Ep 13: "Fallen Star Pt 4"

Tay (Melody):

Hello, and welcome to the Queens of Nerdom podcast. I am Tay, and I play Melody in our first RPG or role playing game. This is not a Dungeons and Dragons, but a homebrew game created by our very own doctor Awesome, aka Eric, who is our game master. This takes place in the world of Seriva, and we are currently playing act 1 fallen star. Stay tuned to hear what other mysteries lie ahead in the city for our poor unfortunate souls.

Tay (Melody):

Just started

Mac (Dolion):


Jenn (Mara):

Days on.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Good evening. Good evening. Welcome to Fallen Star. Alright. So when we last left our heroes, if anyone remembers, we're still in balance forth.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I know you guys were deciding that, a, after running into a few individuals and kinda getting a bad vibe, you weren't sure if you guys wanted to proceed into the ruins or the sewers underneath the city to to find that, entertainer that went missing mainly because, it just started giving you bad vibes. So the team was like, hey. We'll find a way out of town, plus, Dolion has goals and objectives that lie far to the southwest of you. So the team decided, hey. We're gonna look into getting some work with a caravan, and you guys looked into or at least following with a caravan that travels in that direction.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

When you headed towards the south gate, ran into trouble, and, that was a pretty intense battle. Doleon almost lost his life. Melody also got wounded by Dolan. So it was a it was an intense moment. But you guys managed to pull it off and succeed.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

The enemy had to flee. But seeing that the situation as it was, it was probably best not to be trying to hit the road with extreme wounds and, fatigue. So the party decide, hey. We'll we'll step back to where we were, grab something to eat, kinda get a little bit of rest in so we're not fatigued hitting the road, and reevaluate our plan. So walking back through the this, plaza or walking back through Southgate up to the plaza to the Lock Reed Inn, which is where you stayed the night before with the tavern.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You don't need a room at the inn, so it's basically just walking into the tavern. Machitus has already moved on. He was supposed. You guys left him here, last night. Remember?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He passed out drunk, so they just left him sleeping on the table. He was there in the morning when he got up, but he's gone when you guys return. There's lots of whispering and stuff. You could tell the town or the city in general, all the citizens are very shook by last night's events. Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Who wouldn't be? You know, Wyvern enters the city, an attempt by mercenaries on the duchess's life, kidnappings possibly related to a cult. There's all sorts of stuff going on. Man throws an axe at a building. You know?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Craziness. Straight craziness. But they've cleaned up a lot of the battle from that evening. So as you guys pass into the inn and you're resting at a tavern, you notice most of the stuff near the stage has been cleared out. There's people trying to clean up, like, you know, the, after battle janitors who are splashing buckets of water on blood or, you know, brooming away with push brooms or brooming away dead bodies, you know, all the stuff that happens behind the scenes in a video game when you when you kill something.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So hanging out in the tavern. Like I said, you're hearing whispers from citizens. A lot of people seem spooked, but it doesn't stop the rumor mill. Theories abound. Conspiracy's being let go.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

As you guys pass by, you get the side eyes and people recognize you from the night before. Some of them actually nod towards you as in a thank you, you know, or do the little clasp and say, you know, thank you. Thank you. You know? For the event being as much as it was, the overall feeling that you're getting from the people as you pass.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Although they're scared, they're appreciative that, things didn't get worse and that you all contributed to keeping it from getting there. So, if you wanted, I can I can, speak to you about some of the things that they they said or some of the things they're saying? You can try to listen in if you want, or you can ask some questions to the barkeep. After you sit down for a few minutes, Genjuro decides that, hey. I'm gonna use some meditation techniques and some sigils that I know to help us recuperate, get some of that, energy back since we were in combat for a while.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You know, let us rest. Order up some food. Other than that, Melody dozed off for a minute. Seems like she's back from a short nap. She she kinda stirs from it startled, but that could be like reflexes from, you know, remembering the night before.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Mara, you feel extremely hungry, and food has been ordered, but you also feel that prying prying eyes prying eyes that relate to your your neck of the woods. So in a magical nature, as if someone's probing or maybe searching. Could be for you. Could be for members of your party. Genjiro's off in meditation land, so who knows?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

But you guys do feel like he's returning a certain level of, energy back to you. Basically, your combat duration, because you guys fought for about a good 5 turns, I think, the last game versus those individuals at the gate Mhmm.

Jenn (Mara):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

been more 5 to 10 turns because it went on for a little while. Taking out the mercenaries and that, that one dude who was throwing daggers like it was raining. After that, you guys, you know, needed a little bit of break. So that's where you guys are right now. If you wanna ask questions, like I said, to the barkeep, to the server.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

A server's come up a couple times and talked to Dollyon, and that's when the food was ordered. But other than that, none of you really kinda notice anything. Dollyon, you had your words with that server. For a moment, you guys thought, hey. Dolion's about to off somebody again because the girl fell on the ground kinda shaking, but she got back up and went about her business.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So you're like, man, Dolion is strict when it comes to he said, you know, he said no. He doesn't want the dressing or anything on his food. He meant it, and, you know, he wouldn't play in. He's already he's already merced all the people in town. Word word's getting around, man.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You mess with Dollyon, you get merced. K? So

Tay (Melody):

Alright. For this one, why don't we start with Mara and then go to Dolan and then to me. Start that way.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Sounds good. I like it. I like it Mara

Jenn (Mara):

and I'm gonna use my,

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

if you need me to turn the TV off it.

Jenn (Mara):

Let me see if I can find my, the search and investigate. See if I can feel where the, crying eyes are coming from. I have a 65. 16. Woo hoo.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. Excellent. You do feel that the prying eyes are closer than than you first anticipated. You felt at first like there was that ominous somewhere around you, but it was actually within speaking distance. So someone within this tavern.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Because when you've detected Genjiro. Right? But it gets confusing because like I said, you have Genjiro right neck near you guys doing his meditate. You don't know what kind of magic that gives off. You know?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Because he's a Sohi, which basically means warrior monk. Okay? So they have certain levels of magic that they use, be it for, you know, protection or rejuvenation. As you guys have seen before, dealing with spirits. So it could be him, but you you like I said, this is more of your avenue.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So someone who's probably more in the area the realm of, a wizard, a sorceress, something like that nearby. But that means they're in the tavern.

Jenn (Mara):

Okay. I'll I'll lean in to, Dolian and Melody and tell them that, I feel like there's I can sense that somebody that is, magical in nature is watching us. I'm gonna get up and walk around the tavern and see if I can find them.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Cool. Cool.

Mac (Dolion):

Is it me now, or you have a couple more turns?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

No. It's your turn.

Mac (Dolion):

Yeah. I wanna use my passive ability of surveil area to know the position in nearby targets. No surprise in tech just to make sure there's no threats in the victims.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Good call. Good call. Jen, for the spell or for the detecting the sense, that's 250 experience points. Willy, for using Dolian's passive skills, it's another 250 experience points. Forgot 250.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Oh. Expanding on this knowledge here. Here's the big the big Oh, damn. It's the big 20. It's the masher.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. Anyway, what'd you get of Willy?

Mac (Dolion):

What am I rolling my eyes?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

What is that? Oh, it's a passive ability. I'm sorry. Let me just see, okay. You detect right away that one, your situational awareness zeroes in on the same dude that you guys ran into when you left the general store.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He's just outside this place sitting on a chair, and he's got a full bottle of some sort of alcoholic beverage. You're guessing he's probably at least halfway inebriated at this point. More so, you're detecting he is still a threat. So he comes up on your situational awareness. But the the fact that or nearby whoever's brought him his they're they're the server carrying the dish with his drinks and so forth, that is registering as a real direct threat to you.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

She's been in the place the whole time. It's not the one you spoke to or made your order with, but she's been here this whole time. Alright? Even every time she passes by to bring stuff out to that guy, but you're feeling a direct threat from that server. She doesn't look threatening.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You'd say she's maybe mid forties, you know, decent health, maybe missing a few teeth, but, you know, no real, you know, cracked out, old lady or anything. Just

Jenn (Mara):

She's missing teeth.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

She's normal to you.

Jenn (Mara):

It's a giveaway.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

But she definitely is using enough magic to conceal something. Which teeth? The front teeth? Yeah.

Mac (Dolion):

Alright. Cool. Now that I picked that up, Mara already walked off, so I just let Melody know since we're at the table, and I plead that she, not do whatever she did last time to piss this guy off.

Tay (Melody):

So, once You wanna dolion Oh, go ahead.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Oh, I was just gonna ask, did you wanna have a hand on a weapon, anything, or just kinda still play it cool?

Mac (Dolion):

I got my daggers on me, so I'll just, you know, be at the ready if I need to do anything, but I don't wanna do anything to draw any unwanted attention to myself. Not that I don't already have attention, but I don't wanna do anything to call to let her know that I I'm aware.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. Alright. Go ahead, Neli.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. With that, I'm gonna assess the opponent, which is also my passive ability to see if they have any weapons.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. Good idea. 250 experience points using these passive abilities. I'm liking it. I'm liking it.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Does it have anything that you need to roll, or does it,

Tay (Melody):

Just a passive, ability that says assess the opponent plus 25 damage.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Definitely, the assessment the individual is armed, and your skill is letting you know that their weapon is a conceal as conceal and strike kind of thing with, focus on poison or venom.

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

And Magical threat is is, what do you call it? Tangible. So they actually whatever weapon they're holding is secondary to their magical threat. That's the the majority of their threat comes from the use of magic.

Tay (Melody):

Can I use the melody of serenity, which is in my songbook, to calm the enemy, no action within a 5 mile radius?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Good choice. Alright. Go ahead.

Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I mean, it's kinda kinda do it naturally being a bard. It's kind of natural for bard

Mac (Dolion):

to be

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

playing music in a tavern anyway, but you kind of just want to stand up and kind of, you know, make it look like you're doing your own your own deal like hey, it's just I might as well play some music for everybody Made a song for you like the here, you know, so Melody gets up and starts to play It's tickled

Jenn (Mara):

till the fuck out.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

And chill the fuck out song. Okay.

Tay (Melody):

Calm the fuck down.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I rolled the servers Oh, no. The, bards, melody. So you do see us, almost blink of an eye flash basically of a spell circle. I'll explain spell circle here in a second, but, kinda like the things you see on doctor Strange's hand I mentioned before, the light up thing, a spell circle kinda lights up when someone's drawing from the streams of magic. Okay?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So they're casting some way or another. Remember, she was constantly using magic, but right now she just casted something. She failed the resistance, so her spell gets broken. Alright? You see her for what she is.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

When, the disguise or the illusion fades, she is definitely a Yuan ti. Okay? A snake person. She's standing at about 5, 10. She has a long long longer than normal neck, very reptilian like features, very snake like features to her face.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So basically, she is what's called a, I believe they call them true yuan ti. Some yuan ti look more snake like. Some look like a very real mix between a person and a snake. So, all that fades though because she's no longer able to hold that up if you start playing your serenity. So, yeah, everyone sees it.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It kinda draws attention to everybody at the moment. Now she has a dagger in her hand, but, other than that, she's dressed pretty, very light armor, if any. You would guess the clothing of someone who's probably a sorcerer, so she might have a spell ready for an attack. So now everybody rolled a 10 sided die for initiative. I'm gonna roll hers.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

She has a 6. Remember, you might have a bonus to initiative on your character. And if you you just send your pass okay.

Mac (Dolion):

If you

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

have a pat your passive ability is going, it may give you a bonus to initiative. I got you. I wanna check. Alright. Do you have any bonuses?

Tay (Melody):

Plus 1 to initiative, plus 1 to hit, plus 5 to block her counter.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. So you definitely get to go before she does. Mara, what'd you roll?

Jenn (Mara):

I rolled a 3. I don't have any bonuses to

Mac (Dolion):

hit. Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Bonus to initiative. We're rolling initiative here. Oh, wait. Nobody has any

Jenn (Mara):

I have plus 3 to hit?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Plus 3 to hit. We're rolling an issue.

Jenn (Mara):

I have a sick oh, okay. No.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

No? Okay. So it's gonna go Melody. You get to take an an action first, the offensive or defensive, whatever you choose, then the enemy, then it'll go to Mara, then to Dollyon.

Tay (Melody):

Oh, god. Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You don't have to attack. It's just you get first turn.

Tay (Melody):

Yeah. I want to sorry. I'm looking at my spell book.

Mac (Dolion):

Do a dance to piss it off again?

Tay (Melody):

Can I so one of my loot, weapon or one of my loot attacks is wave of distortion? So can I distort her?

Mac (Dolion):

Yeah. Go ahead.

Tay (Melody):

So she can't really hit anybody else.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Roll the 20 sided dice. See if you can hit her with your wave of distortion.

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

7. Okay. You missed. You still have more actions. It's up to you.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

First wave of distortion goes right past her, but now she knows you guys all know, so the gig is up. There's no more pretending.

Tay (Melody):

I'm going to do. So I'm gonna do, glancing blades, which is negative 50 damage, 5050 for EM APMP, and it dances with blades to defect or deflect enemy attack plus 15 block. Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. She's not doing anything. She's still standing there. Why do you why do you guys feel like she might be not able to do anything?

Tay (Melody):

Because I did the serenity.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Bingo. So how long can she does she have to stand there?

Tay (Melody):

It doesn't. It says one turn?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. So during this whole time, your all your actions, all Mara's actions, all Dolion's actions, she's unable to do anything. So you guys have the upper hand right now. She can't cast. She can't attack.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. Alright. Then I will do the I don't know how to search for weapons. Can I search? Can I try to take, her blade or stabbing motion thing away from her?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. You can try to, disarm her if you want. You just have to roll the 20 sided die to hit her with your weapon

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

And, roll disarm afterwards. Like, the Leon did to the judge.

Tay (Melody):

So I did 13 for the 1st roll.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Thirteen hits. Okay. And now you just roll your percentage to disarm.

Tay (Melody):

Percentage. Okay. 0.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Tay (Melody):

Yep. 0.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. 100%. So you hit her weapon pretty good, but you you didn't disarm it. So alright. Mara, your turn.

Jenn (Mara):

So I'm assuming I'm seeing all this go down?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. Everybody's everybody in the whole tavern is staring at what's going down.

Jenn (Mara):

Okay. I'm going to scan the tavern and see if I see anyone else that looks suspect.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Good idea.

Jenn (Mara):

See if she has any accomplice in

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

the crowd.

Jenn (Mara):

K. I have an 85. Oh, I got it. 71.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. Behind the barkeep in the chateaus you notice I replaced the d with the t on that chateaus. Anyway, in the chateaus, there's another individual who's also reptilian like, and he has a crossbow out. It's pointed towards Dollyon's head. But Dollyon's maybe a good 4040 or 50 oh, wait.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Let me do the 20 meters away from him. So I'm a 17. He's going to shoot Doldeion in the head. It's your turn, though, before he can fire.

Jenn (Mara):

I am going to use my passive ability to dim light. Okay. I'm also gonna use my claws and bangs, which gives me, plus 25 for plus 25 damage and, strength. Okay. And then, I'm gonna cast, acid blast on him.

Jenn (Mara):

Okay. So I rolled acid blast. I got a 5. Okay. So I did, 200 damage with plus 400 damage for one turn times.

Jenn (Mara):

So I I hit him with 1200 damage, though, last one turn. Continues. Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He's dead. He's dead, and the barkeep screams. Big guy behind the bar just screams because there's a guy melting from acid right next to him.

Mac (Dolion):

And he's like, ah,

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's off. Alright, so he's dead dolian. It's your turn. The crazy crazy day over here at the lock read.

Jenn (Mara):

Sorry. I was an overkill.

Mac (Dolion):

1 hundred percent, but I appreciate I Thought she was gonna go with I want to roll my

Jenn (Mara):

back at you To

Mac (Dolion):

yell and warn Dolan watch out, you know,

Tay (Melody):

she wants to talk to him

Mac (Dolion):

It's a spitting acid at him.

Tay (Melody):

Shut up.

Mac (Dolion):

So, the snake person still has their weapon, right? Their venom, dagger, whatever

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

it was.

Mac (Dolion):

I wanna use, one of the flash bombs that I have and Okay. The specific impact, which is plus 75 damage to the one enemy and have them blinded for 2 actions.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. Sounds good. Go and roll your 20 to hit them.

Mac (Dolion):

You're at 50. Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. Great hit. They can't dodge or anything, so boom. They're immediately blinded and stuff. The other effect, though, because of the blinding, she automatically drops the, knife because she goes to hold her head.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's it's like a flashbang just went off on her, so she's not in a good place. If she was going to cast a spell, it has definitely disrupted that any spell that she had saved for immediate cast. So at this point, she's disarmed, disoriented, blind, and can't attack anyone thanks to Melody and Goliad's efforts, and her backup has been turned into a puddle at the back of the tavern. So you guys successfully have this situation under control except for screaming people who are obviously terrified from them. But other than that, you guys let me see.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You still have turns, Dolian. What do you wanna did you wanna do anything to this particular individual?

Mac (Dolion):

I wanted to pick up that cool venom dagger weapon she had. Put it in my bag.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. Go ahead. When you pick it up, you still have I think you still have 2 turn 2 actions left in your turn if you wanna do anything. You don't have to. It's just if you could think of anything, if you wanna restrain her did you guys get rope?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I thought you got rope. Right? He got a rope. Yeah. You guys could tie her up if you want.

Mac (Dolion):

We got a rope, some chalk, all that good stuff. Yeah. I'll roll the tie her up. Maybe we can get some,

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

stuff. She can't defend herself for escape, so it's pretty much you guys just could push her down a chair and tie her up because she's unable to do anything at the moment. So Cool. You guys have captured her. Capturing her is worth 2,000 experience points for everybody.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

The beating her, partner in crime is worth another 750. He didn't stand a chance, really.

Mac (Dolion):

That said it fits just for Mara. Right?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. She was the only one that got to attack him. So, alright. So you guys have this hostage here for the moment. And, of course, most of the tavern clears out except for the barkeep who's in a semi fetal position in the corner, and, Genjiro and yourselves and the snake lady.

Tay (Melody):

So whose turn is it now? Is it mine? Yes. Okay. Can I interrogate her?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You try negative negative 10%. Go ahead.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. So I have 65% for interrogate. So I do a 10 sided die for both. 41.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. What questions are you at? What do you wanna ask her?

Tay (Melody):

Why are you trying to attack us?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

My life for Vistar.

Tay (Melody):

For the star?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Tay (Melody):

Vistar. What is Vistar?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

The new God.

Tay (Melody):

So, did you have a vision to attack us? Who, okay, who are you actually trying to attack?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. She seems confused.

Tay (Melody):

Because of my question?

Jenn (Mara):

She is they were aiming for Dalian. But they were aiming for Dalian.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. Why do you want to attack this man?

Jenn (Mara):

Would you do this immediate

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

threat? What? Biggest immediate threat. You were going to be kept alive, but the other 2 must be dealt with.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. I will end my turn on that. Mara, what you got?

Jenn (Mara):

What is she wearing? Do you have any, like, insignia, any jewelry, any tattoos, like anything that kinda stands out to me?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Dark charcoal kind of, hooded cloak, very bright red, blouse. There's a symbol of, looks like braided hair, but it's actually braided snakes. It's hanging on the left side of her, blouse. It's connected to her hair, but, 500 experience points for finding that. But, also, embroidered next to that is the most important portion.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's writ there's something written, but it's in a in another language. What languages do you speak? Or what languages are you fluent in? Sorry. That's because it's read and write.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You have to at least have a 40% in a language in order to read it. Does that make sense to everyone?

Jenn (Mara):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

100%. Okay.

Jenn (Mara):

I speak common ancient. I speak common ancient and dead.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. It's none of those. So you can definitely say it's none of those.

Tay (Melody):

Can we all say what we can speak so we can all see

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. If if Mara Mara, are you okay to point that out to your comrades? The the writing on the lapels?

Jenn (Mara):

Yes. Yeah. Do you guys know what this is?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Go ahead. What languages do you speak?

Jenn (Mara):

Do you anybody speak this?

Mac (Dolion):

I speak, common, Fenarian, and True Lillian. Corellian.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Mm-mm. A

Mac (Dolion):

hundred 90 and 80 for those

Jenn (Mara):

2 now.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. The only one that, I can't speak that no one has talked about

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

is Alvin. No. It's close. It's close. You could probably make out, 30% of it.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I'll give you a 30% chance to try figure out what it says.

Tay (Melody):

Yeah. I'll take that.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Jenn (Mara):


Tay (Melody):

What am I rolling?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You're 210s. Get under a 30.

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You can get. Now you also discovered, Jen, while you're searching her that she has the judge's gun from the other night.

Tay (Melody):

What's going on?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So she was present, obviously. Because when D'Oleon fought him and disarmed him, somebody must have grabbed it. Well, that means she was there when D'Oleon went after him. So she's probably involved in some manner. It puts her to a knowing having knowledge of what happened at least.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Does someone wanna take the the weapon? I'll send it to you guys in a minute.

Jenn (Mara):

I'll take it and give it to Dolan. I'll give it I'll take it and give it to Dolan.

Mac (Dolion):

Am I the only one? Where's it at? The weapon type. Nobody else can can use daggers and all that stuff. It's just your boy.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

No. Everybody should be able to, but I think you're probably more skilled. Okay.

Mac (Dolion):

But that I mean, I that goes without saying, you know, quick with the blade. But, Can

Jenn (Mara):

Can I roll my religion and lore to see if I know who Vistar is?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Sure. Negative 15%.

Jenn (Mara):


Mac (Dolion):


Tay (Melody):

Oh, I got it. I got 25. Tell me. Tell me.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. Excellent. This star is a he's not a god. Alright? This star was a, elder demigod maybe?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Once worshiped pretty heavily by once worshiped pretty heavily by the different, beings in within the that fall under the the monster races like the they speak Nadar. Okay? Nadar is their, like, their language, but their god is Saren, okay, amongst the monsters. Saren is their god. Alright.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Spelled t s y a r n. Okay? He's the corruptor. Then it comes down, but his under under him in the pantheon, this star was known as the deceiver. Okay?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He is, I guess I guess he's a deity. He's just not up there like as in the elder gods. Okay? He would be considered a much lesser god. And the temples to him died off by by history.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

They've probably been gone for more than a more than a millennium. Nobody's had a temple to Vistar. Just saying. Awesome.

Jenn (Mara):

Just saying. Why does why does Vistar want myself and this man dead?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You're in the way. You're in our way.

Jenn (Mara):

Can can you not be big? What do you want with her?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Must stop her from gaining the crystal.

Jenn (Mara):

What crystal?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You ask too many questions.

Jenn (Mara):

Is it pretty?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I will not speak

Jenn (Mara):

to you. Isn't it pretty crystal? Does she have it?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

My life for Vistar. Alright. She starts to mumble something.

Tay (Melody):

Can we copy down the description?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. Good idea.

Jenn (Mara):

Can I sense it magic?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yes. Okay. She is casting a spell.

Jenn (Mara):

Oh, no. I'm I'm gonna slit her throat.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Jenn (Mara):

What do you remember?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

20? Yes.

Tay (Melody):

Oh shit. I gotta eat. Somebody get her.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. So you cut her you cut her on the side of you cut her on the side of the throat pretty bad, but not enough to kill her. So it's kinda just, she's gonna bleed to death slowly. So she's screaming, but she unleashes her her spell, which you hear, sounds like a a a crack beneath you guys for a second and then a, smell of smoke. Everybody roll your magic resistance negative 15%.

Tay (Melody):

What is that? 2 sided die? The 2 tens?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

The the 2 tens.

Tay (Melody):

And what is this minus?

Jenn (Mara):

Negative. How much, sir?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

10 10%.

Tay (Melody):

I got a 22. Where am I looking?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It should be under your resistances.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. I had a 75.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. So did everybody succeed?

Mac (Dolion):

Which resistance are we looking at?

Jenn (Mara):

No. So look under your character attributes on the right hand column, it should show magic resistance.

Mac (Dolion):

Magic resistance? Okay. Yeah. I rolled a 22 minus a 60.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. So what about you, Mara?

Jenn (Mara):

No. I failed a lot.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. Mara, you take 330 damage as a burst of fire comes up through the middle of the day. She caused a, a flame. How do you call it? Goddamn it.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Flame fissure or whatever she casted. Oh, fire fissure.

Jenn (Mara):

The pillar.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You take 300 damage. The other 2 take a 150.

Jenn (Mara):

Can I eat her?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

If you really want to. Trying to send this to Willy real quick.

Jenn (Mara):

I like sneak.

Mac (Dolion):

Mara, who are you right now?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I don't even know you anymore.

Jenn (Mara):

I'm hungry.

Mac (Dolion):

What happened?

Mac (Dolion):

I think you're being rude. Who are you?

Mac (Dolion):

Wanting to talk to the Wyvern. Yes. And then, now, you can just, like, kill everything.

Jenn (Mara):

You've never had

Mac (Dolion):

acid talk, man.

Mac (Dolion):

Slate throat

Mac (Dolion):

for you.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

What influence are you? Why did you kill people? I

Tay (Melody):

was trying to

Jenn (Mara):

prevent that spell.

Mac (Dolion):

Beast. A n, melt you slit your

Tay (Melody):

throat. So, while she's sitting there, can I actually

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

She's dead?

Tay (Melody):

Oh, she's dead.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

She's toast. She cast the spell enough on herself, basically to kill herself. That's why she did the whole my life for Vistar, casted it, but she was hoping to take you guys with her. The only one who really got burned literally was, Mara. You guys got some of the, you know, flash damage in the fire, but, yes, you can feed if you want to heal that damage.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Just roll or you don't have to roll the attack. How much damage can you do with the with the attack?

Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You can do it until you you heal if you want. Okay.

Jenn (Mara):

I'll do that.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. Gajero comes over and says that, he tried to clean up the acid spill that burned into the basement, and put some of that into a bucket. And then he said, I'll I'll gather this stuff because they they at least deserve their their last rights. But, would we be reimbursing the barkeep for damages, or are you not interested?

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Understood. Okay.

Jenn (Mara):

Okay. I could wash I could wash some dishes, but I don't have any money.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. He says, I will take care of it. Alright. So,

Tay (Melody):

Thank you.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You guys are standing there, and now it's probably a good time to reevaluate and rethink what what you guys wanna do.

Tay (Melody):

While we're standing there, can I play a tune of rejuvenation to replenish 250 EPMP?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Excellent. Good idea. Everybody starts to regain EPMP. 250 experience points. Listening to some,

Jenn (Mara):


Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Playing some,

Jenn (Mara):

I'm gonna tell my I'm gonna tell my buddies. So listen, I I know that we want to get going. Stay stayed here for kind of an R and R, but I really think we need to find out what happened to Laelia. She was possible. She was dragged off during our skirmish, and I really wanna find out what happened to her because it seemed like the, attack on the duchess was a distraction from taking her.

Jenn (Mara):

And I wanna know what is so important about her. She seems like she's just a dancer, but I feel like there's more to it. So does anybody wanna go into the sewers with me?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It does seem like a, oh, Injero here. It did seem like an overall, pretty important event. They put a lot of effort if they were just trying to cover up taking a dancer. There's gotta be more to it. Can we find the other dance, the other people or anybody that was there to ask?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Where's Machitus's, prostitute? They were pretty close to the stage. Maybe they saw something.

Tay (Melody):

While we're at it, can we also look for Michidas's ass that he threw and lost.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Jenn (Mara):

Good luck.

Tay (Melody):

Well, it's in a window somewhere, you know, it broke that one window and we can search

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

for that of buildings. The stairs.

Mac (Dolion):

Yes. So far away.

Tay (Melody):

Oh, it might be just upstairs.

Jenn (Mara):

Football field's away.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Demolition. Alright. So, Jiro says whichever you decide to do, I'm I'm with you actually looking for the other entertainer that was there. So, if we stay and look, that's fine. I know that Dolion still has objectives to achieve, but maybe we could find a quicker mode of transportation than we were initially gonna take.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

What if we tried to get a ship?

Tay (Melody):

To go through the water? At the

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

An airship.

Tay (Melody):

The water was treacherous. Oh.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You're right. The the ocean would take much longer, but if we could get to Shadow's Bluff, I know that Shadow's Bluff has a airship dock. That's how I came from, I came from the ocean, and then I took an airship from Shadow's Bluff.

Tay (Melody):

But Shadow's Bluff is, not great. It's it's with thieves and and treacherous individuals.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's true.

Jenn (Mara):

It's probably doling on some of

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

these things. Obi Wan and Luke had to do. They had to go to, you know, a shiesty place too to to find a, a nerf herder that'd fly them out of there. So Makes sense. Maybe we need our own nerf herder.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. Mara, Doyon, what do you what do you guys say?

Mac (Dolion):

I have some news to pass to you guys. The waitress that was bringing me to

Jenn (Mara):

Zillion's coming. He

Tay (Melody):

doesn't know it yet.

Mac (Dolion):

She mentioned that there was a message. If you remember from our battle last night, the captain that was stabbed in the heart and left to die. Apparently, he was brought back by the Grand Priest Phalom. This person that I let die framed me in the past, took everything from me, which is why I let him die. Black magic has brought him back, and he has threatened to go find my children, kill my eldest son, and use his heart to replace the heart that was damaged in the fight.

Mac (Dolion):

I have to go get my children.

Tay (Melody):

Where are your children?

Mac (Dolion):

The only clue he gave me is that Grand Priest Phelan said he was hiding out with the mercenaries that he assisted last night down at the ruins. I have to get information on the location of these ruins. I just need a lead on where my child is at.

Tay (Melody):

The the the Blackwell ruins?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

No. The ruins here.

Mac (Dolion):

Oh. Those were the scenarios

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

fled into the ruins beneath, Hori temple.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. Which is where La'lea.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

The daggers of vengeance that made it out of there. The daggers have always been around. They're kind of like, like, there's thieves' guilds. They're an assassin's guild. Okay?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

The guys are wearing brown and stuff and had armor and shooting throwing bow bows and stuff to see him going after the duchess. They'll go after anyone if you pay them to. So they they're basically like hired swords. Alright? So whatever this person said to Dollyon is that his son, his eldest son, was is in is working with these individuals, be it maybe he, you know, is thieving for them.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He might be an assassin himself. Who knows? But he is associated with them in some manner from last night. So if he's been using their, like you know, like, thieves will have a thieves guild, a hideout. So do daggers.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

In every city, you'll find a small place that the daggers of vengeance will use as like a an assassin's den. Okay? So they probably when they dipped into that big sewage, that big sewer remember, knows a well. And, Melody had pointed out those well entrances. They jipped to that well and the judge was gonna go with them, but then he Willie got him.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So the there's this person is claiming that among those assassins that night are the mercenaries was Dollyon's oldest son, which is possible because, I mean, time being the way it is, his son would be a a a like, just reaching manhood being the, you know, maybe 17 something like that. Okay? So, he might have fallen in with this crowd. It could be a lie, but regardless, you know, if he is involved or they're baiting Dolian to go into the the ruins, one or the other, but they're also trying to get you to go into the ruins. So, you know, either way, somebody wants you guys in the underground.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Then Jiro says I have to go because I have to find, hold on. Let me find her name real quick. I don't wanna be

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Now, lately I got taken.

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

But lately it was on the the stage with Alina. Alina is the girl he's looking for.

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

On your guys' n p c list.

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He said that, he he came all the way from the Eastern Empire to find Alina. But she disappeared last night, and the only people that would know is you, Melody, or Laelia as to where she went. But if those people took Laelia, maybe they took Alina is why he wants to go after the cult people. Everybody went into the underground. So Gunjiro says, I believe the cult had a hand in helping the judge go out try to kill the duchess and just use that as a distraction for whatever they're doing, why they're taking these women.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So it's basically 6 degrees Kevin Bacon.

Jenn (Mara):

We all yeah. It kinda sounds like we need to go into the underground. My only suggestion would be to see if we have any, is there any magic shops or anything that has like spells or potions that we can kind of prepare before we we go in? Any gear that we can buy? Potions.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

We can go back to general store. Potions. Across the plaza. There'll be a, herbalist. You used to trade here with your herbs.

Jenn (Mara):

Because okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So an alchemist or a saithe will be making potions.

Tay (Melody):

Before we leave the tavern, can we search the body of the, woman that we that killed herself to see if she has any gold on her?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Good idea. Good. Bro, your chance to, investigate.

Tay (Melody):

It's just the chance or it's both tens?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Both tens.

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. You find, 210, gold pieces in a pouch that did not get burnt. The pouch, though, fits your whole arm in there. You're like, wow. There's 250 gold in there.

Mac (Dolion):

There's, Oh,

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

There's a ruby the size of, Perchicans. You know, pretty good sized ruby. There's a couple of dead rats, obviously, like wrapped up like a snack. She's a snake lady, so, you know, she might have crickets too. I don't know.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You You know, like side

Jenn (Mara):

Cheap that. Side order crickets. I might want that later.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

But there's a there's a good number of things in that bag. Seems like you you can just keep pulling shit out of there. You might wanna hold on to that bag in the 250 gold.

Tay (Melody):

Can I can I take the bag? Yes.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Now the strange thing about the ruby, which gets here, like I said, is about this big this big around, but it's carved the the the front of it's carved almost with these notches and angles and crap. It's weird.

Tay (Melody):

Can I hold it up tomorrow to see if she can figure it out? Can I show it tomorrow? Tomorrow, look at this. Can you see what this is? Nice.

Jenn (Mara):

I'm just gonna roll my investigate on it, I guess.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. Bye. Got

Tay (Melody):

it. Got it. 50.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. It's a very good craftsmanship. It's been reinforced with melted silver over those spots that have grooves and, rises and but there's nothing magical about it. It definitely looks like it's carved out, some sort of carved out shape or something on there.

Tay (Melody):

Does the carving of the shape have anything to do with, like, religion or lore?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You could roll. Find out. Good question. 150 experience points.

Tay (Melody):

Woo hoo. I got a 14.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. It's definitely not compare like a religious symbol.

Jenn (Mara):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

More mechanical in nature, you're guessing. It's not artistic. It's not, religious. You're guessing it's more of a mechanical in nature.

Jenn (Mara):

Can I roll my construction?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Good idea. 200 experience.

Jenn (Mara):

Have a good construction at

Tay (Melody):

I have 4.

Jenn (Mara):

My construction's 35. Does anybody have a better one? Maybe Tay, you might have a better chance of getting that than me.

Tay (Melody):

I'm at 40. Willie Mac coaches on it right here.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

What do you got going on? Looking at Under your basic skills? Your construction and mechanical or something? What's your first

Tay (Melody):

seat? Yeah. Construction slash repair.

Mac (Dolion):

Okay. 80.

Tay (Melody):

Oh. Go for it.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

There you go.

Jenn (Mara):

Oh, yeah. You roll it. You roll it.

Mac (Dolion):

Are you sure?

Tay (Melody):

Yes. You've been testing out those dice. Yeah. Put it to the test.

Mac (Dolion):

Where the 99 working so far hasn't has He's a good guy.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

New dice seem to be

Jenn (Mara):

Here's a good guy.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Going good. Let's not jinx it. 47. Alright. You were pretty certain this is a key.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's a different type of key, but it's a it's definitely it's it's used to unlock something because the grooves and the, rises are gonna match up with whatever, shape it's been cut to. So 500 experience points. Discovering it's a key.

Mac (Dolion):

Let's put it in, Melody's Birkin bag.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Tay (Melody):

Can we also search the oh wait no because the other guy was a pile of liquid, right?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. Genjuro says there's nothing left of him.

Mac (Dolion):

The crossbow's gone,

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

and everything's gone.

Mac (Dolion):

Thanks a lot, Mark.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Part of the back of the bar is gone.

Jenn (Mara):

It's highly.

Tay (Melody):

And what And the

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

damage is.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. What weapons did, the snake lady have?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Just that dagger that Dolion picked up.

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You can see right now, she didn't take very good care of it. Probably if you could get it to a smith, they could get it back up to maybe, great quality. But, she let it's probably a decent or good right now. Using it would probably break it. She might have just used it to kill things as far as divining or doing, conjuring, like killing, the rat using its blood or whatever to do a spell.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So you don't think she actually used it in combat,

Tay (Melody):

but she definitely didn't take care? Her?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. It I mean, it's definitely it's it's a a poison blade or a venom blade, but it's not she didn't use it in combat. She just never took care of it. You could probably, like I said, take it a weaponsmith. They'll they'll repair it, give it back to you, and probably be worth double what it is now.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Dolion's eye for, for, value, so you probably get about a 100100 gold out of it if you sold it. Comparing that to, like, Dolion has a very nice, dagger or it's almost short sword. The lion of the west. That thing would be catch you probably a couple 1,000 in gold. You see the comparison?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Jenn (Mara):

Yeah. Keep that prism shank for later.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Oh, and just to kinda give you an idea of, like a spell circle, I don't know if you can see that.

Mac (Dolion):

It looks like the moon.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's the moon. Anyway, I think I think that 2 putting 2 and 2 together, Melody might be able to shed some light on the circle for you if you guys wanted to. She might have a better better example than I do, if she shares it.

Jenn (Mara):

Does it have a circle circle dot dot?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Tay (Melody):

Now you get your screen.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Dot dot Everywhere.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. I'm gonna go ahead and save this and then send It's a kootie shot. To you. I'm just gonna send it in our 2 private chats since it's just the 2 of us.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. You feel a strange wave come over you, Mara, for just a second. Brief second, but it's in the pit of your stomach, and you throw up all over the floor.

Jenn (Mara):

The hell?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Gajoro says I'm not cleaning that up. Am I

Jenn (Mara):

helping you?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Melted guy.

Jenn (Mara):

A wave? Did it feel like a magical wave?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

No. It's something else. So alright. Any longer here, you guys will probably end up having to buy this, tavern because of the damages. So gonna have to figure out what to do.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You know that you wanna get some supplies. You'd mentioned potions of healing and so forth that might do you good, especially if you venture into the, the it's not ruins. I I, it's it is ruins as far as it's underneath the Hori temple.

Tay (Melody):

But Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's basically when it was still used as a cathedral, that's the catacombs and so forth underneath. You know you know what I mean? And then, of course, the the wells, the sewer, everything underneath the city is gonna be somewhat connected one way or another. Can

Tay (Melody):

we leave the tavern to look for that broken window to see if we can find that weapon? Does everybody wanna do that?

Mac (Dolion):

Mhmm. Don't even wants to find his kids.

Tay (Melody):

Can Well, we'll get an extra weapon, so you can use that.

Mac (Dolion):

I am not trained in using battle axes, so that weapon is worthless.

Tay (Melody):

But what if we sell it? Because we don't really have

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

that much gold. We can head out into the plaza, get our stuff, and then, head to the do we wanna go in through the well, the stairwell that brother Phelan and his cult went into? I'll bring up the map that you so that map will be a little more helpful. Hold on.

Jenn (Mara):


Tay (Melody):


Jenn (Mara):

I I need to sorts I need to sort something out before we go into the ruins. Okay?

Mac (Dolion):

Yeah. So you guys

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

are seeing this now. Right? So I just got this entrance in the well. You got the sewer grate right here, and then you have the stairwell down in the catacombs. You could probably also go into the Hori temple, and I'm sure there's some entrance into the old catacombs in there.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Or you could ask one of the the prostitute lady, Machitus's buddy from the other night, and see if she knows a way into there because she lives inside the Hori temple. So all that networking will pay off.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. Mara, what did you need to sort out?

Jenn (Mara):

I just I need a second to sort something out.

Tay (Melody):

Oh, okay.

Mac (Dolion):

While she's sorting that out, can I not use or I would like to see if I can use my search investigate to see if the individual that we had a misunderstanding with that was hanging out by the bar that snake lady was serving, is still around?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Good call. 250 experience point. Go ahead. Roll your chance to proceed.

Mac (Dolion):

Chance to proceed

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

is 87. 4. Okay. Not only did you find him, you actually have the upper hand because he is unconscious. Like I said, he's halfway inebriated.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He's laying on the ground outside next to that that table and chair that he was drinking at. He's got a bottle there. He's, pretty smells pretty terrible. He has a sword. You could tell, like, he he hasn't been keeping up his hygiene.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Plus, I mean, the only thing he seems to take care of is that sword and his armor. The rest of his stuff seems to be going to shit, but that could be related to maybe pride. You you're not you're not sure?

Tay (Melody):

Are you gonna point him out

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

to us? He is unconscious, so it's

Mac (Dolion):

let me tie him up. Let the, let the squad know if they wanna come and and see if they wanna ask him any questions. Me, I just wanna I just wanna take his armor and

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

his sword.

Mac (Dolion):

Okay. Strip them butt naked.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

And you give me shit

Jenn (Mara):

for feeding on people. You have people running around here naked out close.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

All his armor and his stuff off. His clothes are so tattered and shit that but then when you're taking that stuff off, you notice on his on his, leather harness and belt, kinda like his web gear kinda stuff that goes on, He's got a he's got 2 things full of gold. Okay? You're probably guessing about 300 gold pieces in there, and it's like nothing. So you could just pick it up and take it.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

If he has all this, why is he not bathed? Why is he not eaten? I mean but, when you go to take the sword, you notice that, you feel strange touching his sword.

Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

But I mean, you're you're not stupid. So, I mean, you didn't grab the hilt and draw it out. I'm just saying picking it up from the sheath, like, taking it off the belt, you just can tell there's energy coming off of it, and it just doesn't feel right. But, it it it feels like it weighs a 100 times more than it should. You're actually having to use your strength to pick this frickin' sword up, and it's barely coming up off the ground.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He's like I said he's dead in the world he's drooling next to his bottle.

Mac (Dolion):

Is the armor any heavier, or is is the armor am I able to?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Now this armor is, like I said, it's it's armor of the old alliance. He was probably a serenian knight a long time ago, But now that they've fallen away, he he keeps up the armor probably for mem you know, what nostalgia, something that's true close to his heart, but it's worth it's probably structurally not worth much for a fight anymore. He could pay. You see, he has money to be able to pay for this. And remember, he's on, sir Vendrick's payroll, the guy who is protecting the duchess.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He's one of his knights from the old old days, so he still pays him. So this guy's got money and shit. He just he just languishes away in different taverns all the time.

Mac (Dolion):

So ladies, we come across our friend from the other day that we had a fight with.

Mac (Dolion):

He's unconscious.

Mac (Dolion):

I restrained him. He has 300 gold on him, a heavy ass sword, and an old armor. What do you guys thinking?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So you guys never really fought with him. He kinda just warned him longer.

Jenn (Mara):

I think we should probably you know me. I like to talk.

Tay (Melody):

I was gonna say, can we wake him up to ask him what this sword is?

Mac (Dolion):

As someone who has had a lot of nights, at the bar, you're probably not going to get good information from a

Mac (Dolion):

guy who's unconscious already.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. I mean, think back to your time in Korea. Remember the old guys passed out outside with the snot and stuff coming out, and they're like, it's freezing, and it's frozen snot. That's how bad this guy is unconscious.

Mac (Dolion):

It it

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

not it was the last day of winter yesterday, but it's still, you know, pretty cold outside. And he just laid out. Doesn't even seem to give a crap. So he's just like those old Korean uncles that were unconscious next to all the bars down the Hudson. So, I mean, just, like, laying there, just this guy's dead

Mac (Dolion):

in the world.

Mac (Dolion):

I do see a magic coming from his car.

Jenn (Mara):

Are there any fires in the courtyard?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

There's some brassiere's like those metal cages with

Jenn (Mara):

Dewey's? Let me see.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Let's see where the closest one is. You guys are here. There's one right there. I believe that's one. It's hard to tell because it once you zoom in too much

Jenn (Mara):

Okay. But I'm pretty

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

sure this is a busier, so you could, you

Mac (Dolion):

know So

Jenn (Mara):

so what I would like to do, guys, is set him up next to a bazier, and it looks like, there's a well there. We can drop some cold water and splash it on him and see if we can get him to wake up.

Tay (Melody):

Do you wanna, investigate his

Jenn (Mara):

Reina Grant.

Tay (Melody):

Weapon? Do you wanna investigate his weapon before you wake him up? Because if it has magic on it, then he might try to cast something on it. Wait. 1, 2.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Can you just as may I interrupt again?

Jenn (Mara):

He warned us.

Tay (Melody):

He did

Jenn (Mara):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Shortly after middle day, if we wish to go into the ruins or underneath the city, I would suggest we try to do while the sun is still up for us to come back to. Because finding our way out may be trying to trace sunlight, cracks of sunlight. If that's not there, if we go in the middle of the night, we run out of light. We could get lost very easily in catacombs.

Mac (Dolion):

We do have the torches. Are the things for torches?

Tay (Melody):

We have the lantern.

Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Why do do we have a way we could just leave him in one of the rooms upstairs? Make him pay for one of the rooms. Leave him here. Leave a note. Say we've got your stuff.

Tay (Melody):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Whatever. Get your stuff. Travel far, but I don't know about carrying the sword. Dolion's right. The sword is unnaturally heavy.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yep. But maybe we could hide it, and then he tell him to stay here. And if he wants to see it again, he'll have to wait for us to come back.

Tay (Melody):

Yeah. That's a good idea.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. I have them occasionally.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. Do we need to go into a Herbology, shop before we go down into the sewer catacomb things?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So Gunjiro Good takes a sword and hides it. Okay? He tells you guys where I'm gonna show you on the map. So okay. Back over to the the, blacksmith area that D'olion was hiding at before, behind the blacksmith's shop in a in a pile of coal and everything, he put the sword underneath there in a box.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He said that we could pay pay for him to be able to sleep in the tavern, and we can get on with our business to look for signs of Alina and, Dolion's oldest son. So, with the money you guys took from him, it's enough to pay for that room easy and go buy some some potions if you want. You'll have 275 gold left, the closest shop for the mages and stuff. This was the general store you guys were at, major shops here or the sage alchemist, whatever you wanna call him. Here, he's selling healing potions for 125 gold.

Tay (Melody):

Does he have anything else other than healing potions, like, skills?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

What are you looking for? Like, rejuvenation? Or

Tay (Melody):

No. Like, different, like, if I can learn, like, a skill set or something. Like, does he have magic books?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

No. There is a tower not too far from here. The mages at the tower do sell scrolls. I am more into the, potions, remedies. I do read tea leaves occasionally.

Tay (Melody):

Alright, y'all. Do we wanna do we want to buy some, of this of these magic potions and try to barter?

Mac (Dolion):

Buy whatever you feel you need for this.

Jenn (Mara):

Does he have anything that So do you have anything that, produces light besides a torch?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I do. I have a flask of Everlight.

Jenn (Mara):

Okay. What is it? Okay. How much is that?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It makes light. 200 gold. It'll illuminate a 5 meter area.

Tay (Melody):

How long how big is the radius

Mac (Dolion):

for our

Jenn (Mara):

And what about

Tay (Melody):

our laser lantern?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Laser lantern's about the same, maybe a little bit more depending on the the terrain you're in, but this light will never go out.

Jenn (Mara):

What about rope, grapple, stuff like that?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I don't I don't you'd have to go to the general store. I do have a potion of, intelligence if you need that so you can go to a general you'll know to go to the general store instead of asking me to rope. Bam.

Tay (Melody):

Burn. Well, have you ever had that rope?

Jenn (Mara):

Sandwich. I heard they're really good.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's like, I'm this I'm this town's or the city's, alchemist. Why would I have rope?

Tay (Melody):

Jen, did you write down exactly what we got from the general store?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Hopefully someone did because I thought you guys bought rope in. Yeah.

Tay (Melody):

We bought rope, we brought some grapple stuff, we brought chalk, and the lantern, I just I didn't write that down.

Mac (Dolion):

Mhmm. Did I send you

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

guys the backpack thing to print out?

Tay (Melody):

Mhmm. Yeah. Or it was after.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You can save it as a word document. Just type it in there if you want. It's fine. That could keep track of all the stuff you need and then the list is on the share drive to tell you what each of those items do. So you can put that on there too.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Like, I think the rope gives you like a plus 10 or 15 to climb. So Yep. Anyway, just so you know for future reference, but I think you guys grabbed the rope, a lantern each, at least a grapple, and chalk each. So other than that, food might be necessary, but,

Tay (Melody):

We got rats.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You got some dead rats. There you go. Mara could eat one of you if it comes down to it, and Genjiro says I don't eat.

Tay (Melody):

Yeah. We got 2 laser lanterns, and then I think we got the medium grapple.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I I feel like it, but not

Tay (Melody):

Oh, we also got bandages and dressing.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Oh, there you go. Yep.

Tay (Melody):

I'm sorry. I'm relooking at the the list of equipment. Cool. Is there anything else that we want to go into the store for, or is there the, like, intellect, potion? Does anybody want want that?

Tay (Melody):

Nope. Mara?

Jenn (Mara):

I think that was a jab. Hey.

Tay (Melody):

Oh. Went over my head. Alright. Well

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Double burn.

Tay (Melody):

Do we wanna see if we can get 2 of those, the health potions, for 200 since one cost 125?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Let's see

Mac (Dolion):

if we can make a deal. Let's try to let's try to haggle the prices of these.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. And then if I remember correctly, Jolion, you have the best haggling ability because you did that last time.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I did that?

Tay (Melody):


Mac (Dolion):

What was it? Charisma?

Tay (Melody):

What is it again, doctor Austin?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Let me check.

Mac (Dolion):

No. Appraising and bargaining 65%. Yeah.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

That's one one of his one of his because it goes with his, class.

Mac (Dolion):


Tay (Melody):

Alright. You wanna see if you can get 2 of those potions for us for 200?

Mac (Dolion):

Well, let's see if I, well, do we, would it be better to give you the price we're willing to pay then roll for it or roll for it to know I have the ability to engage in this conversation with you?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

No. Just ask a price and then roll for it, and we'll see.

Mac (Dolion):

Well, we look at Melody 2 for a 100.

Tay (Melody):

Oh, well, 1 is 125, and, like, I feel like going that low would, be a slap in the face. So I say that we do 175.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Tay (Melody):

Sure. Try.

Mac (Dolion):

175. Alright. 65?

Jenn (Mara):


Mac (Dolion):

We are at

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

62. Alright. He says, I'll give you 2 for 200. I'm I'm I'm That's that's giving you 5th I'm I'm cutting it by 50.

Mac (Dolion):

I'm all for taking it because I wanna get in these these tunnels and find my kid.

Jenn (Mara):

He's dead.

Tay (Melody):

Can you steal? Is that what you're trying to do?

Mac (Dolion):

No. I'm I'm a 200 gold, man. I just I just took the gold off of old sleepy head over there. Yeah.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Just spend his money.

Mac (Dolion):

I got money to blow right now.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. So you're gonna give him 200 for the 2 by,

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

sounds good. Yes.

Tay (Melody):


Mac (Dolion):


Tay (Melody):

You buy health elixir.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. So you guys got your potions and your gear

Mac (Dolion):

and Ready to go. Any now

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

the whereabouts were you guys looking to enter? You could enter at this well. You could go here to the catacomb entrance. You could go to sewer. Do you

Tay (Melody):

guys wanna go inside of the Hori temple to see if you can You

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

can go inside the temple.

Tay (Melody):

Talk to anybody in there to see which way they went or if they have any, like, info on your son, if they're seeing your son.

Mac (Dolion):

I'm getting a they wouldn't know he's my son.

Tay (Melody):

Well, you can describe him.

Mac (Dolion):

Well, it's been like 6 years since I've seen him.

Jenn (Mara):

Anyways, sorry. You're not gaming. We are Onto the stars.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Did I send you the, the

Jenn (Mara):

We're back, people.

Mac (Dolion):

You did send me the There you go.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I give you 12 bullets for that.

Mac (Dolion):

I'm not good with guns though.

Tay (Melody):

Well Shit. You're probably better than us.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So you you could you could adapt it and use it. It's fine. Network. Everybody is learning to use them because times are changing. It's the new it's the new school.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. Cool. So we have everything we need, and we where where are we venturing to? Are we we're not going in the Hori temple because you said they probably don't know what your son looks like, and you don't know what he looks like since it's been 6 years.

Mac (Dolion):

Yes. Okay.

Jenn (Mara):

I have something to talk about with my party.

Tay (Melody):


Jenn (Mara):

So, I have bad news. The issue that I was dealing with is

Tay (Melody):

The throw up situation?

Jenn (Mara):

Are you ready? Are you sitting down?

Tay (Melody):

I think we're all sitting down.

Jenn (Mara):

No. Well, yeah. Basically, it's probably a throw up situation. That

Mac (Dolion):


Jenn (Mara):

tier, and it's not good.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

What? You blacked out or you you cut out?

Jenn (Mara):

My dad is here.

Mac (Dolion):

Is he gonna help us get my

Jenn (Mara):

My dad is here.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Do you

Tay (Melody):

mean in the game or, like, in real life? He may

Jenn (Mara):

in the game, girl, in the game.

Mac (Dolion):

He may what?

Jenn (Mara):

He may try to kill me. So, if we can get out of this place before nightfall, that would be great.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Well, why don't why don't we get doing what we need to do and then, hopefully, we'll be out of here before he makes his his family visit?

Tay (Melody):

Okay. So why don't we go to the middle of the catacombs then? So the second well on the left. Go right into the middle of the catacombs to see if we can Is there

Jenn (Mara):

is there a map? Is any there's a map at all or anything about the catacombs. Does anybody know anything? Is there any religious person who knows anything about the catacombs?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

No. The ones who would know about the Hori temple's catacombs from back when it was actually a cathedral, those individuals are dead. Been long dead.

Tay (Melody):

Oh, but you can talk to the dead.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Like I said, maybe that prostitute might know.

Jenn (Mara):

I can do that.

Tay (Melody):

Oh, do we need to go to the graveyard first?

Jenn (Mara):

Talk to our prostitute.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

But but but, Melody keeps asking which entrance you guys wanna take. The one right here, the one right here, the one right there.

Tay (Melody):

Can we go to the graveyard first to see if we can find out information?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

That's a good idea. 250 experience points. The graveyard. Strolling in the graveyard.

Tay (Melody):

Alright, Mara. Do your magic. Talk to the dead.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You guys arrive over at the graveyard. There used to be an actual wall and gate. Are we started yet? Have we started?

Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yes. We have. Okay.

Jenn (Mara):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I just do wanna jump.

Jenn (Mara):

We never stopped recording or not. Thanks.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Oh. Back when this was actually being used, you could see that this was

Tay (Melody):

the Spicy.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Frequented, location for individuals who had somewhat decent money because they were buried in in a a sarcophagus or or mausoleum style, which means you actually had money because the the poor are buried outside of the city. They're not buried within the city walls. They're usually buried in mass graves out near the river. So you guys enter this area, and, there's some decrepit crypts still sitting around in a couple entrances to mausoleums, but everything else seems to be kinda, you know, in ruins. You noticed that, there seems to be very little of anyone around except for in the corner entrance to the Hori temple, a couple of the prostitutes are outside washing clothes and linens and stuff, hanging them up on a line that's attached to one of the, headstones of a of a grave so they can dry some of their linens and so forth.

Jenn (Mara):

I'll I'll walk up to him.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Jenn (Mara):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

see if they have

Jenn (Mara):

any information as far as the, I'll I'll introduce myself. My name is Mara.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Are you looking for work, Mara?

Jenn (Mara):

No. Actually, I was wondering if you had any information about the catacombs as far as, the the layout of the catacombs at all.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

There's an entrance over across on the other side of the temple, but it's barred up and there's a lock on the gate And she says we have a we have an old trapdoor entrance behind the altar but we we've piled a bunch of furniture on it and keep it locked as well, especially with all the women disappearing the other day. 3 more women disappeared last night. So that and with or I believe 2 more women, and then there's, 3 more men discovered floating in the river this morning. One of them was the town crier.

Tay (Melody):

Can we ask them if they know, who built the temple? Like, who of the dead has built the temple?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Oh, that would have been about 400 years ago. If they I don't know. Couldn't tell you. I can't read. His name might be over there on the side of the the temple, but I don't know.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You know, the blue placard with the date, but I can't read. I'm only pretty much good at 2 things.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. So I 5 3 isn't one of them.

Jenn (Mara):


Mac (Dolion):

Let's look at the placard. Yes. That one I'm gonna Yes. Just get that. Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So you guys go over to placard. It's pretty old. The stone is a little worn. It says, father you're guessing it could be Christophe Christiansen, something along those lines. If he did build it, he would have probably been held in some of the steams, so he might be buried in this graveyard.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

But like she said, it would have been about 400 years ago, so that's pretty long time.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. Can we investigate the tombstones to see if they have any of the names of Christophe Chris Christensen.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Okay. You guys are walking around the tombstones looking for names, brushing stuff off.

Jenn (Mara):

Yes, Chris.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Everybody roll your 10 sided dice.

Tay (Melody):

Oh, there's 2. 3.

Jenn (Mara):


Mac (Dolion):

Are we rolling both of them?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It doesn't matter either way.

Mac (Dolion):

Oh, 4? Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

All All of you notice a young, a young man who's towards the back right of the graveyard, what's left of the graveyard. It's an, the grave is he's got a piece of wood lifted, which the wood itself is like a trap door that makes it look like a grave if you close it. But when he lifts it, you could see it's actually a stash, a place where he hides goods. Going to bring up this stuff real or bring up an image so you'll know what he looks like. He doesn't notice you guys yet.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You guys are behind him, but he's obviously stashing stuff into that into that area, but if he knows about that, he might be pretty knowledgeable about this area. So maybe you wanna ask him something? Maybe. It's up to you. But, just throwing that out there.

Jenn (Mara):

Who has the most charisma?

Mac (Dolion):

Hey. Come on, man.

Jenn (Mara):

Everybody shout out your charisma that you have. And yours no. And your social interaction. I'm serious. I'm serious.

Jenn (Mara):

So my Christmas is 63, my social interaction is 55.

Tay (Melody):

My Christmas is 92. My social interaction is 80. Julianne?

Mac (Dolion):

Well, I was gonna brag,

Jenn (Mara):

but Julianne?

Mac (Dolion):

It's not that.

Mac (Dolion):

72 and 55.

Jenn (Mara):

Okay. Melinda, you used to be the one that approaches him and use your your Charisma.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. I'm going to use my Charisma.

Jenn (Mara):

Like like, roll your social interaction.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. What do you want me to ask him? Hey. Hey. What do you want me to ask him before I go and approach him?

Tay (Melody):

Let's let's talk about strategy here.

Jenn (Mara):

Just like, hey. I just want a chip. That's all I want. So just just a chip. Just a chip.

Jenn (Mara):

So I'm like, just just introduce yourself and yeah. Just a chip. Just a chip. Just ask him if, if he, has any information about the catacombs. We don't want any trouble.

Jenn (Mara):


Tay (Melody):

I'm gonna ask him about this.

Jenn (Mara):

Make sure you don't make sure you don't have anything

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

in your hands. Social interaction?

Tay (Melody):

My social interaction is 80%.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

What's your social interaction? 80. Oh, wow. Okay. You walk up and, he he turns around startled slightly.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

He draws a weapon. It's some sort of scimitar or falchion. Basically, that means more of a curved blade in between a short sword and a long sword in length, but he draws it. It's usually used by someone who's, well, in the same line of work as Dolion. Anyway, he turns around quickly, but when he sees you, he kinda he still has his weapon out, but he kinda, you know, brings it closer to him like he's gonna put it away.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

And he says, who are you?

Tay (Melody):

I tell him that my name is Melody, and I'm looking for information about the catacombs.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Do you work for the Imperial Army?

Tay (Melody):

Look at what I'm wearing. No. I do not.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Oh, you look like a entertainer. What are you looking in for the catacombs for?

Tay (Melody):

One of my friends was brought down there, and I would like to rescue her.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's probably taken by the cult. You don't wanna end her over here.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. Where should I go?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You're gonna come face to face with some of the daggers. Daggers of vengeance. I will show you a picture. He says, but, if you go and enter over towards the stairwell, it'll take you down. You'll have to go into the sewer.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You'll go through the, the first level underneath the or the the temple. When you go on in that first level underneath the temple at the back end, there's a caved in spot. It looks like you can't get through, but you can. When you do, you'll end up in the sewer. Go to your right.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It'll branch off in multiple directions. Go to your right. Follow along on that side. It'll bring you back around, and it'll open up to an area where, those, new life eternal crazies lit gather.

Tay (Melody):

Can I ask him if he knows anything about Phelion Vistar?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

They they they talk about all sorts of stuff over there, lady. Honestly, I just try to stay the hell away from them because I'm pretty sure they're they're into all sorts of terrible stuff.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. At this point in time, my little pregnant one. Oh. Oh, here. I got you.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Oh. So that's what he looks like.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. I'm gonna look at the NPC list.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Says are those other people back there with you?

Tay (Melody):

They are my companions that are helping me on my journey. Yes. To help me find this girl. Why?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I'm just wondering. He's like, I don't want any I don't want any, thing to do with anybody, really. I'm only talking to you because you're a pretty face, but other than that, I'm ready to get out of here.

Mac (Dolion):

Still got

Tay (Melody):

it. I'll look at the 2 of you. I'll ask you, do you have any last question for this individual? Mara Dolium.

Mac (Dolion):

Negative. Mara.

Jenn (Mara):

Where are you from?

Tay (Melody):

I'll ask him where he is from.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Born and raised right here.

Jenn (Mara):

Are you loyal to the Duchess?

Tay (Melody):

I'll repeat the question.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Hell no. They ruined my family. They They didn't stand up for my family. They should have.

Tay (Melody):

Can I ask them how so?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It's like, it's enough sharing about me. You guys got some gold to throw my way. I might give give you a little bit more info about the catacombs, but I'm not here to share my life. I'm here to bounce out of the city as fast as possible. I'd do the same if I were you.

Jenn (Mara):

Do we have any gold?

Tay (Melody):

Yes. How much gold are you looking for?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

What do you wanna know? I'll tell you now there's something down there underneath the Hohori temple. Something something big and bad, but you're gonna have to pass through that area to get to the where you wanna go if you're trying to find that those girls that were taken down there.

Tay (Melody):

So you know about the girls that were taken down there, my friends?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

And those people those new new life eternal people have been taking people down into the tunnels left and right. Some of them are worshipers of that new the new life eternal church. Some of them are, I would say, are prisoners. It's like, I'd steer clear, but if you guys really wanna go and face them, that's fine. But I know they took at least 2 girls down there last night.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

2 young women.

Tay (Melody):

Can I ask about, what this monster was that he has seen or has knowledge about?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Big. Whatever it is, it's big, and it killed 3 men in less than a minute.

Tay (Melody):

Does it breathe fire?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

No. No. All I heard was screaming. And I'm telling you, I worked with the dagger before. Those daggers of vengeance ain't no joke.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

They can at least fight, but they all died in less than a minute.

Tay (Melody):

Did he see their bodies to see how they were attacked?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Pieces. I didn't stick around, but good luck.

Jenn (Mara):

Where do they want to be?

Mac (Dolion):

I'll take a 100

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

gold if you got it.

Tay (Melody):

What'd you ask, Mara? 50. Oh, there's a lot of women. Oh, there you go.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I don't know. Well I don't go to that church.

Tay (Melody):


Jenn (Mara):

they want with the women?

Tay (Melody):

Okay. Can I, can I say thank you for your troubles and give him 50 gold?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Alright. He laughs. He says thanks for the 50 gold, pretty lady. I'm out of here.

Tay (Melody):

Alright. Cool. So then I'll look back at Mara and Dalian, and I'll say, hey, this individual says that we should go through the stairs. Let's see if this ruby that is a key can unlock that gate.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Good idea. 150 experience. Alright. The guy kinda looks at your guys' group real quick and looks around, and he says, he lean he leans towards your direction, but not close to you guys. He says, heads up, my man.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

The imperial army is dropping off a couple of detachments today. So this place is gonna be crawling with the military. You look like you might be in my line of work. You don't wanna be found by them when they come rolling through here.

Mac (Dolion):

Alright. Nope.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It says good luck. Hope you save a new girl.

Tay (Melody):

And can I ask him one quick question while he leaves?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Tay (Melody):

Is there a way to exit the catacombs outside of the city?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

If you're smart and you don't wanna run-in anybody, go the same way that they shoot all the bodies out. Those men that get found in the river, they're washed out from the sewer. It'll dump out right near the south, the, South Gate Bridge.

Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):


Jenn (Mara):

So that can be a possible exit strategy for us. Just saying.

Tay (Melody):

That's exactly what I'm thinking, to get away from the city and away from your dad. Awesome. Alright. So are we all Are we all in agreeance to, enter via the stairwell?

Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Sounds good.

Mac (Dolion):

Mara's still thinking.

Jenn (Mara):

So, I have a suggestion. So I think because my back detection is only 50%. Mara, what's yours?

Tay (Melody):

What is back defection?

Jenn (Mara):

So if you look under your character abilities so look under your

Tay (Melody):

Oh, no. That's 50.

Jenn (Mara):

Sorry. Detection.

Tay (Melody):

50 as well. Okay.

Mac (Dolion):

The wheel's is, 70, and my back protection is 75. I keep my head on the swivel.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

So Enduro says I I am, skilled at blind fighting.

Jenn (Mara):

So my suggestion would be going in is that Dollyon, you bring up the rear since your back detection is so high. And then, conjure would, take point with, Melody and me in the middle. Now I only said Melody, I only suggest that you'd be a little bit further to the front because if there's any fight, your area of effect would be more effective if you're a little bit closer to the front. Absolutely. Anybody anybody have any other thoughts?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Sounds good. Who should I'm taking I'm taking the rear, you said?

Tay (Melody):

No. You're gonna be in the front.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Oh. Well, is Dollyon, are you capable of disarming traps? I do not have that skill.

Mac (Dolion):

Find disarm trap 60%.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Just it could be nothing, but if we're heading into unknown territory, we may want those skills in front.

Mac (Dolion):

I would say, inevitably, street 3 is right.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

I can guarantee no one can sneak up on me if you want me to pull up the rear.

Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

With the exception of magic, I can't say that if they used magic, I can't guarantee they won't be able to sneak up on me.

Tay (Melody):

I have a spell that can

Mac (Dolion):


Jenn (Mara):

magic part,

Tay (Melody):

I think I can handle them.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Yeah. Okay. Alright. So you guys are at the spiral staircase entrance that brother Kalen came to last night. Okay.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

It is locked. It's a big iron gate with a lock on it. The lock is circular in nature.

Tay (Melody):

Okay. Does it have any shapes in it, that fit this ruby?

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Absolutely. So the ruby unlocks the iron gate like that. It opens right up. Nice. Right.

Eric (Dr. Awesome):

You actually, feel like a gust of air and so forth come up, which is strange because it's just an iron barred gate that doesn't really hold air back. But it gives you the indication that maybe this gate has some sort of, charm or,

Mac (Dolion):


Eric (Dr. Awesome):

Color grid to keep a barrier because it actually the the air wafts over you and it smells more now like a like a a a tomb, you know, very moldy damp air, possibly the smell of dead, you know, been dead long time.

Ep 13: "Fallen Star Pt 4"
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