he have a negative to his match resistance?
Jenn (Mara):Not at negative 10%.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So 66. He still made it. So he's not rotting, but he did take the damage. So he moved slightly away.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):It looks like he's coming towards this side to try to come up the wall.
Tay (Melody):I have a quick question. So it's, my effect for the loot of the fire, it says that the target is enveloped or, like, you know, surrounded in flame, and it says plus 110 damage. So Yeah.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Her journey is gonna take more fire damage because it's still hitting him.
Tay (Melody):Okay. He's burning.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Tay (Melody):Sweet. You gave me 5 burning.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Burning.
Tay (Melody):So I have for you. I have, like, what? Four turns that I can do right? Burn out the day.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep. We have 2 left.
Tay (Melody):Okay. Sweet. So I'm gonna do that. Shoot. Hold on.
Tay (Melody):Sorry. Actually, I'm gonna do the yeah. I'm gonna go ahead and do that. So I'm gonna do the melody of serenity.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Tay (Melody):So it's gonna calm the enemy within 5 meters, which is where he is, and it lasts for one turn.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. I rolled an 8%. He has resisted any kind of mental effect. His mental resistances.
Tay (Melody):Cool. With my last turn, I'm gonna do a tune of rejuvenation to, give myself and, Mara 250 EPMP back.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Alright.
Jenn (Mara):Sweet.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So now, go to Jer and find out. Jer, what is, someone's got him muted, so I gotta take him off on mute.
Joe (Jer):I can unmute it.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Oh, there he goes. Okay. So you're at the like I said, the end of that crevice where this pipe dumps out. You're seeing people you don't know who they are but whatever just hit this, like, there's a huge impact. You heard some of the ground crumble away and someone was like, and fell.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):But, you see 2 people, and past them, you can kind of make out that there seems to be a giant serpent in the way Their path.
Joe (Jer):Is there anything I can do to kinda ascertain that party's demeanor?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):The one thing you can do so the, draw and the pillar from before is honed on this particular spot just in front of you. So if you're right here let me bring you in here because you're technically right in that pipe. In the pipe. And I gotta make you smaller because you're not a giant. Alright.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Here we go. Did that even make you small? Good. Okay. Mhmm.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So that's about all you can tell right now Is that the the the pillar came straight to this point.
Joe (Jer):And the the thing that's drawing me is drawing me to this room or to an individual specifically?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Individual right in front of you. So I
Joe (Jer):wanna sit and watch the battle.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Alright. Makes sense. Alright. Dollyon, it's your turn.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. He's been hitting numerous magics, so he's definitely not paying attention to your direction. He's trying to climb up here, but he's set on fire. There's fire swirling around him. He got hit by some bats.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He also got hit by rotting flesh. So he's definitely not paying attention. So you kinda have free movement to get there without worrying about detecting him detecting you.
Mac (Dolion):We'll go with the, throat slash, plus 10 critical. Over 18 chance to decapitate, plus 15%.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Sounds good.
Mac (Dolion):Let me roll this 20. Alright. It's go time. 20.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Roll your, decapitate there, bud.
Jenn (Mara):I don't have snake tail for night.
Mac (Dolion):So the, sword I'm using has a plus 10% bonus to decapitate. Nice. Yep. And the the the attack, what did it have? Plus 15 added to that shit?
Mac (Dolion):What am I looking at for? Oh, chances
Eric (Dr.Awesome):are you? Your combat your combat section should have it.
Mac (Dolion):Oh, 40, 55% chance to decapitate. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):46. Alright. Okay. So that's over then.
Tay (Melody):He is dead.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Close. You cut you cut right through his throat. Most of his head's hanging off by a piece of meat from the side, and he falls into the, to the floor. Most of his body flaps around a little bit and lands in the water, but you guys are good.
Tay (Melody):Thank you, Jolion.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep. Well done, team.
Tay (Melody):Virtual high five.
Jenn (Mara):He's now Jolion the white.
Mac (Dolion):Can we, search the body and see if there's any, any goodies?
Tay (Melody):Can we take the thing?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. You guys can. Go ahead and do do a search of him.
Tay (Melody):Who's got the best search and investigate?
Jenn (Mara):I actually wanna look at the stomach contents.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Mac (Dolion):I guess that could be included with the search investigate. Right? So I got a I got a 90% on that.
Tay (Melody):Oh, shit, dude. It's you. Yeah.
Jenn (Mara):Yeah. I got 65.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Even though you killed him, you seem to have had a hard time even finding his body. So don't Yes, please. Killed him no problem, but he's just not
Jenn (Mara):Alright. Let me let me try.
Mac (Dolion):I'm finding
Eric (Dr.Awesome):a lot there.
Jenn (Mara):Oh, I got it.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You got it? A e.
Jenn (Mara):Can I cut a stomach open?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep. Alright. These contents pour out a lot of it's crushed crushed pieces of, you know, dead people.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):There's a 25 gold, silver necklace
Mac (Dolion):I'll
Jenn (Mara):take that.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Dagger that's been probably in there for god knows how long, but it's it's still in good condition. You just know it's covered in so much stuff. The surprising thing is it's not really corroded.
Tay (Melody):So Jolene, do you want this dagger?
Mac (Dolion):Is there a let me where's my thing for this? My weapons and armor. So 45% if I roll under that, will I be able to tell what kind of you know, if it's a unique dagger or anything like that? Cool. Cool.
Mac (Dolion):34.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. It's definitely a, magic user's weapon.
Mac (Dolion):So, you know, that's not me ladies if you wanna rochambeau for the
Tay (Melody):I'm not doing it. It's mine.
Mac (Dolion):Let me, get this layout.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So you guys are go looking through the remains of the the, serpent. Jer Jared, what do you wanna do, Jared? Like, stay up there still? You're not really noticing anything change. You guys have illuminated the area, and the crystals and so forth seem to carry some light from your lantern.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So you got a good idea what this what the layout is. Now the difference is, like, this is this isn't an area that you fall through. These are. So I don't know if that that's pretty clear on the map. Does that
Tay (Melody):mean that Ganjiro is gone, like, forever?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):We don't know. We'll have to find out. Depends on where that went to. You don't know where the holes go, so that's a quick way to learn. Avoid those holes.
Tay (Melody):Pause.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Caution. Well done. Good fall on home, Doc.
Kately (Machitis):I entered at the right time.
Tay (Melody):Alright. What
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Welcome. Welcome, Black.
Mac (Dolion):What up, man?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So, Machitus, I'm gonna have to let you kinda stroll in here in a minute, but at the moment, you're you're not on scene. So it's just who's on the map at the moment.
Kately (Machitis):I'm waking up in a strange tavern. I don't know why.
Joe (Jer):Place to update.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You're still at a location. You you got that message from me, so I know you know what's going on. Alright. So
Tay (Melody):So we're
Eric (Dr.Awesome):waiting on Jared to tell us what he's doing while you guys are sifting through the remains.
Joe (Jer):So as far as what I sense, does it does this can I identify individuals in terms of who you told me I was looking for specifically?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah.
Joe (Jer):Oh, okay. I got I I just saw it. I just saw it.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. I know we were we were interrupted, but,
Joe (Jer):Same direction?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. It's still going it's still going through this sewage area.
Joe (Jer):Okay. So I'd like to follow behind at a safe distance.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Oh, the spot that you're in is probably a good spot then to not draw their attention.
Joe (Jer):Basically, whatever way I'm drawn, whether or not it follows
Eric (Dr.Awesome):the path So
Joe (Jer):I'd like to follow that.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Alright. So you guys have gotten what you can from this, serpent's body. If you want, you could take meat. You could take a fang.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You can go ahead and write that in your backpack if you want one of his fangs. One good thing about that, if you do take fangs and stuff, herbologists and sages and so forth will buy it for the the poison properties to make antidotes and whatnot. So fangs, poison glands, scales. The scales would be good, like, if you if you guys wanted to use it for making shields. The one bonus that they have is they they take very little damage from kind of blunt force, hits.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):The way that a a serpent's body is made is he he crushes stuff, so it wouldn't make sense if, you know, he got hurt by stuff hitting him.
Jenn (Mara):It's like Right. I
Eric (Dr.Awesome):crushed it all day. That's how I eat. So
Tay (Melody):Take
Jenn (Mara):all the things.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):With that being said
Tay (Melody):I was gonna say I'm gonna take both things.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. Take the things. Write one down each if you guys want. Write one thing. You could take the, poison glands.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He has 2. Poison glands? Yep. You could take the tongue because certain, witches and and, so forth will take that tongue and use it to make, potions be able to to summon and speak to different serpents. So it's up to you.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You're not really sure because you guys aren't hunters. You can roll your chance to for, like, survival environmental, or if there's hunting and trapping on your character, you would see that, oh, okay. These are things people want the most, but it's not really, like it doesn't fall into the category of your your characters, really, what you guys do. If there was more of a, Pathfinder amongst you, that would be someone who would do that kind of thing. Like, oh, okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):I I dabble in, the wilderness and furring and trapping and all things, you know, manly frontiersmen do. But, okay.
Tay (Melody):I took I took one thing.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. I got
Jenn (Mara):the other.
Mac (Dolion):Yeah. I got it.
Tay (Melody):Nelion, do you want anything?
Mac (Dolion):If you guys got the the fangs, I'll take can I only carry 1 poison gland? I can take both. Right?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. You can take both. Both?
Mac (Dolion):Yeah. I got both poison glands then. Okay. Nobody's taking scales or anything. I'll think he just use shields or anything, but
Tay (Melody):How how hard is this Money. The scales to come off?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Not too hard. To take enough for a shield would probably take you guys another, like, 20 or 30 minutes sitting here.
Tay (Melody):Take it. Take it.
Mac (Dolion):We'll take it.
Jenn (Mara):I take it.
Tay (Melody):Okay. So while they're busy doing that, can I just continue, like, looking around and searching, So do I roll for my search and investigate?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yes.
Tay (Melody):Okay. Cool. My search to investigate is 65. I rolled a 89.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Atta girl. Alright. So, yeah, like, it's all good. And, you know, you guys see Melody walk around in a circle, like, life's good. I don't notice anything.
Mac (Dolion):That's thank you. Good.
Tay (Melody):Alright. Cool.
Mac (Dolion):So now that that's done, I'm still kinda on my guard, so I would like to use, where's my EP at? Cool, I got some. A surveil area, before we move forward.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Mac (Dolion):Passive ability.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You know that there are, multiple targets in the tunnel to your left. Ladies Moving in your direction.
Mac (Dolion):And they're getting closer.
Tay (Melody):Sorry. Can you say that again?
Mac (Dolion):We're not alone here. We have multiple, I guess, enemies or unknown individuals heading our way.
Tay (Melody):Can we just try to sneak past and not interfere with
Mac (Dolion):I just know that there's people in here. I don't know, like, what direction or where they're coming from. Right?
Jenn (Mara):Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep. No. I'm
Mac (Dolion):in the GM. Cool.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. You can't tell direction right now. So
Tay (Melody):I'm gonna at least get some cover.
Mac (Dolion):Yeah. We, what are these, the rocks in the river? Are those, like, pillars we can hide behind, or are they just rocks that are protruding out of protruding out of the, the pond there?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):These these littler ones are just rocks. The bigger ones, this is like a pillar. Like, I can't really it's right here. Let me see if you guys can see it. It's still, like, right here.
Mac (Dolion):Yeah.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Tay (Melody):I said we just go hide behind that so we can be covered. Mara, are you going with them? Shoot. Mara's gone. Okay.
Tay (Melody):She's coming away.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):I'm just I'm not I'm gonna go with common sense if she moves with you guys.
Tay (Melody):Okay.
Mac (Dolion):Mara, we put you behind cover without your permission. Hopefully, that's okay.
Jenn (Mara):Yeah. It's okay. Thanks.
Mac (Dolion):I wanna be out here where the action's at.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. So Are we all good?
Jenn (Mara):Mhmm.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):We
Mac (Dolion):are. Let's, let's get Joe and Machitus in in in the game.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep. Alright. Machitus, you're awakened by, loud banging and packing and frantic people while you're sitting in a tavern. You wake up, from the night before. You you remember the, festival and everything, but, afterwards, you all came here.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):And then the next day, the party left. You went out looking for them, unsuccessful to find them. We backtracked here. You ate a meal. Looks like everyone's packing up.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Even the the innkeepers packing goods and closing down, like, moving bottles and stuff to the basement. One of the barmaids come by and say, sir, we're gonna be barricading this and, no no service anymore. You'll have to move on.
Kately (Machitis):Okay. So I'm alone out here in these streets.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You wanna go you just head out into the street? Do you wanna ask any questions? Ask them what's going on or, look around look around outside to see what's going on?
Kately (Machitis):Yeah. Let's look. Let's investigate and see if I could tell where the group went.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Kately (Machitis):So let's, hold on. Let me look for investigate.
Tay (Melody):It's under your character skills.
Kately (Machitis):Yep. Search investigate, 70%.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Go for it.
Kately (Machitis):15.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. You're like, you look around, you could tell that they all they took everything when they left this. So they got the stuff you guys got at the store, the general goods. So, that means that they took the torches, ropes, stuff like that. So they were definitely going back.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):The bar maid notices what you're saying. She says, I believe your friends went towards the graveyard the last I saw. Something, but I don't know from there. You see that when she's doing that, one of the food baskets that she's wrapped up and packed, she hands over to a, a young black man that's at the door. He's got, like, a a satchel on his shoulder, and he's pulling some kind of trunk around.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He's got a hood and everything on, he kinda looks around, you get your feel is he doesn't wanna be noticed. Okay? But he just he looks like he pays her for the basket and he's like, you're looking for those people that went to the graveyard?
Kately (Machitis):Yes. I am.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. He says, well, kind act of the day since they they kinda, helped me out by giving me some money. They had they were trying to find a way down towards, that new new life. I think it's new life temple, something like that, where the that new cult goes to meet up, do their worshiping. I told them there's a stairwell that leads down underneath the the, Hori temple, and that'll take you through the sewers where it will take you to this opening, a crevice to get you into the sewers.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):I know they go that way. From there, I I can't tell you much. I'm not part of that church, but, I saw 3 people go that way or 4 people. Yeah. There were 4
Mac (Dolion):people. But I would
Kately (Machitis):very much like to go that direction.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. He's like, if you go towards the Hori temple on the opposite side of the building, you'll see a structure that has a stair spiral stairwell goes down to the ruins of what used to be underneath the cathedral. He's like, I think one of the women there, one of the bard that was with you, she had a key for that. So I'm pretty sure that's the way they went. But, I'd be finding a way to get out of this city soon.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You could see on the horizon that whatever horde that is, it's not far off.
Kately (Machitis):Okay. So, can I pass without trace?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):When you get yeah. When you get over there, you wanna do that, but, like, you're still at the tavern. When you get over there yeah. But he's oh, you mean, like, through the city?
Kately (Machitis):Yeah.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. To, like, try to not be noticed?
Kately (Machitis):I would rather not be noticed because I am alone.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. That makes sense. You could just kinda stick off the main road, kinda like walk near the buildings and stuff until you get over there. This guy goes ahead and heads out, but when you see he's leaving, you see there's lots of soldiers in the city now, the imperial soldiers. So they're wearing the red, silver, and gold.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):They they're carrying all my manner of weapons. Most the people are rushing to get on wagons and, you know, to get horses. It looks like they're either leaving or they're barricading their homes. They're like, I'm getting inside and locking it up. Everything's getting pulled off the streets.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You don't see any mark like, any of the market stands open or anything.
Kately (Machitis):What the hell happened here?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. It was all within everything was fine earlier when you came here. So, went
Kately (Machitis):to sleep and everything went to hell.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Once leave, the world went to crap. You make it past the holy temple and stuff, and you see the same prostitute you talked to the night before the festival when you're passing in front of the Hori temple, and they're locking that place up too. They're, like, putting all sorts of, barrels and boxes and mailing shit together. And she's like, what are you still doing? She's, like, anyone who's avail or any warriors in the city, they're making them either help the military or get the f out.
Kately (Machitis):So let's help the military hopefully this leads me to finding my my friend so
Eric (Dr.Awesome):she's like they're gonna try to stage a defense at the south the South Gate Bridge.
Kately (Machitis):So let's head to the South Gate Bridge.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):But the fort is, maybe maybe 4 hours out from the city till it hits the south gate.
Kately (Machitis):How far am I from the south gate bridge?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Maybe 30 minutes.
Kately (Machitis):Okay. Let's, do
Eric (Dr.Awesome):you wanna find your friends first, or do you wanna go to the bridge?
Kately (Machitis):Let me go to the bridge. Okay. I'll go to the bridge.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. You start heading through the the street and stuff, and you do see the soldiers and everything heading that way. Most people are going the opposite direction, and you see that that night from the the night prior or the date before, the one that was drinking, not the one that was helping the duchess. And he sees you. He's wearing the kind of old old empire armor, and he just you know, he's like, hey, you.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Where are your friends? They took my shit.
Kately (Machitis):I don't know I don't know but if if you seen them where was the last place you saw them because I'm looking for them as well.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):They were going down into the catacombs.
Kately (Machitis):So I wanna get to the bridge. Heard it was a travel from Keras. Yes.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Good luck to you. The military has given all men who will fight 5 gold. So I'll
Kately (Machitis):take it. I need it. Alright.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He says, if you could get your friends to tell me where my where they put my sword, I'll give you 500 gold.
Kately (Machitis):Okay. So
Eric (Dr.Awesome):he he takes out one one pouch, and he gives it to you in his hand. And, inside the pouch, it's like 33 different gems. There's a ruby, a diamond, and, emerald. Okay? And he's like, those 3 together are worth at least 250 gold.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):I'll give you the rest when you get them to tell me where my sword is.
Kately (Machitis):Let's go find my friends.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. Let's go. Alright. So he's beelineing it for that stairwell that goes down. He's like, all I have right now, he's like, I took a kitchen knife from the tavern.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):That's all I had to fight. So you're got you're up front. I got this old armor, but it's not gonna protect me much, so I'm a need your help because the only real weapon I had was that sword, and then your your friends took it from me.
Kately (Machitis):This is already bad. Alright. Let's go down into the sewers.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Kately (Machitis):Let's let's investigate. Alright. Let's search.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So now I'm gonna go you guys take the stairwell down. You could tell someone's recent recently come through here. You could see the gate that the other guy was talking about that your friend Melody must have unlocked. Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Because that gate was locked and closed the other night when you guys saw the cultists escape this way. So as you come down the stairwell, you come to an area that used to be a walkway, but it's eroded and washed away as you could see. So you get down what used to be the stairwell kind of dumps you hear is water running past you into a larger room that the wall is giving way to. It's very dark. Very dark down here.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. I gotta get the other guy for you real quick here. There he is. Okay. So the 2 of you come down the stairwell, and he holds out, a lantern that lights up about this far from your guys' position.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):As soon as the lantern light hits this area and kind of twinkles off the water, you hear gurgling, growling, gah, and, large, large enemies moving in your direction quickly.
Tay (Melody):To tempt me.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Well, I hope you have a weapon, Michonne. Yeah. If it's about to be thriller. Alone and unafraid, Machinys' nose. Face what you guys faced when you guys came through.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Since you're still in that pipe over there, Jared, you can hear that whatever you bypassed in that large passage just caught wind of something because they all made the whole horrid zombie, like, and started heading in a different direction. So you know someone must have startled them because now they're active. So Machitus, you could barely see what looks to be 4 humanoid, very quickly moving, enemies coming in your direction. They can walk on the walls and on the ceiling. The other guy's like, oh, shit.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):And he pulls out the kitchen knife. I hope you can fight, big man.
Tay (Melody):Uh-oh. You're muted.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You're you're muted.
Kately (Machitis):Oh, I'm glad because I was cussing. Can I activate my night vision?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yes. That's what alright. So now roll your chance to perceive whatever that detection is right next to your night vision. You see what it is? Or
Kately (Machitis):Chance to proceed is 75.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):There you go. There?
Tay (Melody):Mhmm.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep.
Kately (Machitis):So let's roll. 71. Okay. You see them?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):It's close. Took a little squinting like I just did, but you do see them. Okay. So I will share them for you so you can delight in the, your endeavor. Okay.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So that's what they are. They're about 6 foot tall, maybe some a little bit larger than that.
Kately (Machitis):Say it again?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):A weapon in mind there. Do you have a weapon you wanna pull out or
Kately (Machitis):let's can I pull out?
Jenn (Mara):Under? A little lightning?
Kately (Machitis):Let's pull out the long claw.
Tay (Melody):He's got weapons?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yes. I I I did my my due diligence and gave
Kately (Machitis):Oh, yeah. We came prepared today.
Tay (Melody):They just so fucked up. You're like, he's got weapons. Does my voice really sound like that? No. It's funny.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So go ahead. You have the long claw. You have first attack because they're kinda spread out. You can tell, like can you guys see this good?
Tay (Melody):Yes. Yep.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So you've got one to your to your left, one to your right. The guy kinda nods to you and steps forward to face the one to your right. But the other 2 are just kinda biding their time. One's on the ceiling.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So, he looks like he might be moving into a position to to drop down on you guys. And he's just waiting.
Kately (Machitis):Alright. I'm gonna use It's your turn. Okay. I'm gonna use the guy with the kitchen knife as a force multiplier.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So Okay. What? I'm
Kately (Machitis):gonna go I'm gonna go to my right with him, and I'm gonna Okay. Hit that guy with him.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Kately (Machitis):Which one am I
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Go ahead. What the 20, the big round one or the big fat one.
Jenn (Mara):Alright. It's c yeah. 3
Eric (Dr.Awesome):c.
Kately (Machitis):6.
Joe (Jer):Uh-oh.
Kately (Machitis):That's not good. Yeah. I rolled a 6.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Oh, no. How many actions do you have?
Kately (Machitis):With this?
Mac (Dolion):Mhmm. How many offensive actions do you have?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Hold on.
Mac (Dolion):Gonna be backstage with the character.
Tay (Melody):You're super, quiet, Dollyon.
Mac (Dolion):I got my mic turned down a bit for, like, side chatter, so it's not
Kately (Machitis):Where do I see that at? His offensive actions.
Mac (Dolion):If you're looking at your character information sheet, the backside where it says character combat information
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep.
Mac (Dolion):The second column at the top, 3 rows down, offensive actions.
Kately (Machitis):Oh, I have 2.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. You got one more then. Go sit down.
Kately (Machitis):14
Eric (Dr.Awesome):is what Alright. You definitely hit. How much damage did you do? What does it say for a a slash from there?
Kately (Machitis):For a slash plus 200.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. What's your strength or your bonus to damage? Should be right near your offensive
Kately (Machitis):actions. Plus 25.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. You do significant damage. It's more your strength and so forth that kinda push push the creature. He falls back towards this opening. And, you notice that the the guy in the armor, but he only has a kitchen knife, he says something, almost sounds prayer like, but it's definitely in, in, an ancient dialect.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. And he draw, and it seems like a white a white looking flame comes over the the kitchen knife that he has. Alright. And he throws it right into the the ghoul's body. Alright?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):The ghoul definitely did not like that white fire. Alright? It seems like even though it was just a kitchen knife, that white fire seemed to burn him from the inside out and all the and then and he falls apart into almost like ashes. But now that guy looks at you like, that's all I had, man. So that's that's the extent of me helping you.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So, with that, he kind of moves towards the guy he killed and that one that was on the ceiling jumps down on him or bear in a tangle now and they roll and fall into the water in this flooded room. Alright? Now these 2 come to attack you. Now the one thing you have to know about ghouls is you don't want them to cut your skin. They spread a rot that will turn you into a ghoul.
Kately (Machitis):Oh, great.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Mist. Mist.
Jenn (Mara):Missed.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Damn. Alright. The one t the one that's kind of semi behind you over here, he gets a hit in, but you have a chance to defend. So you can roll your block, you can try to dodge. If you have a defensive skill, you can use that.
Kately (Machitis):Alright. One second. Can I use a side roll and hook?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep. Absolutely. Roll a 20 sided die. Alright.
Kately (Machitis):13.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. You roll aside and you hook. A strange sensation kinda comes over for you for a second. Alright? And now you could see perfectly in the dark just for brief instant, and you feel, like, pumped, man, for some reason.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You got the long call on one hand, but you you you kinda had to shift because you rolled, and then you came and you hooked him. Alright? You send him flying into the, the ruined wall over across the way. Now they don't feel a lot of pain because they're like an undead creature. But he hit hits the wall and looks like he's gonna he climbs up it looking for another way to come back.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):But, you definitely got their attention. This one's the one next to you that missed a bunch of times takes a step back and over because they're trying to reevaluate their situation. But you can see perfectly for for a moment. So I'm a back out so you can kinda see what's going on. You also can hear very well.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):You hear people talking to yourself. Alright. We're gonna leave it there for a second and go back to the party that's over in the sewer. Where's my sewer?
Mac (Dolion):And then and then, Joe? Joe wants to decide what's going on or no?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. Joe, then it's gonna go Joe, dole or Jer, Dolian, Mara, and Melody. Nice. So, Jer, you're sitting there in, in the tunnel. You can see a little bit more because the crystals haven't completely faded their their light closer to you, but their the crystal light is fading for a lot of the area as a small group is passing beneath the pipe that, that you're standing in.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):But they're definitely using, skills to be undetectable at the moment. But it's just because where you're at, you can tell what they're what they're
Mac (Dolion):doing. Yep.
Joe (Jer):Do any of these guys look familiar to me?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):No. Can I see snake man?
Joe (Jer):Can I they look like snake man?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. They're not human. I'll show you a picture.
Tay (Melody):They're sleaze stacks. They're
Jenn (Mara):sleaze stacks.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. They're sleaze stacks.
Jenn (Mara):Land of the Lost, the sleaze stacks?
Mac (Dolion):Alright. Absolutely not.
Tay (Melody):I do not know what you are talking about,
Mac (Dolion):so Oh,
Eric (Dr.Awesome):well, then you've been spared because the sleaze acts are definitely not,
Kately (Machitis):like that. Did you say land of the lost? Yeah.
Mac (Dolion):Yeah. And it looks pretty cool, though.
Kately (Machitis):Awesome.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So Looks like one of the snake men have have distance weapons out, which look like crossbows and such, and, are about to attack the group of people that you'd seen momentarily.
Joe (Jer):So I don't know if these snake men are necessarily good or
Eric (Dr.Awesome):bad. No. I mean, by the looks of them and the fact that they're sneaking up to shoot these guys, that's not very cool, but
Kately (Machitis):I don't
Eric (Dr.Awesome):know if those guys can kill bears.
Joe (Jer):They just slayed
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah.
Joe (Jer):They just slayed their god.
Kately (Machitis):They're so fearless. Don't don't don't be scared. The water is warm. Go
Tay (Melody):ahead. Oh, p did it.
Joe (Jer):Oh, fuck it. This this is gonna be good cooking.
Mac (Dolion):Oh, wait. They're they're gearing up to shoot at us, who should be hiding behind the pillar before they even came into the room.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah.
Mac (Dolion):Your perception must be off the fucking chain.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):They do see very well, especially in the dark. And now they see columns too.
Mac (Dolion):X-ray vision? I want that.
Tay (Melody):X Boulder vision. Stop, laugh, wow.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):K. So you guys are over here. Stop it. Trying to get you guys to move over here. We'd still be able to be seen on the screen.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):It's it's been a little difficult. Okay. Yes. There we go.
Joe (Jer):So Can I change attacks yet?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):No. Oh,
Mac (Dolion):okay. I was
Eric (Dr.Awesome):about
Mac (Dolion):to to say. You told us though last week.
Jenn (Mara):Listen to that, though. That's a good skill to have.
Mac (Dolion):Oh, I was tracking that ever since, he told us we won't we're we can't do it now or not yet is what he said. So I was just like Yep. Noted. Yeah.
Jenn (Mara):We will have a a group upgrade session.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. Could be was paying attention. He's like, I got so many things I wanna change.
Jenn (Mara):I'm right.
Mac (Dolion):I have so many things. Joe can take them all out right now. Get them.
Joe (Jer):Okay. So I wanna leap with a battle cry directly into the middle of the
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Joe (Jer):Of the 5 What's your battle cry?
Jenn (Mara):Slash. Can I hear your battle cry? Okay.
Joe (Jer):It's like a Michael Jackson hee hee.
Kately (Machitis):No. That's awesome. Directly
Jenn (Mara):into the room.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Well done. Dushamo. He just jumps in there.
Kately (Machitis):You should have made it like a blue suede.
Mac (Dolion):Need clarification for sound effects purposes.
Joe (Jer):Okay. Ready?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yep. Go for it.
Joe (Jer):Oh, boy. That is, a 9 with a 2 and a so with all my bonuses, it's a nerd. And, what did I say? A spinning sweep. So I I rolled a 12.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. That hit because like I said, they're not defending towards you right the moment or even know you're there. So it's easy to hit these guys because you'll be behind them. These guys will immediately notice you're there, but your spinning squeak will definitely hit, like, I would say, these 4.
Joe (Jer):And it should be a minus 2 These 2.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Alright. So that takes their their complete actions for these 4. So when you drop when you hit the ground and you spinning sweep them, you notice that that it takes them off of their feet very briefly because they're able
Joe (Jer):to do that.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):The more important fact is that the short crossbows they were holding, 2 of them fire off. When they hit the wall, they make us, a small flame out, like, I don't know, sound, but not an explosion. I don't wanna call it explosion, but, enough to where the 3 on the ground obviously notice what just tap. Because I mean before you 3 heard movement and stuff, but it was more towards this direction because they came from way over here. There's actually more of them.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):They came from over in this direction first, but they could see up into here, So they wanted to sneak around while you guys were fighting the snake. So while you guys fighting that half the party went up here, the other half is somewhere down here still, but you guys now notice up on the ridge that there's you could see at least 4. 2 of them which fired, short crossbows into the ceiling, which kind of made a flare kinda moment. So not an explosion, but enough to draw the your guys' attention. But you guys still have the cover of the pillars.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Alright. They're trying to maneuver to the direction, but they can't They're not gonna have a bead on you because they still haven't gotten in the position. If that makes sense. You know what I'm saying? They know you're in that general area, but they can't shoot through a pillar.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Then And plus, I mean, knowing someone's on the other side of a pillar isn't the same as being able to target. You know what I mean? So it's gonna take them a second to get there, but you just hit them. Jared, how many actions do you have? 4.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. So that was 1. Go ahead with the rest of your actions.
Joe (Jer):So I wanna, lead back to get a wall to my back.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Good idea.
Joe (Jer):It gives me
Eric (Dr.Awesome):250 experience points, so he can't get behind you.
Joe (Jer):It gives me a chance to reset combat too.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Go ahead and roll it.
Joe (Jer):Which I hit at 7.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. Combat is reset. Now that everyone is aware of the positions, everybody roll your initiative. Roll the 10 sided die. That includes Dolian, Mara, Melody.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Unfortunately, my cheetahs is on the other side of this pipe, so I've I've got
Tay (Melody):a great
Eric (Dr.Awesome):read, so it's just you guys.
Tay (Melody):Okay. I got a 9.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Mara.
Jenn (Mara):You got a
Eric (Dr.Awesome):7. Okay. So I have a 4. So, basically, it goes Dollyon or Jared, Dollyon, Melody, then Mara. Go ahead.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Take your tax, everyone. I'm gonna go
Mac (Dolion):them on.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):If you're gonna attack. Do whatever you're gonna yeah. Take your actions. Yeah. 0 to 10 when you're on percent or, initiative.
Mac (Dolion):I thought that
Eric (Dr.Awesome):was a joke. To 0, but I know that doesn't make yeah. So Jerry, you're first. Like I said, I'm gonna I wish I could, maybe I could No, I can't. I wonder if it'll let me No.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay. I'm just trying to mark the 2 that are less likely to do anything right now. It's these 2. Uh-huh.
Joe (Jer):Right, right, right.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):They took the more brunt of your sweeping strike.
Joe (Jer):So who's closest?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So your the closest would be probably this this guy. I'm trying to keep them in a they're not exactly the size on this map, but The pipe would be at your back now because the pipe is approximately, I don't know, about weight chest high off the ground, so now that's at your back. The only thing that can come through that pipe has to go through that crevice from the other area. This guy is right on the other side of this pipe. So he's maybe about 5 feet away from you.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He's 10 feet away. And then these guys start to get further, like, 15, 20. And these 2 are still trying
Joe (Jer):to get spread out now. Yeah. Well, they're spreading out. Right. Right.
Joe (Jer):Right. Yeah.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Sort of. I mean, these 2 are trying to move in. This guy looks like he's trying to beeline it down this corridor.
Joe (Jer):Who's the closest guy who let off his crossbow?
Mac (Dolion):This guy.
Joe (Jer):And I can hit I don't have to move to hit him?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Nope.
Joe (Jer):Okay. Well, let's do a, Does he have anything in his hand other than a crossbow?
Eric (Dr.Awesome):He has a short sword in his other hand. Okay.
Joe (Jer):So I'll go with the drawing crescent then.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Okay.
Jenn (Mara):Jesus Christ.
Joe (Jer):And he watches me with.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):It was 4. Alright. I
Joe (Jer):mean, like, with everything it's like a 7, but still.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Yeah. You swung in front of him really good. He was like, woah. Woah. That guy that guy is serious.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Guys.
Mac (Dolion):That would've hit
Joe (Jer):me. God. Holy.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):Those were those were warning swings. Like, hey, because you didn't have warning shots back up. Don't make me use this. You don't wipe the beans? Alright.
Eric (Dr.Awesome):So do you have any more actions, or are you you're done?
Joe (Jer):Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I I do have one more, but I'd like to use that to go get get back in the defensive position