Ep 1: "Overlooked X-Men Heroes"


It's happening. It says we're live.


We are. Hello.


Welcome to the


Queen of Nerdem con, podcast. I'm Jennifer.


And I'm Tay. What's up y'all?


Welcome. Welcome. So this is our first episode. We're, working on several wrinkles if you will. But, I think most importantly, Taylor and I wanted to share the reason why we wanted to do this podcast.




So I don't know if there's any other ladies out there who kind of felt like you've been outcasted by other females because you don't really watch the the same TV shows or you're not into the same things that they are. I know I have been for a really long time. And and through Facebook, I have found other like minded people. My favorite being Taylor. So we share a brain.


So anyway, I remember like being in, in high school, growing up and all these people are going out and watching all these TV shows and you know what I was doing on Friday night, I was waiting for the next episode of X Files to come on.




Or watching Buffy or whatever. That's what I used to do.


It wasn't,


wasn't going out and doing stuff like that. So I totally agree. Right? So I guess my goal is for the other ladies like us to, yeah, not that desperate housewife shit either.


No, absolutely not.


No. So anyhow, Tyler and I wanted to kind of create a safe space for other chicks that are like us, that are into weird things that like sci fi, that like horror, that like nerdy stuff. So


because we're definitely different. I know. So for me, my background is that my dad and, so my parents were very welcoming of, like, my lifestyle, and let me be pretty much as free as I needed to be. Growing up, you know, watching Powerpuff Girls and then Kim Possible and Possible and continuing to, like, watch, just kind of, like, cartoon shows and stuff. I watched X men and, everything, growing up.


We watched Lord of the Rings, so that we had family movie nights. We would go to Blockbuster. I know. Aging. Right?


I would go to Blockbuster, and we would pick 2 movies. 1 for, like, my mom and dad, and then one for, all of us to watch together. And then that second one, we would also choose, like, candy, like, to watch together at Blockbuster. You know, they always had their concession stand. So then we would just, like, grab everything and then just, go ahead and go to the, like, the cashier stand or whatever, and then would get the stuff and then go.


And then, like, Saturday night would be our night to just be a family and have our movie nights. So it was just super awesome, to do that. And then it just kinda made me feel like an outcast as, like, when I was going through high school, really. Because, you know, girls are like makeup, hair, like, oh, all of these things. And I'm like, that's not me.


I'm sorry, but that's not




The oh, hi, Ariel. Yes. Hello, sweet girl. I'm sorry. My dog's here.


Can you repeat?


So yes. Hi. Thank you. Thank you. So, so what exactly, like, happened is that, like, I just felt like an outcast, but, like, I had my nerd stuff there for me to get me through it.


So my video games, my sci fi and stuff. So that's just kinda like a background. Sorry. A little event session as well for me to just kinda tell you about who I am, but very welcoming and open minded for other people.


Love it. Love it. I know. I used to used to get the TV guide in the newspaper, and I used to just look up all week long, like, my favorite shows that would be on sci fi. So I used to get into it.


He used to love that. Like, what shows you're coming on? Like, I gotta watch that.


Let's do it on the spot.


That's you. Our parents thought probably thought it was crazy. But




And so, Taylor and I tried to think of a topic that, we thought everybody would enjoy our first kinda go around. Just gonna I don't know. Touching on something easy. So we thought about, talking about x men heroes. Mostly women because I feel like there's with with a lot of the x men movies, I think I don't think their powers I think a lot, not just for women, but for guys too.


A lot of their powers aren't really shown enough, and I kinda wanted to touch on that and, like, some of the background stories and things that the, I feel like the movies didn't get right. So no further ado.


Intro time. Intro time,


which I don't know how to do.


Oh, okay. We're about to try to figure this out. I'm sorry. This is our first time, and we're just I


don't I don't know. K. Fuck the intro. Let's go.


Oh, okay.


Alright. So you wanted to talk about Nightcrawler.


Yes. Yes. So first things first, obviously, we're part of the SNN, Saturday Night Nerds. We're the, what do we say? The Queens of nerdom, something that we kinda came up with that we really like or Quan for short, q o n.


I just kinda called it Quan. But, like, it's definitely awesome to be here and to be a part of the, Saturday Night Nerds and to just be here and support each other to just, you know, have our nerd shit. So, yes. Sorry to go into, like, Nightcrawler. Mhmm.


I did wanna talk about nightcrawler, and I think he's actually the only dude that we're talking about, if I'm correct.


Yeah. I actually think so. That's what I keep talking about. Not that we don't have love for the other dudes, but, you know, he was one that was severely underrepresented in movies.


Right. Exactly. And, like, so like I was saying, as, like, growing up, you know, my dad, he showed us x men. And at first, honestly, I didn't get into it. Like, I didn't like the narration at the beginning, and I was like, this isn't it.


This isn't Powerpuff Girls. Powerpuff Girls could just go 0 to a 100, like, super fast. Because they only have, like, a 30 minute, like, you know, show or whatever. Whereas this one, it just takes, like, forever. It feels like to just get into, like, what we want.


So then, you know, it definitely, like, was great to, like, start seeing the action happen. And I remember one of the first scenes that I saw in nightcrawler, and I vividly remember was him, like, transporting and sorry, teleporting, not transporting, but teleporting, like, all throughout the what was it? Like, the the White House in the Oval Office, and I was just was like, oh, this is so cool. It's just that it's so, like, missed the


like, the open the scene. Right?


Yeah. So yeah. So that's what the Yeah.


I remember that. That


was a


banner seen.


Yeah. They talked about in the chat. They said that the dude showed up in X Men 2 and fucked up the White House. So yeah. I'm gonna remember.


All the time. Right? Yeah. And you're like so x men 1, it starts out kinda slow, but, like, x men 2, it was like, let's go hard. Like, let's do this, and then that's what happened.




Yeah. And his tail, I loved how they, they did show his tails. Like, he used it like a weapon too.


Yeah. Exactly. And he used it to, like, pick up, like, a piece of paper or something from what I remember because it was like like the, like, little dagger at the end of it. So


I know. He, like, whipped everybody's ass. Like, I've man, let a secret service, man, they got their asses handed to him that day. I swear.


They really did. But, yeah. So but, like, I also thought it was cool because, like, he kinda, like, also is able to have, like, adhesive, like, sticky hands and feet. So he can kinda


Oh, wow. In there.


Yeah. So, through a little bit of research that I did, he has the ability to teleport, but also can, use, like, walls and stuff to, like, kinda crawl about it. Apparently, Swanson, Danny Swanson, she said that, the animated series showed him doing a lot more a little more justice, but still could have shown more. So apparently Which


which one is that, Danny?


Yeah. Danny, go ahead and let us know about that as soon as you, get a chance. But, like, what about you? Like, did you, so you said that you saw the, like, the the opening scene of X men 2. Right?




He's when I, like, when I watch that, all I could just remember is this, wow. This is how they're gonna start x men 2, like, right off the cuff. Like, you bring in, like, a new character, and he comes in trying to assassinate the president, I think, and then, like, just whips everybody's ass. And and, you know, if you're not familiar with the comics at all Yeah. You don't even know who this character is.


So it's actually kind of risky on their part, especially if you're not familiar with the comics, but I think it delivered really well. And I'll one of the things that I always liked about Mike Crawler is, you know, how he has, kind of, like, burner, like, tattooed in his flesh, like all these like holy symbols because he feels like he's evil. And if you go through some of the comics, he's actually one of the first people who actually learns Logan's real name. Like everyone else calls him Wolverine, but, I can't remember which one it was, but he finds out his real name is Logan. And he's actually probably one of the the kindest, x men there is and truly cares about all of them.


And, I feel like he's, you know, probably one of the, like, unsung people who's kind of like the glue, whether they, like, really realize it or not.


Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.


So, I know, speaking of, transporting and moving about in weird ways, I wanted to kinda talk about Shadow Cat.


Okay. Yes. As Kitty Pride as I know her, but, yes, as you, so said about Shadow Cat. So tell me about Shadow Cat.


So shadow cat. So we see her in, x men. Why did you say x men evolution, I believe, is the one that no more. Okay. I'll check that out, Danny.


Thanks for that. Yeah. I saw that on, I can't remember which one it was. But, yeah, I'll have to check that out so I can see some more Nightcrawler. Cool.


Anyways, the, the first time that we see shadow cat is in x men the last stand. She's played by, well, now Elliot Page. And, her phasing abilities were just absolutely impressive. Now we're actually I learned about her phasing abilities is that her atoms will actually pass in between the atoms of another object is how she does it.


Oh, that's interesting. Isn't it? Yeah. That's super interesting.


Right? I got my dork on, and I was like, I'm gonna have to do this phasing stuff. So I actually read on I I read up about it because I was like, I don't know. It must be just my my brain where I'm like, well, how does she do it? So, yeah, that's how she does it.


It's like her atoms. And she has to be really careful not to actually unface herself in, like, solid objects because, like, she can take a lot of damage, so to speak, doing that.


Yeah. Absolutely.


And actually this ability actually enables her to, walk on water and actually, appear to, like, levitate, so she can actually walk on air.


Oh, okay. So she kinda has, like, the type of flying ish capability in a way.


Yeah. In a way. The with her, her phasing abilities too. And, I know that, reading some of the comics, I believe when she were first got to one of the x mansions, she went to the, are you sure there was the danger room that they have? I think they showed it on, I believe, X men 2.


Maybe? I think.


It's been a hot minute. I've actually, like, watched those movies, to be honest.


1st, their training room. I actually played the, one of the x men, I think it's x men legends video games. Okay.


And that's


where I'm more familiar with, like, the the danger room where they basically set it up to train, the different x men and it kind of challenges their special abilities, make them think and not always use their special abilities over. Anyways, she actually defeated it pretty quickly. And I think they had said, like, professor Xavier, like, spent weeks, like, trying to, like, set this danger room up against her and she like That's wild. Yeah. And she, like, blew through it.


I'm like, that's my girl. That's how I


like, phases through it. So, I'm glad somebody brought up days of future past. So the, if you look at the difference between the, the movie and what actually happened in the comics. So to my knowledge, that's not actually an ability that, shadow cat uses. And in the movie, you see Wolverine as the one that actually has this consciousness that is, put back into like a younger version of his self and believe the goal was to prevent senator Kelly from being, assassinated.


Cause he's ultimately the one that built the Sentinels that, hunt down and killed the X Men. Right? So it's actually shadow cat in the comics that goes back. And the person that actually sends her back is Rachel Summers. Rachel Summers is Scott Summers, Cyclops' I believe she's his sister, but, she's the one that has that ability.


So she sends Shadow Cat back to president, senator Kelly from, being killed.


Because that was the dude that was all, like, I hate mutants and, like, death to mutants, but then turned into the mutant in X Men 2. Right? That became, like, the water? Who just, like, who just, like, dissolved? Yes.


It looks like a blobfish. I'm sorry.


You look he straight up


looked like one of those blob fishes that, like, I was like Yes. Or, like, literally, you ever seen, like, what is it? The it's the aliens movie with, like, the gigantic, like, female you have kids. The the gigantic female, her name's like Susan or something, and then they have, like, this blob that's, like, I forgot how to breathe. Nope.


I'm good. You don't remember. I'll have to yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Norm. Monster versus aliens. 90 90. Nope. I'm getting old.




Look. You guys are so stupid. Yeah. It's monster versus aliens.


That's what


I was like. I'm trying to play. I was like, I was like, see, I should know that because my son would feel like, mom, if if a comet hit me, would my hair turn white? And I'm like, what? No?


What? Oh, oh, the movie. Yeah. Yeah. It's really cool.


Yeah. Okay. Yeah. For sure. That's exactly how that happens.


Sometimes they ask you questions that makes my brain invert and I don't really, like, I can't process information. Sorry. The


I'm sorry. We totally went off topic there.


The the my kids y'all y'all know how it is. Right? Like, it's the kids kill you sometimes. But anyhow, but anyways, there's actually a, going on more through the comics, shadow cat, you know, sometimes the X men like go into space.


Okay. Yeah.


Onions and stuff. Right. So she has this dragon like alien creature called Lockheed. Now, the only time that we have ever seen Lockheed was in the new mutants, which we'll touch on that character later. But Lockheed is like this little dragon creature and he actually bonds with her and he actually helps her fight.


Oh. Yeah.


Kinda like the game of Thrones over there. Okay. Okay.


Yeah. She's like the original Daenerys kind of.


She's a Targaryen. She's got wow. I'm sorry.


She's like the brunette


one. Yes.


Represent brunettes in here. But he he actually, ends up bonding to another character, but we'll we'll talk about that later. But, anyhow, which leads me to, Storm.




I know you wanted to talk about our goddess, Storm, because she's she's amazing.


Yes. So this is my ultimate like, when I first watched x men, this was my favorite character. So, like, I always love the fact that first, Halle Berry. Like, the actress herself, like, Halle Berry is a fox. I'm sorry.


Like, I just gotta say it. She is just Fox. Beautiful. And even, like, as you saw her in John Wick what was that? 3?


It was John Wick 3. Yeah. Yes. And it it just came out of nowhere, and I was like, oh my god. That's Halle Berry.


And she still looks amazing.


So I


had to say that. But, on top of that, when I was doing research about her because I was like, okay. Cool. So I know that she has the ability to control, like, weather as we saw in the movies. But not only that, but we saw in another movie, when she was with professor x and they were trying to get, like, the, mutant kid of what is his name?


Anyway Now he's trying to get


like the or something. Is that the


They were trying to get, like, them to use, like, the the, the brain thing to, like, see all the other mutants. Right?


That's the reason. So


yeah. Thank you. Words. Words are not my greatest thing. I'm sorry in Vance.


Words is hard. So, so and that, like, they're using the Cerebro to, find the mutants, and then she was making it, like, super cold in there to make it kind of, like, cold for them to, like, be like, alright. Like, I'm gonna die, or I have to, like, tell them about this new, like, what what's going on. So, she, like so that, like, part of the movie showed that she had, like, immunity to extreme temperatures, but I never really actually, like, thought about it until I was reading, about, like, who she was. And it was, like, not only is she, like, good with cold, but she's also good with hot.


So, like, it's literally any temperature. And then she also controls the weather, and that's what makes her fly. So I thought it was also just, like, the fact that, like, she could just fly. No. She controls the winds, and the winds, like, make her fly.


Yeah. So it's a different kind of flight. It's like Yes. Yeah. It's cool.


Yeah. So then, to go into another thing, a little thing that I noted about when I was researching her is that there is a comic about her, and she's the goddess of thunder. And I was like, this looks interesting. Let me research it. I see you?


So yes. So we're gonna get into it. So, Loki. So, you know, Thor is, like, brother, Loki Okay. Gave her Stormbringer.


You know, the hammer?


Really? Stormbringer.


Yes. And that's what gave her powers. So she was, like, powerless. Loki, gave her the Stormbreaker, and that gave her the power. So she then became the goddess of, thunder.


And she is apparently classified above omega level. Oh, no. Thank you for that. But, like, yeah, she became, like, the Asgardian. Like, it's just I really hope that the, that the Avengers and


I'm supposed to bring


eventually bring in, like, the x men because I've been hoping for it for such a long time, and then I just read little tidbits of information like I get scared. And I was like, oh my god. One day, they're gonna do it. And they started doing it with Deadpool conveniently. That's, like, the shirt that I'm wearing.


You can kinda see it a little bit. Not really. So, that is literally, like, one of the things that I'm looking forward to is them incorporating all the characters, which is really cool when we watched, what was it, Doctor Strange 2, where they they showed, like, a little bit of characters from the multiverse, and then they had, like, you know, Jim Halpert. And I'm a big Office fan. For anybody who knows me, The Office is, like, my go to.


But, anyway so, yeah, I'm just, like, really curious to see what they all bring in.


Absolutely. Well, I know Marvel, well, I guess that would be Disney, regained their the rights to the X men.




So I I don't know what exactly they're they're planning, but I I kinda feel like it's careful planning with considering that they did that down in like 2019.




So I'm hoping that they take care with it and do it appropriately. So




We shall we shall see. But it kinda sounds like from what I've read. Let me know if you read anything different. It kinda seems like they're probably gonna be do, like, the x men reboot. I don't know if they're gonna make the characters younger, but, I mean, they're definitely gonna have to get new characters because as much as I love Hugh Jackman, I mean, he's not gonna be able to, like, play Wolverine forever.


You know what I mean?


Sure he's done playing Wolverine, but, like, that comes into the whole, like, who do you see as, like, the next actual Wolverine? That one is gonna be a hard one, I think, to top. What are your thoughts?


I don't know. I like that. I think his name is Karen Egerton. He was in the, what was he? What?


The Kingsman? Yeah. A kid that was in the Kingsman? Yeah. Yeah.


He also he played, shit and drawing a blank. I think he would he would do a really good job, and I think there's a lot of fans that, you know, we're really hoping that he takes it, but we'll see. I mean, so far, all the people that they've casted in, like, the Marvel movies, like, I haven't had any issues with them. You know? I think I think they do a good job.


Like, whoever is in charge of that, I think they're doing a good job with the cast.


Absolutely. Yeah. 100%. Actually, there's somebody in the chat that said that Hugh Jackman is supposed to be in Deadpool 3. I haven't heard anything about Deadpool 3, but Deadpool 2 was the one that pulled in the x men.




So I didn't even know that Deadpool 3 was even an announced thing yet. So the fact that they already said that Hugh Jackman I remember that there was, like, a Great. Weird trailer thing




I remember about Deadpool and Hugh Jackman being together. So that's exciting that Deadpool and Hugh Jackman are apparently 100% gonna be together, so that's that's really dope.


So apparently, Hugh Jackman is going to be in Deadpool 3. I think his relationship with Ryan Reynolds is hilarious. I watch videos where they just absolutely troll each other. So I kinda wonder if Ryan Reynolds, like, was, like, nagged him so much where he finally agreed to do it. You know what I mean?


I kinda think I could see that happening. So Willie's in the comments and he asked, like, what we're talking about. So, real quick, 3 ks. We're talking about our favorite X Men, characters for those that you that are now just joining. We talked about so far nightcrawler, shadow cat, and now we're, in the storm phase, which kinda went into the x men and marvel, meet up because we were talking about the goddess of thunder with, Storm being the goddess of thunder with Loki.


So that's where we're at.


Yeah. That's super yeah. I didn't I didn't know that about Storm. I, yeah, learned me something new. Apparently, I need to need to read up a little more.


Yeah. No. For sure, like, I cannot wait to see, like, what they do with Marvel because there hasn't been a point where I'm not amazed with what they do, and I'm always just, like, super surprised. So yeah.


Well, because even when they they put on a movie that people don't like it, I always I still like it or I find something that I I do like about it. Yeah. You know? But I don't know. We'll we'll see.


So I know we had a special person that we saved for last, but the more I read about Iyanna Rasputin. So she is, magic. The more I read about her, the more I was just like, damn, man.


You gotta tell me about her now because I don't really know a lot of information. Tell me tell me how she's bad ass.


So did did you watch The New Mutants? No? No. I did not. No.


Oh god. You gotta watch The New Mutants. I'm


sorry. So I I know that the new mutants went through, like, a lot of, like, reshoots, and they they had a lot of issues and, like, production and, like, like, doing reshoots and stuff. And I was kinda sketchy, like, going in. I know, Will. Me too, dude.


I love I love magic. So magic is actually Colossus' sister.


Okay. Okay. Okay.


So you see her in the new mutants. She play she's played by, what's her name? Anya Taylor Joy. K. You remember her from split?




like, she's on, like, the Queen's Gambit. So I absolutely love her to begin.


Is an amazing care like, an amazing actress. Sorry. So It is. She's every single time we see her in anything, she was in, the witch as well if you've ever seen that horror movie, Black Phillips. I know.


I had


a little bit of that baby in the beginning.


I was like, nope. I turned it off. I turned it off because


Is the voice of peach really? Story. I didn't know I'm really Oh my god. Okay.


Yeah. Alright. I gotta agree with Willie, though. Like, sometimes the new mutants is a little hard to watch, but, you know, I really like the characters. Like, Willie hit, like, nail on the head.


Like, I really, really like the characters. So Magic was my favorite.




So like I said, she's Croesus' sister. Okay. So Storm actually trained her, and we turned to use her, like, magical abilities, and then Shadow Cat taught her her physical abilities. Right?




So in the movie, you see her, like, all of a sudden, she just whips her arm out and, and all of a sudden, you see the sword. And I was like, damn, man. Well, wouldn't you know that sword actually has a name. It's called her soul sword.


Oh. Yeah. Is it, like, a part of her arm, or is it, like, an actual, like, sword sword?


So it's it's a manifestation of her life force. Okay. Digest.


Okay. I'm digesting. I'm I'm gathering the information.


So it's so it's basically her life force that she creates a sword. Okay? As time goes on, she's able to, summon something called eldritch armor. So you see it a little bit and it kinda like comes over her shoulder.




Okay. But in the comics, it kinda ends up encasing her body with armor.


I see.


So this is actually, like, her life force that creates this eldritch armor.


Okay. Okay.


She's yeah. So some of her other abilities is, like, she's pretty immune to, like, telepathic probes. So that knocks off all your telepathic and psionic attacks and stuff like that. She's immune to him. She is this awesome sorceress.


Think at some point, like, professor x even said, like, I can't help you. Like, you're more of a sorceress than, you know, than I can help train you.


Okay. Okay.


Yeah. So in the comics, she rules over this place called limbo where it's like this realm. I think they ended up calling it the other world, but there's, like, demonic entities that live there. Now you see this in the new mutants, and they don't explain it. Like, whenever she, like, opens up a portal, that's supposed to be limbo, and this is actually where she rules.


She actually fought this guy and took over ruling this area.




Yeah. He'll he'll adjacent, basically. And the thing that they they I really wish they would expand on her character because do you remember in doctor Strange where he's fighting Dormammu? Like, he needs that time stone.


Yes. He needs that. He just constantly keeps on, like, fighting him. Right.


Dormammu is like, I can't stand this anymore, man. You're annoying as fuck.


Like, what?


But but magic defeats him. So she has, another part of her, that that's called a dark child. So when she basically lets a dark child take take over, which is basically, like, her demonic side, she's basically, like, undefeatable. She actually defeats Dormammu. Dormammu was trying to come into limbo and take over to help with, his dark world.


And, you know, at first she was like, oh shit, man, like dorm mom moves here, the hell. And then she's like, all right. So dark child takes over and she like wants his ass, like, kicks


his ass. And


and some people might not like this, but according to some comics that she can actually beat the Scarlet Witch.


Really? Because Scarlet Witch is, like, hella powerful.


Well, I mean, Scarlet Witch is was is a nexus being. I mean, she's, like, you know, upper tier beings up there, and they said that she can beat her. She did in one of the comics beat, Doctor Strange as well. So I guess doctor Strange walked away thinking that he beat her, but she basically like made him think that he won. So she's not bad, but when her dark travel form, like, takes over, like I said, she is, like, undefeatable.


Like, she's, like, ridiculous. But, so for our last and our most beloved mutant


Let's talk about it. Would you like


to do the honors? Okay. Our girl.


Our girl Rogue. We gotta talk about her because Rogue. Oh my god. Annika Quinn also amazing actor actress. Sorry.


She is.


She's a female. She's she's amazing.




And the fact that she is so in the movies, they just portray her as kind of whiny, honestly. Let's talk about it that. Like, when she's whining, She's constantly whining about how she doesn't wanna have her powers or whatever, but that girl is so powerful. She is, yes, the most slept on x men because she can not only, like so in the movies, you see that she, like, kisses Iceman, and then she, like, has a little little smoke. Right?


The little ice. And then you're like, okay. Cool. And then they kinda like start making out and then you're like, oh, shit, like, she's killing this man. And Girl, stop.


So, so, like right. So you're like, oh, no. She's gonna kill him. So then, like, they, like, kinda just, like, cool off whatever. But so in the comics, like, she is able to actually, like, hold those abilities and then reuse them.




Yeah. So, Jen, what what did you find out about Rogue?


So the I know when her her powers like first manifested, which they did show that in the, first X men movie that she, was in. It showed her kissing that boy Cody and she eventually ran away. But what was different in the movies versus the comic is that Mystique actually found her and she was part of the, the brotherhood for


Oh, okay.


I know. Right? So So Mystique was kind of like her mom, but the problem was is that Mystique, like, exploited her too and her abilities.


I read that that Mystique actually was, like, her foster mom.


Yeah. But, I mean, yeah, Mystique loved her, but, again, like Definitely used her.




She doesn't. Yeah. She's she's one of those moms. You know? So


Perfect. Doing anything she could for Magneto. We all know.


There's some about Magneto that we will leave unsaid.


We'll get there. We'll get there. Some of your day,


some things are left unspoken. Yes. Just saying. So the her very first mission, she encounters miss, miss Marble. So I actually I watched an episode of other the X men, animated and, mystique's telling her to touch miss Marvel.


So, you know, you you see, Rogue, like, grab onto her and Mystique's like, don't let go. Don't let go. And she's like, mom, this is so long. I shouldn't do this.


Jen okay. What?


Oh, what?


You got frozen. Sorry. Go ahead. Did I? Yes.


If you can, like, recap a little bit.


So, so she's mystique's telling her like grab onto Ms. Marvel. Cause I think obviously Mystique knows who that is. So Rogue's like hanging onto her and she's telling her like, hey, this this like feels wrong. I shouldn't do this.


She's like, don't let go. And so after it happens, like, miss Marvel's, like, knocked unconscious, which at this point, Rogue still doesn't know who that is. She absorbed all of her abilities, And this starts the ongoing problem that that Rogue has is that when she absorbs people and their abilities, she has, like, their memories too.






I saw that with with, Logan.


Right? Yeah.


That she got to see, like, his backstory, and she was, like, freaking out. So, yes, continue.


So she eventually leaves the brotherhood and professor x comes to help her. And along the lines, she, professor x finds out that her powers never really went past the certain, like, I kinda took it as, like, this baby stage, like, their initial stage because they almost seem like she kept, like, compartmentalizing, and they never really fully developed or fully, like, functioned properly.




So she was actually able to, like, kind of, like, take these walls down. And through her adventures, she, comes across like like a telepathic alien that ends up helping her, like, kind of like helping her deal with, like, the the memories that are constantly in her head. And, there's a character called Sage who their special ability was to, like, jump start, like, other mutant powers. Mhmm. And, when Rogue touched her, it it gave her powers like this, like, boost, if you will.




Where she got to the point where she's actually able to, like, control her absorption. I Think I was telling you about it where she can actually, like, absorb somebody's power from a distance instead of, like, actually being like, having to touch them.




Which was ultimately why, like, I wanted to save her for last. I'm like, dang, man. That's like some some character growth right there.


I'm like, that's wild. I love character growth. That is, like, my ultimate favorite thing is character growth.


Yeah. Because, like, you you she goes from, like, suffering from her power. I mean, yeah, using it a little bit, but I'm not suffering. Like, not being able to, like, touch somebody until, like, they're, like, almost done.


Dead. Yeah.


Sorry. Can you imagine, like, being in the subway? Like, oh, sorry.


Oh, shit. I didn't mean to touch you. I'm sorry.


I didn't mean to touch you. I'm sorry. Guys. But and then she gets to that point where, you know, she can use other people's abilities, And she's able to call back, like, multiple people's abilities.




In the end. I mean, that's that's as far as I got and, like, my, reading. But, yeah, she's able to, like, call them back and use them. So she can can you imagine, like, using multiple people's abilities at once?


No. I can't. But how cool would that be? Like, you can literally you have, like, so many abilities to, to, like, choose from. You're like, oh, man.


What am I gonna use today? Like I know. It's a


little hot outside. Like, use ice man's ability. You know? Like, I don't really, like, wanna get up and grab my phone just, like, use Jane Grey's. Like, come here, phone.


It's like endless possibilities.






Yeah. Absolutely.


Alright. Is there anything else


you anybody else that you wanted to talk about? No. I think that this is great, and I think that this is a great starter for us to, have our little, chat going and see how, everything's going. And I think it's announcements time. I think it's time to go ahead and talk about our shout outs and and just kinda close it off so we can get to, the the nerds and their their birthday bash because that's what we're really here for.


So just a quick announcement, May 6th 7th is, free comic book day. So go out and support your local comic book store. Get yourself some, you know, the comics that we're talking about today and, you know, learn you something. You know, I'm


asking. Right. Some graphic novels and, you know, there's something out there for everybody.


Yeah. Try something new. You know? Definitely. I want to give a special shout out, to my husband because he's such a supporter.


I adore him. I actually, wouldn't be on Facebook anymore if it wasn't for him. Aw. I know. I wanna give a shout out to, Willie and Kately because, they've been really supportive with us.


And that's actually how we met. Like, the smoke pit was how we met, which is wild. We've never actually met in person.


No. We're working for them. Like, yeah, I would've never have met you if they hadn't created the smoke book page. Like, I I wouldn't even, like, be on Facebook right now, and I've can't tell you how many times I've told them that. So, you know, I wouldn't be here.


Yeah. Thank you, Jeff, for being such a awesome producer. Jontae, thanks for setting up this room for us and all the guys over there at SNM. We appreciate you.


Yeah. It's been, like, super awesome to be kind of just somebody that's been off in the distance, and then all of a sudden, Jen comes over and is, like, hey, man. Let's make a podcast. And I'm, like, okay. Yeah.


Absolutely. I would love to do that. Would not even have thought or even done anything. Streaming, and it's just been such an eye opening experience. So thank you for all of you that really, like, helped us get to where we are right now.


Like, this is just amazing. Different time zones and everything.


Yeah. I know. That's, always interesting working with the time zones.




Alright, everybody. So thank you so much for tuning in and supporting us, and, we'll be in touch to let you guys know what else we come up with. Okay?


Because next time, I'm pretty sure we're gonna do some x men villains. Right? Because we did heroes this time. So let's, go ahead and start you guys start thinking about some of your x men villains, your top villains, you know, kinda a little bit touched on Magneto. So, you know, maybe something's coming there.


Maybe. We'll see.


We gotta talk about Magneto. You know we have to.


Oh, yeah. We do. We have to.


Alright, everybody. Thanks for coming out. Hope you guys have a good night.


Alright. See you. Good night.

Ep 1: "Overlooked X-Men Heroes"
Broadcast by